Sunday, September 30, 2012


Word of the Day Devil....n.,.....the personal supreme spirit of evil. Is the devil in your life? You bet he is. I'm NOT taking the pulpit this morning. I'm just gonna state some facts. Wherever you are....he's there. Whatever you do.....he's there. Don't take him for granted. Just when you become complacent, he begins his work. You should feel a never ending battle. Don't let arrogance, selfishness, vanity, contemptuousness, greed, stinginess rule your world. When you do, he's laughing at you. He's winning. He has the upper hand. Jealousy, resentfulness and spite are his playground. YOU WIN with honesty, compassion, humility. Life is NOT ALL ABOUT YOU! Extend a hand, be a friend, step out of your zone, expand your world......strengthen your world. Win this just may be the biggest one of your existence.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Word of the Day Taken...pp., be in one's/something's possession. Are you taken? What by? Think about it for a minute. Have you allowed something to possess you? Have you allowed someone to possess you? Do you own nothing of yourself? This world is filled with things to take a overwhelm, to control, to hinder. We sometimes dig holes and can't get out. Don't be taken. Stand up, climb out. You owe that to yourself. You are stronger than you think in ANY situation. If you need help, ask, but in the end it's up to you Guys and Dolls.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Word of the Day.... Finish....v., come to and end. Lots of people are great starters. We start projects at home, at work. We start diets and books. We begin chores and tasks. Not a lot of people are great finishers. We leave things dangling....pieces missing, last touches undone, pages not read, pounds not lost. The old saying is.....Don't start something you can't finish. Do you? Do you finish all your 'starts'? Is there something in your life you need to finish? Sometimes ending, finishing, terminating, ceasing things isn't as fun as starting. But when you do take that last that last i.....say those last words, then you have accomplished what you began. So inventory your starts today. Pick one thing and finish it. Mark it off your list. Be done. Now walk away. You've accomplished what you started. Nice Job!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Word of the Day Project....N.,...a planned undertaking. Today is PROJECT day in Room 11 on the Hill. 135 students will stand before the class and speak Spanish. They have a purpose today.....they will stumble, and mumble and sigh and cry. Some will shake and tremble and others will breeze through the day like they were born to be Spanish speakers. But here's the thing. They will have a purpose, a project, a plan. They know what today brings in my class. They have had 4 weeks to prepare for their projects. We have practiced daily in the lower class level. Actually we have practiced til their eyes have glazed over. But today is their turn. They have the spotlight. They will be in charge for a very few minutes. What's your project today? Do you have one? If you do, I hope you're prepared. I hope you've practiced til your eyes have glazed over. If you don't, then fun!! Play the day by ear. Take it one minute at a time. Not a thing wrong with that. Either way, guys and dolls, this is your day. Bring it!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Word of the Day Skim....v., pass or glide lightly over or near a surface. I wonder how often we skim through life. I can't speak for you, but I find myself skipping and skimming along, really not paying attention to details of the goings on around me. I'm not sure that's always a bad thing. At times, merrily gliding along is good for the soul. But then yep...there are times when you just have to delve deeper. I think every once in awhile you need to take serious inventory.......count, add, subtract, discard, multiply, divide, change, alter. Stop, listen to yourself. Hear those around you. The air is full of emotion, unseen things hovering over you. Pay attention. Be that person who can tune in, not out. Skim when you must recharge and refresh. But then get back in the groove. Life passes to fast to miss it!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Word of the Day....... Gather.....v., bring together. What do you gather in your life? I think we gather what is most important to us. We accumulate those things that make us happy, secure, comfortable. We gather both physically and emotionally. What you gather says a lot about your character. Do you gather status? Do you gather material things? Do you gather anger, pride, resentment? I think we all should do an inventory from time to time. Make sure you're harvesting those things which are not fleeting. Think about it. What's on your shelf?

