Monday, December 31, 2012
This is it buddy...the end of another year. Time for reflection or not. Time for change or not. But as I look back on the lives of myself, my family and my friends I see a huge quilt of life with many squares. There are happy colorful squares and then sadly there are darker squares. There are squares of vacations, and weddings and births. There are squares of health and wealth and good fortune. There are also squares of darkness and sadness. There are void squares that contain loss. There are squares of success and those of failure. We each have a quilt and we spend every day carefully stitching our squares together. Some of us achieve more than others. Some of us are given more than others. Some of us seem to always have confrontation or troubles or sadness.....both by choice or by the happenings of life. Some of us seem to walk under a rose colored glass that shines bright bits of color on us. We reflect the goodness of life, good fortune and shiny dreams that are realized. Some of our quilts are faded by time. Some are small and some quite large with years of tiny stitches that piece by piece mirror long years of life. I don't know how each and every person feels about their quilts. I don't know the emotions behind them. I'm assuming these emotions are varied....happiness, sadness, jealousy, regret, envy, determination, laziness, faithfulness, guilt, bitterness, love...the list can go on and on. I don't know if your quilt is stiff from neglect or indifference to your circumstances, or if your quilt is soft and supple and comfortable. What I do know is will continue to expand this quilt. You will deal with each square in your own individual way. That's what makes your life yours. And as you begin to add a new year to your Quilt of Life, I would hope that you look back and reflect on the squares you have before you and learn, reminisce and reflect. Happy New Year to all who read this. May your quilt be warm, and sustaining and most of all reflect the life you want to live.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Thought of the Day......
Life is a mystery. It's a huge package with a big red bow. Do you carefully unwrap it and keep the paper neatly folded? Or do you rip it open in your haste to see what's inside? How blessed that you woke up today and can make this choice. Never take the package of life as simply a given. Never put off kindness, love, the giving of blessings until tomorrow. There is a song to life..every day has its tune....maybe a slow languid waltz or possibly a symphony. Whatever your life package is today, whatever song you hear in your head makes no difference. What makes a difference is that you have the package to open and you have the song to hear. Grieve when it is time to grieve, love when it is time to love, laugh whenever you can and always hold that package close to you and sing your exact song of life. Whether you rip or fold, whether you waltz or tango, makes your life unique to you. This day is yours to use as you will. My hope is that when you sleep tonight, you have lived today to the fullest.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Blah blah blah........resolutions. It's that time of year for reflections on the past and turning your eyes toward a better new year. Time to sharpen that pencil and put a big ole PERIOD at the end of 2012. So, are you a resolution kind of person? Do you put yourself out there? Do you succeed? Here's my thing...I'm NOT. I don't want to set myself up for failure. I don't make resolutions. But as I think about it, maybe that is a failure in itself. Not going to do it because I know I'll fail. Hmmmmmmmm. I think I'm already failing. Isn't it a failure to not test yourself? Not because you are afraid of not succeeding but because you know you won't and so why try? I think maybe it is. I think it's a non-test of yourself.....(I'm pretty sure non-test isn't a word, but I'm using it anyway). It's complacency at it's best. It's laziness. It's just plain old sitting on the fence. There are things I've always wanted to do.....accomplish.....succeed at that I have never really pushed myself to finish, do, accomplish. I have major character flaws that need fixing, mending, erasing. So, I'm spending the last few days of this year contemplating Resolutions. I may just be brave enough to step on out of my comfort zone and make 2013 the year of challenges and changes. I may be able to make my fence I've been lounging on into a barbed wire fence. I really hope I you hope you can? If so, then Resolve to meet those challenges and changes head on. Bring it 2013!!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Thought of the Day..........
How can I let today pass without a thought....ok, I can't. Here is my thought. On this day......If you were surrounded by those who are most important to you.......whether in person or by phone or internet or thought or prayer. If you acknowledge that it's NOT the WHAT but the WHO. If you know that what connects you to yourself is not a car or a ring or a house or anything that came with a price tag.
Then, my friend, you have at some point gotten life, understood meaning and honored yourself and others with your being. And finally, and I think most importantly, these acknowledgements and knowings must happen everyday. This Season awakens feelings that should endure. Merry Christmas....give yourself the gift of price tag, no status, no keeping up.....just JOY!
Friday, December 21, 2012
My Thought for the Day.....
The day you begin to think you're better than most, your life becomes a testament to pride. The day you are sure that your child is better than most and you turn your back on destructive behavior, you're laying that first brick down their path of failure. Start today by looking into a mirror that reflects not only you but the generations to come. But before you do, take off your blinders....they do not serve you well. We should all love ourselves and our children unconditionally, but not without direction and boundaries.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
There Are Times
There are times in our lives when we just need to be who we are.....and that time is
EVERYDAY. I think t'is the season to appear to be more than we really are. Is our tree big our house decorated enough? Will our holiday meal be impressive enough? Have we spent enough on gifts? Is our family going to be the envy of friends? Hey now.....slow down. You have just missed the entire meaning of being who you are. You've now turned into.....'Look at me cause I"m sooooooooooooooo Good'. I'm so good I don't even like myself anymore because I"m too tired to like anything. Hustle and Bustle is now your middle name but your eyes are crossed and you can't see the words. Here is my Thought of the Day......give yourself time. Give yourself friends and family. Give yourself sighs and yawns and stretches. Give yourself the Art of Being You! Merry Christmas my friends!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
No Words............
Well, you know I can't let this one go by. I can't fathom what would make a person walk into an elementary school and begin a massacre. The only words that come to mind are insane, empty, hateful, evil. But I really don't think that explains it. It is the unexplainable. Was there a hole so very big and wide and void of any good in this man that the only way he could try to fill it was to stuff it in such a horrifying way? Was there such a cruelty deep in his soul that he couldn't handle life? How horrible that in an hour our insular world disappears and we think to ourselves that it could have been one of our friends or family that became the object of his wrath. How terrible to contemplate an average mother or father who in the blink of an eye became non-average because their child was the victim in such an unimaginable act. I have no answers, and frankly I doubt you have answers either. We seek understanding, but do we really want it? We cry out for those truths, but then do we turn away rather than delve into such pain? I think though we must take the following on our shoulders.......we have to go forward with a better understanding of peace, and security and goodwill that is ours. And then if we do, in fact, have these three things, we are called to pass them on. Be that person that with a smile, or a nod or a wave acknowledges there is goodness in this world.......and that you are part of it.
Friday, December 14, 2012
I love faces. The different mixes and matches and expressions are priceless. I particularly love the emotions that play across faces. In my profession I get to see a lot of young faces every day.....and the same faces. And at their stage of growth and age they can literally change overnight. But the most fun is just watching those faces. Now, I've said before I'm a devout people watcher. So I get to have one of my most enjoyed activities everyday.....all day. I can see excitement, boredom, curiosity, sadness, rage, indifference...every emotion imaginable plays across those faces I see daily. Eyes dart, eyebrows raise or lower, mouths pucker, jaws slack, noses twitch........faces are dead giveaways to the emotions behind them. We're so NOT interested in this Spanish verb conjugation.......Hey, that's a pretty cool way to say something in a different language......You have GOT to be kidding if you think I"m gonna do that.......You're mean.......Don't you realize I have a basketball game tonight........I really rather not be doing this......What do you mean I have to get up and speak SPANISH in front of the class.......I wish it was lunch......I wish it was Saturday......I wish it was summer......I wonder if I could get by with trying to text my friend on my cell......Hey, I think I'll ask to go to the restroom so I can call in my lunch order to Ernie's.....She's gonna say no, I've tried it before and it didn't work. I get to watch a movie every day in Room 11. Same cast of characters, but I promise you a different movie every minute, hour and day. I wonder what the movies will be today? It's Six Week Test day so I'm not hopeful for comedies.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
You are Not.......
OK friends and family.....time for your reality check. You are NOT superhuman. No,'re not. This is the time of year when we tend to run around doing 100% and more. What to do....what to do....what to do. How to make it better? How to be more extreme? More, more, more. STOP IT!! So you don't have a million twinkling lights. So you don't have every food known to modern man cooked for your family. So every surface of your home isn't covered in garland and berries and whatever. At some point you have to stop and just enjoy. You know....I bet your kids, family and friends will not notice if that one little thing isn't done.....or maybe the last 1,467 things aren't done. Please just stop. Enjoy this season for what it is....and that's NOT MORE!! Be aware of what you're teaching your children. If this Season is all about what we GET......what we BUY.....what we HAVE and DON'T have, then your lesson plans need altering. Why not this year give yourself the gift of just being aware that life is precious. That one day.....what will be remembered is the gathering of your people....not the mound of gifts, food and decorations. Please be kind to yourself. I promise you that your time is more precious than your overworked, overspent, overstressed self. We live in the most materialistic world imaginable and where the heck has it gotten us? In debt....stressed out.....keeping up with those Jones's.....out of sorts......too tired to walk......intent on list can go on and on. Look at yourself.......a good hard look. are NOT superhuman and if you're trying to be...then darlin' you're missing the point of each breath you're given. And you ARE GIVEN each haven't earned them.....they are each a gift to be taken and used and used WISELY. Please just STOP IT! Be you, enjoy you, nobody can take you away from you. Don't let this wonderful season steal your joy by trying to put 38 hours in a day. No matter how hard you try to do lose!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
My Thought of the Day..........
Today you have a job to it! Today you have responsibilities to them! Today you have a place.....fill it! Today you have an opportunity for good.....succeed! Today you have a it! Today is a it! Today is not a guarantee.....nor is tomorrow. What if today you miss that job, responsibility, place, opportunity, life or gift, and there's no second chance? Take today and shake it until it's empty and your arms are tired......squeeze it until it's dry........get out there and live!!
Friday, December 7, 2012
My Thought of the Day......
