Thursday, September 13, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....Some days we have to fight for someone else. We have to be their battalion leader, their CEO, their champion. We go into full armor, and we become a warrior. Our eyes are outward, not inward. Our reward is their gold, not ours. We fight for them because they cannot, at this moment, do battle.  This is our duty. And in this war, we are shrewd, and capable and infallible. And we know, without a doubt, that if needed, any time, they would do the same for us. Consider the blessing of this. And then, be mighty.

Sunday, September 2, 2018


My Thought for this Day......Sometimes I envision us all in bubbles.  Spheres of iridescent lights that float on waves of human emotion. Our bubbles are filled with the whims of the universe, or truthfully, they are filled with what at this moment, in this exact time period carries each and every one of us to our destinies.  Here's the depth, the gut, the atmosphere of out bubbles.......our ability to simply float. And with this floating comes either resentment, strength, sadness, usefulness, ignorance or self knowledge of 'oh the places we will go'. So, to only keep your eyes on other's bubbles, envy, covet, grasp that which is not ours, is to miss the wonderful prisms of life that is your bubble.  Think about this....and think can't have or possess someone's else's bubble. You only have yours. So the key, the lesson, the life,  is to float within your sphere, knowing that whatever it is, it is truly meant for you. And in that knowledge, in those sparkling prisms of life, you find your core. What more could you ask for...for indeed, if you don't know yourself, your journey hasn't even begun.

Sunday, August 12, 2018


My Thought for this Day......Close your eyes; still your mind. At this moment we are mentally gazing up, and we are visualizing all the hands that have reached down to help us climb the dunes of our lives. See them clearly, focused, cupped in kindness, stretching out to you. Are they gnarled with age?  Are they roughened with work?  Are they soft and gentle with the touch of an angel. How many do you see?  Disregard those that might have pressed down. They do not matter: they have become invisible. They are obscure and dark in the shadows of your past. Today, we rejoice in those hands that have patted, lifted, and guided. I hope you can see them with clarity and can understand that they have molded and shaped the you of today.  And then, learn, my friend. Learn the guidance, the passion that these hands have bestowed on you. These hands have blessed you, and the biggest debt you have is reverently stretching your hand down and passing the gifts to those who walk underneath your own tutelage. Holding your hands and reaching down to raise someone up. Do it with unselfishness.  It's not about you when you are grasping a hand lifted up toward yours. It's just not. Be those hands that someone looks up to and says Yes!

Thursday, August 9, 2018


My Wish for you This Day........I wish that you could see yourself as others see you. The depth, the shallowness, the selfless, the selfish, the humble, the egotistical , the humorous, the godly, the godless,  the righteous, the ignorant, the will never know someone else, nor finish your mission on this earth until you know yourself.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


My Thought for the Day.......Do you realize we only lease our lives?  We rent our bodies?  We do not own them. We have varying beliefs, thoughts, and actions on our leases.  Some people take them more seriously than others. Some never even consider that one day our leases will expire. Leases end in all sorts of ways. For some, it is just the decision to stop paying the rent and move on...........for these souls the pain and hurt must be so deep and wide and endless that they see no other option.  You have never and will never walk in another's shoes, breath their air, nor know exactly why they keep or break their leases.  You will never ever feel the pain of anyone but you and to say otherwise is presumptuous and ignorant on your part.  Don't ever say," I know how you feel" because you DON'T!  It is said that life is for the living.....but it is my belief it is also for the dead. For at times the dead teach so powerfully that these lessons surpass anything we have ever experienced. Whether you lease a penthouse or a basement,  you do lease. Please take stock of everything and everyone that inhabits your space. Listen, seek, watch, speak, and most of all learn. With learning you teach.......what is your lease lesson telling the world?  

Sunday, July 29, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....Sometimes in life we all feel alone, forgotten, misunderstood, left out. But remember, even in our loneliness, we cast a long shadow. And in that shadow are memories, experiences, friends and family that are with us. The gift is to always believe in the shadow.

