Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Word of the Day...... Decision.....n.,.....choice or judgement. We make decisions every day.....many of them. I think some people are born decision makers. They can make up their minds on something and stick with it...whether it be what shirt to wear, where to go for lunch or what tile to put on the floor. Then there are those people who are maybe not so 'decision determined'....dare I even say wishy-washy? I'm not sure if it's a confidence thing, or maybe it's a 'I don't want my life set in stone' thing. I admire those who can make a decision and then put it out of their minds knowing they have done it. They walk into the restaurant, look at the menu for 10 seconds and then put it down, firm in their choice. They decide on their day and the tasks involved....prioritize and get them done. They are decision makers. They have Lesson Plans on life. But even if you are a decision maker, life does throw you curves at the last minute. At those times even the best laid plans begin to be questioned. An illness pops up, a friend has a need, something happens at work that alters your life; then the decision begins all over again. We all make decisions every minute of every day....consciously and unconsciously. And we all make the wrong decision from time to time. That, my friends, is life. Don't beat yourself up about wrong decisions. Sometimes those wrong ones lead to better ones. So today, as you begin your day...whether you have decided on every move you'll make or not.....get out there and do the best you can. Decide that you will take charge and live your life to the fullest. You have been given this very moment, minute, hour, day. Don't waste it! Your decisions, whether right or wrong, are yours! Take this day and give it all you have and watch your life unfold. Life is a miracle....don't you dare forget it.

Monday, July 30, 2012


Word of the Day........ Frustation......n.,.....state of insecurity arising from unresolved problems...... Annie says,"It's a hard knock world." And I agree wholeheartedly today. Here's the thing. It's my voice...accent...wording...whispering....talking....yelling. Navi the Navigator in my car can NOT understand me. Why, when I say Breckenridge does she tell me about all the Japanese, Chinese and Italian Restaurants close to me? Now, before you think I should be more concerned by NOT being able to find my hometown on my own....I can, well.....I can in most instances. I just wanted Navi to tell me today how to get from my brother's house to mine. I REFUSE to think that Texans have accents. We certainly can speak the King's English...and with great finesse I might add. If I'm hearing chuckling from my East Coast and Midwestern friends, then rest assured, I'm tuning you out. Much like Navi has tuned me out I guess. So yes....I can type in where I want to go.....I don't want to do that. I want to speak and hear her say,"OK,let me tell you how to get there"!! She does not do that, she simply assumes a haughty tone and spits out some haughty phrase. Thus, my frustration rises. I will admit that I don't normally get off my beaten path..and when I do, it's planned and I can type my darn destination into the system first. But I repeat....I DON'T want to do that!!! Now, she says if I'll speak French, maybe it will be better.....do I LOOK like I can speak French? Why can't she let me speak Spanish? I can do that....Maybe I should try speaking English with a FRENCH accent. I wonder if that would help. Do you think it would? Navi could be a very good friend. She can tell me the time, temperature and even the day of the month if I'm ever that confused. She can tell me to change my oil, check my tires, and how many miles to the gallon of gas I'm getting. O...and she's very very good at telling me to make a LEGAL U-Turn...so clearly she's law abiding. She can change my radio....change my cd's.....tell me how many miles to my destination, after I give in and type it in. She can whisper, talk or yell.....but then again so can I. I wonder if that's the problem. Maybe she can understand Texan, but not Texan being YELLED. I know I've mentioned Navi before...maybe she just enjoys her name in 'lights' and continues to hand out frustration at every corner, road, highway, interstate and LEGAL U-Turn, so I'll continue to blog about her. I find myself at the end of my rope.....I'm gonna read the manual which yes, I should have read to start with and see if it says....O By The Way, if you're from Texas..........don''t bother with Audio Navigation....it leads to Frustration!

