Sunday, August 19, 2012


Word of the Day...., damage or destroy as if by rupturing My Internet is down, so I'm blogging from my phone and I'm sure the formatting will seem fractured. I haven't learned the nuances of making it look cohesive from my phone. But let's dive on in to our FRACTURED blog! Sorry, couldn't resist. When I think of something being fractured, I immediately think Ouch! Broken bone, cast, pain.... physical fracture. But, truly there can be way more in our lives that are FRACTURED...our emotions, our families, our friendships, our finances....the list goes on and on. I wonder sometimes if we can even see what is fractured. Do we feel that heavy cast we're dragging along emotionally? I bet what is obvious to other people, may not be apparent to us. We are so busy being us, that we don't see the obvious breaks and splinters that surround us. Obviously there are times in our lives when we FRACTURE with good cause...death of a loved one, loss of a job, sudden illness....these occurrences are part of life. We survive; we heal. But, and this is a big but, if you're causing someone else's life to fracture in any form or fashion, Stop It! Step back, think, repair. Fractured bones knit and heal on their own. Broken spirits, families, friendships require more than time. Sometimes FRACTURED lives never repair. Look around those in need whether you're part of the reason or not. Grab the knitting needles of life and put them to use. God gave us empathy; use it!! And if, you recognize yourself as part of someone's fracture, please step back, allow the emotional bones to heal. Madam DeFoe knew her place and should too!!

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