Friday, July 27, 2018


My Thought for this Day......I wonder what you let change your heart?  Do you allow gossip to weave its thorny vine around it?  Do you look only at the superficial appearance of people and turn and walk away with a hardened heart?  Do you stereotype your fellow man by race and ethnicity, thus missing out on a wealth of histories and cultures?  Are you missing the melting pot of the human race?  Does your heart cry out "Not like me, so not good"?  Think long and hard about just exactly what you might be missing. You are a tiny speck in a huge eternal world.  Can't you see that if you put blinders on your heart, you are overlooking the absolutely enormous gift of life in all its millions of facets?  What a shame. Embrace yourself with a coat of many fabrics. Each thread is special. Each stitch is God made.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


My Thought for this Day......Life. You’ll have days of silence and days of noise. In your soul. You’ll have days of sadness and days of joy. In your heart. You’ll have days of tiredness and days of energy. In your body. You’ll have days of optimism and days of pessimism. In your mind. You’ll have days of steadiness and days of stumbling. In your steps. You are not alone in any of these conditions. You are human.

Friday, July 13, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....Don’t compare. Don’t compare your experiences to someone else’s. Don’t compare your lifestyle, your material goods, your knowledge, your spirituality , your goals, your accomplishments. Don’t compare your despair. Comparison leads to either envy or arrogance. We all have a commonality of experiences, yet in our individuality we live them differently. We react differently. We mourn differently. We rejoice differently. We may walk the same path, yet we walk it our way. And that is the human experience. That is our experience.

Thursday, July 12, 2018


My Thought for this Day........In the quietness of the early morning is when you need to say hello to life. The hard lines of the day have not appeared. Daily disappointments are not yet present. The world is soft in your soul. Be gentle with yourself at this time. Reality will come on its own. For a few breaths, softly whisper your morning salutation.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....I think we can spend each and every day dwelling on the evil that is alive, well, and seemingly insurmountable in today's world. But instead, I choose to focus on the joy and strength of the human spirit. I choose to live with a clarity of sight, and  my eyes trained on the heavens and the surety that our mighty God sits on his throne. I choose to see me and my folks surrounded by invincible Angels, all tall in their stature and decked with the weapons of my Lord. I choose to not only believe, but know, that He will give me passage and if venom enters my world, He will give me the antidote with which to fight and win. I choose victory over loss.

Saturday, June 30, 2018


My Thought for this Day.......Maybe your world today is not in a picture perfect box tied with a very shiny bow. Maybe instead it is in a plastic bag with a hole and one broken handle. We've all been there. Many of us may be there now. Problems and sorrow and burdens of every kind weigh your plastic bag down and your fear is that all the pieces will fall out and never be retrieved and never be stored again in that beautiful box with that bow. The weight of that bag can and will weigh you down and do exactly what you let it. STEAL YOUR JOY!  Guard your heart with the promises given that you can carry your load and that you will be victorious. Life isn't always the candy aisle. Sometimes you have to be in the loading zone of burdens. But here's the joy. When you carry that burden, and then when you turn into that candy aisle, you have not only found your strength, you have been given the tools to help others when they are at their own loading dock. Be strong in your problems. Life abounds even when your choice isn't chocolate.

Thursday, June 28, 2018


My Thought for this Day......I hope you rise...always. Life has a way of throwing us into the dirt, against the wall, under the bus. But with faith and heart and glory, we can rise. When days are rough, and some will be, remember this quote from Maya Angelou. Her story is raw and real and still she rose. Be a riser. It is your duty to your existence. You are not meant for despair. You are meant to delight, defend and defeat. Rise.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


My Thought for this Day....Don’t live your life hoarding possessions. Make and hoard memories. What’s more important?  The right label?  Or the right moment?  Never take for granted that time waits for no man. It is quite frankly the most precious possession you have. There is no label worthy of your time. It is indescribably delicious. Savor it like a perfect meal, for it truly nourishes the spirit much like the healthiest of food sustains your body. Put those dollars not into what you wear or carry. Put those dollars in moments and memories. The day will come when your heart will thank you.