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Word of the Day............. Update.....v., bring up to day, modernize. This morning I'm attempting to update my Iphone to the new operating system. I don't have very powerful WiFi out here on the Brannan Farm so it may take longer than I'm alive. And I'm asking myself do I really need it? I wonder what features it has that will make it better. I wonder if I'll even be able to use the new features because well, I'm not firmly in the 'techie' generation. I have been grandfathered in....:)))) I update apps on the phone sometimes and can't tell any difference, but supposedly it is to fix 'bugs' in them. I just fixed a bug with a can of raid....hope it's not the same thing. By now you're wondering if I have a point to this am I. So here goes. Life is full of updates......some we are aware of and some we're not. We update our homes, we update our cars, we update our hair, we update our appliances, we update our clothes. But I think that there are things that NEVER need to be updated, modernized, nor redone. Dignity, honor, empathy, diligence, faithfulness, kindness....the list goes on and on. These are timeless things that we shouldn't tinker with, throw out and replace, nor change. These things stand the test of lifetimes, are polished with age, and then are hopefully passed down to our children, students and youth. Don't update what is enduring, don't redo what is eternal, don't modify what is everlasting. Update what you must, change what is needed, but please don't ever think that you can replace or better God Given human values that are righteous and good. Live them; not lose them.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Word of the Day....... Tacky.....adj.,....not cute..(okay, Miriam didn't say that...I did) Today I feel like I'm going to be tacky. It's Friday which makes it casual day on the Hill. I shall take full advantage of it. I know this is TMI...but I'm not going to wash my hair when I shower. You will know this anyway if you see me, because my hair will have the SAME RED STREAKS in it from my grading pen from yesterday. This is one of the true hazards of my profession and my hair color. Anyway....back to my word. I think there are days when we are allowed to look tacky. Clearly I think that because I'm doing it today. Now....not saying we don't need to be clean. Please, that is a must everyday. But you know the day when your closet that was full of cute clothes yesterday looks like the Last Chance Bin at the thrift store today? Yep...that's my day today. It signals relax, enjoy, be comfortable, you've made the week. I can teach and HAVE TAUGHT tacky before. Take a poll of my former students....I sometimes get weird looks...that usually when my blouse is inside out. I'm just going to associate tacky with 'Job Well Done' today. Why don't you try it too? Let's all be tacky today and then I won't stick out like a proverbial sore tooth. I know that a true Southern lady would never use Miracle Whip in her potato salad nor go outside her house looking TACKY. Sorry Mama....I'm doing it today!! Avoid me if you must....BUT my word of the day today is TACKY!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Word of the Day....... Medium...adj.,....intermediate in quality, size, quantity or degree. Medium is a safe word. It is not extreme in any way. Middle of the road, neither tall nor short, fat nor skinny, well done or rare. Just medium. I think Wednesday is the medium day of the week. We're not just starting; we're not ending; we're in the middle. We've kissed Monday goodbye and looking closely at Friday. As they say....there is a light at the end of this tunnel and it's not a train. That is where we are on Wednesdays. I think it's fine for a day, size, steak or whatever you are and do today to be medium. All days don't need to be highs.....and certainly not lows. Medium is great sometimes. Maybe you can coast through a medium day. Do your job, love your family and friends, while not wearing yourself out. You owe it to yourself. We become ineffective if all we know is high gear. Life wears us down. Our tempers wear thin. Our outlook becomes dark. So be good to yourself. It's Wednesday.....have a MEDIUM day if possible. You'll be better for it!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Word of the Day................ Progress.....n.,.....a forward or onward movement. Today is Progress Report day in my classes. These reports will detail the 'progress' my students have made in their effort to learn Spanish. Some have made great strides, some not so much and some are 'backing up'. These things the parents need to know. The reports will be sent home to be signed by guardians(supposedly) and brought back to me tomorrow. My job is to make sure that each PR has all the information on it that is needed to give each parent a clear picture of how our year is going. Fast forward to out of school and into your present adult life. What if you, your family, your friends, your employer got a PR on YOU every day, week, month or year? What if a PR was handed out on your generosity, your humor, your kindness, your work ethic, your honesty, your pride, your sensitivity, your compassion, your words, actions and deeds? Maybe it would be on a huge neon sign downtown. Maybe it would be on a banner being pulled behind a small plane. Maybe it would be the headlines of your community newspaper. Let's go a step's a surprise and it's happening TODAY. Today the world will see your PR for the last month. Whoa!!! Will you be hiding hoping against hope that no one can find you? Will you read it and think....Way To Go Me!? Interesting thought.......are you making great strides in life, or not so much, or are you 'backing up'?

