Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Word of the Day Sidetrack.....v., turn aside from a purpose. We all become sidetracked at some time or the other. Right now many of us are being sidetracked by politics. We are focusing our thoughts and our discussions on the candidates of our two political parties. NO....THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL STATEMENT. I am NOT being sidetracked by this.....nor will I ever be. But it's okay to be if that's your thing. Not saying it's not healthy.....not saying it's not important. I'm just using the political arena as an example. I love a good SIDETRACK. Yep....keeps me entertained. I may get sidetracked by a good book.....holds the laundry at bay. I may be sidetracked by one of my guilty pleasure TV shows.......keeps me from sweeping the front porch. I may be sidetracked by blogging.......not sure what that purpose is. But here's my thing. We all get sidetracked and while it shouldn't be a 24/7 you CAN'T watch the RHNJ all day every's a healthy thing. Let your mind wander and then refocus. You know...Jack and all his work. We owe ourselves some diversion. Be Ladies Who Lunch.....or sit in front of that football game screaming at that flat screen you paid way too much money for. Pick up a great book and become someone else for awhile. Or maybe just 'set a spell' on your front porch with a glass of Sweet Tea (or whatever). Grab the phone and have a conversation with a best friend. Divert, Swerve, Change, Alter your routine. You will be better off for it. And remember......sometimes it's just gotta be ALL ABOUT YOU!!

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