Saturday, June 23, 2018


My Thought for this Day.......Life is like a party. You invite a lot of people, some join you, some laugh with you, some don't come. But in the end, after the fun, there are only a few who stay and  help clean up the mess.  It’s the girl with the dishrag and mop who is the keeper of your heart and soul.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


My Thought for this Day ......To give unsolicited advice reeks of moral and intellectual superiority. We all are guilty of this. Whether to the president, your neighbor, or your best friend, you have climbed on your mountain top and slathered the air with your words. You insinuate that you know better. Well, what you know, is just a sliver of the situation. You can not, will not, nor will ever be able to see any situation from a space that is not yours. You occupy your spec of this earth ONLY. I am so sick of hearing what someone should or should not do from people who simply like to hear their own empty words. So let me give you some advice (tongue in cheek) STOP. Unsolicited advice is like junk mail. It is tossed. Save your breath. Pull your own weeds. Till your own soil. Build your own house of brick, not straw. There. I’ve said it. And it wasn’t asked for, nor probably wanted. So file it away in Drawer 13. But only after you have thought about it. 😁😁.

Monday, June 11, 2018


Do you realize what an honor it is to have someone pray for you?  I think if we are prayerful people, we concentrate much more on our prayers for others. We lift many in our prayers. But oh the joy and hope of realizing there are those who diligently pray for you. Think on this. For truly it is one of life’s biggest blessings. May you receive them in the earnestness in which they are given.

Saturday, June 9, 2018


My Thought for this Day....We’ve all made mistakes. Little ones, big ones, colossal ones. It’s the Art of being Human. We have even made the same mistake over and over and over. We have misused our time, our money, our friends, our family. To say you haven’t is to sound arrogant, and well, stupid. Some mistakes disrupt a moment, some an hour, and some, days and weeks and months. But when we are open to the idea of change and lessons, then the mistakes become growth. I don’t know how you turn a mistake around. That choice is as varied as our individual personalities. The how isn’t as important as the reality, and the breakthrough. Painful though it is, a life lesson learned is a life  changer. So if you, at this moment, are living under the umbrella of mistake, at some point, you’re going to have to stand in the rain to get to the sunshine.

Thursday, June 7, 2018


My Thought for this Day....I think many times we skim right by our blessings and view them as ordinary life. We are always waiting on that BIG one. And in our wait, we miss oh so much. Stop for a moment and just for a breath or two inflate your heart with the tiniest of your blessings. And if you are true to your life, you will immediately be immersed in moments of joy. Gratitude, that’s what’s for today.

Monday, June 4, 2018

New Normal.....

My Thought for this Day....I am literally pulled over on the side of the road and typing. ‘New Normal’ is reverberating in my mind. So here goes.  We all, from time to time, will encounter a new normal. Birth, death, new job, illness, friends, emotions, the list goes on and on. Here are our choices. Fight, rage, accept, learn, pass on. With our different personalities, we encounter a new normal in a myriad of ways. And they all are fine. It’s your choice, and life. Yet I know that at the end of your process, it’s the passing on, the teaching, the instructing that will make your new normal ok. I don’t know if you have a new normal in your life. If not now, you will. It’s a certainty. So my hope and wish for you is to walk through that darkness, or that light with the intention of growth, power and peace. And then, relax in your days embracing your evolution with prayer and grace. I find myself right smack in the middle of a new normal. And the struggle is real. But the reward is a lesson well learned and a road soon to be well traveled.

Saturday, June 2, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....I remember as a mother of small children the feeling...always the feeling...of needing to be in two places at once. Physically impossible. Emotionally exhausting. I had a very part time job when our kids were small, maybe an hour or two a day, and not every day. Yet the anguish was still there. I needed to do my job the best I could, yet my heart and breath longed to be at home. I think we, as women, tend to pile unearned guilt upon our heads and hearts. It’s the nature of us. So I’m saying it’s ok to feel, but it’s not ok to beat yourself up. I’m really not sure why this popped into my head at this moment, yet it did, so I’m trusting someone needs to read it. Be kind to yourself. Be gentle. You are one head, heart, soul. Don’t split yourself in half trying to be all to everyone you know. A candle in a relenting wind burns out. Love yourself. It will be fine.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


My Thought for this Day.......When you learn that you matter most of all, things change, and you become so amazingly strong. A better me always leads to a better we. It is not selfish. It is a realization that expands to change your world. The road is hard. The lines are long. The emotions are deep. The journey is arduous. Begin with the first step. Take a chance on you. It is a voyage of solitude. Your company is you. Please think on this. I promise it will imprint itself on your soul. And those who aren't waiting at your finish line, are leaves that shed in your wind.

