Monday, December 31, 2012


This is it buddy...the end of another year. Time for reflection or not. Time for change or not. But as I look back on the lives of myself, my family and my friends I see a huge quilt of life with many squares. There are happy colorful squares and then sadly there are darker squares. There are squares of vacations, and weddings and births. There are squares of health and wealth and good fortune. There are also squares of darkness and sadness. There are void squares that contain loss. There are squares of success and those of failure. We each have a quilt and we spend every day carefully stitching our squares together. Some of us achieve more than others. Some of us are given more than others. Some of us seem to always have confrontation or troubles or sadness.....both by choice or by the happenings of life. Some of us seem to walk under a rose colored glass that shines bright bits of color on us. We reflect the goodness of life, good fortune and shiny dreams that are realized. Some of our quilts are faded by time. Some are small and some quite large with years of tiny stitches that piece by piece mirror long years of life. I don't know how each and every person feels about their quilts. I don't know the emotions behind them. I'm assuming these emotions are varied....happiness, sadness, jealousy, regret, envy, determination, laziness, faithfulness, guilt, bitterness, love...the list can go on and on. I don't know if your quilt is stiff from neglect or indifference to your circumstances, or if your quilt is soft and supple and comfortable. What I do know is will continue to expand this quilt. You will deal with each square in your own individual way. That's what makes your life yours. And as you begin to add a new year to your Quilt of Life, I would hope that you look back and reflect on the squares you have before you and learn, reminisce and reflect. Happy New Year to all who read this. May your quilt be warm, and sustaining and most of all reflect the life you want to live.

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