Thursday, January 31, 2013


We are creatures of habits......we have routines......every human, animal, Mother Nature.....we all have habits and routines. Missy,my little terrier, knows that when I start blow drying my hair, it is a sign I'm going to leave the house. So off she goes to the dirty clothes hamper until my return. Missy has her routine and she knows my routine. We all live by routines and habits and everyday actions that give us peace. Possibly it's a wonderfully strong cuppa coffee first thing in the morning, or a 2 0'clock nap, or a comforting cuppa hot tea before bed. Maybe it's a nightly call to friends and family to visit or vent. It's probably just the right pillow and number of blankets. Routines are part of life and I think they are meant to be. After all, we should pattern ourselves after Mother Nature, whose routines are God Given. She rises, and she sleeps. She lives and she dies. She is both hot and cold. She reasserts herself. Her tides ebb and flow. Her seasons come and go. She gives birth and she takes away. So on this Thursday, think about your habits. Are they aligned with attitudes that are God Given? Are they natural and healthy and wholesome? Are they what is not only good for you but also for those around you? After all, you are your habits. You are your routines. And most importantly you are God Given.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Good morning, I would like to introduce myself. I am you. And just like you I am a miracle. I am a myriad of bones, and tendons, muscles and ligaments, cells and arteries and veins. I am emotions and attitudes and beliefs and thoughts. I am beyond understanding. With the blink of my eyes I see the world. With the slip of my tongue I build up or tear down. I can't begin to understand how I work, but I do. I walk and talk and think and accept and reject and succeed and fail and laugh and cry. I learn and I love. I take in the world and I reject what I don't like. I react and interact. I go with the flow or I fight to swim upstream. I have choices and I make them. I have consequences and I live with them. I have help and I give it. I am imperfections and I must accept them or change them. I am in this world until I'm not. I'm a friend and a foe. I am human. I am you.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


We mend a lot of things in our mend fences; seamstresses mend tears in fabric; mending is sometimes tedious and sometimes not. Life often times is ripped and torn and needs to be mended. Let's look at our lives as a piece of very fragile yet precious fabric. At times it is so easily torn and not so easily mended. And more times than not, the mending leaves scars.....mental and emotional. But here's the thing, you can't live life as it's meant to be lived if you don't have tears from time to time. Relationships end, words are hurled, actions are taken and someone is the recipient of these things. And when it's you, then your job is to very precisely mend. It may takes years, there will be gaping holes that need to be filled, jagged edges that must be somehow pieced back together. You may or may not need help to get the job done and you may or may not have ugly scars to show or hide. Possibly each emotion you have is a different fabric......some are sturdy cotton, some are very fragile silk. Some hold steady in a storm and some split easily. And the mending needs to be such that it renders the fabric stronger. We are all damaged from time to time. We all suffer. We all lose loved ones. We all are humans living the human experience. I don't think it's the tragedies we suffer that define us; I think it's the strength in our mending that does this. If right now, you are mending, if you are repairing and redoing, then my wish for you is that your stitches be strong and straight. And that when the process is done, you are stronger than you ever thought you could be. Have a Blessed Sunday my friends.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


Do you have a dream? Do you have a big dream? Are you putting off that dream because you have no time, no motivation or just plain fear? Maybe you're afraid to take a put yourself 'out there'. Are you afraid of failure? What's it gonna do to you? Hurt your family? Destroy your marriage? Probably best failure is just an embarrassment. So the bottom line is that IF you have a dream AND what's holding you back is the fear of being embarrassed or shamed....then you should already be embarrassed and shamed. I hope for you that holding that dream is a little like holding your breath. And that there will come a time when you just have to have to take that have to have to know that when you look back, whether it be on a failure or on a success, you look back with pride because you tried. I'm wrestling with this very issue, so it's been on my mind. Thus, as a true friend should, I'm sharing it with you. I'm wanting company in my not stepping out on that limb. So hey, if you have something big, something different, something real you want to try....let's do it together. Dream big, Dream often, Dream as if you can't live without it!