Sunday, May 6, 2018


My Thought for this Day...Maybe today you don’t have to make a touchdown. Suppose you don’t have to kick a field goal. What if today, all you must do is be in the game wherever you are placed. And then play. Or sit it out. The blessed thing is that you are in the game and no matter your position, you have a place.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


My Thought for this Day.........When you're in the Eye of the Storm and your nerves are raw, yet you know another round is nearly upon you, what do you do? This moment tells the story of you.

Sunday, April 22, 2018


My Thought for this Day......In this world of cruelty, be kind. In this society of madness, be kind. In this atmosphere of self-righteousness, be kind. Be kind in deed, in thought, in action, in the face of despair. Be kind with your tongue, criticism, your piety. Be kind to those beneath you on whatever level you deem yourself to be. Be kind to those who seemingly mean nothing to you. Be kind to your past and your present and watch your future change. Kindness changes the world.

Sunday, April 15, 2018


My Thought for this Day....Do you do your part?  This question has been on my mind and heart this morning. I’m guilty. Are you? No matter the problem, be actively part of the solution. We all have things to do in our own space.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


My Thought for this Day.......Each and every day you must come out of your corner fighting.  Put on your gloves for what you know is your truth, what you hold in your heart, what you believe is your path. As you do this, take into consideration that life is not a popularity contest, but it isn't a boxing ring either. Mold your days as you see fit and in the throwing of life's pottery, remember sometimes your influence is felt more by the walk you walk,the steps you take, the high road that is yours, rather than a constant babble. Live and let live. And then, be strong enough to say....and mean....I did, not only what was right for me, but what was right for others. 

Saturday, March 24, 2018


My Thought for this Day......You could be wrong with your words. Be right with your attitude. Just like the bee's stinger, words stay in the skin.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....Whether shot out of your mouth like a cannon, whispered in an ear, or spoken with laughter, words are powerful. Use them wisely. They linger in the air, and poison or lift. You are your words. Once said, always remembered.

Monday, March 19, 2018


My Thought for this Day........A lesson learned is progress, but a lesson remembered is invaluable. Don't forget the lessons of yesterday, only to begin again at step one today. Repeated mistakes are wheels that turn in the exact same circles with no forward movement. They merely exhaust you to the point of despair. At some time you must take your leap of faith and at that moment your path becomes what it should be. Then you have not only learned, you have remembered. 

Thursday, March 1, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....When the haze covers your mountain top, realize the peak is still there. Waiting. You are living in the temporary, and the winds of change will surely come, and with grace and faith, you will once again see the glory that awaits.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


My Thought for this Day.......The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence....but there is a good chance it needs to be weeded!

Friday, February 23, 2018


My Thought for this Day......Just because you don't agree with someone's words, actions, deeds, or hairstyle doesn't mean they don't have a valuable place on this earth. We are all meant to live our own lives with our own dignities and truths. We are meant to hold ourselves to high standards which don't condemn, but teach. Shouting and cursing and pointing fingers are actions of hate and disdain. Be careful how you criticize unless you are sure you can walk on water while carrying your Birkin to your Lear. 

Saturday, February 17, 2018


My Thought for this Day........My wish is that every child had love and protection. But sadly, that is far from the truth. The infrastructure of America is in tatters. We are a society shattered by the iron strength of our families tumbling into millions of shards. We are confronted with young people who have no sense of security, nor self. Thus the lashing out is horrific.These kids live in the black. I am not making excuses for anyone who mows people down with any type of gun. I'm simply stating my heart. Our nation's children are being thrown away like yesterday's rubbish. They hide from their reality in any manner they can.  It is one thing to raise an entitled child. It is another for a child to have no foundation of trust, love or safety. Don't you dare tilt your head and say, " Well, in my day....".  Your day was not a constant barrage of social media comparing and abusing. Unless you walk everyday with these children whose eyes are blank, whose souls are pierced, and whose hopes are nil, you have no clue. I am merely stating a fact. When you have no coping skills, you can not cope. This is my thought. I will not debate nor defend. I live in the cauldron of this mess daily. I see the pain. Schools can not fix the unfixable. It has to begin at home. Yet our homes are merely houses, with no resemblance to home. It is overwhelming, raw and so filled with agony that we who observe it daily, can drown in their waters of black. I don't pretend to know how to put Humpty Dumpty together again.