Friday, July 27, 2012


Word of the Day...... Early.....adj.,...............before the expected time. I am taking a poll this morning. Raise your hand...right, left, I don't care.....if you think 2:30 a.m. is too d*mn early to wake up and stay up. Both of my hands are waving in the air and I would be jumping up and down in agreement if I just had the energy. I knew it...I just knew it....you agree. Hands are going up everywhere...well...hands of the two people that read this blog. It is dark at 2:30.....it is quiet at 2:30......it is time for sleeping. So here's my choices......and I'm getting quite good at them since I've seen 2:30 a.m. a LOT these last few weeks. I can get mad...which I usually do......I can read, I can lie there and think about all the troubles I have, you have, the people that live in Boston, Chicago or New York have. I can toss and turn.....I can get mad again. Or I can just get up and put the coffee on. I don't like any of the above choices.....would you? What would you do? I'm listening....but you're not answering BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT AWAKE!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Word of the Day.... Splash...n.,....the action of splashing. Splash is a happy word...don't you think? It brings up images of children in a pool on a hot summer day. It makes you think of a cool splash of tonic water mixed with....well, whatever you want. It brightens your mind with colors on a canvas. It just sounds fun. It can be a noun or a verb. It is a multi-talented word. I like the way it sounds. Some of you can remember a Splish Splash song. That was a happy song...very upbeat. Splash is a wispy word. Splashes don't normally last long. Splashers are usually having a good time. Splash has some 'cousins' with the same traits......flash, dash. Those are wispy words too. Here now...gone soon. Splash just seems cool to me. Does it to you? I don't think of a splash of coffee or hot chocolate. I don't think of a splash of gravy on meat. I think of the splash of a slice of lemon hitting a tall glass of Sweet Tea. Or the splash of a slice of lime mixing in with that tonic water and whatever. It's a summer word for sure. So get out there and enjoy some Splash in your summer days. Life will just have to be better.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Word of the Day...... Ticked....adj.,....angry, upset. I have been somewhat TICKED today. Let me rephrase.....more than somewhat. It could have something to do with the fact that my eyes flew open at 3:30 a.m. and never closed again. Now..there are times when waking at 3:30 a.m. is exciting. Do you remember when you were a kid and a family road trip was on the horizon and everybody got up at 3:30 or 4 a.m. to pack the car and head out? That was exciting. You knew you were in for a treat. I knew this morning no fun road trips awaited me. It was supposed to be a morning of not having to get up. So as usual I fought it for about 3 hours. OK fine. I got up....made coffee and decided to catch up on FB to see what my friends were doing and on Twitter to see what the world was doing. And of course give you your Word of the Day cause I know it just helps you along. I'm selfless like that. Your computer can not connect with the internet. Please wait awhile and try again. These are the words I saw. I did NOT want to wait awhile and try again. I did not want to be up, but if I had to be, then I wanted to connect to the outside world. I began to be sure there were things happening that I needed to know about RIGHT THAT MOMENT. I was for all intents and purposes Robinson Crusoe. Yes, I know the television would have filled me in on the world's happenings, but that wasn't what I wanted. I wanted FB and Twitter. Didn't get it. Thus TICKED. Ticked is a state of mind. So I decided it was all Mind over Matter. Hmmmmmmm..that worked for 45 seconds. Backed to Ticked. I think there are just some days that one deserves to wallow. This was my day. Hopefully tomorrow won't be yours.

