Wednesday, September 30, 2015


My Thought for this Day........In this day, set aside what seems wrong, what seems unjust, what seems unfair, and in this time , empty your heart of me, and fill it with they. And then, in this brief interval of unselfishness, learn that there is joy in the simplicity of generosity.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Living Water.....

My Thought for this Day........Existence is not always a placid lake reflecting the shores of your life. At times it is a mud puddle, or a roaring ocean, or a tiny trickle of a stream. Always, life is a force to be reckoned with and lived. No matter your circumstance today, realize that you, my friend, are standing in the Living Waters of Life granted to you by the Maker of All. Don't deny Him His glory by idly letting it swirl around you without a sense of wonder and purpose. Pick up a paddle, set a sail, make a difference.

Monday, September 28, 2015


My Thought for this Day.........Don't waste precious time on regret. That, in itself, is more time wasted.

Sunday, September 27, 2015


From the Past........ My Thought for this Day.......I believe we are all given a life we waste. I believe that we allow minutes, hours and days to pass without true appreciation. I believe the earth is wondrous and the greatest art ever painted. I believe we possess more talent than we can ever imagine. I believe the Bible is the most read, respected AND neglected book on the planet. I believe we will never truly know the meaning of love in this life. I believe the human body is a machine so complex that no doctor, nor scientist can or will ever truly understand it, and its MAKER, the molder of life. I believe we don't give ourselves the chance to develop our true strengths, nor realize the hindering of our weaknesses. I believe if we all contributed what we are capable of sharing, the outcome would not be understandable. I believe we are living in a world of instantaneous rewards and regrets. I believe friends are absolutely, without a doubt, one of the biggest phenomenons in our lives. I believe families should at times unite and also at times separate. I believe children are the most mold-able creatures alive. I believe we are at the tip of the iceberg of what technology will reach and that none of us has the capacity to see what is before us. I also believe this technology is a blessing as well as a curse. I believe when we become robots, we lose our usefulness.I believe to open one's eyes to a new day is to have another chance to make a difference in ourselves as well as what surrounds us. I believe most of us squander this opportunity. I believe that the uniqueness of each of us, both separates and draws together. I believe faith is one of, if not the most, important emotions of life. I believe we owe not only ourselves but those who have come before and those who will come after the respect of taking care of our fellow man. I believe we, for the most part, are selfish creatures who turn our backs on needs that are in our own back yards. I believe no one lives the life of power of which they are capable. I also believe with 100 % of my heart that Ask with true Faith and Goodness and you will receive that which is meant for you......and then it is up to you to take that gift and share it with a world full of need. These are some of my beliefs. These are some of my faults. These are some of my biggest blessings.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

I Am.......

My Thought for this Day.......At some point in each day, stop, if even for a mere second, rejoice. It will not only take your breath; it will give you life as it is meant to be. One second of 'I am' is worth hours of ' I'm not'.

Friday, September 25, 2015


My Thought for this Day....It doesn't matter what you do for a living. It matters what you do for life.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


My Thought for this Day......I shall stand tall and meet this day with renewed vigor and passion. But I shall also kneel and humbly receive the Grace and Glory that is offered. I shall never knowingly dismiss what is so freely given for my Bounty is magnificent. This is my prayer.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


My Thought for this a Day........What will your mirror reflect today? Consider this.....each word, deed, action, thought, all that is yours, reflects back on you. And seen or unseen , in your heart, if your honest, you know the reflection of your day tells your story.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


My Thought for this Day.....When you teach it, and preach it, but don't live it, ineffectiveness and ridicule override all your good intentions. Yep, that's a hard one. Standing on a mountaintop just to hear your own voice, deafens the ears of others.

Monday, September 21, 2015


My Thought for this Day.......Live in such a way that at the end of each day, you can say the words Honor and Respect and know, without a doubt, you have worn them in word and deed.

Friday, September 18, 2015


My Thought for the Day.......Among the sadness, and difficulty, and stress of life.....there are always rosebuds waiting to open. Wait upon the Lord for He is good.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


My Thought for this Day.......I think sometimes we sabotage ourselves with creepy little negative thoughts that pop into our minds and attack our happiness. If only, but if, I wish.......sweep those words under your mental blanket of joy. No situation will ever be 100% perfect, but it's not the perfection that makes life, it's the living. Rejoice in every day. It has been handmade for you !

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


My Thought for this Day...Everyone has a story. Each person has a truth that deserves to be heard. And when stories are ignored, and shut out, and silenced with disdain, they become headlines.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


My Thought for this Day......May the strength that is yours for the asking surround you today with the peace that, while not understood, is life changing. Be Grateful in your acceptance and Humble in your admission of its need. We all are at the mercy of life, yet we all are blessed in our simple ability to receive.