If someone NEEDS to outshine you today, let them. Be confident enough in your own soul that you can allow yourself to sit back. Sometimes it is necessary to let other's sparkle so you can shine through them. Be that person today. As you allow friends and family to bloom around you, you strengthen yourself. Let's all look out for our fellow man this Friday. Let's all smile at their talents and the wings they are spreading. Just for a fan, be one who in their flight, soar with their wings. Give a pat on the back. For it is truly the way we shape not only each other, but ourselves.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Jolly...or Not
Word of the Day.......
Jolly...adj.....merry, happy, cheerful. T'is the Season and all that. Now before you think I'm all Bah Humbug, let me assure you that I love this time of year. Divorce of the Christmas Tree Lights seems to have been avoided for another year. If you're not my friend on FB, then you've missed that point entirely...but okay, fine. Let's be Jolly.....Let's be Thankful.....Let's be Grateful....but most of all Let's be Giving. If you all could see what I see everyday; if you could only know the needs some of our kids have, your heart would shatter. We have great kids in our little community and some are great against ALL ODDS. We have children dealing with adult issues daily. We have hungry kids, and kids who sleep on the street. We have kids who feel the most safe at school and dread the time that holidays come around and their safe place is gone and in many cases, their daily food is gone as well. We have kids who just need a break, a hug, a helping hand, a mentor. And while I'm in no position to offer names, nor would I if I could, if you feel led to help in anyway, please find a way. This situation is not only happening in my small West Texas's in your village, your town, your city. You CAN help wherever you live. When you help a child, you help the future, you help the next generation, and whether you realize it or help YOURSELF. Be selfish that yourself by helping a child. T'is the Season.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Don't ever be filled to the brim....not in thought, deed , actions, job, joy or sadness. Life is not about being filled. It's about being sure there is that one little tiny empty space for something else...someone else, someplace else. When you are full, you are through. Really? Can you not fit even one more wisp of gladness, thankfulness, thoughtfulness or gratitude in? Can you not give one more tiny step, inch, degree to someone, some cause, some need? IF we are all full of our own selves, problems, families, friends, needs, wants and desires, then we are useless. You are not to be SELF full-filled. Today....even if just for that one last tiny part that isn't packed full. See a need and do something about it. What you do today...for somebody.....leads to a progression of kindness, dedication, willingness to help. If your cup runneth over...let it....then use the space left to fill a void that is standing right in front of you. The world is full of hurt and pain and struggle. Help where, when and if you can. Vessels that are filled to the brim splash over in haphazard ways.....dripping in puddles of waste. Those same vessels that are intentionally kept not quite full, are then used to rise with human kindness, awareness, and ultimately to the greatest gift of for those who maybe,just maybe,with your helping hand, can pass along the chain of strength.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Hippies......I am NOT speaking of the length of a tape measure going around yours or my derriere ....of this I will NEVER SPEAK. Hippies.....those wonderfully free spirits of the 60's. I always wanted to be one......wanted to wear those long flowing skirts and have long flowing hair and do the things that Hippies did. My mother wouldn't let me. Do you think I was the only one ON THE PLANET who asked their mother IF they could be a Hippie? "Hey Mom....can I be a Hippie?" "Sure sweetie...I just spent thousands of dollars on your education at UT, but you go on and get in that van and head out to the Haight." Groovy Dude. Here's the thing. We all need boundaries in our lives. And if we're not smart enough to set them ourselves, we need to learn to allow others to at least offer opinions and then we need to consider those opinions. Boundaries don't always have to be constraints. They can be safety nets, common sense, responsible values used to make sense of our days. It goes without saying that the young need their boundaries set for them and sadly, every day I see parents turn their heads and allow their children to set their own boundaries. For the most part this becomes a TRAIN WRECK. Today I want to encourage you to see your boundaries as a part of life that allows you to live freely but in a respectable manner and most importantly, if you're a parent of a young child, to not be afraid to make those boundaries tall and strong and made of brick. Trust me when I some point that child who thinks you hate them will someday know that you were right.....being that Hippie might have been fun and free and 'in the moment'....but at the end of the day, possibly, just possibly life would have been a wreck in a tie dyed van.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Well, Darn!
Today I have the Don't Wanna's. You know those days when you sit on the couch and really want another cup of coffee, but Don't Wanna get up and get it. The days when you know your dog needs outside but you Don't Wanna walk to the front door and let her out and sure Don't Wanna have to get up again and let her back in. I think about the 135 teenage souls who will walk through the door of Rm 11 on the Hill and I'm SURE they Don't Wanna and I Don't Wan them to either. No offense Mom and Dad...I love your kids, I just Don't Wanna teach today. You've had these days.....I know you have. Quit acting like you don't know what I'm talking about. So somehow I've need to turn the Don't Wanna's into the Just Hafta's. I Just Hafta get another cup of coffee or I'll never leave this will become my permanent home. I Just Hafta let my dog out or .....well, you know the end to that unattractive story. And I Just Hafta go welcome those 135 souls to RM 11 and ...By Golly.....teach them some Spanish. I will Just Hafta unglaze their eyes that will be staring at me like I have grown 4 heads and 73 ears. I will Just Hafta pull the cotton out of their ears and get them to listen to me as I Just Hafta will not be pretty. They will be resentful because they'd much rather be glazed over, cotton eared people who are thinking about their friends, weekend and how they hate Spanish. How do I know this? Trust me.....I know. It's Monday and they'll have the Don't Wanna's and know in their sad little hearts that they Just Hafta.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
My Thought for Today.....
We are all creatures of habits. Some habits are forced.....those we do without choice. Some habits are chosen. I wonder if you examine your 'chosen' habits, what would you see. Which pile would be higher? The good or the bad? What strong personalities it takes to reduce the pile of bad habits and increase the pile of good ones! Every habit you have is important because it makes up your minutes, hours and days. Spend just a minute thinking about this. What joy you might bring to yourself and others if you hacked down the bad, repeated, routine habits and stacked up the helpful, generous, maybe not so routine ones. The old saying that Rome wasn't built in a day can be applied up or tear down brick by brick, word by word, thought by thought, action by action. Tip the scale in the right way. Your world will be better for it!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Word of the Day
Ripple.....v., flow in small waves. Every thought you have, every word you speak, every action you take ripples. Nothing disappears, but continues to affect the world around you. Whether it be kindness, graciousness, hatred, are changing your life, and the lives of others with every breath you take. If you can picture your Sea of Life with tiny ripples drifting out then those ripples becoming waves, I wonder if you would change things. Would your waves gently lap at the feet of your friends, neighbors and family......or would they become Tsunamis that destroy and wash away self-esteem and growth? Consider this........we are given chances every day to direct our Ripple Effect. And with these chances come responsibility. I hope you take your opportunities seriously because what is done today NEVER goes away. Just as you can remember words spoken to you years ago, actions taken for and against you, helping hands or crashing blows, so others can and will remember your Ripples. What you start today is endless and will crest and surge and be more powerful than you can imagine. Don't take your power for granted. It defines you.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Word of the Day.....BUT.....what a seemingly little unimportant word....with a huge impact. I'm sorry I did that BUT........I guess I was a little late BUT.........Maybe I was wrong BUT........I apologize BUT. But is a word of wipes out all you have just said. It makes excuses, it covers up, it hazes apologies and meanings, it screams insincerity. Be careful. When you have the need to explain, say you're sorry, take responsibility.....DO IT! Then STOP!!! Offer no Buts. Live your life without the need to cover up. We all make mistakes.....let's shoulder them without trying to make ourselves look better with needless, useless, unapologetic BUTS.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
My Thought of the Day
Today is another Big Travel Day......and sadly this journey will probably not be as exciting for you. You're not headed to spend several days with family and friends......eating, and greeting and shopping and doing all those Holiday Traditions that have made the last few days so fun. But think of it this way.....if you don't travel back to your 'normal' life, you don't get the thrill of your 'not normal' life. Ok...mull that over for a few and maybe it will make sense. If everyday was eating and greeting and shopping and fun, then it would become 'normal' and I think the festiveness of it would fade. If every day was dessert then dessert wouldn't be so special. If everyday was long naps and no jobs, then desserts and naps would become less appealing. If every day was a mountain top, then the view just might get old. I know you're thinking I'm way off base right now. And for you, maybe I am. But for me.....I want those wonderful holiday special times to be just that. I don't want them to be everyday happenings that lose their sparkle and shine. I'm willing to get back to normal so the looking forward to the next great gathering can occur. Keep this in mind......I'll leave you with this last thought. Traveling is part of life's journey.....that's what a journey is......and we all have a journey......we all walk the path of normal. I hope your travels are safe today; I hope your normal allows you to look forward to more special. And lastly, I hope you're in tune enough to realize that even your normal is grand because it's yours and yours alone.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Word of the Day....
Reflection....n.,....a thought, idea,or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation. Reflections on being sick on Thanksgiving Day.....I would love to act noble and say that it gave me alone time to give Thanks, Count my many Blessings and Relax on the couch while sending fond thoughts to my family gathered 150 miles away. I would love to say I was that great of a person......selfless, kind, serene, thoughtful. But sports fans....I'M NOT. I was a jealous woman. First, I spent 2 hours trying to convince myself that even though I was running a pretty good temperature I wasn't contagious and I could just take Advil and go on....spreading my joy. When I finally settled in to the fact that the couch was going to be my best friend...well, I pouted, frowned, flipped the television channels until even IT was dizzy and was the epitome of a grump. The cat wished I had gone, the dog wished I had gone and my husband wished HE had gone. I envisioned the perfect turkey, the amazing dressing with just the right amount of sage, the myriad of other food that sat on the bar of my brother and sister in law's house. I imagined the laughter and the screaming at the football games, the gossip and yes, even the piles of dirty china waiting to be washed. I missed my kids, I missed my friends and other family. I did appreciate the texts, and calls and especially the wonderful food friends from here delivered to my door..even though they walked into my house wrapped up like zombies to avoid the germs, they were troupers for bringing me TDay dinner. But at the end of the day.....this is my Reflection. It's not the food, it's the warmth of being with those who light up your life....or's the gathering of tradition, the seeing, the telling, the exchanging of news. It's that feeling of belonging there, in that crowd of people, who are yours and who have been put in your life for a reason. It's part of being a WE.....and not just a ME. If you had that yesterday, Thanksgiving Day, then know you are truly blessed.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Be Still and Know................