Monday, July 23, 2012


Word of the Day...... Label....n.,....a descriptive or identifying word or phrase..... Let's put a label on your life. Now, take a minute and decide what you want it to me.....I'll wait. Okay, so now you've decided. Maybe you decided bossy, or motherly or kind or happy or intuitive or prideful or humble or competent or sane or serious, or whatever. What are you going to do about it? How are you going to make your chosen label stick to you? Are you going to print it off and use superglue and put it on your forehead? Or you going to the nearest tattoo artist and put it on you arm or ankle or foot? Are you going to use a sticky note so you might be able to change you label if and when you want? How are you going to make your own personal label, that you've chosen, stick to you? Really stick....because if it doesn't stick, then it's not your label. Next step, how long is it going to take you to live your label? How many bumps in the road? How many 'sharp curves ahead'? How many Control/Alt/Deletes? You're human so I'm pretty sure you'll have your fair share of all of the above. Nothing is perfected in a second, minute, hour or day. And you know what? I don't think it matters how long it takes you. I think what matters is that you're trying to be what you want to be. The old phrases....'If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now'......'Rome Wasn't Built In A Day'.......'It Takes One To Know One'.....these all apply to labels. Pick your own personal label and make it happen. Be the person proud of your label. After all, you picked it!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Word of the Day............ Move....v.,......change residence or workplace. The very word MOVE in the above context makes me want to running screaming into the pasture. Who likes to move? There is nothing nice about people who have to move. For days they build up into these frantic, wild eyed creatures who vow they will NEVER again gather so much junk into their lives. Well, I hate to say the words out loud, but today is MOVING day in my world. Our daughter is moving for the 9th time, I believe, in 8 years. So in a bit....off I go into the wildness that is called the MetroMess of DFW and participate. Her father is much smarter. He seems to have missed all but 2-3 of these moves. He has to work, he has things to do, he is busy, when actually he is Wiley Coyote who somehow manages to be otherwise engaged. Frankly, this has been for the best. There has not been a killin and I'm not quite sure we wouldn't have made the front page of the Dallas Morning News had he been there for the last few moves. The last time he helped move, we showed up at her apt. with a cattle trailer that had NOT been cleaned out....if you get my drift, swept yes, washed no. You can imagine the look of horror on her face and if you can't, that's a good thing. You might not survive the nightmares. WE have smartened up over the years. This is our 4th move that we've hired movers. As a matter of fact when we called this time, they recognized her name and mentioned they'd been waiting for her call...hardeee har har!! Here's another good thing about THIS move....I'm only going to be on the end. I shall be waiting at the new place when the moving van, her car and her boyfriend's(I'll love you forever Dustin) pickup show up. Hopefully, they will have gotten over their extreme anger in the 40 minute drive from the old place to the new. If not, I will be prepared by having nice libations waiting. I've tried to be bright and cheery about this 9th move saying platitudes like....well, it helps you clean out the clutter in your life, and new places/new jobs are always exciting. I have been met with glares; I don't care if it is over the Iphones, I know she's glaring. Again.....thanks be to Glory I"ll only be on the end of this move. So as the beautiful Saturday makes its way through your life, and YOU'RE NOT MOVING. Be thankful. Things could be worse!

