Friday, April 29, 2016


My Thought for this Day......Don't be so blinded by the spotlight of life that you never see the shadows. The shadows are healing. They give refugee. They allow contemplation. The spotlights are exciting, but it is the shadows that allow growth.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


My Thought for this Day.....I choose to walk in the light, not the dark. I choose to see redeeming qualities in people, not faults. I choose to forgive, not hold grudges that drain me. I choose to be the best mother, wife and friend that I can be. I choose to be cognizant that every action I take creates a ripple that affects those around me. I choose to acknowledge that there are simple, honest, fair rules of life to follow that reflect on me, and therefore mirror who I truly am to others. And I choose to not only carry that reflection, but also to realize it openly and honestly shares me to the world . I choose to be 100% me, and with this choice I choose to rejoice. What do you choose for this day?

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Stay.......Or Go

My Thought for this Day..........At times, when faced with a hard decision, I think you must step back and forget about the ME , and think about the WE. You just might need to stay in your path, not because you need it, but because there is someone else who needs you there.

Saturday, April 23, 2016


My Thought for this Day......What we hold in our hearts affects us everyday. Whether it be joy, freedom, sadness, resentment, or jealousy. Whatever it might be, it will grow on the fence around your heart and send its tendrils through your mind and soul. Sometimes, although it may be hard, you need to drag a trash can over, and clean off your chainlink. A past hurt, a tiny bit of envy, any negativity, can and will destroy your lightness, your glory, your delight in your days. Not saying it's easy; just saying it's necessary for you to be your very best. And to not be your very best insults yourself. So do what you must. It may take time. It may hurt. But without a doubt it will be empowering.

Friday, April 22, 2016


My Thought for this Day........We all leave this earth with some sort of greatness left within us. Something we should have, could have, but didn't, do. What is the potential you refuse to acknowledge, and share with your fellow man? What's holding you back? What's your stumbling block? What a shame to leave that which could be done, undone, that which is winnable, lost, that which shines, left in the dark. Be great. You have it within you to change lives, especially your own.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


My Thought for this Day........I wonder if you could remember every single moment of your life in detail, what would be your reaction? Every word said, every thought, every intricate living color......all remembered and piled on a scale. How would your scale tip? What would outweigh what?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


My Thought for this Day........We differ in so many ways. We are a cornucopia of ideas, thoughts and actions. This is what makes the beautiful quilt of life. And we all create a new square in our quilts daily. I wonder what material you use?

Sunday, April 10, 2016


My Thought for this Day....There is wide chasm between money and value. And to truly live, you must realize the most precious things have no monetary significance. They are freely given, if not freely earned. To waste, disregard, or mistreat these precious gifts is to discredit moments, hours and days of a life that someday, you will look back on and wonder what lure the gold and silver had.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


My Thought for this Day....My world is different than yours, and yours, mine. But to coexist peacefully, we all must honor the joined space we share.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


My Thought for this Day.....When you see yourself as serving others, rather than only yourself, life blossoms. And the scent is sweet.

Monday, April 4, 2016


My Thought for this Day..... When you pick your battles, make sure they are worthy of you. Getting caught in the snare of deception is not what makes you a person of respect and truth. Above all else, be the one who holds yourself to higher standards, even if it costs you those things envied by society. Public trappings are as fleeting as the wisp of the wind.

Saturday, April 2, 2016


My Thought for this Day.....So what if you sing your song, and no one seems to be listening? Your joy is your voice, not somebody else's ear. Rejoice that you have a voice, you have a song, and the music is heard.....if only by you. Because, my friend, when the time is right, you will come to understand that you were heard after all.