This is my thought for the day......and I'm NOT being blasphemous.....and I know this is somewhat of a copy. But here goes......Be Still and Know that You are You!! Indeed you are...with all your talents, thoughts, actions, faults...with your height and weight and fingerprints and hair and eyes and each individuality. Take all that is You and use it. Enjoy it. Work on it. Share it. And most of all Live It!
Monday, November 19, 2012
My Thought of the Day...
Even if you've built a wall around yourself, make sure you have a window or door to open for awhile. Everybody needs a little fresh air to breath, if only for a bit. Expand your soul to receive something besides yourself.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Word of the Day
Time...n.,..a measured or measurable period. Time is a funny thing. It races when you don't want it to, it drags when you don't want it to, it ages, it matures, it continues. Here's the thing....time flows in it's steady sure way. Each of us only has so much many minutes, days, months, years. Time can NOT be reclaimed. Time can NOT be undone. It begins and then it ends. Tick tick tick. It's nobody's business but yours how you fill your time. It's one thing that is your very own. So use it in whatever way you see fit. But just know that while time infinite, YOUR time is finite. Make the most of your time......nobody can do that for you!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
My Thought of the Day
There are things that are better left unsaid. Hurtful criticism, painful observations, rude sharp words that cut like knives need to stay hidden. Before you send out syllables that can never be taken back....breath for a minute. Those words will hopefully soften and dim and round out to something that doesn't break a heart or a spirit. Words are unseen, but their sound can reverberate for days, months and years. They hang in the air like pieces of ash that slowly float and adhere to walls, clothes and lives. Be very careful with your words. The tongue is a deadly sword.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
My Thought of the Day
What is your gift? No, I'm not talking about what you're expecting under your Christmas tree this year. I'm wondering what your GIFT is. We all have them. Some have the gift of gab, some have understanding, some encouragement. The Bible speaks of Gifts of the Spirit. What a shame if we ignore the gifts and talents we've received. I don't think we should be stagnant. Easy to do...I know. But if you merely sit and let life pass you by...that's exactly what it does. It passes you by and not only do people around you miss out on YOUR gifts, but you do too. This is the busiest time of the year. So much is expected of us during the, buying, cleaning, traveling..the list goes on and on. Why not this enter this Season with full acknowledgement that you are GIFTED. And taking one step forward....use those gifts to be somebody special. It is the thing to do!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Thought of the Day
What if your thoughts were visible? If every thought you had appeared above your head like a tiny neon sign.... Oh Baby!! Bet your mind just went blank for a second. Happy thoughts would blink yellow. Sad thoughts would be brown. Mean thoughts would be black. Commanding thoughts would be red and "I'm better than you' thoughts would be Royal Purple. I wonder what color would dominate your neon? Would your thought process change if I could see your thoughts and you could see mine? I'm gonna be the first to raise my hand and say......well h*ll yeah!! But I wonder if we could actually change our thought process. Think about it...Ha!! Couldn't resist that one....but in reality our thoughts pretty much pop in and out of our heads with randomness. Or at least mine do....maybe I'm not normal. Quit nodding!!! Yet I do believe that we can train our thoughts. Do we want to? That's another story and blog. But for the here and now......just consider the possibility of walking around with these tiny neon signs frantically blinking your thoughts. If that doesn't make ya want to stay home, I don't know what will. I think I'll consider this blog a while's too colorful to contemplate all at once!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Thought of the Day.............
Get over yourself! I love people.....strange as we all are....and think about it....we're pretty strange. But we all need to get over ourselves. If I get over myself and help you. And you get over yourself and help the next person and on and on and on.....well think about it. O wait!! You have to get over yourself to think about it! Put away our hatreds, our nastiness, our holier than thou political views, our stinginess. Open up our helpfulness, our thoughtfulness, our lend a hand, our ability to see the world as what it can be.....not criticize what it is. Can we change forever? O heck no! Can we change for a day? Probably not! But if we all could just change for 30 minutes. Then maybe for 45 minutes tomorrow. Quit being the 'it's all about me' weak link in the chain. So hopefully when you get over yourself long enough to give this a little'll be that person that opens a door, gives a wave, says hello. You'll be that person that has for maybe 30 minutes gotten over yourself. Start today....or whenever you have the courage. does take a little courage to turn your thoughts to somebody else's welfare over yours. I hope your try it. Just think......if you don't like it, you can always go back to yourself!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Word of the Day
Void....n.,....empty space
When something or someone cherished leaves our lives, there is a void. Sometimes the voids are small....sometimes they are deep craggy holes. I'm not sure we should try to fill these spaces. Much like wounds, because that's what they are, I think we must allow our voids to heal naturally and openly. Many people try to pack these spaces with artificial things. This is an avoidance, not a healing. We all lose special people and things. It is a natural process of life. Maybe it's a family member or friend...maybe it's through death or a move or other circumstance. Maybe it's your joy or creativeness or your enthusiasm. Whenever you experience a void in your life....and you surely will......allow yourself to grieve, or cry, or withdraw. Be kind to yourself, knowing that someday......maybe in a week, month or year......that void will slowly begin to fill with whatever it is that is destined to fill it. It will become packed with memories, and strength. The void that was so openly hurtful and raw, will evolve into the thing that most rewards, encourages and fills with trust and faith. Walk in the Light. Trust in the Process. Give the One who heals and fills....His time.... for surely, and without fail.... He is on and by your side.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
I wonder if we are born with an appointed number of words and when they run out....well, it's curtains. Have you ever thought of that? I'm gonna say probably not. Do you believe your number of heartbeats is preordained? The number of breaths you take? The number of times you blink or swallow? Why not the number or words you speak? I can see you doing one of two things right at this very're either frowning and contemplating my line of reasoning.... or you're thinking.....this woman is nuts! I'm going with the latter for most of you. But the fact of the matter is......well, I'm not sure what. It's just another thought rumbling around the rooms of my brain. This one surely is in the padded room. I like to think we all have words to say. And that we get the chance to say them. That our words are acknowledged and listened to and thought about. Some of us are more 'wordy' than others. Some of us have more serious words to say. Some of us don't use our words effectively. Some of us don't like words. Surely the number of words we say matters. Or maybe not.....maybe it's just the thoughtfulness of those words, the wisdom of those words, the actual number not important. But I also believe when we've used all of our wisdom, our thoughtfulness, our positive power of our words, then maybe it should be curtains. Think about it.....and be sure when your curtain drops on your last act, you've said what you were meant to say to those who matter.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
I have lost my MOJO......dontcha hate it when that happens? This has been a week of I just really don't care. I've gone to school...done my job....tried my best to not impart my mojo-less personality on my students and then come home to sit. And stare. At nothing. For hours. And so it continues. Worthless is my new best friend. Followed by the close second useless. Then ineffective, insignificant, no-account and meaningless. You have probably gotten my point by now.....huh. If you see my Mojo....please say hello and tell her I miss her.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Thought of the Day....
I've been gone and I KNOW you've missed me......mmmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmm......okay, fine. Here's the thing. I spent the weekend at the Fairmont Hotel in Dallas. And I'm just gonna go public with the news that it is a leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetle nicer than the Brannan Farm. They beat us in the amount of marble and 3,000 foot columns and ceilings. But children, there just 'Ain't No Place Like Home'. Here's how we outdo the Fairmont....we have more dog and cat hair on the floor, we have more books and magazines stacked up to read, we have more open windows and fresh air. Now, I'll admit, I rarely walk in the bedroom to a complimentary bottle of wine and cheese tray......I don't have daily maid service, nor a breakfast buffet made to order. But what I do have...AND YOU DO your own little slice of heaven where you can be you. Where your treasures surround abound of friends and family and you can walk down the hall in your flannel jammies and your husband's socks and folks don't look at you like maybe your country come to the city. Don't get me wrong.....I loved every marble, columned, cheese tray minute....and I'll go back. But comfies sometimes just can't be beat.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Word of the Day
Sidetrack.....v., turn aside from a purpose.
We all become sidetracked at some time or the other. Right now many of us are being sidetracked by politics. We are focusing our thoughts and our discussions on the candidates of our two political parties. NO....THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL STATEMENT. I am NOT being sidetracked by this.....nor will I ever be. But it's okay to be if that's your thing. Not saying it's not healthy.....not saying it's not important. I'm just using the political arena as an example. I love a good SIDETRACK. Yep....keeps me entertained. I may get sidetracked by a good book.....holds the laundry at bay. I may be sidetracked by one of my guilty pleasure TV shows.......keeps me from sweeping the front porch. I may be sidetracked by blogging.......not sure what that purpose is. But here's my thing. We all get sidetracked and while it shouldn't be a 24/7 you CAN'T watch the RHNJ all day every's a healthy thing. Let your mind wander and then refocus. You know...Jack and all his work. We owe ourselves some diversion. Be Ladies Who Lunch.....or sit in front of that football game screaming at that flat screen you paid way too much money for. Pick up a great book and become someone else for awhile. Or maybe just 'set a spell' on your front porch with a glass of Sweet Tea (or whatever). Grab the phone and have a conversation with a best friend. Divert, Swerve, Change, Alter your routine. You will be better off for it. And remember......sometimes it's just gotta be ALL ABOUT YOU!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
And May I Just Say.........
There is a fine line between being supportive and being radical.......between leading and being judgemental. Cross that line and you lose your power. Young minds are molded every day and if you work with the young, then it is an honor, a privilege and a responsibility. Build a razor wire fence to hold them in and you lose them. Principles should and must be taught, values learned. Yet you can't teach if your respect has been lost and you've spoken damaging words that close doors. Life is about giving and taking, not about walking a straight line with no curves or side roads. You can't guide if there is no one following you.
