Wednesday, December 24, 2014


My Thought for this Day........My hope for you this Day is not that your tinsel is brighter, nor your tree shinier, nor your pile of presents larger. My deepest wish is that your heart is full. I long for each of us to be surrounded with family and friends on this most joyous of days, but deeper still, my wish is that in the very center of your being, you know that the Holy Occasion of this season, can not be measured in earthly terms. I pray that in the midst of the feasts and twinkling lights and cups of cheer, we all not miss the most life altering gift which doesn't lie nestled under the tree, instead it is tucked ever so deeply in our souls. The Light of centuries ago was Heavenly and not only guided the travelers to a barn, but also lead them to a Miracle Birth....what a Symbol of the highest Love imaginable. For unto us a Savior was born, an infant's first cry brought hope and eternal life. The Message of this Season is undeniably the greatest that was, is, and forevermore will be.

Saturday, December 20, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......This is the time of year when 'getting your ducks in a row' is kinda like 'herding chickens'. We're here, but we need to be there. We take a quart jar and try to stuff a gallon of whatever in it. We hurry, we scurry, and at times we run circles getting nowhere but to the Point of Exhaustion. Blessed is the person who takes the time to STOP ......just Stop!! I don't think God above sent His only Son so we could become maniacs, wear ourselves out, and spend countless hours, too much money and all our time trying to prove just how wonderful this Season is!! It's not wonderful if you're too busy to get the Message. I am NOT the Grinch who stole Christmas....I just want to be the small tiny voice that says...DON'T MISS THE POINT!!!!! Deck the Halls! Be Jolly! But please, along with all the hustle and bustle, remember.......the greatest gift you can give and receive is the gift of you. You were given the most magnificent gift of all, no tinsel and bright shiny bows needed........just you. That's all it is and will ever be.

Friday, December 19, 2014


My Thought for this Day....."And the stockings were hung".......I think we hang our stockings every day. And then we do one of three things. We hide in the corner and wait for someone else to fill them. We turn our backs and simply don't care if they get filled or not. Or we go about the business of stuffing our stockings with Life. Here's the thing......waiting on someone else is like sitting at a red light. You are never fully involved in the flow of traffic. Turning your back is like hiding in the corner with your nose pressed against the wall and your arms crossed over your chest, shielding your heart from others. Filling your own stocking is taking control and Living......not waiting on someone or something else to make Life happen. Every Day is a brand new chance to choose.....Wait, Hide or Make It Happen. Tell me...what'll it be today?

Thursday, December 18, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....It's the little things in life......that thank you...someone opening a door when your hands are full of packages.....a friendly wave from an acquaintance.....a big smile when someone sees you.....a quick hug of encouragement on a bad (or good) day.....a text or phone call to merely say I miss you. These SMALL gestures, no fireworks, no sirens, no standing ovations make up the BIG picture of life. Don't miss their impact because your eyes and ears and heart are waiting on the huge happenings. It's the little things that polish the mirror of your soul so that you may reflect your light into someone else's world.

Friday, December 12, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....Don't let someone else's life minimize yours. I think we live in a world of big, better, best. And each and every day, we tend to compare our lives to the ones who always seem to be in the fast lane, the passing lane, leaving us behind in the dust spewed from their shinier, newer, faster vehicles that they seem to drive with happy abandon and not a care in the world. We fantasize about more money; we diminish our blessings by continually standing in the shadows of the good fortune of those around us. We miss out on the sparkles of our lives because we are mesmerized by the huge firework displays of the lives of those around us. We continually dwell in the bubble of the ' if only'. So here is my hope for you. I hope that you don't let envy steal your joy. I promise you that every life has an outside and an inside and the outside isn't what counts. At the end of every day all cars are parked. And every soul must dwell in the inside, and sometimes the brighter the outside, the darker and more sad is the internal. So forget about who is in the passing lane; life is not a race, but a journey......your journey. Please don't minimize your sparkles. They too shine brightly and lighten the trail that belongs to you.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......we are a nation of Label Lovers. And worse still, we are raising a generation of Mega Labelers. If the watch isn't a certain kind, it has no status. If the shoes don't have exactly the right name, they aren't good enough. And good grief....if our sunglasses aren't sporting the correct name on the earpieces, we should hide in shame. Well, here is the true shame......this nation is falling behind on the Acknowledgment of the True Creator. Who made those trees in your yard? Who put those clouds in the clear blue sky...after He made the sky! Who causes the mountains to rise and the valleys to dip? Who ,with a Word, created All? Who,with a thought, developed that most intricate machine that is your human body? When you really stop and think, where are His labels? When His sun comes up this morning in His sky, I dare you to find the name God stamped on any of His mind blowing creations. So truly, honestly and strongly, I say unto you....Stop with the Obsession over mortal names! Until we all bow before our Maker, we will never understand the power of a genuine label.