Monday, September 17, 2012


Word of the Day........... Pizza....n.,...a dish made typically of flattened bread dough spread with a savory mixture of tomatoes and cheese and other toppings. Let's get hungry. I got up this morning thinking of pizza......PIZZA PIE. I'm not too stupid to figure out it's because we had some really incredible pizza at Fireside Pies this weekend. NO, this is not a paid if! But it really has become one of our favorite hang outs when I'm in the MetroMess with my daughter. What's not to love about a is Carb Heaven. There is this wonderful yeasty crust that is paper thin but yet has a thick outside crust for those of us who are bread lovers. The tomato sauce is so fresh and full of just the right blend of flavors. We chose two pizzas......stop it......there were four of us.....we had a right to two pizzas. Every topping was scrumptious. Basil, cheese, the was NOT your average Pizza Pie. Go there when you can......satisfy your inner carb. You won't be sorry.....until the next morning when you crave more. Happy Carby Monday my friends!

Friday, September 14, 2012


Word of the Day....... Puddle.......n.,....a very small pool of water. I think Puddle is a happy word? Don't you? So in honor of Friday usually being a happy day, we're going to do a happy word. Puddle brings back memories of childhood. We would go out in the street after a rain and play in the puddles of rainwater....splash around and get each other wet. We would jump over the puddles and laugh when someone didn't jump quite far enough and land in the middle......secretly hoping that it was us next time. As adults maybe our conception of puddles has changed somewhat. I'll just go ahead and state the obvious.....there are times when puddles can be annoying. Maybe you just had your car detailed and run through a puddle......ugh. Or maybe you come home and your dog has left a puddle on the floor.....really ugh. But back to fun puddles. Today in the West Central part of Texas we are thanking God for the puddles we have. Big ole fat puddles dot the sides of the roads, our driveways and in our pastures. I can't think of a prettier sight right now. So today IS a happy day with happy puddles. Get out and enjoy the sight of all those pretty puddles. And remember Who sent them!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Word of the Day.................. Menu.....N.,.....a comparable list or assortment of offerings. What's on your menu today? Appetizers, salad, main course, sides, desserts.....we all have pick and choose days. I'm also sure each of us has part of our MENU that is set. Our jobs, other responsibilities and obligations wait to be done. Then there are those other hours that we fill ourselves with salads or sides or desserts. Will your choices from your menu be healthful, full of nutrients and good things? Or will you pack a lot unneeded calories and preservatives in your day? Bet it will make a difference in how you feel tonight when you look at the history that was you today. Take a look at that menu right now. See what's looks heart healthy both for you and the people around you. Not lecturing....well not much....but I am saying that not every day needs to be fried, gravied and sugared. Take a day or two of fresh greens and good carbs. Pick and chose your daily menu is your life after all!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Word of the Day..... Lack.....v.,....deficient or missing. What do you lack? Right now I lack sleep....the last few nights it just hasn't happened. This lack leads to lack of energy, lack of motivation and on and on and on. Okay, fine. Enough whining. My point is we all lack something at one time or another. Our cups can't always be full. Lacking comes in all forms and fashions. We have emotional lacks and physical lacks.....absences,scarcities, shortages. How we handle these situations is the key. We can gripe, grouse and grumble. We can moan, complain and cry. And you know what......if that helps, I say do it! Do it, get it over with and then go on. Get on with life. Don't see your world as one big LACK! It's not, I promise. Look over your shoulder at that other guy......I bet you see someone lacking much more than you do. And at that point....shut it, zip it and get on with living.