Monday, October 15, 2012
My Wish
No Word of the Day today.....just my wish. This is my wish for you. No matter who you are, at some point you have touched a life. You have made a difference. I hope that you can see that in yourself...that you can hold onto the fact that you are special. You matter to someone......and if you don't....then see that you matter to yourself. And that, my friend, is enough. My wish for you is that you view yourself as extraordinary. You are unique and a creature like no one else. Believe that your life makes a difference. Each day you are gifted with an amazing reality called being alive. Please don't waste a single minute. Live it. A breath is a and out.......replenishing your strength, your mind and soul. Can't you see that it must not be taken for granted? Lend a hand, help a friend, know that you love and are loved. No one can take that from one can take the air you breath, the difference you make or the joy you feel....unless you allow it. Even if today is your last day, still the footprints of your life lead on.....your legacy touches those who follow. Make the path worth walking. Today...reach out and say thanks. Acknowledge that you are alive. That the amazing thing called life is yours. Treasure, hold close, enjoy, pass on.......take a moment to say YES!!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Word of the Day
Enough...adj.,...occurring in such quantity or scope as to fully meet demands.
Too many enoughs in our world. Do I have enough money to retire? Do I exercise enough? Do I eat enough fruits and vegetables? Enough is enough. Or is enough too much? Enough can be never ending. Think about it. Are the enoughs in your life taking away your joy? Can you stop and just be? Or maybe not because that's just not enough. Some people, even when they 'relax', are hard at it. I haven't seen enough; I haven't gone enough; I haven't traveled enough. I think maybe their 'enough tanks' can never be full. I wonder if sometimes we're running away from ourselves trying to impress with our 'enoughs'. Or maybe it is a lack of self worth. Or possibly running from life's situations that are hard to face. Don't get me wrong. Traveling, going and doing.....these are all great things. But not if they are what give you self value.....not if they keep you from living within yourself. Sometimes you have to be 'with yourself' to know yourself. Travel inside your mind, soul and heart. I think that's a great journey. And one we can never get ENOUGH are a unique being. And guess what......NO ONE but you can ever make that trip, no one but you can explore what really lies within you. I hope at some point you'll stop your 'enoughs' and really explore you! It's gonna be a fascinating venture. I promise.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Word of the Day.....
Rivalry....n.,...A striving for competitive advantage.
I love me some Texas Longhorns. I mean I LOVE THEM. The 40 ACRES were my home for a few years and while those days are long gone, I can still remember Game Day. I had a really really good friend who played Guard under the tutelage of Darrel Royal in the years I was there....Travis Roach. That made the games even more special. Those were the days of Cotton Speyer,Steve Worster ,Jim Bertelson and Happy Feller. Yes, Dude, I'm that old. Look at the hair. game played every year would and does make my orange blood race...and's GAME DAY folks. Red River Shootout. This is the day the FOREIGNERS have the nerve to come south, cross the River and walk onto the Cotton Bowl turf. It's a parting of the Red Sea by a massive wave of Burnt Orange. It is college football at its best. Win, lose or draw.....the game is HUGE for anyone who loves the Rivalry. For me, you can take all the NFL and dump their games IN the Red River. The atmosphere of college football, the anticipation of the kick off, the college colors shining brightly, the chanting of the school's yells and then THE EYES OF just doesn't get any better. better. So today, instead of words of wisdom....cough cough....or encouragement.....I give you HOOK 'EM!!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Word of the Day
Open...adj.,....having no enclosing or confining barrier.
Are you open to new concepts and ideas around you? Open your eyes to see. Open your ears to hear. Open your heart to welcome. Open your arms to embrace. Open your mind to learn. We all have things to give and to receive. Closed mindedness confines us to just us. Think about it. Again......closed mindedness confines us to just us. YOU are not enough for yourself. There are a myriad of things right next to you that can surprise, delight, acknowledge, and educate. Why miss out because you make no attempt to see, hear, touch , feel. This is your was yesterday and hopefully tomorrow. Don't waste it!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
My heart is aching right now. NO, something hasn't happened to me or mine. I just seem today to be so aware of horrible things people do to each other and animals. I can't understand the hate that resides in hearts. I do NOT watch the news anymore. Haven't in years. Call me what you will, but my heart breaks with the meanness and self-centeredness in today's world. So I choose not to watch the newscasts. I choose instead to pray. We are a civilized people. We have souls. We have minds. We have love. Still we lash out at the innocent with indescribable acts of such terror that I can hardly take it all into my being. Such charades people live. Can you imagine right now, right this second, right this millisecond that atrocities are happening in your own communities? It is with huge thankfulness, I send my respect to those who deal with this every those who are on the front line defending our children, our animals, our weak, our helpless. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you all. Tomorrow, I will be better. I promise. But today.....I ache.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Thought for the Day
Don't be afraid to say what you think. But when you do, speak with
grace and care. Harsh words are like shards of glass that cut with
every step you take, and can never be picked up.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Thought for the Day
We are all writing our own Book of Life. Quit trying to read other's and edit your own. You might be surprised at some of your chapters.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Thought for the Day.......Every day we hold a recipe in our hand. It is called Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. In that recipe there is always honor, grace, faith, enjoyment, laughter, help........what do you add? Do you add grievance, doubt, envy, anger, excuses? Think about it. It's your day.....your recipe. You must eat your cake of life. I wonder how it will taste?
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Word of the Day
Precious.....adj....highly esteemed or cherished
We love the word PRECIOUS in the south. I mean we truly truly love it. "Y'all, she's just precious." "Those shoes are precious; did you get them at Nordstrom's?" "Isn't that haircut precious; I wonder where she got it cut." Things are precious to us. But if you truly examine the meaning of precious, you see that it can and does mean so much more than an artful hairdresser or looking well.....precious. There are so many other things in life that should be precious to us. Today, on this day of Rest, Faith, and Grace, look around you. See those people, situations and places that are truly precious in your life....then give thanks. Hold them close, let them know, allow your heart to sing because you know the true meaning of precious.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Word of the Day
Annoy......v., disturb or irritate especially by repeated acts
Stop, think.....what annoys you? Ok, I didn't ask for 345,654 things.....just the top 2 or 3. I wonder what immediately came to your mind this morning and if it would have been the same things that came to your mind yesterday or the day before. We all have annoyances daily.......actions, people, situations. Little pet peeves that get under our skins and stay there like a chigger( I know...totally Southern term). Maybe a coworker ruffles your feathers just by being in the same room. Maybe a politician agitates you whenever his/her campaign commercial appears on TV. Daily annoyances are part of life. Here's a thought? Do you ever wonder who YOU annoy? MmmmmmmmHmmmmmmmm.
Could it be that maybe YOUR actions, words, attitude might be someone else's Daily Annoyance? Now,now, now.....I'm not trying to be rude, ugly or well, annoying. But think about it. None of us are above annoying, bothering or exasperating others. Look in the mirror sometime. What do you see? Be truthful. No one is perfect; everybody has faults. Here's the thing. Realize we all live with irritations. Then take a step further and also consider, that maybe, just maybe, you're the fly in someone else's ointment. Life is a two way street....we give and we get, we brag and we complain, we smile and we frown, we annoy and are annoyed. At the end of the's not what happens, but how we react. Have a great fall Saturday Guys and Dolls.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Word of the Day
Balance.....v., bring to a state or position of equipoise.
Yeah, I'm pretty impressed with the equipoise word myself....but anyway. This week is going to be one of the 'balancing' acts on the Hill. Homecoming week, plus six weeks tests. Where do you draw the line between fun and school expectations? But isn't that the way of all of life? We must all figure out where to put our toe in the sand. Draw those lines that balance our lives and the lives of our families. Bad news friends is that there will NEVER be more than 24 hours in a day. Push it, gouge it, pull it....still 24. If your life is 27 hour days always crammed into those set 24, you are out of balance. I'm a very firm believer in that Mother Nature knows what she's doing. There is a season and a time. There is a sunrise and a sunset. There is a mighty rhythm to everything.....a flow, a cadence a pattern. OF COURSE you are busier at some times than others, of course, you have obligations to be met, of course sometimes life just seems to jam up in that corner and you have to fight your way out of it. But as a rule, as a whole, as a norm, balance my friends. JUST SAY NO!! You cheat yourself and loved ones if you don't. Take time to enjoy. Be smart, live wise, choice rest. Mother Nature has been around a whole lot longer than you have or WILL BE. You don't see her making winter come in August because She just has too much to do in December to get it done. Think about it......Life isn't a race, it's a gift, and an honor to be handled with care. Celebrate life...there are times to be busy, industrious, engrossed, but then stop! Recognize those times to simply be, enjoy, rest, glory in the wonder of your existence.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Word of the Day
Devil....n.,.....the personal supreme spirit of evil.
Is the devil in your life? You bet he is. I'm NOT taking the pulpit this morning. I'm just gonna state some facts. Wherever you are....he's there. Whatever you do.....he's there. Don't take him for granted. Just when you become complacent, he begins his work. You should feel a never ending battle. Don't let arrogance, selfishness, vanity, contemptuousness, greed, stinginess rule your world. When you do, he's laughing at you. He's winning. He has the upper hand. Jealousy, resentfulness and spite are his playground. YOU WIN with honesty, compassion, humility. Life is NOT ALL ABOUT YOU! Extend a hand, be a friend, step out of your zone, expand your world......strengthen your world. Win this just may be the biggest one of your existence.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Word of the Day
Taken...pp., be in one's/something's possession.
Are you taken? What by? Think about it for a minute. Have you allowed something to possess you? Have you allowed someone to possess you? Do you own nothing of yourself?
This world is filled with things to take a overwhelm, to control, to hinder. We sometimes dig holes and can't get out. Don't be taken. Stand up, climb out. You owe that to yourself. You are stronger than you think in ANY situation. If you need help, ask, but in the end it's up to you Guys and Dolls.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Word of the Day....
Finish....v., come to and end.