Monday, February 5, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....You have two hands. Today, reach with one.....down, out to the side or up.  At some point you will either pull someone higher, hold someone close by your side, or be lifted toward the heavens. It doesn't matter the outcome; what matters is the effort. 

Saturday, February 3, 2018


My Thought for this Day.......I believe we live in a teflon world. We survive by letting things simply roll off our shoulders. In fact, we are told to to shrug it off. You know, you can just shrug off so many things. There is a limit. Eventually, you are so mired in oblivion surrounding you that you can’t move. I believe at some point the shrugging has to end, and the feeling begin. It’s tough, it hurts, at times it pierces your heart and spirit like a razor blade. It is opening a window in a powerful thunderstorm. It is the black before the light. And it is necessary to live an authentic life. It opens the wounds from the festering in the shadows. It is truth and beauty. It is vulnerability in is most powerful form. It is brave. It is true. It is you.

Friday, February 2, 2018


My Thought for this Day......It is said to speak truth into your fear and selfishness. Maybe you are fearless and selfless and therefore are bigger than this message. But, if like most of us, you are fraught with human frailties, remember that there is a Truth bigger than you. There is a Force more powerful than any human spirit. The trick is to be sure you plug into the right power outlet. For truly, there are many false roads to walk, lives to live and words to prophecy.  So if you do need to speak your truth, let it be THE Truth that will carry you forth in a purpose of good, not evil, in a walk of honor, not shame, and in the end will glorify HIM who is due your fearlessness and courage. 

Thursday, February 1, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....
Good morning, I would like to introduce myself. I am you. And just like you I am a miracle. I am a myriad of bones, and tendons, muscles and ligaments, cells and arteries and veins. I am emotions and attitudes and beliefs and thoughts. I am beyond understanding. With the blink of my eyes I see the world. With the slip of my tongue I build up or tear down. I can't begin to understand how I work, but I do. I have a heart that swells with pride, or shrivels with sadness. I walk and talk and think and accept and reject and succeed and fail and laugh and cry. I learn and I love. I take in the world and I turn away from that which I don't like, and embrace that which I do. I react and interact. I go with the flow or I fight to swim upstream. I have choices and I make them. I have consequences and I live with them. I have help and I give it. I am imperfections and I must accept them or change them. I am in this world until I'm not. I'm a friend and a foe. I am human. I am you.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


My Thought for this Day........Never trust your anger. It will eat you from the inside out. It will darken your days; consume you with a fire you refuse to bank. How sad to walk in the black because forgiveness is seemingly unreachable. It's not out of reach; it's merely unwanted. Settle the problem, or walk away. And forget as you forgive. You don't have to live with people or situations that enrage you. Be kind to yourself. Live free. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....I wonder if you could hear a heart break, an inner sob, a stomach clinch, if you could, would you say those words, level that stare, whisper behind a back?  Just because  these things aren't physically possible to hear, doesn't mean they don't happen. Be aware of the rubble you leave in your wide swath of ignorance. People matter......All people. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....lmagine yourself by the grocery store of Existence. It is not a huge Super-Center, but a small stand on the side of your road. Lined on the shelves are Ingredients for Life. You have limited time and money. What will you choose?

Monday, January 22, 2018


My Thought for this Day.......We are teapots sitting on a burner.  The fire of life. And every once in a while, we have to let off steam. It’s a must. You can not sit on your stove and boil with the steam trapped in your heart and soul. You will run dry and burn. Find your ‘letting go’.  Read this carefully. You are good to no one when you run on dark emotion, least of all to yourself. Be selfish. Open your spout and send your steam into the air. I don’t know what will work for you. But as long as it allows you to deflate, much like a hot air balloon, and as long as the deflation hurts no one else, work it. Then begin the process of inflation. And when that time comes again, deflate, let go, refresh.

