Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Word of the Day Project....N.,...a planned undertaking. Today is PROJECT day in Room 11 on the Hill. 135 students will stand before the class and speak Spanish. They have a purpose today.....they will stumble, and mumble and sigh and cry. Some will shake and tremble and others will breeze through the day like they were born to be Spanish speakers. But here's the thing. They will have a purpose, a project, a plan. They know what today brings in my class. They have had 4 weeks to prepare for their projects. We have practiced daily in the lower class level. Actually we have practiced til their eyes have glazed over. But today is their turn. They have the spotlight. They will be in charge for a very few minutes. What's your project today? Do you have one? If you do, I hope you're prepared. I hope you've practiced til your eyes have glazed over. If you don't, then fun!! Play the day by ear. Take it one minute at a time. Not a thing wrong with that. Either way, guys and dolls, this is your day. Bring it!

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