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Word of the Day..... Accountability......n.,....obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions. We ALL have accountability. Like it or not, you have obligations you need to take into your sphere of life. And when OR if you drop the ball, then baby, you need to admit it. Be honest, fair and truthful. Every day you should hold yourself accountable for each and every action you take. Did you accept your duties with grace? Did you accept them with decency? If you did, then GOOD JOB. If you didn't, or if you took a wrong turn did you admit the mistake? Or did you hide behind a tree and pass the fall-out on to the guy sitting next to you? Don't instruct young people that they will EVER be able to shove their responsibilities on the backs of friends or family or coworkers.....that they are better than those around them, and will always be that way. They need to be shown hard work and effort. Do you realize that at some point someone will mimic your behavior? If you LIVE un-accountability then you TEACH un-accountability to your children or whomever watches your life. Free will equals accountability. You have a liability to your family, your coworkers, your neighbors and those who are in true need. Don't teach what can't be lived with honesty. Humans are frail and each and every one of us will at some point in life fail. Step up to that plate and admit it. And by admitting, you have won! You have learned! And more importantly you have coached, educated, informed and trained.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Word of the Day...... Aura....n.,...a distinct atmosphere surrounding a given source. So, nooooooooooooo, I'm not going to be all mystical today. But I do truly think that people and places have a certain aura. Do you? Have you ever walked into a house and just felt instantly at home? No matter how nice it was, there was just a welcoming AURA there? Maybe it was cluttered, maybe it wasn't the nicest house you had ever been in, but there was something the air...that said are so welcome here. I'd like to think that after you push all the dog/cat hair off our furniture and manage to see over the stacks of books everywhere, that our home is like that.....:)). Not too long ago....maybe last year.....I had a former student walk in my classroom....look around and sigh...then she said....I feel like I've come home. I loved it!! Made my day. So, what about people? I certainly think that people also have auras. Can you just picture those people who light up a room when they walk in it? Call it charisma, call it whatever.....but it's their aura. Or there are those people who walk in and suddenly the air becomes more the oxygen has been sucked out. Have you ever thought....that person just has a black cloud hanging over their head? It's in their stance, their facial expression, their very demeanor. I think our aura precedes us.......I mean before we open our mouths to speak, make eye contact or move in any direction, we emit our 'atmosphere'. Maybe you're a loner and you need your personal space....that's okay. Or maybe you're a people person and you enjoy being with friends and family.....that's equally okay. Neither of those is the point of this diatribe. What is the point is have an aura, don't expect people to react one way when you ooze the opposite attitude. So maybe you're not the most charismatic person in the world.....actually who the heck is? Or maybe you're timid and shy and uncertain, but guess what......that doesn't have to say 'Stay Away' if you really want to be involved. Some of your AURA is God given....I truly believe that...but I also believe than anyone can turn that black cloud into a blue sky if they want to. Work on change or stay the same....your choice. But as for me,I hope people see that blue sky!