Friday, July 20, 2012


Word of the Day..... Devour....v.,....to eat up ravenously. Let's consider the word Devour. If you say it 17 times in a row, it starts to sound weird. I see kids devour their lunches every day at school. Not sure it's because they are really that hungry, or want to get the business of eating over, so they can get on with their social lives. Sometimes readers devour a good book. I mean a really good book is like eating your very favorite meal. You gobble it page by page. I don't like to devour a book....instead I love to take my time and look forward to each page. But sometimes, if it has really drawn me in...I can't help it, I devour it. My little Missy, devours her food. It's like she never gets fed. She's been with us for about 12 years but did come from a shelter. I wonder if she was hungry most of her puppyhood and so feels the need to devour whatever she happens to be eating. But on the other hand, I think we sometimes let things devour us. You might want to consider if something devours you, and if so, what. Are you devoured by fear, greed, selfishness, dominance, worry, stress? I can't imagine what devoured the movie theater shooter. He certainly has been devoured by something incredibly evil....something so monstrous he couldn't shake it. He is an extreme example; someone about whom we never want to even think. But he is human as we are and that says it all. We are not infallible. He has been devoured by hatred. Let's lighten up! I hope you're devoured by joy, family, friends, love and peace. We all know people like that. They light up a room. They set examples. They live a joyous life. I hope these wonderful things devour you like a good book. Bad days will come. No doubt. But the thing about life is, it is ever changing, evolving and growing. Be devoured by good things and then pass them on.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Word of the Day..... Blind...adj.,.....unable to see. I am blind...well, not really completely blind, but without glasses or contacts, my world is pretty darn fuzzy. This is a condition that nearly just killed me. I don't think people can actually die from being blind, but the actions one might take when dealing with this condition just about 'did me in'. My heart is pounding, my already just a tad too high blood pressure is soaring, I'm recovering from ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You see, I picked up a bug. I don't know what I though this lump on the floor was, but turns out it was one of those big grey locust like things that started buzzing at me. O M Gosh.........did you hear me scream? I bet you thought it was the tornado siren going off. Missy, my dog came running.....Chica, my cat scurried out of the room....I'm sure Mr. P went back to roost even though the sun is shining and he's making his daily 'pecking at grasshoppers' rounds. My husband is working about 25 miles away... he probably would be calling if I hadn't washed his phone....see my other blog about that entire situation. I wonder what the bug thought? He may have died of fright. Or he's in such a traumatic state he wishes he'd never made his way out of the heat into this cool house. Now, what am I gonna do? Good news is that Dax is home and I COULD go wake him up to take care of this beast......or......I could go get the vacuum and suck that huge, horrible, buzzing thing up. But here's the problem.....my glasses are in the other room....contacts in the bathroom. I'm gonna have to walk BLIND to get either choice. What if he's moved and I step on that bug? Hmmmmmmm...I suppose I could crawl on my hands and knees....my eyes would be closer to the floor and I could see better..but concrete floors and my shall we say, 'not so young' knees might not be best friends. I teach teenagers for a living.....I have as many as 30 in my classroom at one time. I should be afraid of NOTHING. But I'm blind...and there is that bug!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Word of the Day..... Story.....n.,....account of events. I used to have a teacher that every morning would say....'What's your story Morning Glory?' As a kid I loved that not only because it was a happy greeting but also because it meant that I had a story. So, I ask you.....'What's your story Morning Glory?' Hmmmmmmmm.......you say? Well, you better know because you're writing it this very instant. You, my friend, are an author.....a published author. And your book is read by each and every one that you know. Co-workers, friends, family, clerks at Wal Mart, people driving in the lane next to you....they are all reading your story. And there is NO editing. Seconds, minutes and hours can never be regained. Days, months, and years can never be rewritten. You're rude to someone....that's a chapter in your story. You cheat someone....there's another chapter. You help someone, say a kind word, open a door, bring a meal, offer a smile....good chapters all. I love books and I love to people watch. Great fun is people watching...they are out there writing their stories and I get to watch. Some are writing comedies and some are writing tragedies. And I promise you, most are totally unaware that they are writing at all. What's your story Morning Glory? Make it a good one!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Word of the Day..... Intriguing....adj.,.......engaging the interest to a marked degree. What is intriguing to you. The wonder of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly...the next 'Who Done It' you will read....rainbows? The air vaporizing into mist over a tank in a green pasture? How a text message goes from phone to phone nearly instantaneously. I think when we really look at life, every mili-second is intriguing. Why you and not me? Why black and not white? Why round and not square? Are you missing out on life's intrigues by merely going through the motions of your day? I hope not. I hope life isn't so routine for you that you miss colors and motions and miracles. If you think there are no mysteries left, then you're wrong. Life is full of twists and turns and intrigues. Be aware....find something that piques your curiosity, that satisfies your soul, that lights up your eyes, that pulls at your senses. Life is brim full of mysteries to be explored. Find them!!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Word of the Day........ Comfort......n.,.....strengthening aid, a feeling of relief or encouragement. What does comfort mean to you? I think it means many things to everybody. Sometimes, comfort is a warm coat on a cold day. Sometimes, it maybe be a buzz fan blowing the air. Comfort may be a full gas tank on a road trip, or a wonderfully thick book by your very favorite author. At our house, we put on our 'comfies', this denotes the end of the day....work is over, chores may or may not have been completely done, but we are in our 'comfort' zone. We are out to impress NOBODY. If you come to our house later than about 6 p.m......get ready. We'll be in our comfies that usually don't match, sometimes may have a ripped seam or two and always have been washed a gadzillion times. I heard one time from a psychologist on TV that everybody needs to changes clothes immediately when getting home from work. That this change subconsciously tells your body to relax....so get out of those suits, heels and well.....let's discreetly say, confining undergarments. Enter your comfort zone. So somebody drops by...they dang sure should have called first if they want to see you dressed in your finest. I love comfort.....I think everybody does, but to really delve into your comfort zone....and wallow in it....that's just fun. On the couch, hair pulled back in a clip, feet in some great socks, not having to hold it up or suck it in....hey now.....that's being in your comfies and well, just finding comfort in the little things.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Throw Away...