Sunday, January 21, 2018


My thought for this Day.....There is something so serene about a Sunday morning. The week is old, yet the day is young. Allow thoughts to glide through your mind ever so gently honoring what is past, and anticipating that which is yet to be.....what sweet moments of repose and worship. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018


My Thought for this Day.......When your dam busts and the waters of your life flood, you can do one of several things. You can drown in emotions of hate and self righteousness, you can swirl on the River of Pity, you can immerse yourself in the black tidal wave of revenge. Yes, you can do all of those things. Your choice. Or you can quietly set your sails to seek the wind of change and the tide of the sun of success and faith and calm waters.  You can float on the Lake of Deliverance from problems and situations and hurdles that you have jumped. Your choice. Your days. Your examples. We all have choice of action. Free will. What a gift. Seek your true heart and soul and live it out. The world doesn't see inside you, except through your actions and words. Pick your boat and row it. But remember, whatever you do, you are teaching someone.

Thursday, January 18, 2018


My Thought for this Day......I've come to realize that it's not the size of your burden; it's the size of your try. And when you are ready, be it in a day or a year, you will roll that stone away. Believe in yourself. Believe that life is good. Believe that hardship is merely agonizing if it does not hone and teach. And most importantly, believe that you are not meant to suffer alone and forever.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....Wise is the voice that knows when to speak softly. Wise is the voice that knows words never go away; they hang in the soul of the listener forever. Wise is the voice that realizes there is beauty in silence.....that power is not always in speaking, but in quietness that surrounds a stilled tongue.

Friday, January 12, 2018


My Thought for this Day......Sometimes you must search for that one pinpoint of light in a dark world. At the very moment you find it, fix your eyes on nothing else. Fertilize it with your belief. Then watch the magic happen. I truly believe that we tend to get mired in the dark and miss that tiny miraculous glow. You owe yourself so much more.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


My Thought for this Day........There are so many things that come and go in our lives. Trends, fads, routines, jobs, even people. Our existences are kaleidoscopes of ever changing patterns and lights. And when we hold these kaleidoscopes to the light, the only thing constant IS the light.  We twist and turn and nothing seems to ever stay the same. But don't you see that this constant change Is that which remains the same.  Stay with me here. To expect to live in a permanent state is ludicrous. Life is change, motion, movement, but the light, the candle in the wind, the beacon stands strong and while we are in perpetual motion of good, or bad, the key is to keep our eyes on that light.  Even in times of prosperity and positiveness and growth, don't turn away from your light.  For to lose sight of it, is to deny it. And to deny it, is to become so self sufficient that if and when you hit a road block, you forget that in your darkness a light awaits to become your beacon. I hope that today you're living in your glory. I hope that dreams are coming true. I hope that you are standing in the rains of health and wealth and love. But more than that, I hope that you never lose sight of your light.  Because as surely as the east is far from the west, there will come a time when that flicker will need to be a beacon guiding you down your path, shining its glorious fluorescence on darker days, being what it is meant to be.......that peace that deep down stills the fears of life. 

Monday, January 8, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....Do you sometimes miss yourself because you are pulled in so many directions that you really don't have time to be you?  You are giving so many people a piece of you that what's left is unrecognizable?  It's a tragic thing to fracture like a broken mirror and when you look, your image is much like a Picasso painting. All the pieces don't fit. And the truth of the matter isn't the physical, but the emotional fragmentation. Listen when I say that you help no one when you allow yourself to break, but are too busy, or blind, or scared to recognize it. So my hope for you is solid. Simple slow solid that brings your world back in focus, back to Monat, not Picasso. What a gift. Don't tell me you don't have the time, money, or ability. Those excuses are merely dodges from the truth. You are no good to anybody until you are good to yourself. 2018....your year.