Friday, January 25, 2013


So what is constant in your life? Stop! Think! What is constant, ever present, always there to the right or left or middle. Life is ever changing, ever flowing, moving here there and yon. What is constant in your life? You are! Not a second of your life passes that you're not in it...physically, mentally, are THERE my friend. So I would think the best approach to this is to like yourself. You may not like your circumstances, you may not like your height, weight, hair or eye color, but in the chaos of your are you and baby, you are always gonna be there. So, here's the thing. Like or leave? Nope.....can't do that. Like or ignore? Nope, can't do that. The last chapter and verse is like or change. Change the things that make you miserable, unhappy or just well, disgruntled. We all have those things. Or at least I know I do. I have found myself in the last few months and days thinking about things about myself I don't like. And the things I'm focusing on aren't physical. They are emotional, mental, inside things that make me miserable because I LET THEM and because they need to be changed. They are character flaws..some new, most old. So today and for the next few minutes, hours, days, months and years, I'm going to focus on change. Constant Change. I challenge you to do the same.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Have you watched Oprah's interview with Lance Armstrong? I put it on my DVR so I could watch them both together. I wanted to see it from beginning to end without a few days interruption. I'm not getting into criticism, pointing fingers, or guilt. You have your own decision and opinions about that. This is what I found the most intriguing and yet the most universal...the emotion Lance showed when he spoke of his children. His matter of fact tone, body language and facial expressions changed totally when the discussion turned to his kids. Was it fake? I don't think so. I think the very mention of his children and their reaction brought out more sadness, guilt, and embarrassment than everything else combined. Which leads me to the entire point of this blog. I would hope that every parent would take their children into consideration before they do anything. Is that true? Clearly not. Is the fact that if they don't it can be life changing for their kids? Certainly yes. Think of your own situation. We all have guilt, we all have wrong doings, we all err. But if you are a parent, I would imagine that admitting these things to your kids would be the most hurtful part of the process of being 'found out'. Now for Chapter Two......another life lesson for your kids should be the process of admittance. You have done wrong, you are only human. Standing straight and teaching lessons of honesty about mistakes is part of that teaching process. Covering up for yourself and or your kids gets you nor them anywhere except right in the middle of feeling entitled. My kids have made and continue to make mistakes......yours have too. I have made and continue to make mistakes....human frailty is ours. So hopefully your mistakes will never make the cover of Time Magazine. But when you purposefully do something for personal gain, I hope you take into account that at some point you may have to look your kids in the eye and admit your wrong. And if that happens that you'll do it with integrity and honesty and above all love.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


There are an abundance of 'why's' in this world. You have why's that I don't have. I have why's that you don't have. But here is a why that we all should have. Why can't we just respect each other? Of if you just can't achieve that....and I'm not saying it's easy, or even right in every instance, why can't we just be gracious and learn that saying nothing is usually the right path to take. Our world is ever shrinking. We now see things from distant lands, different peoples, faraway places that in years past were not so easily seen. But really, do we have to belittle, poke at, and be superior to those who are different, those whom we don't like, those who are our perceived 'enemies'. Am I advocating lying down and playing, am I saying that standing up for yourself is I'm not speaking on a national or international level. I'm well aware that military issues exist and I'm all over the USA standing firm in areas where we need to stand firm. My point is on a personal level. The tongue is a mighty sword. Thinking before speaking is a life lesson that should be taught over and over and over. Words can not be taken back..they are alive FOREVER! Think about this......when you have to eat them. Words are powerful. Please make sure that what you say sets a good example for your family, your community but most importantly for yourself. Why? Because at the end of the day, month, year or your life, what is remembered is how you conducted yourself, what legacy you left. I would hope respect is one legacy you achieve....not so easily won, but very easily lost.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Comfort food, comfort clothes, comfort zone......we all need them. I hope you have some of each. You know the's cold outside so we flock to the grocery store to buy whatever it is that makes us feel like we're protected......makings for stew, chili, things that bubble on the stove and give off wonderful aromas. In Texas we can just HEAR of a cold front in Oklahoma and we'll go ahead and rush out for our favorite ingredients just in case the cold makes it here. Comfort clothes..ah, these are my pals, my very best friends. You know...they are warm and snuggly and best of all, have elastic waists. They are well worn from all the washings and wearings, and they will NEVER make the cover or Vogue, but I love them dearly. And then my comfort zone....right here...end of the couch with my blanket. From my comfort zone I can scan the horizon of my kingdom. Sometimes that's not quite as joyous as other get my drift? Sometimes my kingdom is a well, a little cluttered, but it's MY clutter. Right now, I see the flowers my kids sent me for my birthday, and yes, they should have been thrown away awhile ago, but I just can't make myself do it. I see several different kinds of sodas lined on the bar for company that is coming later. I see my big ole round table with OOPS...the Christmas tablecloth still on it. I see my dog and my cat...two best parts of my comfort zone. Here's the Saturday thing......clean, cluttered, brand new, well worn, spit and polished or's my place, my zone, my kingdom, and on Saturday I get to enjoy it just a little bit more than on other days of the week. I hope you have comfort in your life. I hope you have great food, raggedy clothes and a place in your house that is yours. And I hope your family members do too and that you respect their right to their own comfort. We can't be on point all the time. We, as human, need to have solace and comfort and places and things that're just fine. We need rest, and to feel that it's okay at some point to be off key, makeup free, feet up, sitting quietly observing our kingdom from our comfort zone. Happy Saturday Guys and Dolls.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Question of the Day? What makes it so imperative in this society to win, win, win ,win that we resort to cheating? What is it within us to excel AT ANY COST. What is so strong that we have to best our fellow man even though it's not US besting's some artificial enhancer crap, or some underhanded dealing. Can't we just be who we are supposed to be? Can't we just use our own God given talents to do our best and be proud of that? Why can't we see that winning isn't everything? Why are we teaching our children that it's okay to be faster, stronger, bigger, better even though it's not really us? Why can't we just play FAIR on this playground of life? Sadness.....................