Lots of people are great starters. We start projects at home, at work. We start diets and books. We begin chores and tasks. Not a lot of people are great finishers. We leave things dangling....pieces missing, last touches undone, pages not read, pounds not lost. The old saying is.....Don't start something you can't finish. Do you? Do you finish all your 'starts'? Is there something in your life you need to finish? Sometimes ending, finishing, terminating, ceasing things isn't as fun as starting. But when you do take that last that last i.....say those last words, then you have accomplished what you began. So inventory your starts today. Pick one thing and finish it. Mark it off your list. Be done. Now walk away. You've accomplished what you started. Nice Job!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Word of the Day
Project....N.,...a planned undertaking.
Today is PROJECT day in Room 11 on the Hill. 135 students will stand before the class and speak Spanish. They have a purpose today.....they will stumble, and mumble and sigh and cry. Some will shake and tremble and others will breeze through the day like they were born to be Spanish speakers. But here's the thing. They will have a purpose, a project, a plan. They know what today brings in my class. They have had 4 weeks to prepare for their projects. We have practiced daily in the lower class level. Actually we have practiced til their eyes have glazed over. But today is their turn. They have the spotlight. They will be in charge for a very few minutes. What's your project today? Do you have one? If you do, I hope you're prepared. I hope you've practiced til your eyes have glazed over. If you don't, then fun!! Play the day by ear. Take it one minute at a time. Not a thing wrong with that. Either way, guys and dolls, this is your day. Bring it!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Word of the Day
Skim....v., pass or glide lightly over or near a surface.
I wonder how often we skim through life. I can't speak for you, but I find myself skipping and skimming along, really not paying attention to details of the goings on around me. I'm not sure that's always a bad thing. At times, merrily gliding along is good for the soul. But then yep...there are times when you just have to delve deeper. I think every once in awhile you need to take serious inventory.......count, add, subtract, discard, multiply, divide, change, alter. Stop, listen to yourself. Hear those around you. The air is full of emotion, unseen things hovering over you. Pay attention. Be that person who can tune in, not out. Skim when you must recharge and refresh. But then get back in the groove. Life passes to fast to miss it!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Word of the Day.......
Gather.....v., bring together.
What do you gather in your life? I think we gather what is most important to us. We accumulate those things that make us happy, secure, comfortable. We gather both physically and emotionally. What you gather says a lot about your character. Do you gather status? Do you gather material things? Do you gather anger, pride, resentment? I think we all should do an inventory from time to time. Make sure you're harvesting those things which are not fleeting. Think about it. What's on your shelf?
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Word of the Day.............
Update.....v., bring up to day, modernize.
This morning I'm attempting to update my Iphone to the new operating system. I don't have very powerful WiFi out here on the Brannan Farm so it may take longer than I'm alive. And I'm asking myself do I really need it? I wonder what features it has that will make it better. I wonder if I'll even be able to use the new features because well, I'm not firmly in the 'techie' generation. I have been grandfathered in....:)))) I update apps on the phone sometimes and can't tell any difference, but supposedly it is to fix 'bugs' in them. I just fixed a bug with a can of raid....hope it's not the same thing. By now you're wondering if I have a point to this am I. So here goes. Life is full of updates......some we are aware of and some we're not. We update our homes, we update our cars, we update our hair, we update our appliances, we update our clothes. But I think that there are things that NEVER need to be updated, modernized, nor redone. Dignity, honor, empathy, diligence, faithfulness, kindness....the list goes on and on. These are timeless things that we shouldn't tinker with, throw out and replace, nor change. These things stand the test of lifetimes, are polished with age, and then are hopefully passed down to our children, students and youth. Don't update what is enduring, don't redo what is eternal, don't modify what is everlasting. Update what you must, change what is needed, but please don't ever think that you can replace or better God Given human values that are righteous and good. Live them; not lose them.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Word of the Day.......
Tacky.....adj.,....not cute..(okay, Miriam didn't say that...I did)
Today I feel like I'm going to be tacky. It's Friday which makes it casual day on the Hill. I shall take full advantage of it. I know this is TMI...but I'm not going to wash my hair when I shower. You will know this anyway if you see me, because my hair will have the SAME RED STREAKS in it from my grading pen from yesterday. This is one of the true hazards of my profession and my hair color. Anyway....back to my word. I think there are days when we are allowed to look tacky. Clearly I think that because I'm doing it today. Now....not saying we don't need to be clean. Please, that is a must everyday. But you know the day when your closet that was full of cute clothes yesterday looks like the Last Chance Bin at the thrift store today? Yep...that's my day today. It signals relax, enjoy, be comfortable, you've made the week. I can teach and HAVE TAUGHT tacky before. Take a poll of my former students....I sometimes get weird looks...that usually when my blouse is inside out. I'm just going to associate tacky with 'Job Well Done' today. Why don't you try it too? Let's all be tacky today and then I won't stick out like a proverbial sore tooth. I know that a true Southern lady would never use Miracle Whip in her potato salad nor go outside her house looking TACKY. Sorry Mama....I'm doing it today!! Avoid me if you must....BUT my word of the day today is TACKY!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Word of the Day.......
Medium...adj.,....intermediate in quality, size, quantity or degree.
Medium is a safe word. It is not extreme in any way. Middle of the road, neither tall nor short, fat nor skinny, well done or rare. Just medium. I think Wednesday is the medium day of the week. We're not just starting; we're not ending; we're in the middle. We've kissed Monday goodbye and looking closely at Friday. As they say....there is a light at the end of this tunnel and it's not a train. That is where we are on Wednesdays. I think it's fine for a day, size, steak or whatever you are and do today to be medium. All days don't need to be highs.....and certainly not lows. Medium is great sometimes. Maybe you can coast through a medium day. Do your job, love your family and friends, while not wearing yourself out. You owe it to yourself. We become ineffective if all we know is high gear. Life wears us down. Our tempers wear thin. Our outlook becomes dark. So be good to yourself. It's Wednesday.....have a MEDIUM day if possible. You'll be better for it!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Word of the Day................
Progress.....n.,.....a forward or onward movement.
Today is Progress Report day in my classes. These reports will detail the 'progress' my students have made in their effort to learn Spanish. Some have made great strides, some not so much and some are 'backing up'. These things the parents need to know. The reports will be sent home to be signed by guardians(supposedly) and brought back to me tomorrow. My job is to make sure that each PR has all the information on it that is needed to give each parent a clear picture of how our year is going. Fast forward to out of school and into your present adult life. What if you, your family, your friends, your employer got a PR on YOU every day, week, month or year? What if a PR was handed out on your generosity, your humor, your kindness, your work ethic, your honesty, your pride, your sensitivity, your compassion, your words, actions and deeds? Maybe it would be on a huge neon sign downtown. Maybe it would be on a banner being pulled behind a small plane. Maybe it would be the headlines of your community newspaper. Let's go a step's a surprise and it's happening TODAY. Today the world will see your PR for the last month. Whoa!!! Will you be hiding hoping against hope that no one can find you? Will you read it and think....Way To Go Me!? Interesting thought.......are you making great strides in life, or not so much, or are you 'backing up'?
Monday, September 17, 2012
Word of the Day...........
Pizza....n.,...a dish made typically of flattened bread dough spread with a savory mixture of tomatoes and cheese and other toppings.
Let's get hungry. I got up this morning thinking of pizza......PIZZA PIE. I'm not too stupid to figure out it's because we had some really incredible pizza at Fireside Pies this weekend. NO, this is not a paid if! But it really has become one of our favorite hang outs when I'm in the MetroMess with my daughter. What's not to love about a is Carb Heaven. There is this wonderful yeasty crust that is paper thin but yet has a thick outside crust for those of us who are bread lovers. The tomato sauce is so fresh and full of just the right blend of flavors. We chose two pizzas......stop it......there were four of us.....we had a right to two pizzas. Every topping was scrumptious. Basil, cheese, the was NOT your average Pizza Pie. Go there when you can......satisfy your inner carb. You won't be sorry.....until the next morning when you crave more. Happy Carby Monday my friends!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Word of the Day.......
Puddle.......n.,....a very small pool of water.
I think Puddle is a happy word? Don't you? So in honor of Friday usually being a happy day, we're going to do a happy word. Puddle brings back memories of childhood. We would go out in the street after a rain and play in the puddles of rainwater....splash around and get each other wet. We would jump over the puddles and laugh when someone didn't jump quite far enough and land in the middle......secretly hoping that it was us next time. As adults maybe our conception of puddles has changed somewhat. I'll just go ahead and state the obvious.....there are times when puddles can be annoying. Maybe you just had your car detailed and run through a puddle......ugh. Or maybe you come home and your dog has left a puddle on the floor.....really ugh. But back to fun puddles. Today in the West Central part of Texas we are thanking God for the puddles we have. Big ole fat puddles dot the sides of the roads, our driveways and in our pastures. I can't think of a prettier sight right now. So today IS a happy day with happy puddles. Get out and enjoy the sight of all those pretty puddles. And remember Who sent them!!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Word of the Day..................
Menu.....N.,.....a comparable list or assortment of offerings.
What's on your menu today? Appetizers, salad, main course, sides, desserts.....we all have pick and choose days. I'm also sure each of us has part of our MENU that is set. Our jobs, other responsibilities and obligations wait to be done. Then there are those other hours that we fill ourselves with salads or sides or desserts. Will your choices from your menu be healthful, full of nutrients and good things? Or will you pack a lot unneeded calories and preservatives in your day? Bet it will make a difference in how you feel tonight when you look at the history that was you today. Take a look at that menu right now. See what's looks heart healthy both for you and the people around you. Not lecturing....well not much....but I am saying that not every day needs to be fried, gravied and sugared. Take a day or two of fresh greens and good carbs. Pick and chose your daily menu is your life after all!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Word of the Day.....
Lack.....v.,....deficient or missing.
What do you lack? Right now I lack sleep....the last few nights it just hasn't happened. This lack leads to lack of energy, lack of motivation and on and on and on. Okay, fine. Enough whining. My point is we all lack something at one time or another.
