Monday, October 15, 2012

My Wish

No Word of the Day today.....just my wish. This is my wish for you. No matter who you are, at some point you have touched a life. You have made a difference. I hope that you can see that in yourself...that you can hold onto the fact that you are special. You matter to someone......and if you don't....then see that you matter to yourself. And that, my friend, is enough. My wish for you is that you view yourself as extraordinary. You are unique and a creature like no one else. Believe that your life makes a difference. Each day you are gifted with an amazing reality called being alive. Please don't waste a single minute. Live it. A breath is a and out.......replenishing your strength, your mind and soul. Can't you see that it must not be taken for granted? Lend a hand, help a friend, know that you love and are loved. No one can take that from one can take the air you breath, the difference you make or the joy you feel....unless you allow it. Even if today is your last day, still the footprints of your life lead on.....your legacy touches those who follow. Make the path worth walking. Today...reach out and say thanks. Acknowledge that you are alive. That the amazing thing called life is yours. Treasure, hold close, enjoy, pass on.......take a moment to say YES!!

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