Words of the Day... Throw Away..v.,....to discard. What will you throw away today? Let's see, you might throw away used paper napkins,plastic bags from WalMart. Maybe you'll throw away pens that don't work, dried up mascara tubes, empty bottles of shampoo, plastic knives and forks. We are truly a throw away society. We throw away toasters that don't work, microwaves that heat slowly, tools of all kinds. We throw away receipts, empty milk cartons and cereal boxes. Some of us recycle what we can and don't throw away nearly as much as others of us do. But we all throw away more important things. We all throw away opportunities to make a difference to someone. We throw away minutes of time that can never be regained. We throw away relationships that should be built and not discarded. I wonder if you've ever regretted lost hours.....opportunities to share hugs, words, and reflections with family and friends? In today's world we sometimes stare aimlessly at the television when within arm's reach is someone who makes your world shine. Will there always be a tomorrow with that someone? Minutes can not be regained, conversations can not be rewritten, lost time is just that....lost. What was that someone said? Maybe you should have paid more attention? Who was that who called and you ignored? Maybe you should have answered. Recycle what you can. When you throw away moments they are gone. Time is precious but fleeting. Don't throw away what can't be reclaimed. Live in the present; it soon becomes your past.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Word of the Day...... Anxiety...n.,.......apprehensive uneasiness of mind Anxiety is a part of life. If you have never had anxiety, then you are either oblivious to life, or you aren't being truthful with yourself. There are a million things to be anxious over each and every day. Make that a trillion if you have kids.I want ....all of my ducks in a row.....all of my kid's ducks in a row.....everybody's ducks in a row......when they are not, I have a little anxiety. No, let's make that a BIG anxiety lurking in the back of my mind. Different personalities don't handle anxieties in the same way......duh. I want to get out there and FIX IT right now...even if it is impossible to fix at 2 a.m.....:)) Some people want to mull things over, figure out the best way to handle whatever is happening, then slowly get things done. I envy those people. They handle anxiety better than I do. They are the 'it will all work out' sort of folks. Not me......I want to WORK IT OUT....and I want to do it NOW. Anxiety equals worry, sharpness, niggling doubts, just a disruption of life. It makes me totally unfocused. I do nothing well when I'm anxious. I enjoy nothing. I pick up a book and read 10 pages and couldn't tell you what I've read or even IF I've read. Anxiety is a part of life. I wonder how you handle it? I probably could learn a lot from most everybody I know. My stomach hurts; I don't sleep well; I may or may not be somewhat touchy to be around. So now comes the time when I should issue platitudes about having anxiety. When I should say calming, soft things that reassure you of the working out of things in your life. Sorry..... I have anxiety...... you're on your own!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Word of the Day...... Abuse......n.,..improper or excessive use or treatment. Let me be perfectly clear up front....as I write this, tears are streaming down my face. I can NOT fathom how anybody that has a God Given Soul can abuse another human or animal. If you know me, you know that I am truly an animal lover. If there is a dog in the room, I"m petting it. I will jump over the coach and break a leg to turn the channel when one of those animal ASPCA commercials comes on TV. I'm actually quite ashamed of myself, that I can't face it and look it straight in the eye. But I can't. I turn my head when I see the Animal Control car drive by.......the very thought of it breaks my heart. I will not read nor watch a movie/book where there is a hint of animal abuse. Water For Elephants, Marley and Me.....not a chance of me picking either up. I'm sure they are wonderful books, but I can't do it. I did read Dewey the Library Cat and cried for an hour, just because Dewey died. There was no abuse after Dewey was found. As a matter of fact he became a world famous cat....and by the way the book is a true story. But he died and yep.....waterworks started. Can anyone tell me what horrific character flaw one must have to feel compelled to abuse an animal? So today....here on my Facebook feed is this picture of that precious little dog...I have seen it twice now. It has sent me into a fit of tears. I may not look at FB again today. Hunters for meat are one thing......deliverers of pain just to feel superior are sick human beings. I JUST CAN'T FATHOM IT!! I know there are non-animal lovers in this world, and you know what? That's fine......you don't have to love them....just don't hurt them. OK....off my Soapbox to find yet another box of Kleenex. Sorry....maybe tomorrow will be a happier rant!!