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Word of the Day....... Autumn....n.,..season between summer and winter. Okay, fine....the calender doesn't officially declare it yet......the temperature this morning isn't THAT cool...but go outside with your cuppa and I think you can begin to ever so slightly FEEL autumn in the air. A change is a'comin'.........maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon. Hello crisp air, long sleeve shirts and open windows.....goodbye oppressive heat, hot leather seats in cars and 24 hour a/c. Circle of seasons once again is on the horizon. Let's think golds, and greens and, and falling leaves and what to put in the crock pot to softly simmer all day for dinner. Mother Nature is slowly but surely contemplating putting her kids to bed for their long winter rest....her trees and grasses, her shrubs and plants. They will renew energy and strength from their sleep, then when it's time, once again blossom and grow and yield. Amazing stuff......huh?

Friday, September 7, 2012


Word of the Day..... Recycle......v., pass again through a series of changes or treatments. Do you recycle? I think we all should...but admittedly I don't do a very good job of it. I'm not a Greenie.....well, I guess I'm a Buckaroo Greenie...:))). Sorry I couldn't resist that. Anyway.....back to the word. I admire those who do take the time to separate their metal from their plastic from their glass...etc etc. It's just not me. But then again, I think we all have the opportunity to be Recyclers in some form or fashion, even if we don't do our environmental thing. We can recycle emotions, actions, conversations, attitudes, visions, words, motions, directions....don't you agree? Recycling is not Repetition......if you look at the definition of the word it has CHANGE in it. Here's the thing.....I believe we all need to look at our lives and see what needs to be recycled. Change it, transform it, redo it........make it better. Everybody has something...some habit, some practice, some custom that needs to pass through a series of changes or treatments. Do you sometimes feel like your life is going around in a progress? You do things over and over and over and there is no improvement, no forward movement, no success? Okay dude....RECYCLE what you need to in order make that breakthrough. Forrest says (well, his mom actually) that Life is a Box of never know what you're gonna get. Agreed....but if you're converting and salvaging the good to the bad? I'm thinking that Box of Chocolates just got sweeter.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Word of the Day..... Colander....n.,....a perforated utensil for washing or draining food. What if we had a huge COLANDER for life? We could put all our troubles and cares in there along with blessings and good fortune and the bad stuff would just drain away. Then all we would have left would be things that make us happy. Every morning you could get up and lump your life in your colander. How big a drain would you need for your bad, uncomfortable, or not quite right things to be flushed down? Hmmmmmmmm....and then how big should your colander be to hold all the good that's left. I'm going to just go ahead and say YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE!! On any given day, you might be able to immediately start listing all the awful, faulty, cruddy, bummer type things you want to pile in your colander......but could you immediately name all those things you don't want to go down those holes? Which is it......size of holes for the junk of life? Or size of the colander to hold all the blessings, loves, beauties of your life that are left after the colander has drained. Is this a glass half full or empty type question? I think in some ways yes....but I also think it's a .....PLEASE don't be able to list the uglies of your life faster than you can list the pretties. Please greet each new day thinking of the size of colander to hold joy and happiness....not size of holes or drains to wash away problems, or unwanted things. Happiness first......blessings first.....then just maybe you'll gain that strength to not need a colander at all. You'll be able to face life's storms and trouble on your own. Sharpen you skills, hone your mind, solve your problems..........put that colander away. You're amazing!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Word of the Day.... Announcement....n.,...a public notification or declaration. Make you're announcement for the day. What is it? I'm happy. I'm sad. I'm the boss. I'm in charge. I'm sick. I'm a great friend. I'm a diva. I'm sad. I'm in control. I need a friend. I AM a friend. Everyday we all wake up with an announcement. Whether we live it out or not is our choice. But the fact of the matter is ....your life is an announcement....your actions, your moves, your words, your attitude. You announce your life every day. Who listens? I think you would be very very surprised. Don't belittle yourself by thinking no one listens to your announcement. They do. My hope is that your daily announcement be truthful, not deceitful......helpful, not hurtful.....positive, not negative. Right now your day begins......we are all listening to what you have to say....ANNOUNCE IT NOW.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Word of the Day........... Greatest.....adj..,..most preeminent over others. Greatest Greatest story ever told. Greatest man who ever lived. Let's face it. You nor I will probably never be the greatest anything in the world. Not the greatest pole vaulter, not the greatest chef, not the greatest mountain climber nor the greatest furniture maker. IN THE WORLD. But what if we could be the greatest in OUR world? Greatest mother? Dad? Friend? Nurse? Teacher? What if every day we could achieve greatness in our tiny part of this massive universe? Not for applause nor recognition....not to be acknowledged or be self serving. But just to be. Now that, my friends, would be true greatness. Try it for a week, day or even a minute. See how those shoes fit. I wonder what you'd see in the faces of your children, spouse, friends, co-workers, neighbors if you made the effort for them, if you didn't half way do your job, your parenting or any other responsibility. I think we all have greatness within us.....probably not headline making greatness.....but we can be the GREATEST we have the ability to be. Polish your world with your greatness; I bet it will sparkle and shine and reflect back into you....not ONTO you. Not only will you do it for others, but for yourself as well. Fill yourself with your ability to do, help and honor. Then sit back and watch your tiny part of this massive universe. I'm betting you like what you see!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Word of the Day...... Labor......n.,.....human activity that provides the goods or services of an economy. Predictable, I know. Of course I'd have to do Labor as the Word of the Day this weekend. But, dang it...this great country was built on LABOR! You can argue all you want about the demise of the USA....and indeed, we have our problems. But we were built on laborers and will continue to stand on laborers. Whether you're a doctor, lawyer, waitress, carpenter, teacher, preacher, writer, engineer, insurance agent, principal, fireman, policeman or housewife, you labor and your labor benefits you, your family, the economy, your fellowman and this country. So get out there and do your job and do it with PRIDE. This weekend is in honor of all who labor. It honors YOU! If you're independently wealthy and don't work...then be a philanthropist, a volunteer, a your neighbor. When we contribute in ANY way to society, then that effort trickles down and joins with other contributions and becomes a small stream then a mighty river. WE are a nation that stands on a cliff...we can either climb up the adjoining side of the mountain or we can fall. Which is it my friend?