Monday, December 8, 2014


My Thought for this Day......As I listen and reflect on the Phil Bennett/Bill Snyder story, I keep hearing the words of Coach Bennett as he narrates the tragic death of his wife. He said it was an Odyssey and Coach Snyder walked it with him. We all have Odysseys to walk. We all don't have Bill Snyder's to walk them with us. So my thought is this......if you are ever going to HAVE a Bill Snyder to walk by your side, you must BE a Bill Snyder. You must be willing to eagerly take up the reins of tragedy and step side by side with the Phil Bennett's of your life. My wish for us all is that such Odysseys never happen, but the reality is that they do and they will. And whether your role is the lead or supporting one, your actions speak volumes. I leave you on this early morn with these final words........we are guaranteed this moment, this breath, this sigh, this laugh, this step, not the next. Never forget words said, or actions taken may truly be the last you have with the people in your life. What will your Odyssey be and with whom will you walk?

Sunday, December 7, 2014


My Thought for this Day.........December 7.......a day that was said to be destined to live in infamy. And truly is has. So this brings to my mind this thought. How wonderful that all our days can be ones of us. I can't remember your days, nor you mine. And truthfully, no one can remember every moment of our own lives, but we have the opportunity to make every single day special. It only takes a moment of our God given Free Will to capture the essence of life and acknowledge that every day is miraculous. I think we live life in a blur, much like an unfocused camera. The seconds whirl by on a carousel of running circles, never quite catching the wisp of true living. How unfortunate that is. So my hope is some point everyday you stop, in thought and action and release your activity to the stillness within. And even for a minute make your day miraculously infamous within yourself.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......early morning and my thought is ....I Believe. We all believe in many things, but the fact of the matter is one Belief sets the tone for all others. What is your biggest, most life consuming, changing, determining belief? Until you recognize and acknowledge and live that one Belief, all others drift like sand on the beach. So set that belief and then watch how the others fall in line. It's an amazing thing.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


My Thought of the Day......There is one thing we all need to get over, and that is ourselves. We can't help others, pay it forward, be blessings if the mountain of ourselves stands to tall. Think about my words. Then just do it!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


My Thought for this Day....We all are links in our own personal chain. At times we are the Strongest link and bind our weaker family and friends together. At times, it is inevitable we are the most Frail link of our chain of life. The blessing and purity of existence is to know the difference. Don't try to forge the knot when you know you can't hold it. Greatness is not trying to overachieve at other's expense. Wisdom is allowing those stronger links to hold when it is their time. Be that person who is humble enough to realize no one can be all every second. Their is Grace in holding out your hand for help and grasping those who are walking by your side in love and support.

Monday, November 24, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Yesterday I had the opportunity to be a Good Samaritan or a fool. In my worldly existence, I did neither. I brushed off the opportunity, due to fear, doubt and the complete mental saturation of today's world. We are ingrained with be the attitude of suspicion. And so I drove away. For miles, my thoughts were wracked with doubt and that tiny, soft voice breaking through my practicality saying...what if it were my daughter? And so I turned around and drove back to where the opportunity presented itself hoping to reinvent the scenario and be that Good Samaritan. But it didn't happen. And so this is my Lesson learned. The motive of other people is sometimes irreverent; it is our motive, our heart, our intent that matters. I was not in danger, I was maybe being duped, but that was not my judgement to make at the time. I truly believe I was tested and failed. I can blame it on the Way of the Modern World all I want, but at the end of the are only responsible for you. And I failed. And this failure has followed me throughout the hours since.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


My Thought for this Day......we live in a world of the instantaneous.........fame, gratification, reward, fulfillment, needs, desires, acquisitions. I truly think we are in danger of losing the concepts of everlasting, generational, traditional. I pray you don't let that happen for yourself, but most of all for the younger generation in your care. Because, you see, you are a caretaker. No matter your age, you are looked up to as a carrier of your flame. Be careful of exactly what your flame illuminates. Yet with that care, realize that the old can become new, and widen and expand. Be the beacon that illuminates the old yet welcomes and embraces the new.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Ok, my second one....but this keeps twirling in my head, weaving ribbons of words, and I deeply feel someone needs this today. Short version....if you feel the power of your gifts can only be measured in monetary value, you are living a life in the shadows of lies. You are worth more than money.