Monday, July 9, 2012


Word of the Day......, MetroMess.....DFW area How do you people do it? Although I must say dinner with Dev, Dax and Aly make it all worth the madness that is the MetroMess!! Have a great day Guys and Dolls.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Word or the Day............. Numbers.....n.,....quantity or order I hate numbers.....I really do. They are not my friends.....they do things like add, subtract, multiply, divide, square, equal......they have angles, and fractions and systems and graphs. We live in a world of numbers.....speed limits, and prices and channels on the tv and radio. We count our money and we count our bills. How many kids do you have? How many years have your worked? What is your phone number? What is your credit score? Numbers line up so neatly....they are just so darn organized. Why can't they just be random? One of them should have the nerve to step out of line and cause number chaos. Then maybe I would enjoy them more. They would be more fun, more bold.....a little daring. Who came up with numbers anyway? I mean if Al Gore invented the internet...and Margaret Thatcher invented soft serve ice cream, then why doesn't someone admit to inventing numbers? Maybe because it's a shameful thing. I wouldn't want to admit it if I had invented numbers. I'd rather have invented words. Words are fun.....they are colorful and they describe and detail and draw and color. Words are my friends. I hate numbers.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Word of the Day....... We...pron.,.......I and the rest of a group. For a long time....possibly forever....I've loved the word WE. It denotes togetherness, bonding, circles of friends and families. I just love being a WE. When I think about life, I realize that there are lots of circles of WE'S......you have them as well. There are circles of we's at work, maybe clubs or civic organizations, church, acquaintances, friends, close friends, really close friends and family. These are just a few. Some WE'S are just two people; some WE'S are a few or a great many people. Some WE'S in your life you have the power to pick and chose, and some you do not. Some you are probably very proud of.....those that do good deeds, those that you love being around. But there may be WE'S that you aren't so happy to be included in...for whatever reason. Certainly I'm not saying that being an I is bad. It takes I's to make WE's. And you need to be very careful that you don't lose your I when you become a WE. For it is the individual personalities that make some of the best WE'S.....the kindness, the humor, the frankness, the gentleness. These traits all go into making wonderful WE'S. Always be your true I.....but when you become a WE, make sure that it brings you joy. Your days are too short to give to those WE'S that don't give blessings....both to you and others. I just love being a WE. It's a warm coat on a chilly night, it's the hot sun around a cold pool, it's a cup of morning coffee or afternoon tea. It's laughter, shared tears, advice given and received. WE'S are comfort zones with big barriers keeping out the rest of the world. WE'S sooth my soul.

