Monday, March 31, 2014

mydaywithyou: Memories

mydaywithyou: Memories: My Thought for this Day.......there is an old saying that goes something like this.......Count your pennies and the dollars will take care o...


My Thought for this Day.......there is an old saying that goes something like this.......Count your pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves. So let's do a little rewording.....Count your seconds and the hours will take care of themselves. You can build a bank account of money, but your bank account of time vanishes in precious seconds, minutes. hours and days. The interest you earn on your bank of time is called memories. Your monthly statement is not delivered in the mail, nor online. You hold your memories of interest within your heart, but unless you care for them, they fade much like old black and white photographs. So my wish for you is simply to remember, to envision your yesterday's memories in the clear light of today. They are your bank of time, built lovingly brick by brick. How precious to mentally relive a sigh, a smile , a laugh or a chuckle. To feel a long ago hug, an arm around your shoulder, a kiss on your cheek fills the emptiness that at this moment may hurt your core of being. Take time to build your seconds, and minutes, then never forget that a presence today may be a memory tomorrow. Don't be too busy today to realize that time is fleeting and no matter the effort, or longing, it can not be rewound. I hope today you can laugh a little through your memories, but more importantly, you can store some new extraordinary ones in your bank of time.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

mydaywithyou: Dwell.......

mydaywithyou: Dwell.......: My Thought for this Day.......We all dwell. We dwell in our physical homes, but more importantly, we dwell in our emotional ones as well. An...


My Thought for this Day.......We all dwell. We dwell in our physical homes, but more importantly, we dwell in our emotional ones as well. And to be perfectly honest, I believe our mental dwelling place is much more important. Take note of where you spend your moments. Do you dwell in insecurities, jealousies, regrets or disappointing memories? Do you stand in the corner of self pity with your back turned to those you consider 'more blessed'? Do you stew in the juices of the 'why me's'? Do you wear the blinders of envy? If you answer yes to any of these questions....and I dare say we all can and do at some point in our lives.....then consider the selfishness of your dwelling place. What right do you have to compare your God given Grace to anybody else's? Grace is a gift, not earned and you, my friend, have received it. Take off your blinders; turn around from your corner. It may take hard work, diligence and soul searching. But I know this to be true.....the end result will fill your dwelling place with sunshine of success, power of peace, and the happiness that comes from a job well done.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Be Aware.....

My Thought for this Day........What you respect you honor. What you honor you value. What you value you take care of and cherish. Whether it be a person, a memory or yourself, the first step is honor. The rest falls into place if you're true to the emotion. Can you understand this process and begin fresh with realizing this is a chain with no weak links? What do you honor? This is imperative to acknowledge if you are living in truth.

Friday, March 28, 2014


My Thought for this Day........Even the smallest choices affect you and those around you. Make sure you don't go left when you should go right. Don't frown when you can smile. Never scream when whispers speak volumes more. And always love yourself, though not to the exclusion of others. For truly that is the most wonderful gift of all. When you love yourself with Wisdom and Gratitude, you reflect that which is good, true and blessed.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


My Thought for this Day........A lesson learned is progress, but a lesson remembered is invaluable. Don't forget the lessons of yesterday, only to begin again at step one today. Repeated mistakes are wheels that turn in the exact same circles with no forward movement. They merely exhaust you to the point of despair. At some time you must take your leap of faith and at that moment your path becomes what it should be. Then you have not only learned, you have remembered.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


My Challenge for this Day.......finally. I am just beginning to gather my scattered thoughts after they have been jumbled around much like letters in Word Find puzzles. I think it's partly old age and partly 'scared to death' syndrome. But nonetheless I've wanted to tell you about something I have done for a long time and challenge you to do the same. Pray. Ok, you say, I've been on that band wagon for years.....or at least I hope you're saying that , and I've even blogged about the sincerity of your words, "I'll pray for you" before. This is totally different. For years and years, I have prayed for a specific someone I didn't know. I picked a room number in Hendrick Hospital in Abilene and each morning added that unknown occupant to my prayers. Random, yes, bizarre, I know, but in my heart I knew that at least one person, me, was praying for whomever was in that particular hospital bed. Last week, when our Dev was in Harris Hospital, I was aware of no fewer than five churches scattered throughout Texas that were praying for her, and countless other individuals. I wonder who was praying for the man next door who had a feeding tube, or the woman across the way who never had visitors. So, today, I challenge you to pick a hospital, and a room and pray for that unknown person. You just may be the only one who is lifting them up to our God. I'm staying with my room in Hendrick, but I'm also adding room 301 in the Harris Methodist Heart Center to my prayers. Will you accept this Challenge? Will you intercede on a stranger's behalf? This is my Challenge to you.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bucket List......