Sunday, January 7, 2018


My Thought for this Day.....I have lived many days on this earth. I have lived in sorrow, in pain, in judgement, in greed, in selfishness, in worry, in envy. And looking back over my days, months, and years, I truly can say that those times were and are the most miserable of my life. Circumstances can and do make you sad and hurting. The other emotions are self imposed, thus self exposed. I work hard every day to reverse the bad into the good. First step.....acknowledgement. It isn't easy to look into the mirror of truth. These very words make me vulnerable and i think that is the scariest leg to stand upon. We tend to hide our frailties because the vulnerability that comes with them is raw, an open wound that allows others to pour alcohol on it. Yet vulnerability is courage lived out. It is the first step in the process of becoming who you truly are, who you are truly meant to be. And so I encourage you to be totally honest with yourself. Sit on the bench of judgement. The process isn't fun. It is long and arduous and ugly. Listen carefully, the author of your life is you. You are the composer and the artist. I wish you bravery and openness. Be real. Be truthful. The freedom is worth the pain. I hope these words help someone today. I wish for you the courage to confront the pain in order to live the joy.

Thursday, January 4, 2018


My Thought for this Day......Each of us holds a unique place in the universe that is ours alone. Whether your place is stagnant or fluid is completely up to you. Still waters may run deep, but still lives are a waste of time.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


My Thought for this Day......I would imagine the most popular New Year's resolution is to lose weight. So with that in mind, may I suggest you lose the weight of judgement, the weight of worry, the weight of condemnation, the weight of anger, the weight of constant running and working and feverish activity. Your scales may not reflect your success; your clothes may not loosen. But the weight on your shoulders and in your mind, will be eased and your life will be lighter. Oh what a beautiful way to arise each morning.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


My Thought for this Day....There were no black-eyed peas, nor cabbage, nor greens of any kind on the Farm yesterday. We aren't going to rely and hope for Veggie Luck. Instead, we will walk through 2018 with self endurance, empathy, courage, and faith. We will stomp out the fires with our feet of clay and turn our eyes to the hills from whence comes our help. We will grow in grace. We will be humble so we don't have to be humbled. We will be ever aware of our fortune, not our luck. And we will stand on the promises, and in the gap with confidence to take on this new year with renewed and lasting hope. And we will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are, no matter what befalls us, protected by the full armor. And when we slip, for we surely will, we will rise from the ashes with fierceness and might. Amen.

Monday, January 1, 2018

New Year......

My Thought for this Day.......So here we are, looking through a clean sparkling window. This year is a brand new baby, an unwritten poem, a car with no miles. As we sit and take in the view, let's realize that there will be days of raindrops on our windows, but also days of radiant rainbows shining through. There will be days when the winds of change blow the tree of life outside the glass and days of calmness and tranquility. With this knowledge comes preparation. With this awareness comes peace in the certainty that we are people of strength and wisdom. For we also know that life is beautiful, both the mountains and the valleys. I hope that when you are on your mountaintop, you are absorbing the wonder and glory around you. And I hope that when you are walking your valley, your eyes are on the peaks of your mountain and you are secure in the knowledge that you are a creature of our God and have been promised a deep well of comfort and security. And that you draw on the waters of your well. My heartfelt wish for us all is that we become whom we are meant to be, that each and every one of us realizes we are a common race, a circle of humankind, branches, both spindly and mighty, of the Tree of Life. And that my tree is your tree and yours, mine. We all are rooted in the same soil, and are inevitably linked in the experience called Life. Don't live singly, don't be the barren branch that grows solely. Be that branch that is entwined with others, that branch that is leafy and green and when seen through the Window of 2018 clearly, is joyfully living the life that nature intended. Seasons will change, windows will fog, and at times cry with the raindrops of life. But listen carefully, the winds of change are always blowing, see clearly that the sun of hope is behind every cloud. You must realize your mountaintop always awaits you and when you climb to more will be stronger, more mighty, and how glorious it will be to then reach down to those who walk their valleys. Stretch out a hand of hope and help. Be that wonder you are meant to be. In these first, brand new hours quietly gaze through your window, visualize what awaits, seek out the superior, not the inferior. Make this new year yours. Happy New Year my friends. I hope that somehow, sometimes, my ramblings touch your souls. They are meant to be seeds of joy carefully planted in your garden. Flower with your specialness, for you truly are uniquely wonderful.