Saturday, September 1, 2012


Word of the Day...... Labor......n.,.....human activity that provides the goods or services of an economy. Predictable, I know. Of course I'd have to do Labor as the Word of the Day this weekend. But, dang it...this great country was built on LABOR! You can argue all you want about the demise of the USA....and indeed, we have our problems. But we were built on laborers and will continue to stand on laborers. Whether you're a doctor, lawyer, waitress, carpenter, teacher, preacher, writer, engineer, insurance agent, principal, fireman, policeman or housewife, you labor and your labor benefits you, your family, the economy, your fellowman and this country. So get out there and do your job and do it with PRIDE. This weekend is in honor of all who labor. It honors YOU! If you're independently wealthy and don't work...then be a philanthropist, a volunteer, a your neighbor. When we contribute in ANY way to society, then that effort trickles down and joins with other contributions and becomes a small stream then a mighty river. WE are a nation that stands on a cliff...we can either climb up the adjoining side of the mountain or we can fall. Which is it my friend?

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