Thursday, January 17, 2013


There are days that are Blank......nada, zilch, non-word days. This distresses me. How can there be nothing for me to write? How can my mind be a barren waste land of sand with no words written in it? No thoughts are banging around. No inspiration is coming. No wisdom is leaking out...well, that never happens so why should I be surprised about that? Nevertheless, I feel the need to write. So I shall write about being blank. And then I think maybe that's not so bad....a blank slate. I'm giving you the opportunity to write my blog.......use my space......and my expo marker....and yes, even my eraser if needed. Maybe that's the entire point of me being you a turn, a chance. Your voice is now being listened, analyzed, taken note of and judged. Yes, for is a Blank day.......but for's a day to be vocal. Take it away Guys and Dolls!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I Wanna........

What do ya wanna be? When you were little you probably wanted to be an astronaut, or a policeman or a fireman or a teacher, doctor, lawyer, butcher, baker, candlestick maker. Maybe you wanted to be a Rock Star or a famous actor or the President of the United States of America. What do ya wanna be now? Years have passed, times have changed......what about your wannas? Are they still the same? I'm betting not. But here is the question of the day. Are you going after your new wannas? Are you still daydreaming about being that 'someone' you're not. And if you are still star gazing at that goal, what's holding you back? "O, I don't have time." "O, that would cost to much money to go back to school." " O, I'm....way....way.....way... toooooooooooooo old to change."O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O,O,BALONEY!" Don't you wonder that at the end of the day, your life, your existence, there might be a small kernel of regret that perches on your shoulder and whispers.....If Only. So here's the thing......if there is nothing you want to pursue, then great! I truly mean that. You are comfortable in your own skin and you should be not only content, but settled. BUT, if there is a niggle, an itch, a squirm in your soul that says.....Hey, I wish I could be,do,achieve that...then go get it! Brass Ring.....Stars.....Gold. You may not win the race, get the job, write the book, star in the movie, or become the the Leader of the Free World, but by gosh, you will have tried. And friends, that small kernel on your shoulder will not be regret, but will instead be pride. The pride of trying. The pride of over extending. The pride of being the one who reached and lived life the way it should be lived.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


What is powerful in your life....or more importantly what do you ALLOW to be powerful in your life? I think your answer to that question says a lot about your character. We all allow things into our lives that 'take over'. Yes, yes you do. Think about it. Thoughts, actions, ideas, attitudes are hurled at us every day through friends, co-workers, television, social media. What do you 'take to heart' and what do you let fly by with barely a passing nod? Those things you take to heart become powerful in your life. And you have the POWER to control your powerful. Might not be easy, might not be socially acceptable, might not be popular. But in the end, you are your power. And that goes back to my first question. So as you go through your day, analyze what consumes your thoughts, deeds and actions. And also be aware of what you allow to be powerful and in the end......what power you pass on. For that, my friends, is one of your legacies. The power you give. The power you radiate. The power from within you that helps define you as a person. Never underestimate what you allow to be powerful, decisive, definitive in your life. Pass on the positive; throw out the negative. Happy Tuesday Guys and Dolls.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


