Sunday, August 31, 2014


Time....Times Three We are three dimensional when it comes to time. We, as humans, live in the present, recollect the past, and look toward the future. This set of circumstances can be both blessings and curses. How sad it would be to lose wonderful memories of the past or not to be able to anticipate exciting things to come. But also how sad to miss out on the present because we dwell on past mistakes and worry about the future. I think sometimes the rooms of our minds are cluttered with too much regret and worry, much like a hoarder only leaves a trail in a house,we only leave a tiny space to enjoy today. And with this overabundance of thoughts, we struggle to walk through our present. We are too busy finding the trail through the mass of mistakes and worry. We have no open space to just be. So today, I hope you clear the clutter. Literally throw it away. It may return, in fact it most probably will, but just today, have a clear, clean, wide open space of the present. Enjoy this day. You can never erase past mistakes, nor change the future by worry. Today, be an open sky, a pasture of swaying grass, a mountaintop of thankfulness. Enjoy this Sunday. It's your day.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Babble.....and not a brook.

My Thought for this Day.......Sometimes listening to your own silence is the best lesson you can learn. Just stop the endless chatter, the constant bombardment of words. For at the end of the day, no one is listening to you but you. Be still and silent. Learn more about yourself, and less about your babble. You will be so surprised then how people will tune you in, not tune you out.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


My Thought for this Day........Search and find someone in your life whom you think is righteous......then emulate them. It's. Just. That. Simple.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Today we're going to chat about money. Yes, I know that it's not considered proper to speak of one's wealth...or lack there of. I'm not interested in the amount of money you have; no one should be. What I am interested in is what you do with it, how you help others with it....wait! I'm hearing a small rumble of "I can barely get by on what I have; how can I help others?" So you don't think you have enough money to pay your bills? Or you're thinking that you barely get by, so philanthropy is not a possibility? Here's what I'm thinking.....IF you have bills to pay, then you have more than others. What about the mother in an abusive situation who is relying on a homeless shelter to fed and protect her and her children.....give to it! What about Meals on Wheels that furnishes food to the elderly who have empty cabinets.....give to it! What about the animal shelter that houses many of God's creatures when no one else will......give to it! Look around you....the possibilities are endless. And here's the doesn't matter if you give one dollar or a thousand or a million; your heart should be in the giving, not the amount. We all have the ability to give. I dare say at some point you've been helped. Yes you have!!!! Don't put blinders on to protect your selfishness. Give!! Money!! Now!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Repost....But O So Relevant.

My Thought for this Day.......While you're walking on water today, realize how deep your sea is. #getoveryourself

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


My Thought for this Day........I hope when you read this.....whether it be early morning, mid day, or stop, and for just a few moments, you ever so quietly study the Mirror of you Mind. You truly see what it reflects. You study the image carefully. You realize exactly what you're seeing. I think we tend to spend so much time on our outer appearances, we neglect our inward portrait. We don't see what is truly there. Maybe we need Windex and a rag to work on the fog of our Mirror. Maybe we need to really polish it, shine it, to make sure we can see it in detail. And when it is polished, when it is clear, when you have the courage to see your reflection for what it really is, then have the honesty, strength and integrity to admit that no one's reflection is pure....not yours and not mine. And here's the thing.....when you make that study, take that time, polish that glass.........then you have begun the journey of change, and what you reflect begins to become more selfless, more giving, more what life is truly about. It's not the studying that's the most's the shining. The Mirror of your it's up to you.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

It's Time.....

And They're Off............... This is dedicated to my many friends who are watching their children leave for college. Right or wrong you have done your job. You were given 18 years to prep this meal and now you are setting it on the table. Some dishes will be too salty, some too sweet, some too bland, but all will be on the table of your child's life and mixed together they will be the beginning of such an adventure. Whether you are watching them leave for college, trade school, a job are watching independence. There is not an emotion in your entire being that you won't feel. But know this.......the culmination of all your hard work is beginning to pay off. Mistakes in the future? You bet! After all, you raised a human. Anxiety? Of course. After all YOU are a parent. But I'm gonna go out on a limb and say deep down in the very recesses of your heart you wouldn't have it any other way. For to have it any keep that child tethered to your proverbial apron strings is to deny him or her the right to spread those wonderful wings and fly. And what an unbelievable meal it is to share. Please take this with the love with which it is have imparted as much as you can, and yes, while there are still many lessons for them to learn, they will be learned without you standing directly in front of them. They will hurt, they will cry, they will break dishes and drop forks, but o yes!.....they will also feast on the opportunity of becoming who they are meant to be. I could go on and on for I have been in your shoes. I have cried rivers of tears and also wanted to reach across miles and wring necks. But I have also smiled and glowed and swelled with pride at their accomplishments. So I'm going to close this way. You have set the table. Now say Grace over it. Not today but EVERY day. Then step back and know that you have laid the tablecloth and dishes the best you knew how. It is now time to allow your child to eat.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


My thought for this Day.......If you don't savor the bite, how do you enjoy a feast? If you don't hold a penny, how do you save a dollar? If you don't listen to a word, how do you understand a conversation? Life is not about the bigs; it's about the littles. It's about the simple, not the complex. It's about simmering rather than boiling. It's not about the first page, or the's about the entire book. Enjoy the pieces of the puzzle, and the placing them together to form a spectacular life panorama. No one's puzzle has, or is, or will be like yours. Please gather in your small things, don't race from one big event to another. How incredibly sad to miss the tiny, yet mighty moments that define your days. The first sip of a hot cup of coffee, the rereading of woven words, the belly laugh with a really good friend, the tiniest detail of a picture....these are the things that make your rainbow. Don't miss the colors of life searching for your pot of gold.

