Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Word of the Day... Hurt....n.,...physical of emotional pain. We all have hurt. Sorry, but it's a fact of life. It is a reality. But here's the thing about hurt, giving it intentionally is shameful. Do you hurt loved ones and or strangers just because you can? Do you throw out words or actions because it makes you feel better, more powerful? Do you have no regard for the recipients of your barbs, abusive words, or physical actions? If so, them ask yourself why. What is inside you that makes you or drives you to hurt others? What pleasure do you derive? Other people's pain should hurt you, not give you power. Look deeply inside yourself. Be a giver, a friend, a helper, not a hurter. Your soul derives nothing from inflicting pain; you suffer; you demean yourself. You shrink. Build up; don't tear down. I'm going one step further. If you intentionally hurt someone, I'm betting it's because you feel pain that you're trying to release....trying to pass on....trying to heal. Life doesn't work that way. Don't abuse to ease your own pain. Try the opposite. Help, lift up, cheer on......use your power to give a hand up, not a strike out.

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