The ancient practices God established were the rhythm of work & rest. Both are important, beneficial and necessary....this was a Tweet I saw this morning #EmmanualIMN. I love it. Nobody...and I do mean NOBODY enjoys more than I do a day of sitting on the couch with nothing more to do than read a book and relax. As a matter of fact, over the Christmas break I did that repeatedly....but as the New Year arrived and also the beginning of school approached, I realized that my sense of accomplishment began to sputter and I needed to get back into the rhythm of work and rest. I've often said that Fridays aren't nearly as celebratory if I haven't worked that week. In my life, Fridays signal....job well switch your stride and do what comes next. Not that all weekends are couch sitting times....but they are all a change of pace, a different dance, a new song, a separate ebb and flow of life. Just as Mother Nature has her distinct pattern, so must we. Life is much like the tides....sometimes high and sometimes low and we have to learn to not only ride the highs and lows, but to benefit from each. So as you think about this idea of work and rest, think about your own life. Pat yourself on the back for jobs well done. Allow yourself to rest when it's time. And most of all, follow the ebb and flow of life. It's not just a random thing. It is a time honored, God given pattern. Have a wonderful Sunday Guys and Dolls.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ugh, Argh and So Forth!

Today I woke up with a severe case of the 'Don't Want To's. Followed closely by the 'Don't Have To's', and ending with the 'You Can't Make Me's'. Is this a phenomena known only to me? It's a dilemma because yesterday I woke up with a case of the 'I'm Gonna Get Things Done'. And because of this I have a project that is half finished and is going to be a big problem if I don't finish it today. Like so big we will have to eat on the floor the rest of our lives if I don't complete this project. My case of the 'Boy, Am I Energetic' yesterday began the process of taking EVERYTHING out of my kitchen cabinets to thoroughly wash and then scrub down the shelves. I have tons of glassware....trays, pitchers, bowls, etc that needed to be polished, washed and then rearranged. About 5 hours into this process, I got a better offer....and merrily went on my way to have a few hours of fun leaving every counter top, bar and table in my kitchen covered in said bowls, trays etc. So bottom line my 'Don't Want To's' must morph into 'Go Get It Done'. The good news is that I will surely feel a sense of accomplishment when it's done. The bad news is we may be eating Christmas Dinner 2013 off the floor. Hope your Saturday is filled with good intentions and accomplishments....and IF it is.....please come to the Brannan Farm and help those in need of assistance.

Friday, January 11, 2013


It's a relaxing day here on the Brannan Farm as we have the day off from school. I'm lounging on the couch with my first cuppa and my dog and my blanket perusing the comings and goings of my friends on FB. Lots of good and bad things are happening to folks and as I do everyday, I want to know the facts folks, just the facts. Anyway, that is so not the point of this blog. Here t'is. I came across one friend who posted that she (TW) had gotten a call in the middle of the night that turned out to be nothing bad, but that it had scared the helloooooooooooo out of her. So that led me to ponder first thoughts......stay with me here if you haven't already closed this blog. What are your first thoughts upon awakening? The first little wisps of words that float through your mind.....or scream at you.....what are they? One of mine is always a silent prayer. 'Thank you Lord that we received no middle of the night calls.' Usually folks don't call you in the middle of the night just to say hi! Now I am in a group text and we do text from time to time when one of us can't sleep, but we don't CALL and say.....I CAN'T SLEEP, CAN YOU? No, those middle of the night calls just don't normally bring Good Tidings of Great Joy! So I'm always pleased to wake to the knowledge that nothing happened overnight to warrant a call. What are your first thoughts? Are they thoughts of dread, thanks, ughs, smiles? I wonder if our first thoughts set the tone of our days? Interesting least to me.'s just a thought.....your first thought......that's what I'm thinking about. :)) Happy Friday Guys and Dolls!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


