Sunday, September 9, 2012
Word of the Day......
Aura....n.,...a distinct atmosphere surrounding a given source.
So, nooooooooooooo, I'm not going to be all mystical today. But I do truly think that people and places have a certain aura. Do you? Have you ever walked into a house and just felt instantly at home? No matter how nice it was, there was just a welcoming AURA there? Maybe it was cluttered, maybe it wasn't the nicest house you had ever been in, but there was something the air...that said are so welcome here. I'd like to think that after you push all the dog/cat hair off our furniture and manage to see over the stacks of books everywhere, that our home is like that.....:)). Not too long ago....maybe last year.....I had a former student walk in my classroom....look around and sigh...then she said....I feel like I've come home. I loved it!! Made my day. So, what about people? I certainly think that people also have auras. Can you just picture those people who light up a room when they walk in it? Call it charisma, call it whatever.....but it's their aura. Or there are those people who walk in and suddenly the air becomes more the oxygen has been sucked out. Have you ever thought....that person just has a black cloud hanging over their head? It's in their stance, their facial expression, their very demeanor. I think our aura precedes us.......I mean before we open our mouths to speak, make eye contact or move in any direction, we emit our 'atmosphere'. Maybe you're a loner and you need your personal space....that's okay. Or maybe you're a people person and you enjoy being with friends and family.....that's equally okay. Neither of those is the point of this diatribe. What is the point is have an aura, don't expect people to react one way when you ooze the opposite attitude. So maybe you're not the most charismatic person in the world.....actually who the heck is? Or maybe you're timid and shy and uncertain, but guess what......that doesn't have to say 'Stay Away' if you really want to be involved. Some of your AURA is God given....I truly believe that...but I also believe than anyone can turn that black cloud into a blue sky if they want to. Work on change or stay the same....your choice. But as for me,I hope people see that blue sky!
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