Monday, September 14, 2015


My Thought for this Day.....I choose to not worry about tomorrow. I choose to live in the present that is today. I choose to release the woes and tears and fears that come with the anticipation of unsolvable problems and stress of an unknown future. I choose to know that life can be the unanticipated, the unexpected and the uninvited. Yet it is life and is to be lived in the arena of gratefulness and glory.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Some days I have no words, but I find it interesting that I can go back to this exact date in years past and read what I wrote on that day. Here it is...... Friday, September 13, 2013 Tinkering.................. I don't think we even begin to comprehend just how complex the human body is...both physically and emotionally. We have not even scratched the surface of the knowledge of the intricate knitting of our cells, and vessels, and organs and psyches. We are truly the most detailed, well oiled machines on the planet. We are amazing. But just as any machine needs maintenance, so do we. I tend to dwell on the emotional side of people. I wonder what makes you tick. I wanna know why you feel what you do, act the way you do, see life the way you do, solve problems the way you do, what colored glasses you wear.....rose colored?, dark shades?, or crystal clear lenses? I wonder why some people step up to the proverbial plate and give it their all and some people stay in the shadows and wait for it to be given. I wonder why some of us go through life with our heads in the sand and some of us stand tall and kill the demons of our lives with strength and determination. I wonder why I am me and you are you. I wonder why we can't see ourselves for whom we really are. I wonder why some of us dwell in places of bitterness and sadness and anger and some of us open the windows of life, take out the Windex and wash until we see the beauty that is the puzzle we are. We all have problems and sadness and regrets and jealousies and envies and excuses. But also we have grit and determination and love and gifts and smiles and laughs to be shared. Whether or not you see things and the people in your life as treasures to be handled with care and love, or whether you see life through Shades of Darkness, I hope you polish yourself, both mentally and physically. I hope you draw those who love you close and accept that life isn't easy, but you have people to walk the walk with you and stretch out hands to help you over the hills and mountains of your path. I hope you tinker with your body and mind every day. Tune it up. Oil the squeaky parts. Trim the parts that need trimming. Sweep the floors that need sweeping. Realize that each day the sun shines just for you. Don't lose it to the clouds. Don't close the drapes of your mind and dwell in the dark. I'm pretty sure that life is not intended to be lived with anything but joy. Yep, some days it takes more effort than others, but when the sun goes down on this or any day, then Elvis has left the building. Whether you have enjoyed the concert or worn earplugs and missed the music is your choice.

Friday, September 11, 2015


My Thought for this Day........And so we remember this day in 2001 with horror and disbelief and an overwhelming sadness at the evil that had sent its ugly tendrils of hate to our shores. And we still gaze at the images in shock and we wonder just how humans become so inhumane. And then we remember the need for touch; we remember the need we had to reach out to our friends and families and mostly our kids and even though we were sure our loved ones weren't in NYC or on an airplane, there was still that need to embrace. And then we remember the hour upon hour of televised visuals of trauma and shock and tragedy, and we had to come to grips that yes, this was happening in our country, on our land , among our homes. And then I'm afraid we forgot, and with that faded memory we forgot our pride, and selfishness and entitlement returned , and we became a part of the crumbling of The United States of America. And instead of embracing our differences and individualities, we point fingers, and throw stones and cover our glass houses with curtains thinking they will hide our greed and shame. But they don't. And today, we reel at the face of this once mighty nation, we weep at the violence and hate that overtakes our daily news. And sometimes, sadly, we shrug with indifference because, after all, it didn't happen to us. And the answer is so clear, and strong and visible. Yet, we refuse to see. Turn around America before it is too late. We are the people of the United States of America. Kneel and pray and then yield to His Might and His Grace and His Commandments. And with supplication we will surely rise again, we will cease to crumble like those towers and we will pass down a giant of a nation to those innocent ones who follow in our footsteps.

Thursday, September 10, 2015


My Thought for this Day........Learn to punctuate your life. Never put a comma where a period should be. Life can be a question, or a simple statement. Wisdom is knowing that just because you've put it in quotes, shouldn't make it your total conversation. And above all else, when you use the exclamation mark in anger, you've sucked the goodwill out of your words and the heart out of your listener.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


My Thought for this Day.......Don't do for someone what you would expect them to do for you. Do more! This defines your character.

Sunday, September 6, 2015


My Thought for this Day........And when there is not enough of you to go around, you do one of two things. You shatter yourself into hundreds of inept pieces that support no one. Or you realize that broken you are totally ineffective and in order to help others, you must first mend yourself.

Friday, September 4, 2015


My Thought for this Day........Common occurrences in this life are different for everyone who experiences them. Don't assume you've walked someone else's path and spend your time pontificating rather than listening with kindness and sincerity. Lending an ear is wiser than sharing a mouth.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


My Thought for this Day...Sometimes you feel ahead of the game, sometimes behind. Wisdom is realizing you are in the matter where.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


My Thought for this Day.....You have two hands. Today, reach with one.....down, out to the side or up. At some point you will either pull someone higher, hold someone close by your side, or be lifted toward the heavens. It doesn't matter the outcome; what matters is the effort.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


My Thought for this Day.......No matter how long you've lived in the dark; today you have another chance to step into the light.