My birthday is's not a new experience as I've had 62 of them.....some more special than others. But as I reflect on being allowed to have this many....and yep.....that's TON of them.....I have to wonder about my original Waco, Tx to parents who were older than most of the parents of that day. My mom was 41 when I was born and my dad was 43. Back in the caveman days that was considered advanced for having babies. I did have an older brother who was born 2 years before me, but by the time he was born, my parents had been married 16 years and were, I suppose, quite surprised by his ....well....conception. We were definitely the lights of their eyes and I can't remember one bad thing about my childhood with the exception of my dad's death when I was 9. By that time my mom was 50, but took the reins of being both mom and dad in her very capable stride. She always said we kept her young and it was true. She was in attendance for every event of our lives until her death in 1996. You'll have to again remember that in 1960, the year my dad died, 50 years of age seemed somewhat older than it does now. When we were little, our Nanny baked us our birthday cakes...and always wrapped coins in wax foil and hid them in the batter. What a treat it was to get a piece of cake with a nickle or a quarter buried in it. The cakes were Angel Food and wonderful. I would like to think I will do this for my grandkids if and when I have any. Of course all birthdays are special and the stand outs for any person are 18 and 21. But truly the most amazing birthday I had was when I turned 50. I LOVED it. My very favorite of all of them. Not because of a party or a gift....but because I thought it gave me the right to be as eccentric as I wanted to be. To me I had past a milestone of a social mold. And I took full advantage of it. When I turned 60, I must admit, I was somewhat depressed. After all.....Medicare was staring me right in the eye. But as I passed that point, a strange thing happened. It doesn't seem to matter anymore. Years are just that.....years. And everyone more blessed than the ones before. More days with my family and friends, more breaths to take, more books to read, more words to write, more ideas to form, more thoughts and concepts to ponder, more laughs to have and truly more understanding of what we all call life. So I take this opportunity to say to you the following. Take each day in the spirit in which it is given to you...because every day is truly given to you...they are not earned. Relish them. Squeeze them. Hug them. Love them. Don't count the sighs; count the laughs. Don't dwell on the past; gaze with hope and trust at the future. And above all else and I do mean all else.....thank God that you have been allowed to be. Simply Be.


What are your why's? Why can't I be thinner? Why can't I be richer? Why can't I have a better job? Why can't I run faster, jump higher? Why aren't I smarter? Why Why Why? For today...let's change our why's to. Why do I have enough to eat? Why do I have a safe place to rest my head at night? Why am I allowed to take each breath I take? Why do I live where I can go where I want, be what I want, love whom I want? Why can I see, hear, and speak? Let's change those negative why's into positive why's. Make this a Blessed Why Tuesday!! Have a good one Guys and Dolls!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


What have you achieved in life? What have you not achieved? Wait! Stop! Hold on! If you immediately started thinking about your NON-achievements first, then go back and start over. I think sometimes we are just too darn hard on ourselves. We want to dwell on our failures instead of our successes. friend....begin with my first question.....I'm waiting.......what are they? I don't care what they are, if you've achieved one thing you have wanted, then wow! You're good. No...stop it again. You're thinking yeah....but there is a lot more I haven't achieved. I think that is human nature. We sometimes want to beat ourselves up over not getting done all that we would want to. Well, who the heck has? There are stairs to be climbed, swings to be swung on, rivers to be floated in and stars to be grabbed for in everyone's life. But if you don't realize that you've already climbed, swung, floated and grabbed, then you are selling yourself short. So today...this wonderful Day of Grace....this beautiful Sunday....please allow yourself a pat on the back. Take a nap, read a book, just sit and mull over your successes. You owe it to yourself and those around you. Have a wonderful Day Guys and Dolls!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Down and Out