Our cups can't always be full. Lacking comes in all forms and fashions. We have emotional lacks and physical lacks.....absences,scarcities, shortages. How we handle these situations is the key. We can gripe, grouse and grumble. We can moan, complain and cry. And you know what......if that helps, I say do it! Do it, get it over with and then go on. Get on with life. Don't see your world as one big LACK! It's not, I promise. Look over your shoulder at that other guy......I bet you see someone lacking much more than you do. And at that point....shut it, zip it and get on with living.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Word of the Day.....
Accountability......n.,....obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions.
We ALL have accountability. Like it or not, you have obligations you need to take into your sphere of life. And when OR if you drop the ball, then baby, you need to admit it. Be honest, fair and truthful. Every day you should hold yourself accountable for each and every action you take. Did you accept your duties with grace? Did you accept them with decency? If you did, then GOOD JOB. If you didn't, or if you took a wrong turn did you admit the mistake? Or did you hide behind a tree and pass the fall-out on to the guy sitting next to you? Don't instruct young people that they will EVER be able to shove their responsibilities on the backs of friends or family or coworkers.....that they are better than those around them, and will always be that way. They need to be shown hard work and effort. Do you realize that at some point someone will mimic your behavior? If you LIVE un-accountability then you TEACH un-accountability to your children or whomever watches your life. Free will equals accountability. You have a liability to your family, your coworkers, your neighbors and those who are in true need. Don't teach what can't be lived with honesty. Humans are frail and each and every one of us will at some point in life fail. Step up to that plate and admit it. And by admitting, you have won! You have learned! And more importantly you have coached, educated, informed and trained.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Word of the Day......
Aura....n.,...a distinct atmosphere surrounding a given source.
So, nooooooooooooo, I'm not going to be all mystical today. But I do truly think that people and places have a certain aura. Do you? Have you ever walked into a house and just felt instantly at home? No matter how nice it was, there was just a welcoming AURA there? Maybe it was cluttered, maybe it wasn't the nicest house you had ever been in, but there was something the air...that said are so welcome here. I'd like to think that after you push all the dog/cat hair off our furniture and manage to see over the stacks of books everywhere, that our home is like that.....:)). Not too long ago....maybe last year.....I had a former student walk in my classroom....look around and sigh...then she said....I feel like I've come home. I loved it!! Made my day. So, what about people? I certainly think that people also have auras. Can you just picture those people who light up a room when they walk in it? Call it charisma, call it whatever.....but it's their aura. Or there are those people who walk in and suddenly the air becomes more the oxygen has been sucked out. Have you ever thought....that person just has a black cloud hanging over their head? It's in their stance, their facial expression, their very demeanor. I think our aura precedes us.......I mean before we open our mouths to speak, make eye contact or move in any direction, we emit our 'atmosphere'. Maybe you're a loner and you need your personal space....that's okay. Or maybe you're a people person and you enjoy being with friends and family.....that's equally okay. Neither of those is the point of this diatribe. What is the point is have an aura, don't expect people to react one way when you ooze the opposite attitude. So maybe you're not the most charismatic person in the world.....actually who the heck is? Or maybe you're timid and shy and uncertain, but guess what......that doesn't have to say 'Stay Away' if you really want to be involved. Some of your AURA is God given....I truly believe that...but I also believe than anyone can turn that black cloud into a blue sky if they want to. Work on change or stay the same....your choice. But as for me,I hope people see that blue sky!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Word of the Day.......
Autumn....n.,..season between summer and winter.
Okay, fine....the calender doesn't officially declare it yet......the temperature this morning isn't THAT cool...but go outside with your cuppa and I think you can begin to ever so slightly FEEL autumn in the air. A change is a'comin'.........maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon. Hello crisp air, long sleeve shirts and open windows.....goodbye oppressive heat, hot leather seats in cars and 24 hour a/c. Circle of seasons once again is on the horizon. Let's think golds, and greens and, and falling leaves and what to put in the crock pot to softly simmer all day for dinner. Mother Nature is slowly but surely contemplating putting her kids to bed for their long winter rest....her trees and grasses, her shrubs and plants. They will renew energy and strength from their sleep, then when it's time, once again blossom and grow and yield. Amazing stuff......huh?
Friday, September 7, 2012
Word of the Day.....
Recycle......v., pass again through a series of changes or treatments.
Do you recycle? I think we all should...but admittedly I don't do a very good job of it. I'm not a Greenie.....well, I guess I'm a Buckaroo Greenie...:))). Sorry I couldn't resist that. Anyway.....back to the word. I admire those who do take the time to separate their metal from their plastic from their glass...etc etc. It's just not me. But then again, I think we all have the opportunity to be Recyclers in some form or fashion, even if we don't do our environmental thing. We can recycle emotions, actions, conversations, attitudes, visions, words, motions, directions....don't you agree? Recycling is not Repetition......if you look at the definition of the word it has CHANGE in it. Here's the thing.....I believe we all need to look at our lives and see what needs to be recycled. Change it, transform it, redo it........make it better. Everybody has something...some habit, some practice, some custom that needs to pass through a series of changes or treatments. Do you sometimes feel like your life is going around in a progress? You do things over and over and over and there is no improvement, no forward movement, no success? Okay dude....RECYCLE what you need to in order make that breakthrough. Forrest says (well, his mom actually) that Life is a Box of never know what you're gonna get. Agreed....but if you're converting and salvaging the good to the bad? I'm thinking that Box of Chocolates just got sweeter.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Word of the Day.....
Colander....n.,....a perforated utensil for washing or draining food.
What if we had a huge COLANDER for life? We could put all our troubles and cares in there along with blessings and good fortune and the bad stuff would just drain away. Then all we would have left would be things that make us happy. Every morning you could get up and lump your life in your colander. How big a drain would you need for your bad, uncomfortable, or not quite right things to be flushed down? Hmmmmmmmm....and then how big should your colander be to hold all the good that's left.
I'm going to just go ahead and say YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE!! On any given day, you might be able to immediately start listing all the awful, faulty, cruddy, bummer type things you want to pile in your colander......but could you immediately name all those things you don't want to go down those holes? Which is it......size of holes for the junk of life? Or size of the colander to hold all the blessings, loves, beauties of your life that are left after the colander has drained. Is this a glass half full or empty type question? I think in some ways yes....but I also think it's a .....PLEASE don't be able to list the uglies of your life faster than you can list the pretties. Please greet each new day thinking of the size of colander to hold joy and happiness....not size of holes or drains to wash away problems, or unwanted things. Happiness first......blessings first.....then just maybe you'll gain that strength to not need a colander at all. You'll be able to face life's storms and trouble on your own. Sharpen you skills, hone your mind, solve your problems..........put that colander away. You're amazing!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Word of the Day....
Announcement....n.,...a public notification or declaration.
Make you're announcement for the day. What is it? I'm happy. I'm sad. I'm the boss. I'm in charge. I'm sick. I'm a great friend. I'm a diva. I'm sad. I'm in control. I need a friend. I AM a friend. Everyday we all wake up with an announcement. Whether we live it out or not is our choice. But the fact of the matter is ....your life is an announcement....your actions, your moves, your words, your attitude. You announce your life every day. Who listens? I think you would be very very surprised. Don't belittle yourself by thinking no one listens to your announcement. They do. My hope is that your daily announcement be truthful, not deceitful......helpful, not hurtful.....positive, not negative. Right now your day begins......we are all listening to what you have to say....ANNOUNCE IT NOW.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Word of the Day...........
Greatest.....adj..,..most preeminent over others.
Greatest story ever told. Greatest man who ever lived.
Let's face it. You nor I will probably never be the greatest anything in the world. Not the greatest pole vaulter, not the greatest chef, not the greatest mountain climber nor the greatest furniture maker. IN THE WORLD. But what if we could be the greatest in OUR world? Greatest mother? Dad? Friend? Nurse? Teacher? What if every day we could achieve greatness in our tiny part of this massive universe? Not for applause nor recognition....not to be acknowledged or be self serving. But just to be. Now that, my friends, would be true greatness. Try it for a week, day or even a minute. See how those shoes fit. I wonder what you'd see in the faces of your children, spouse, friends, co-workers, neighbors if you made the effort for them, if you didn't half way do your job, your parenting or any other responsibility. I think we all have greatness within us.....probably not headline making greatness.....but we can be the GREATEST we have the ability to be. Polish your world with your greatness; I bet it will sparkle and shine and reflect back into you....not ONTO you. Not only will you do it for others, but for yourself as well. Fill yourself with your ability to do, help and honor. Then sit back and watch your tiny part of this massive universe. I'm betting you like what you see!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Word of the Day......
Labor......n.,.....human activity that provides the goods or services of an economy.
Predictable, I know. Of course I'd have to do Labor as the Word of the Day this weekend. But, dang it...this great country was built on LABOR! You can argue all you want about the demise of the USA....and indeed, we have our problems. But we were built on laborers and will continue to stand on laborers. Whether you're a doctor, lawyer, waitress, carpenter, teacher, preacher, writer, engineer, insurance agent, principal, fireman, policeman or housewife, you labor and your labor benefits you, your family, the economy, your fellowman and this country. So get out there and do your job and do it with PRIDE. This weekend is in honor of all who labor. It honors YOU! If you're independently wealthy and don't work...then be a philanthropist, a volunteer, a your neighbor. When we contribute in ANY way to society, then that effort trickles down and joins with other contributions and becomes a small stream then a mighty river. WE are a nation that stands on a cliff...we can either climb up the adjoining side of the mountain or we can fall. Which is it my friend?
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Word of the Day...
Slug.....n.,......any of numerous chiefly terrestrial pulmonate gastropods (order Stylommatophora) that are found in most parts of the world where there is a reasonable supply of moisture and are closely related to the land snails but are long and wormlike and have only a rudimentary shell often buried in the mantle or entirely absent.
Impressive huh! Bet you had no idea I could
be quite so biological. What might impress you
more is not only can I define SLUG....I can be
one!! Yes, amazing isn't it? My daughter is slowly
healing from pnuemonia and a strained back and while
I'm being Nurse Nancy I'm perfecting sluggism.
