Sunday, August 12, 2018


My Thought for this Day......Close your eyes; still your mind. At this moment we are mentally gazing up, and we are visualizing all the hands that have reached down to help us climb the dunes of our lives. See them clearly, focused, cupped in kindness, stretching out to you. Are they gnarled with age?  Are they roughened with work?  Are they soft and gentle with the touch of an angel. How many do you see?  Disregard those that might have pressed down. They do not matter: they have become invisible. They are obscure and dark in the shadows of your past. Today, we rejoice in those hands that have patted, lifted, and guided. I hope you can see them with clarity and can understand that they have molded and shaped the you of today.  And then, learn, my friend. Learn the guidance, the passion that these hands have bestowed on you. These hands have blessed you, and the biggest debt you have is reverently stretching your hand down and passing the gifts to those who walk underneath your own tutelage. Holding your hands and reaching down to raise someone up. Do it with unselfishness.  It's not about you when you are grasping a hand lifted up toward yours. It's just not. Be those hands that someone looks up to and says Yes!

Thursday, August 9, 2018


My Wish for you This Day........I wish that you could see yourself as others see you. The depth, the shallowness, the selfless, the selfish, the humble, the egotistical , the humorous, the godly, the godless,  the righteous, the ignorant, the will never know someone else, nor finish your mission on this earth until you know yourself.