My Thought for this Day..........I don't know what's on your menu of life today. Is it all appetizers and you're just getting things started? Is it a main course with a plate full of to do's? Or is it dessert and you're ending a phase, a chore, a trip or a duty? Or is today a full meal? Whatever it is, it is for certain, that your daily banquet is full of sugar, and salt and many spices and ingredients that fill your pantry. We all have our very own shelves of menu building. Maybe at times, our menus are unplanned, but it is without doubt that we can pick and choose our ingredients. So go to the Joy shelf, the Determination shelf, the Blessed shelf to fill your grocery cart. Leave behind the Pity aisle, the Anger aisle and the aisle of Why me. And by all means, fill your cart from the Thankful shelf. That truly should be the most bare shelf in your store.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......What does 'Enough' look like in your world? Have you ever really dwelled on the concept of having, seeing, feeling, making, or being enough? Do you run so hard and fast and rabidly that you wouldn't recognize 'enough' if you tripped over it? Are your days packed with mounds of commitments that they aren't days, but races? Gotta go here! Gotta get there! Gotta do! Gotta see! Gotta accomplish! Stop it! Who or what has made you so guilty that you can't simply enjoy a moment, much less an hour or a day? When you look to your future, if someone appears in your peripheral vision do you quicken your pace because that just is NOT going to happen? They are not going to get ahead of you? We all need to have goals and make our mark. But not at the expense of losing today to harried, twirling out of control expectations. You fail when your now is lost to your tomorrow. So please, think about this. What drives you to never being content to simply be? Why aren't you at peace with silence and ease? Take a picture of your enough......if you can find it. And if it is too elusive to catch then take a deep, slow cleansing breath and realize..... Enough is Enough!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....When you take yourself to the point of no return in any situation, look back. Standing in the shadows of your past, barely discernible, are hearts who once were important to you. No one was ever put in your presence without purpose. Everybody has brought something to your Feast of Life. I wonder if today was your or their very last day on this earth, would it mean something to you? Do you not think that God in all of His infinite wisdom knows the tether He builds between His people? I write this for all of us. Wedges are hard cruel timbers of hurt and neglect and self importance, that we allow to pierce the chapters of our lives. Don't ever think a book is permanently closed, read, finished, unless you allow it to be. Guilt is carried on every shoulder. There is no one who has not turned and walked and not lived to regret it. Today, think on this as I will. Life is measured, not without end.

Friday, November 14, 2014


My Thought for this Day....You can never go back. So before you completely burn bridges that connect you to people and places that have at some time meant so much to you, be sure you can walk on water. Life is a funny thing, sometimes it circles back. How sad to see your circle fade into the whitewash of your present.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......It is said,"Nothing in life is free.' I couldn't agree more. Not everything costs money, but nothing is truly, no strings attached, free. To become grateful, we must give up envy, and greed. To become bold, we must give up meekness and fear. To become weak before our Creator, we must give up earthly strength. To become wise, we must give up arrogance and self pride. To become internally valuable, we must give up external value. To become purposeful, we must give up idleness and laziness. To become genuinely whole, we must give up our patchwork parts that pull us in all directions. It's not only life's work; it is a lifetime of work. It is the Greater Good.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


My Thought for this day.......I never know what my words will be until each morning when I begin to write. And then something takes over and somehow the words appear. Today I know, and have known for several days what my words will be. Today is a day of Honor. To those who with or without choice have walked the noble path of protecting our country, I say Thank You. And yet, I know as I type these words, that they are merely pebbles where boulders should be. I know not because I have lived that life, but because I have walked for 38 years beside a man who did. A young boy who at the age of 20 was plopped down in the jungles of Viet Nam and told to fight. A young man who saw the unseeable, watched the unwatchable and carries that burden of truth even today. His scars of reality are not only emotional, but also physical. At times, these scars take over and rule, but strength and courage and determination usually reign, much like they did in 1970 when each day, just staying alive was a glory. And he does not stand alone, yet he does stand for a war in which every soldier was thought to be un-American for fighting America's most unpopular war. So today I thank All Veterans...both past and present.....but with an overflowing heart, I thank my husband and father of my children who fought with honor, not dishonor, and still to this day, stands and fights in the jungles of Viet Nam.

