Monday, October 1, 2012


Word of the Day Balance.....v., bring to a state or position of equipoise. Yeah, I'm pretty impressed with the equipoise word myself....but anyway. This week is going to be one of the 'balancing' acts on the Hill. Homecoming week, plus six weeks tests. Where do you draw the line between fun and school expectations? But isn't that the way of all of life? We must all figure out where to put our toe in the sand. Draw those lines that balance our lives and the lives of our families. Bad news friends is that there will NEVER be more than 24 hours in a day. Push it, gouge it, pull it....still 24. If your life is 27 hour days always crammed into those set 24, you are out of balance. I'm a very firm believer in that Mother Nature knows what she's doing. There is a season and a time. There is a sunrise and a sunset. There is a mighty rhythm to everything.....a flow, a cadence a pattern. OF COURSE you are busier at some times than others, of course, you have obligations to be met, of course sometimes life just seems to jam up in that corner and you have to fight your way out of it. But as a rule, as a whole, as a norm, balance my friends. JUST SAY NO!! You cheat yourself and loved ones if you don't. Take time to enjoy. Be smart, live wise, choice rest. Mother Nature has been around a whole lot longer than you have or WILL BE. You don't see her making winter come in August because She just has too much to do in December to get it done. Think about it......Life isn't a race, it's a gift, and an honor to be handled with care. Celebrate life...there are times to be busy, industrious, engrossed, but then stop! Recognize those times to simply be, enjoy, rest, glory in the wonder of your existence.

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