I am watching daytime TV, which by the way, is
insulting to anybody, even a slug. I'm
walking Ellie, the dachshund, I'm fetching liquids
and meds, and that's about it. This is slugdom at
it's finest. In fact, I'm such a slug, I'm not checking
this highly riveting blog for spelling nor
grammar errors. Gotta go...there's a kangaroo
in a 4 million dollar NYC apartment I have
to check on.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Word of the Day.....
Kids.......n.,.......those little people you gave birth def. not Miriam's.
Okay Mamas're going to nod your heads like those little NODDERS you put on your dashboard when you want to look super cool. No matter how old your kids are, you feel their pain, worry about them, brave aliens (i.e....Dallas/FW traffic in the dark) to get to them when they need you. Well, to be perfectly honest....maybe they don't need you as much as you need to ahhhhhh, just get your hands on them. It's a definite tug on your heart. It begins the very second they're born and my guess is that is never leaves. There are hundreds of sayings about a mother's love......I'm just saying it's innate, deep seated and impossible to ignore. It's like a scent in the air if one of your kids isn't 100%. You can't ignore swirls around you. It draws you to wherever they are. Brain says........they are going to be fine.......heart SHOUTS......get to them if you can. So what if the coffee is instant and breakfast is cold pizza.....all is right in your world as you sit and watch your child sleep and heal.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Word of the Day...
Hurt....n.,...physical of emotional pain.
We all have hurt. Sorry, but it's a fact of life. It is a reality. But here's the thing about hurt, giving it intentionally is shameful. Do you hurt loved ones and or strangers just because you can? Do you throw out words or actions because it makes you feel better, more powerful? Do you have no regard for the recipients of your barbs, abusive words, or physical actions? If so, them ask yourself why. What is inside you that makes you or drives you to hurt others? What pleasure do you derive? Other people's pain should hurt you, not give you power. Look deeply inside yourself. Be a giver, a friend, a helper, not a hurter. Your soul derives nothing from inflicting pain; you suffer; you demean yourself. You shrink. Build up; don't tear down. I'm going one step further. If you intentionally hurt someone, I'm betting it's because you feel pain that you're trying to release....trying to pass on....trying to heal. Life doesn't work that way. Don't abuse to ease your own pain. Try the opposite. Help, lift up, cheer on......use your power to give a hand up, not a strike out.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Words of the Day.....
Pitter-Patter....n.,....quick succession of light sounds.
Today, I will hear the Pitter-Patter of feet for the .....well, I'm not sure of the number....but THINK it's the 28th year. Notice I didn't say Little feet. My pitter-patters come in big 9's,11's',12's, and yes, even 14's. And come to think of it....they rarely pitter OR patter. They clomp, stomp, and sometimes drag. I think I will have somewhere in the neighborhood of 260 of them arrive at my classroom door today. Sorry, Lupe, but that bright shiny floor may just be a thing of the past by 3:40 this afternoon. These feet will bring in all sorts of new attitudes, personalities, mindsets and eagerness, or the lack thereof, to my room. It will be up to me to mold them into students, answer their questions, change their attitudes, applaud their achievements and somehow during all the above teach them Spanish. We will have good days and bad. We will have words to learn, specific pronunciations to vocalize, verbs to conjugate, sentences to form and soon our disarray will become one Spanish speaking machine. We will sit on the infamous Hot Seat and do our orals with pride and a feeling of accomplishment. Along the way, we will also learn a few social graces, kindness and respect. We will not be critical, we will not be rude and we will not be demeaning. So, if you think a classroom is merely a room to learn a certain set of data, you are wrong. We are our own small universe and as such, we will treat each other as equals, who are all there for more than one purpose and those are to grow everyday in the knowledge of Spanish and mature into young men and women who have an awareness that we are one tiny part of a wonderful world. Come visit Room 11 on the Hill. Bienvenidos, mis amigos!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Word of the Day....
Permission..n,.....formal consent
Permission is part of everyday life...a green light
gives you permission to drive through an intersection...
money in the bank gives you permission to
use your debit card.....parents give permission,
teachers give permission. God gives us the permission
of free will. When you think of it, our days
are filled with permission both noticed and
unrealized. Believe it or not, when we give
ourselves permission, life takes on an an
entire new depth. So today, give yourself permission
to laugh, cry, relax, visit, stay calm, panic,
speak, remain silent. This is your day that has
been given to you. Take the concept of self-
permission and enjoy the heck out of it!!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Word of the Day......
Expectations.......n.,...the act or state of anticipation.
This morning I think we should talk about expectations.....very broad subject and ever changing. We get up every morning with expectations for that day....good, bad or indifferent, we have them. What our expectations are for today aren't what we expect for tomorrow or the next day; therefore expectations vary and are hard to pinpoint. So I think we'll just talk about them as a rule. What do your expectations look like? HuH? You're thinking what the heck does that question mean? Well, what it means is this. Are they all huddled in a corner muttering to each other? "How does she expect me to happen?" What an idiot..I'll never do this." " Why would anybody think they can achieve this?" All your expectations grouped together, coffee mugs in hand cause it's early and they are grumbling about being failures before your day even begins. OR......are your expectations in a line....#1 HAS to happen first....this expectation stands tall and firm....#2 stands almost as rigidly arms stiffly at its side....#3 maybe isn't quite so inflexible.....#4 might be lounging around, sipping a Sonic coke, pretty sure it's never gonna happen.....#5 is slumped over because this expectation knows the line is too long for it to ever make the front.....#6 is taking a nap(need I explain this?). Here's the deal.....if your expectations for the hour, day, week, month are so very stiff that they MUST be achieved in order, then I'm not sure you'll ever get past the first couple of them. Or you are so sure, you'll never achieve them, that they are all sipping coffee, knowing they'll never be put into play. Life is about expectations.....well,life is about many many things, but expectations are some. How you predict and manage your hopes, I think puts either a positive or negative spin on your days. I don't know about you, but my day rarely goes as planned, so that line of expectations might as well be not quite so rigid. But neither should your expectations sideline you before you get started. Let's meet in the middle....let's have those expectations, those intentions, those outlooks. Let's work toward them every day, but let's also allow a little change, flexibility, elasticity not to completely shut us down. Let's hand our expectations their early morning Starbucks coffee just the way they like it so they can be positive, excited and fruitful. Big or small, expectations are a part of your life. Make them work FOR you...not AGAINST you.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Word of the Day.....
Corner.....n.,...the point where converging lines, edges, or sides meet.
You are surrounded by corners....we all are. Rooms have corners, streets have corners, baseball plates have corners, tablecloths have corners, desks have corners.....surely you're convinced now. I could go on and on, but I won't. One time my husband and I had 'words' over corners.....we added on to our house, and had built a long, wide hall that turned to the left into a shorter space that lead to our kids' rooms.....I told him I wanted those corners to not be 90* angles.....then I felt very proud of myself for knowing that a corner was 90*. I wanted 45* He told me then it wasn't a corner if it wasn't 90*. Suddenly my pride was deflated. I insisted that since you TURNED to the left to get to their rooms, surely it was a corner....he repeated in his CONTRACTOR voice....45's AREN'T corners. I said ....semantics.....feeling very teachery. He just stood there.....then said....45* it is....walked off and didn't even get to see the smirk on my face. Now, I must tell you that I was just throwing out numbers like 90 and 45....I really had nooooooooooooo idea those were the correct terms. Anyway...away from that totally useless side note and back to corners. Let's imagine our lives...they are not straight shots.....roads.....runways.....paths. We all have corners we must turn...and the rather scary part is we have no idea what is around those corners. On any given day, your Interstate of life might turn into a County Rd and what you thought was a very direct, level road suddenly becomes twisted with corners you can't see around. You're speeding along and suddenly you have to slam on the brakes, slow down and squint, trying to see what's ahead. But in the end, You HAVE to turn that corner, because if you don't, you'll end up in the ditch. So here's the thing about corners...they can be frightening, unnerving and yes even shocking, but they are part of life and must be maneuvered, managed and lived through.
Take your corners of life with grace and faith. It may be awhile before you get back on the Interstate, but when you do, you'll be a stronger, better, more confident person. You will have made that 90* corner into a 45* slant!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Word of the Day.............
Carousel......n.,....Merry-Go-Ground.....a round conveyor.
Yesterday in a moment of CERTAIN madness I wrote about dogs who speak foreign languages. This was in my other blog and if you missed it, consider yourself lucky. But anyway, after that nonsense, I began to think of other animals.....horses being one. That led me to carousel horses......I know, don't dwell on this progression too long; it's not healthy for you. Nonetheless, here we are this morning...and these obsessive thoughts of carousel horses are still with me. Here's the thing.....I've always wanted one. Yes indeed, we had friends once who had an antique carousel horse in their sitting room. What an absolute wonder it was. It had been fully restored to its original beauty. If memory serves correctly and it probably doesn't, but who really cares at this point, the horse was purple and gold. The carving on this piece was amazing. Its mane flowed, its head held high, its hooves gleamed. It was truly a thing of wonder. I would have loved to have seen it on the Merry-Go-Round rising up and down as it traveled in a circle......over and over and over. Don't you know that in its life, this beauty made thousands of children ecstatic? Listen closely, you can hear their squeals of glee as they rode round and round.....some by themselves, some with parents standing close making sure the little ones didn't slip off. There was no thrill of falling from a great height, there was no speed, there was no sharp curves, twists nor turns. There was only the gentle glide of that magnificent stead as it took you in the same path over and over. O.....and the music that went along.....a wonderful calliope played in the background. No screaming guitars, no amps or whatever else.......just that happy happy sound making the ride more than just a ride. You were king/queen of your world. You know....I'm not going to make a point out of all of this.....and surely there is one about the simplicity of life back in that day. I'll let you make your own as you climb on that carousel horse and take a ride. Close your eyes, take a moment and just be on that horse.....going nowhere....and for just a moment, that's certainly okay.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Word of the Day........
Hand...n.,...the terminal part of the vertebrate forelimb (as in humans) where modified as a grasping organ.