Friday, August 15, 2014


My Thought for this Day......I woke up this morning with a song in my head. It was "Coming out of the Dark". Gloria Estefan sang this song when she emerged from her years of rebuilding her life after a horrific tour bus accident. My immediate thought was that we all 'Come out of the Dark' each morning. Whether you've had blissful, nourishing sleep, or a night of worried tossing and turning, in God's time you will come out of the dark. And with this lightness will come a new awakening. It is up to you how you stand in your spotlight of brightness. It is your decision how you face the light of a new day. It is your choice to build the day or tear it down. The pinkness of the new dawn will turn into clear blue skies or thunderheads.....mentally and physically in your words, thoughts and actions. So I'm throwing this out to you. Upon awakening, your first thought, your immediate reaction to your gift of a new day, your time to set the tone, strum the song, beat the drum......this is quite possibly the most important moment of your day. Will you arise Coming out of the Dark, or Hauling the Darkness around like a heavy sack? You and you alone are the carver, the potter, the painter of your light.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


My Thought for the Day.......Do you realize we only lease our lives? We rent our bodies? We do not own them. We have varying beliefs, thoughts, and actions on our leases. Some people take them more seriously than others. Some never even consider that one day our leases will expire. Leases end in all sorts of ways. For some, it is just the decision to stop paying the rent and move on...........for these souls the pain and hurt must be so deep and wide and endless that they see no other option. You have never and will never walk in another's shoes, breath their air, nor know exactly why they keep or break their leases. You will never ever feel the pain of anyone but you and to say otherwise is presumptuous and ignorant on your part. Don't ever say," I know how you feel" because you DON'T! It is said that life is for the living.....but it is my belief it is also for the dead. For at times the dead teach so powerfully that these lessons surpass anything we have ever experienced. Whether you lease a penthouse or a basement, you do lease. Please take stock of everything and everyone that inhabits your space. Listen, seek, watch, speak, and most of all learn. With learning you teach.......what is your lease lesson telling the world?

Sunday, August 10, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Every one of us is in place....not in A place. We are positioned physically and emotionally. Our duty, joy, sorrow, guilt, fulfillment is to realize our places are wisps of clouds. They are tendrils of fog that at the slightest breeze may reshape, reform, or restructure. Do you even recognize your place? It is fleeting and yet permanent. It is Holy.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


My Thought for this Day......We are all human. In this we share so much, yet are so unique. We have physical bodies that are more complex than is humanly possible to conceive. We have emotional webs that are more intricate than the most fragile of spider webs. We are ourselves. We are creations of a Mighty Power. We are steeped in the waters of life and become stronger or drown. We are capable of much more than we will ever realize. We live and breath and seek and find and soar and fall. We are human. This is us.

Friday, August 8, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Life is full of Beginnings, Middles and Endings. New beginnings we sometimes associate with excitement. Endings are often times perceived as sad. Middles can flat line. The important thing is to remember this. Whatever process you are going through, walking into, coming out of.....each has a Present. That is what is important. Don't let the past or the future ruin the present. Nothing is more important than to realize each minute is your reality....not a beginning, middle or ending. Make each moment count...but not only for you....make it important to those around you. Life deserves your full attention.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


My Thought for the Day........Rips.....common occurrences.....rips in the pages of the newspaper, rips in a brand new shirt, rips in a picture. What about the rips in the Canvas of your Life? Not so easily repaired with a strand of thread or a piece of tape are these Life Rips. It is my belief that we sometimes rip the hearts of others....both intentionally or not. If at this second you are thinking, not me.....then go find a blog on being honest with yourself. You have and will in the future rip a heart and your heart will be ripped. The key is the realization of intent. If, at any time, you intentionally rip the heart of a family member, friend or even stranger, if you intentionally throw out words, actions and deeds that hurt, if you stand O just a little bit HIGHER on the Ladder of Life and refuse to look down at those underneath you, then I would encourage you to take a long razor edged look at your own Canvas of Life. Examine the rips that are there, for there are some. Remember the hurt. Delve deep into your heart. Life is not about ripping. Life is about painting a picture that draws people in....doesn't push them out. Don't Tear....mend instead. Or better yet, put away all sharp objects that may...just may....cut someone to the core. The human heart is fragile and when torn, becomes even more tender. Today, I will publicly admit that I have been a ripper, a tearer, a shredder. But I will also vow to understand more, to the best of my ability, to whatever extent I can, the hurt of ripped souls. Are you standing by my side on the Ladder of Life, or above me?

Saturday, August 2, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......When you look in your life's rear view mirror, what do you see? Do you see mistakes discarded with no acceptance, acknowledgement or teaching? Do you see people left behind that mattered at one point, but now don't? Do you see uncertain steps that became weaker? Do you see missed opportunities that could have lead to exuberance and joy? Of course you do! You see all of these because you are human. You have and are and will make mistakes both small and large. It's called life! But wisdom comes with the examining of past errors. And wisdom is the key to your future.....not intelligence, not degrees, promotions .......wisdom. O how I long to be wise.