Monday, November 10, 2014


My Thought for this Day.........Today, invest in yourself.....not in your kids, your husband or your friends. Put your strength, effort and time in you. It's the simple acceptance and nurturing of oneself that leads us all to not be a tiny sapling, but a mighty oak that can accomplish mighty things. But even an oak can wilt and die from neglect. So my words are these.....we are no good to anybody, if we're no good to ourselves. When you look into the eyes of your child, friends or family, study your own reflection. And know that whatever you see, is what is either piercing or embracing their hearts. Don't pierce with stark dead limbs. Embrace and shield with leafy grandeur.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


My Thought for this Day......."Shame on you!" "You should be ashamed of yourself!" We've all experienced and to this day still feel shame for past actions. Some of this brought on by ourselves, some non deserving yet carried like a boulder on our shoulders. We tend to bubble in the juices of shame, sometimes to the point of having an inertia in the process of getting past it. We are human with human frailties and human actions and reactions. And so I think today, if you are going to be the person you are meant to be, you must step out of the shadows of shame....whether they be 24 hours old, or 24 years. Leap out, realize that the process is heart wrenching and painful, and may require a courage you think is unattainable, but at the finish line will be that pot at the end of your rainbow of life. Will you have shame again? Of course! There will never be a perfect life led, but the awareness of the humanness of the feeling allows us to grow and rather than hide, locked behind the Shame Door, we can step into the light of self forgiveness. Do what it takes! Do the work!! You are meant to walk in the power of greatness.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......You can Rethink the past. You can Regret the past. But you can never Relive the past. So why would you try? That sentence is written; the chapter read; the path walked. We all would love to have 'do-overs', but the truth of the matter is that when the sun sets on a day, it is done. So instead of Regrets and Rewinds, let's Remember that tomorrow we all will have a chance to live again with new purpose and grace. Don't Regret, trying to Relive or Rewind.......instead Learn. Take the Re's out of your life and fill it full of Now's.

Friday, November 7, 2014


My Thought for this Day ....Just remember that life is an Evolution, not a Revolution. The wisdom of living is to evolve into what you are meant to be. The stupidity of life is to revolt against everything that brings you to maturity and yes, age. If caterpillars revolted, they would never soar on wisps of beautiful wings. With acceptance and determination they evolve into creatures of grace and beauty. Happiness doesn't come from a mirror, nor should respect or admiration. Build strength of character with your days. Be that butterfly who clearly knows his struggles have paid off and is now enjoying the rewards of flight.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


My Thought for this Day...When you draw a line in the sand, be sure you're cognizant of your actions. Sometimes those lines harden into cement and you're left with no choice but to stay alone on the side of self righteousness.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Don't dwell on what you have to bear; dwell on what you have to share. Each and every one of us has burdens to carry.....some heavier than others. But gloriously, we all also have gifts, talents, and blessings to share. What good is it to hold your beacons of light so tightly in your fist, that no one basks in your glow? We all are a link in the chain of existence, a leg in the relay of life. Don't be the weakest link, nor the slowest sprinter. Digging a hole and merely existing with your troubles helps no one.....least of all you. So today, if even for a minute, share what you can, and maybe, just, maybe ,you will lighten someone else's burden. How truly wonderful would that be? Don't be a dweller, be a sharer.

Monday, November 3, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Lots of judging going on in this world. "I'd never do that." "What were they thinking?" "Are you crazy?" "You're a fool!" Stop it! You can never know for sure what you would do in any given situation. Life comes at us at a very rapid pace, and at times we react in an instant. But whether or not we have a second or hours or days to take a step, we truly never know our exact response until we are in the middle of a crises, a happening, a not so ordinary situation. So my thought is.......don't let your superior attitude overload your human mind. You don't know what you'd do in every situation, and to judge others is to set your mighty self on a pedestal just asking to be knocked down.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


