Thursday, October 17, 2013

This I Know.....

I have lived many years on this earth. And with true gratefulness, I can say my days have been filled with more peace than worry, more happiness than sadness, more fullness than being void. But I do know...for a fact....there is someone who continually wants to steal your peace, happiness and fullness. He lurks behind the scenes and throws small pebbles in your path. And if that doesn't work, then come the rocks and boulders. Your straight road of life becomes more crooked and dangerous. Your gratitude dims as you concentrate on problems rather than blessings. But here is the fact I Know to be true.......recognize that he is always looking for a way to block you from your goals, your gifts and your joy and then you can grow in character and in positivism and become who you truly need to be. An unrecognized enemy can not be fought. He will successfully lurk in the shadows and do his best to suck you dry. But with recognition comes armor and with armor comes victory. And with victory comes generosity, forgiveness, calmness and clearness of thought and actions. Swipe your shadows clean by the knowledge of adversity. Look Up.....for this is from where you Power comes. Have a Blessed Day my friends.

Friday, October 11, 2013


I am non-political. I don't debate politics. I don't read politics. I don't watch the news....EVER. I don't know details....don't have to. I understand this entire mess with/without any of the above. And it is this........ We are seeing the 'What about me?' way of life come to fruition. Greed has become the American all costs....'What about me?'. When the United States government uses those Americans who have fought for and continue fighting for The United States of America as pawns in this crises, I am disgusted beyond words. Yes, I do have a special place in my heart for Veterans. I live with one who spent his 19th year in a jungle, BOOTS ON THE GROUND, fighting a war that has cost him and thousands just like him, physical and emotional pain for 40+ years. I walk the halls of the VA facility and see the empty eyes of young men and women who have returned from recent deployment and left parts of themselves there. Whether drafted as in years gone by, or volunteering as in recent years, the cost is the same. They all left part of their souls on foreign soil. And they will continue to fight their own personal wars for the rest of their lives in one way or another. So, Mr. United States Government.....'What about them?'. Let's not pay the ones who have paid the ultimate price as you have your little battle of wills. Let's see them,one more time, give all and then get lost in the shuffle of American greed, self righteousness and self importance. Good gosh, just leave your 'What about me?' attitudes at the door and begin to act like Americans joined as what was once the greatest nation on this earth. We are the People........shoulder your responsibilities, put the cards in the center of the table, not stacked on one side or the other. Check your 'What about me?' attitude at the door where it belongs. End of rant. No more. Not debating. Just my observation on a process that is insufferable, humiliating and degrading.

Friday, October 4, 2013


I hope something 'awes' you every day. I hope you're not too jaded to see that the very air your breath if miraculous. I hope you never cease to see the breathtaking beauty that is this world. I hope that you can see through the ugly to the marvelous works in front of you. Open your eyes. Don't ignore it. The earth is reverent; nature sends its magnificence out in so many ways. And if you miss it, you lose some of life's most precious moments. Open yourselves to what surrounds you. No matter the time of awed. Don't you see the uniqueness that is you and each person you know? Can't you be awed by this? How different we are and yet how much the same. How unbelievably magic is this? The workings of this world can never be understood for there are too many layers of complexity. Life is motion and fluid and flows freely with or without you. Don't miss the boat. Don't be that person who refuses to live. Whether times are good or bad right now, open yourself to the possibility of sitting silently in solitude and soak in what your Creator has made. Truly be awed.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Number One...........

Everyone has a number one priority in his/her life. Yes, yes you do. You may not know it, but you do. Options are endless and important. This priority guides your steps, makes your decisions and hardens or softens your hearts. Again, yes you do. It's in your thoughts most often, it's what either gives you restful sleep or keeps you awake worrying. Your priority makes you who you are. Short blog. Deep thought. If you can't immediately identify your number one....then, you better stop and think. Examine your mind, heart and soul. You may be surprised, delighted or dismayed. Find out. Change if you must, reset your GPS, or continue on the path of your walking trail. What is your first and foremost priority? It says everything about you. It tells your story to the world but more importantly, it opens your heart to yourself.