My Thought for this Day.....these days everyone has a Bucket List. I just have one thing on mine. "Live every day with gratefulness, generosity and love." The End.

Monday, March 10, 2014


My Thought for this day.......if you don't know how to dawdle you should learn. If you have no time to dawdle, you should make it. This I know for sure........dawdling is a lost art in today's hectic world, but those who dawdle, even just a little, make the most out of life. Do it.......because you can!

Sunday, March 9, 2014


My Thought for this Day......well, we have SPRUNG forward. I have never really understood the entire DST business. To me, it's just more time.....messing with things we should leave alone. Yes, I know it is supposed to benefit this and help that. But truly, should we mess with something as old as time? Have you ever thought about TIME being old as TIME? :)). Sorry, just my warped thinking. Here's my point, thought, rambling.....Mother Nature works. She has got this time thing down pat. She's been doing it for awhile now. She is, in fact, the CEO of all things natural, time included. So we human amateurs should possibly just let Her go on doing her thing, while we do ours. And our thing should be, simply realizing that each day holds the same amount of seconds, minutes and hours. That is our Present, and our Future. And what we do with our Present is the pinpoint of time. No will never happen again. Time marches on in its very simple, straightforward way, paying no attention to human meddling. Make this day count in your March of Time. Do one thing, think one thought, pray one prayer that is positive. Your present will be matter the time.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Bow Down........

My Challenge for you this Day......Bow your head and look down. I promise you that no matter how tough, rocky, or low you feel your life is, there is someone below you. With lowered head, reach down and lend a hand. I bet at some point in your life someone did this for you. And with this gesture, your sea of need begins to recede in the swirling waters below you.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


My Question for this Day.......What is your Gear of Life? Are you in Reverse, Drive or Neutral? Are you backing up, going forward or sitting idle? All three gears require fuel, but as I see it, only one gets you anywhere. So today, question this......are you living in the past with all of its triumphs or failures? Are you merely standing still with no eye to moving forward? Or are you taking life as it should be taken........your gear is drive and you're chugging down the road, taking the hills and curves with courage and purpose. What you do today determines tomorrow. I don't care if you are on a bumpy rutted back road, or on the interstate of smooth lanes, you have to drive and more importantly BE in the driver's seat, controlling your life. Something steers your minutes, hours and days. Why not make it be you, hands on the wheel, eyes on the road, direction.........headed straight to Positive!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......When blessings rain down, do you have your bucket cleaned out, sitting in the open, shiny, and ready to fill to the brim? Or is that bucket full of a black cloud attitude, rusty from neglect and turned over in your shed of despair? I hope you don't miss the drops of today, due to the shadows of yesterday. And even more so, I hope tied on your blessing bucket is a big heartfelt Thank You note. Thankfulness opens your heart to more of what fills your bucket with blessings.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

If You Dare......

My Thought for this Day.......Each morning find and define one thing for which you are deeply, soulfully thankful. And be reverent to it all day. It's as simple and yet complicated as this.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Batter Up!

My Thought for this Day.......I find that everyday begins with its own set of challenges. We, as humans, are constantly evolving and changing. And with this movement, we clearly must direct ourselves in the right direction. Emotions of yesterday might not be emotions of today. We are on the Playing Field of Life everyday. We may be pitching today, and catching tomorrow.....but every day we are running the bases. The trick of this game is to understand that each action, thought and emotion must be channeled in a way to move us to home plate. Today you may hit a home run and glide with the ease of a sailboat on a summer lake. Tomorrow you might strike out in your attempt to even make first base. The challenge is to realize that today does not define tomorrow. With each movement of the calendar you write your days in the history of your life with your attitude, actions and mindset. And as you are writing, people are reading. So today, and each day, when you begin your game, look not only at the bases, and the outfield, and the fastballs, and curves coming your way, but also look toward the stands and see who is watching and cheering and hoping that you hit your home run of the day. You are not only playing for yourself.....this might be the biggest challenge of all.

Saturday, March 1, 2014


My Thought for this Day......We invest in many things....the stock market, precious metals, business ventures. For today, let's be unique. On this first day of the third month of the year, let's invest in something more precious than gold. Let's invest in ourselves. Take a deep cleansing breath and know, deep in your spirit, that you are worth more than money can buy. And as you release your breath, push out those things that dwell within you and make your bitter and insecure. You are so powerful and miraculous. Live it!