My Thought for this Day........I want to be More. Do you? Help me to be More.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......No matter the hand you've been dealt, there are still many life cards to play. Don't bog yourself down in the 'why's' and 'what if's'. Every card in your hand must be accepted, and though some be tragic, each must be acknowledged and used to build a life that honors them. To dwell in the house of sorrow and regret does nothing for what has built that house. You are wiser because you have walked through tragedy and have, or, are learning to survive in spite of it. Growth happens even under the worst of circumstances when you dwell in the house of living well. Honor your past by being an example of strength and power.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....I think at times we should all dare to fail. How do you ever know you can succeed if you don't? The easy path is living inside the lines we have carefully drawn around our lives. The joyous life is to step outside those lines and dare. Daring to fail takes courage, and strength, but it also builds character and faith. How great are you? You will never know existing inside your box of life. Take that leap, it's yours for the taking.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Emotional Weapons....we all have them, and carry them around slung over our shoulders much like Santa's bag of toys. We bring them out when the time is right to protect ourselves, appear superior, or to hurt others. What's the most used toy in your bag of tricks? Which is the most well worn, the most frequently used, the one that seemingly gives you the most leverage and toughness? Which are the ones buried deep in the bag that rarely see the light of day because they just might make you seem weak? Do you even know? Or care? If you're image is so important that you haven't dug past your top emotions to delve into the deepest most hidden recesses of your bag, then you are not truly 100%. Maybe it's those hidden, still shiny and unused weapons that truly aren't weapons at all. But because of your fear of weakness, you will never know. I dare you to look!

Monday, October 27, 2014


My Thought for this Day.........How do you decide your answers if you don't know the questions? I think all of us at some point make major decisions in our lives without truly knowing what it is we should be figuring out. Life is not about generalities, but about specifics. It's the smallest stones left unturned that lead to the huge boulders that block our spiritual, mental or emotional travels. The big picture is always made up of strokes and swirls and colors and shadings. And to not see or taste or feel all that beauty and devastation belittles your life. Don't spend so little time on days that you forget the hours and minutes. Don't you see, each moment is not only precious; it is relevant to your Landscape of Life. Take the small steps. For leaping to the big conclusions without truly learning how to walk, leads to Picasso lives of jumbled pieces that while framed, never truly fit.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Every once in awhile we need to take a Soul Inventory. We need to count, throw out, replace, renew and refresh those things that abide deeply within us. Too much clutter leads to cobwebs in our lives. Old hurts and angers take up room that can be filled with new purpose and direction. What If's huddle in the corner and chip away at living in the now. A true Soul Inventory should hurt. No one has purity. To be done right, you must tear yourself apart.....see the ugly and applaud the good. It is a exercise in reality. It is a 100% commitment. When you decide to delve in, Windex your Mirror of Life or you achieve nothing but wasting time.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


My Thought for this Day........Don't be a victim; its counterproductive. Life is not about what happens to you. It's about seizing your seconds, minutes, and hours and becoming the victor. And with that Victory....however long it takes....comes the strength to pass it on to someone who hurts, struggles and needs to see that you have risen from your ashes.

Monday, October 20, 2014


My Thought to End this Day......If today you judged people by the labels on their clothes, shoes, purses or cars, then you are shallow. Many a fine person has never worn nor heard of the things you hold dear. So tomorrow, make an effort to look inside that person, judge not by what is here today and very well may be gone in the blink of an eye.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Today, not tomorrow.....

My Thought for this Day.......A cliche I know....but if you knew tomorrow would never come, what would you be doing today? Well, why aren't you doing it? Reach out and touch a family member, say a special prayer, laugh with a money needed, just commitment to living today!!

Saturday, October 18, 2014


My Thought for this Day........We all lose things. We lose keys; we lose glasses; we lose things that are minimal in our grand scope of life. One of the most heartbreaking things is to lose treasured things, irreplaceable things, life breathing things. And none of these things are expensive. These are things that are freely given and received. But when lost, they are priceless. Think hard on what is in your life worth the effort to keep.

Friday, October 17, 2014


My Thought for this Day........Everybody at some point needs an ear to listen without judgement, condemnation, nor advise. Someone to simply sit, and make you the center of that moment, the vessel that will fill with your emotions is a friend indeed. Today might be your day to be that friend. If so, be wise, compassionate and trustworthy.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


My Thought for this Day........It is said life is a two lane street. I think in today's world life is really an Interstate with many options hurling at us every second. Do we exit? Do we stay in the passing lane? Do we cruise in the middle lane where our options are more open? Do we try to beat the car next to us just because we can, or because our journey is more important than theirs? Have we programmed in our Navigation System to help guide use, using forethought, or do we barrel down the road with no destination in mind? Complexities. No longer are we looking at a life of two lanes. No longer can we take our eyes off our road. No longer can we be unaware of our surroundings. For you see we are thrown, everyday, into a mixture of rapid decisions. I hope, each and every minute, you have made decisions that will guide you honestly, gratefully, and carefully on your roadmap of life. For truly, the destination is not only yours, but also that of your children, friends and family. Your destination matters. Never forget that you are behind your wheel of life. Drive with that in mind.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