Friday, July 6, 2012


Word of the Day...... Default....n.,.....a selection made usually automatically or without active consideration. You know words are funny things. Sometimes the same word can be used as nouns or verbs, adjectives or adverbs. And over the years words have added meanings. Twenty years ago, when you heard the word DEFAULT, you would have never thought of it in computer terms....like default setting. It would have denoted a failure to do an action....i.e...pay bill, show at a proceeding etc. But in today's very technology centered world, default is a totally different thing. So I'm wondering about personal default settings. I think we all have them. Do you default to angry, silly, moody, happy, stern? I think we all have DEFAULT reputations. Remember Ouiser Boudreaux from Steel Magnolias......her default setting was a bad mood. That was what she was known for......grumpy, disapproving, generally cantankerous. What are you known for? More importantly what do you WANT to be known for? It may just be that what you desire your image to be, is not quite your default setting. Just as you can change the settings on your computer, you can change your own default setting. Gonna take some work to get there. Gonna take some mind over matter. Think about your Default setting and is it what you want to portray to your family, friends and the world. If it is...Congratulations!! If it's not.....change it! We live in an ever changing world. Here today...Gone tomorrow. But your reputation....your DEFAULT SETTING....takes hard work to maintain and or change. Be proud or hit Control/Alt/Delete!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Word of the Day..... Still....v.,...to become motionless or silent. Still is a very common word....we hear if from the time we're young. Be still so I can brush your hair. Be still or you're going to break something. Be still and do your homework. Be still, be still be still. You know I think being still physically isn't hard for most of us....especially as we hmmmmmmmm....age. But being still MENTALLY is another thing. And it is just as important as being still physically. We can lounge on the couch or in a recliner and be perfectly still. Arms and legs motionless, languid, lazy....this NON-action isn't hard. But being still mentally is another thing. While we're physically still, our minds are usually running around thinking about this and that. It takes some effort to be totally mentally still. Maybe you call it meditation, maybe you call it blanking out. Whatever you call it, I think it very important to DO IT. Just as your body needs stillness, so does your mind. Empty it out!! For some people they might need a teaspoon to empty their mind into....for others, a huge barrel. But the very art of emptying your mind is not a natural thing. We are used to doing 10 things at once....especially mentally. We listen to the radio while making a 'to do' list. We chat on the phone while mentally figuring out this problem or that. We constantly have noise around us that we tune in while we go about our days. Not a problem with any of the above. But I challenge you to find the time..whether it be a minute, 5 minutes or 10, to empty your mind and mentally BE STILL. I can hear you now...."I don't have the time". Yes you do!! Complete mental stillness for however long rejuvenates....let's say it 'jump starts' your brain power. Things then get done faster, better and in the end YOU WIN!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Word of the Day........ Silhouette.....n.,....outline figure. There are many silhouettes in today's world that are very recognizable. If you're of a certain 'age', you will never forget the silhouette of Alfred Hitchcock before his television show started. Italy....the silhouette of a boot. The Great State of Texas.....as opposed to...let's say Idaho's silhouette.....one very recognizable and one not so much. The Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower...there are many famous silhouettes we can recognize. I hate my silhouette...thanks to the girl in that long ago volleyball game who planted her elbow between my eyes, thus breaking my nose. But let's think of SILHOUETTE in a totally different way. Each of us has been given a life that is a silhouette. An outline to be filled in.....to be colored....in hues and tints that make our lives unique. How are you filling in your God given silhouette? Are you using dark colors that destroy and discourage? Are you just throwing colors in your silhouette with no rhyme or reason, hoping that at some point it makes sense? Or perhaps and hopefully you're coloring with vividness that shines and brightens and pours out support and inspiration, that stimulates and animates and boosts others. Today we celebrate freedom( see you KNEW I'd get around to this sooner or later didn't you?). The heroes of American freedom filled in their SILHOUETTES with courage and conviction. They filled their silhouettes in with purpose and sacrifice. And to this day and everyday we still have those who are filling in their outlines with giving back and protecting and serving. You may not be on the front lines of a war, you may not be in foreign lands representing the United States of America. You may not think that this nation is as great,as powerful, as awesome as it once was....but please, if only for today, fill in part of your SILHOUETTE with pride for those who have fought and died for Her....for those who still live with the scars of war......for those who aren't home today celebrating with cook-outs and fireworks. I ask that .....if only for today....you color part of your silhouette RED,WHITE AND BLUE!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Word of the Day....... Gather...v.t.,.....bring together..... What do you gather in your life? I immediately think of gathering flowers, or we gather things up for a garage sale. Maybe we gather dirty clothes and wash them. A painter gathers his brushes and paints; a carpenter gathers his tools; a baker gathers ingredients. Years ago, farmers spoke of gathering their crops. We gather our money before a shopping trip. We gather our bills and pay them. We can gather friends for dinner and most probably tomorrow you might gather together to celebrate July 4th. But truly I think we gather each and every second without realizing it. You gather your thoughts before your speak...or if you don't, then quite possibly you should. We gather our emotions in situations where we are uncomfortable or we're sad We gather lots of this and that and truly our days may be spent gathering things we are totally unaware of being in our lives. I think we need to be very careful of what we gather. Don't gather destructive things or thoughts. Gathering things of this nature builds and grows and then we sometimes BECOME destructive people. What if we all spent our days gathering jealousies, or criticisms of others? What if we only concentrate on being the one to spread the gossip that has gathered around and about others? What does that say about us? Instead, let's live our lives gathering praise and encouragement and inspiration. Be the one that boosts, not tears down, supports, not demoralizes. Gather those things around you that you can pass on to others to make lives better. Be that person. Live that life.