Okay...I knew that definition......geesh.....this is already sounding like Bio 101. I've always loved hands and can remember what people's hands looked like often after I can clearly remember their faces. I remember shapes of nails, lengths of fingers, condition of skin. I also remember how people use their hands when they talk....did you know that hands can be a very very expressive part of the body? We all know people that 'talk' with their hands. And we've heard the expression....if she had to sit on her hands she couldn't say a word. Sometimes I will look at someone's hands and it will drive me crazy because those hands remind me of someone else's hand and I can't think whose. My nails are shaped like my brother's. His of course being more masculine, and bigger, but we have the same shaped nails. So enough about physical appearances of hands because I'm starting to think I need a manicure. Let's think about how we use our hands......some of us make a living with our hands....carpenters, painters, welders, artists....the list goes on and on. We all use our hands somewhat in our jobs because we all must write, type or sweep or mop or whatever it is we do. step further....we use our hands in more ways than earning a living...we encourage with our hands....big waves or clapping. We give directions with our hands, pointing out turns and curves etc. We CAN be discouraging with our hands...thumbs down, or God Forbid punishing with our hands. We can give a HAND up or Hold someone down...both physically and emotionally with our hands. We give a hand in marriage. We are dealt the HAND of life. We can pick up a tiny piece of trash or remove a huge rock. We hold hands for comfort, or safety. Hands are mighty things that I think we take for granted. Let's,for just this one day, be very cognizant of our hands. Use them wisely.....hold them steady, someone may be depending on you. Hand up, hand out, hand stretched to meet the needs of friends or family. So please use your terminal part of the vertebrate forelimb to make someone's day. I'll use mine for clapping hard when you do!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Word of the Day.............
Groove.......n.,......a pronounced enjoyable rhythm, OR...... a fixed routine.
Hey, hey, hey......two definitions? Well most days I could give us two or more definitions to a word. English words are very eclectic. Not only can they have two definitions, but most of them can be two parts of speech. But I'll leave that particular lecture to an English TEACHER. Which cleverly, I might add, leads me right into my particular choice of word for this day. If you're a teacher at BISD, well, darlin', it's time to head to the HILL, report for duty, man your stations, start your engines. NO kids yet, just our gathering back up like gaggles of geese, flocks of birds, litters of pups, prides of lions, or packs of wolves. It is time to get our GROOVE BACK. I'm pretty sure that the elems have already been to their classrooms doing their chart, bulletin boards and decorator things....having gone wild with markers and colors. Secondaries, I daresay, have picked up nary a marker. If we've been there, it's to start copying syllabi, making lesson plans, gathering textbooks, calculators, and other learning tools....that's how we get our groove. It doesn't matter how we get our rhythm, our routine, our groove started, it only matters that we do. It's our job, how we not only support of families, but also how we support the kids in our classroom. We all have grooves in our lives.....job grooves, family grooves, errand grooves, social grooves. We are all GROOVY....sorry, I'm a child of the sixties, I HAD to get that in....:))). Here's the thing......the point, the idea of this entire drivel.....don't let your GROOVE become a RUT. Any routine can easily do just that. Ugh, I HAVE to do this...or I HAVE to do that. Yep, we all HAVE to do things we don't want to do......over and over and over and over. Do those things, then get back in your groove......not stuck in the rut of whining about what you DON'T want to do. Whether your groove is an enjoyable routine or a fixed routine, it's yours. Make the most of it. Use it to better whatever and whomever is around you. And guess what....if you really don't like it...change it....get in the groove of another lane of life.....use your blinker....change your speed......whatever. Just remember, your groove won't last forever. Will it have changed lives, bettered your family and friends, or will it just have worn into a rut? Your choice; your GROOVE!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Word of the Day...., damage or destroy as if by rupturing
My Internet is down, so I'm blogging from my phone and
I'm sure the formatting will seem fractured. I haven't learned
the nuances of making it look cohesive from
my phone. But let's dive on in to our FRACTURED blog! Sorry,
couldn't resist. When I think of something being fractured,
I immediately think Ouch! Broken bone, cast, pain....
physical fracture. But, truly there can be way more
in our lives that are FRACTURED...our emotions, our
families, our friendships, our finances....the list
goes on and on. I wonder sometimes if we can even see
what is fractured. Do we feel that heavy cast we're dragging
along emotionally? I bet what is obvious to other people,
may not be apparent to us. We are so busy being us,
that we don't see the obvious breaks and splinters
that surround us. Obviously there are times in our
lives when we FRACTURE with good cause...death of a
loved one, loss of a job, sudden illness....these
occurrences are part of life. We survive; we heal. But,
and this is a big but, if you're causing someone else's
life to fracture in any form or fashion, Stop It!
Step back, think, repair. Fractured bones knit and heal
on their own. Broken spirits, families, friendships
require more than time. Sometimes FRACTURED lives never
repair. Look around those in need whether
you're part of the reason or not. Grab the knitting
needles of life and put them to use. God gave us empathy;
use it!! And if, you recognize yourself as part
of someone's fracture, please step back, allow
the emotional bones to heal. Madam DeFoe knew her
place and should too!!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Word of the Day................
Height.........n.,....the distance from the bottom to the top of something.
I'm only gonna say this height isn't great. There, I've said it. Most if not all of my family is taller than I am. My friends are taller and some are way younger which makes for times of complete depression.....but that's another blog. Here's the thing about height. It scares me. Maybe that's why I'm not tall, God didn't want me scared every day. Sometime height means might.....on a basketball court, volleyball court, changing light bulbs, washing the top of cars, reaching the top shelf in a store, cleaning a ceiling fan (Yeah, I really wanna do that!). But I think we can look at height in another context. Goals.....and not basketball goals......what is the HEIGHT of your goals? Do you set goals? Do you make a list? Can you see in your minds eye achieving those goals of great HEIGHT? Let's take a step further......Height of Faith, Fear, Joy, Love, ......we all face invisible Emotional Heights. Some heights are wonderful, some are draining, some are common, some are rare......all are INEVITABLE. Don't think that height is all about stature; it's not. Height comes in all sizes, shapes and degrees. Think about it......stand tall physically, but also mentally. Achieve the HEIGHT that your family deserves, your job deserves, your friends deserve and most of all that YOU deserve.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Word of the Day.....
Begin......v., do the first part of an action.
Well...Here We Go!! Ready or Not!! School is about to BEGIN. For me, school bells have drawn me for well....I can't count that high. Elementary, Junior High, High School, College(Hook 'Em), then Teaching. Someone asked me how long I had taught and honestly I don't know. I stopped when the kids were born, and went back when they told me they were tired of me being at their schools every day. I had a couple of 1/2 years so I really would have to stop and figure it out. But what I do know is that to BEGIN a school year still gives me a spurt of energy. New students, new goals, new friends.....old traditions seeming new. To me as a teacher, New Year's Day is the first day of school. Getting the groove back, scheduling days, being more productive......these don't start on January 1...they start the first day of school.
But......I won't make this ALL ABOUT ME......:))). We all BEGIN things in our lives...whether we're 9 or 37 or 54 or 78. We begin each day.....we begin each week....we begin new exercise programs.....we begin projects.....we begin new relationships.... we begin new jobs......BEGIN, BEGIN, BEGIN. Beginning is a powerful force. Some things we choose to begin...others may be forced upon us. But I don't think it matters whether it's a choice or a necessity outside our choosing, we have to BEGIN with an attitude of success. If we begin with frustration and defeat...we will be defeated....and in the process be miserable. Okay...I know...I'm sounding like a cheerleader......turn that frown upside down....:))). But in the end you know I'm right. Maybe your circumstances aren't perfect...maybe you are being forced to begin a a path that's full of weeds, and stickers and fire ants. But nobody promised perfect, nobody promised worry free, nobody promised THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD. It's okay to have dark days, it's okay to have 3 1/2 seconds of POOR PITIFUL ME. But at the end of the day......what we BEGIN with a positive attitude, succeeds more often, builds character and sculpts a life worthy of the LIFE you've been GIVEN. Life, breath, growth, choices are truly God Given gifts.......BEGIN to enjoy, succeed, deliver, share all these gifts with a worthy attitude. Life BEGINS now!!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Word of the Day......
Honest.....adj., from fraud or deception.
Let's be one is totally honest......nope,'re not! And if you're saying you are then.....well, you're not being honest right now. Now before you get all worked up and say I'm calling you a liar(I've always considered that a hateful word), I'm not. I'm just saying we are not capable of being 100% honest. We fudge the truth here and there. You're getting your driver's license and are asked height and weight.......uh oh....deer in the headlight look. UmmmmmHmmmmm. Red lights flashing behind you....I swear Officer I was only going.....?????? I promise, Ms. Brannan, my backpack was in the back of my was I supposed to know it was going to rain?
Let's just declare this little deduction on our taxes. And the old tried and true....Does this make my butt look too big. Why no!! Somewhere in that list I should have gotten a little nod. Okay that we've established we all sometimes fall off the Boat of Honesty, let's get to my point. NO, you're shouldn't cheat on your taxes, NO, you shouldn't tell me your backpack was in the back of your truck and got wet just to try and get out of your a little more creative than that.....:))). NO, you shouldn't tell your wife, or best friend that possibly too much chocolate cake has entered her life. Here's the thing.....sometimes being honest has to be mixed with a little tact. After all, we certainly want to keep our friends, our jobs and our family. But I will say being blatantly DIShonest isn't the way of a good friend, employee or family member. In all honesty, sometimes being honest is brutal. It's hurtful but can be tempered with tact, sensitivity and grace. Now to the real point of all this can and must be brutally honest with YOURSELF. Examine your feelings, ways of life, examples you set...and, yes, be harsh. See yourself as others see you. If they can't be honest with you.....please be honest with yourself. From that little kernel of truth will grow a garden of change. Keep the wonderful flowers of your soul and throw out the weeds. Deadhead the dried up blooms, so new ones can begin. You might hurt your own feelings...but hey, you'll get over it...after all, you can't leave yourself. And that my friends is the HONEST truth!
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