Thursday, December 13, 2012

You are Not.......

OK friends and family.....time for your reality check. You are NOT superhuman. No,'re not. This is the time of year when we tend to run around doing 100% and more. What to do....what to do....what to do. How to make it better? How to be more extreme? More, more, more. STOP IT!! So you don't have a million twinkling lights. So you don't have every food known to modern man cooked for your family. So every surface of your home isn't covered in garland and berries and whatever. At some point you have to stop and just enjoy. You know....I bet your kids, family and friends will not notice if that one little thing isn't done.....or maybe the last 1,467 things aren't done. Please just stop. Enjoy this season for what it is....and that's NOT MORE!! Be aware of what you're teaching your children. If this Season is all about what we GET......what we BUY.....what we HAVE and DON'T have, then your lesson plans need altering. Why not this year give yourself the gift of just being aware that life is precious. That one day.....what will be remembered is the gathering of your people....not the mound of gifts, food and decorations. Please be kind to yourself. I promise you that your time is more precious than your overworked, overspent, overstressed self. We live in the most materialistic world imaginable and where the heck has it gotten us? In debt....stressed out.....keeping up with those Jones's.....out of sorts......too tired to walk......intent on list can go on and on. Look at yourself.......a good hard look. are NOT superhuman and if you're trying to be...then darlin' you're missing the point of each breath you're given. And you ARE GIVEN each haven't earned them.....they are each a gift to be taken and used and used WISELY. Please just STOP IT! Be you, enjoy you, nobody can take you away from you. Don't let this wonderful season steal your joy by trying to put 38 hours in a day. No matter how hard you try to do lose!

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