Friday, September 21, 2012


Word of the Day....... Tacky.....adj.,....not cute..(okay, Miriam didn't say that...I did) Today I feel like I'm going to be tacky. It's Friday which makes it casual day on the Hill. I shall take full advantage of it. I know this is TMI...but I'm not going to wash my hair when I shower. You will know this anyway if you see me, because my hair will have the SAME RED STREAKS in it from my grading pen from yesterday. This is one of the true hazards of my profession and my hair color. Anyway....back to my word. I think there are days when we are allowed to look tacky. Clearly I think that because I'm doing it today. Now....not saying we don't need to be clean. Please, that is a must everyday. But you know the day when your closet that was full of cute clothes yesterday looks like the Last Chance Bin at the thrift store today? Yep...that's my day today. It signals relax, enjoy, be comfortable, you've made the week. I can teach and HAVE TAUGHT tacky before. Take a poll of my former students....I sometimes get weird looks...that usually when my blouse is inside out. I'm just going to associate tacky with 'Job Well Done' today. Why don't you try it too? Let's all be tacky today and then I won't stick out like a proverbial sore tooth. I know that a true Southern lady would never use Miracle Whip in her potato salad nor go outside her house looking TACKY. Sorry Mama....I'm doing it today!! Avoid me if you must....BUT my word of the day today is TACKY!

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