Good-bye Christmas tree 2012. Somehow the whole process of taking down the tree makes me somewhat nostalgic. It's an official farewell to the Holiday season....a mere memory now. Christmas in the air is a recipe that goes something like the following. Ingredients......Joy, Music, Excitement, Family, Food, Money, Cleaning, Baking, Wonderment, Lights, Smells, Sights, Sounds. All the above mixed together with a teaspoon, no, tablespoon or maybe a Cup of Stress. We do it to ourselves. Or at least I do. Maybe you're smarter than I am. No matter how early I start planning our Christmas and all that goes with it, right before the actual day arrives.....I suddenly am sure it's not all done. I've forgotten something. I'm leaving this or that out. And with that stress comes distress and that, my friend, is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Season is about. So as I say Good-bye to Christmas 2012, I realize, as I do every year, that no matter what is missed, forgotten or left's not about any of that. And I hope and pray that next year possibly I'll have a very faint reminder that to Stress is to Miss. And to Miss saddens the whole experience. So while this year's tree is down and out.....the memories stay...both the wonder and the joy and yes, the stress. And hopefully next year that Cup of Stress will be a Tablespoon and then possibly a Teaspoon the next year and that maybe one year, it will be a mere wisp of memory.

Friday, January 4, 2013

4 a.m................

I'm pretty sure that 4 a.m. is NOT my favorite waking up time.....Neither was 1:30 a.m. But it seems to be today's inner alarm clock time. So up I get.....yes, maybe somewhat out of sorts, and get the coffee dripping. I sometimes wonder about sleep patterns. Why, some nights are wonderfully refreshing sleep and some nights are like a prize fight. I had an aunt one time tell me it was God waking me up cause there needed to be some sort of discussion, hashing out or possibly some other type of conversation. Okay fine......but here's the thing.......I'm not at my sharpest or nicest at 1:30 or 4 in the morning. I would think the Almighty should realize that and just go with a 10 a.m. discussion appointment. No, she said, by then you're doing 1,000 different things and you're NOT listening to what He has to say. So here I am.....with a very strong cuppa coffee waiting to hear some deep amazing voice begin to speak. It's been an voice. I hope you're in Dreamland and not waiting on your lecture.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Never Enough...

Do you suffer from the 'It's Never Enough' Syndrome? You look to the right and/or left and see folks who have more money, more stuff, more status, more trips, more cars, more this and more that. You can't grasp that Cup Runneth Over attitude because all you see around you is more, more, more. You can't climb over the Hills of THEIR prosperity to realize your own. You need to refocus my friend....because I assure you....whatever your circumstances, there are way MORE people with LESS than you have. Get over it!!!This attitude has become the American Way. It will eat you alive. Can you also see that many of the MORES suffer from more problems, more debt, more distractions, more work? Put blinders on if that's the only way you can refocus. Look straight ahead to YOUR future with YOUR blessings and YOUR prosperity. How about you share your wealth with the less fortunate. O, you say, I can't. I don't have enough as it is. Really? I mean REALLLLLY? Think about this my friend...and think hard. When you let the MORE'S rule your life, then you will NEVER catch up. And while you are running in that 'It's Never Enough' circle, you will miss out on o so many joys and blessings. Miss out if you must....stay on that hamster wheel if you must.....but while you're frantically trying to keep up, I hope you at least turn your mind to how many blessings you really have if not your life.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

D Day...............

Ok fine...I know it's not June, but I've always considered Jan 2 a type of D's a huge maneuver day. This is the day when you either take the new year by the horns or when the dreaded doldrums set in. The holidays are over....Christmas has come and gone. New Year's Eve and Day are things of the past. IF you've set new goals and or resolutions......this is the day to start. I know, I know, legally yesterday was the first day, but I think most of us give ourselves a pass on New Year's Day. So what will it be folks? Are you attacking your goals with enthusiasm, or has it already become the same ole thing? I really believe it's easy to fall back into the Rut of Life. Same attitudes, same habits, same results......all the plans of a new you fly out the window of 'It's just too darn hard'.....or......'I'll start tomorrow.'. I don't know if you even set goals or changes in your life. But if you did....and if you have in the past and have failed....I hope the first goal you set AND achieve is a change in your mental attitude. Nothing is going to work....not a new diet, a new exercise plan, a new promise of this or that...nothing will work unless you've managed to change your attitude. Change is hard. Doesn't come easily or stay put unless you're totally in charge of your attitude. So here's my wish for you......I hope that you're becoming the person you want to be. Life is not stagnant and neither should we be. Change is inevitable and we can take life by the proverbial horns and guide it in the path in which we prosper and grow, or we can sit by the wayside and let it run right over us. What's it gonna be? Your choice....Your life.