My Thought for this Day......What do you long for.....I don't mean what do you want. I want a piece of chocolate pie. I wish I had a new car. Those feelings are skin deep. My question is not about your materialistic, in the moment desires, but about your deep seated yearnings. Have you ever even thought about this? Do you know yourself well enough to answer that question? It is a brave soul who searches deep within to actually discover the very core of their desires. It takes study, time and strength to realize what is the true inner workings of your being. When discovered, they are a clear mirror, a revealing, a non distorted snapshot of just who you are. So the question remains.......who are you? What is your deeply planted seeds that become the fruit you bear? For you see, no matter how deeply your true longings are planted, eventually, with time, they will manifest themselves and your most private inner workings will become your headlines of tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Day....

My Thought for this Day......Not everyday can be a mountaintop. If they were, how would you recognize the Joys of Triumph. Enjoy normalcy; learn to appreciate every second of breath. Even though the hand you're dealt today may not be a Royal Flush, you're still in the game.

Monday, October 13, 2014


My Thought for this Day......I think at times our society can not see past our French manicured nails to comprehend that wonderful reality is right before us. It’s the fresh air we breathe. It’s the safety of our homes during a summer storm. It’s the written word of assurance at our fingertips. It’s the hugs, the kisses, the prayers said and heard. And so we are rearing a generation of children so materialistic as to be set up for misery their entire lives. They are entitled and so therefore, they will never see the value in those things that are FREE.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Be Present......

My Thought for this Day.......Don't spend your time dwelling on the wins and losses of days gone by. For to do so creates stagnation. When mired in the muck of failures, we never seek fresh opportunities. When crowing on the mountaintop of successes, we lose ourselves in our own glory. Use both triumphs and defeats as steppingstones to a better, more meaningful existence. We are meant to learn, grow, absorb. Life is not about the past, but about today. Don't lose an instant in the reflection of what was or might have been. Live today as if it is a fresh start....for indeed it is!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Live Well......

My Thought for this Day......We all have a truth. Maybe you don't like my truth and maybe I don't like yours. And that's ok. For at the end of our time, what matters is that we have lived out Truth with Honesty, Integrity, and Humbleness. We have walked our true path with a meaningful destination. We have lived a life of honorable definition. Don't change to mimic someone else's truth. You are an Original. Examine your Truth like a painting and if it needs another coat of paint, get out your brush. But not to please, or impress or sway others, but to be whom you are meant to be in the eyes of your Creator.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....Take a minute and think about who or what you took for granted yesterday. What if today all you see is an empty space void of that person or thing? No assurances my friends. IF today you are given another chance to be grateful, then stop and fill your soul to the brim. And better yet, express yourself in ways that fill your breath and the air with the purpose of being blessed. Pass it on.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


My Thought for this Day........When you're asked to do something that you know you can't do, don't try. No one can move all mountains, pave all roads, nor build all bridges. Part of being a responsible person is knowing your limitations. Don't take from your abilities by splicing them with your inabilities. You dishonor yourself with this.

Monday, October 6, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....We all have something to give. And we all have something to take. Just make sure your Give is bigger than your Take.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


My Thought for this Day........If I had a nickel for every often have you heard that expression? Or said it? Could you only buy a coke for every time you said thank you in one day? Would the amount of your daily smiles just get you a bottle of water? What if your thank you's and your smiles paid your bills? Just one of my random Thoughts on life. Thank You for reading this!!😄😄

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Sometimes I run out of words. My day begins with no flood of thoughts. Today is/was that day. And then I realized that maybe today my thought is Silence is Golden. My reflection is that there are days to just stop the blathering and allow Silence. Be still. Listen to the whisper of the air. Relax and be.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Do you ever wonder why Billy seems blessed and Bobby doesn't, why Sally appears to ' have it all', and Susie has nothing. Every thing he touches turns to gold. Poor thing couldn't get it done in a million years. Yes! We all judge. We all not only secretly think, but most of us, outwardly speak things that are critical. We do it every day. So here's a challenge. For today....if only for one day......don't wonder about your neighbor, co workers, or friend. Don't wonder about anybody....not even you! Just embrace today in the Joy in which it was given to you. Today, let's count our blessings, stand on our mountain tops, sing our songs....without reserve, regret or restriction. Let Billy and Bobby and Sally and Susie have their lives. You have yours. Enjoy it. Live it. Just throw out those arms and twirl in the glory that is you. And exhausted in the effort of individuality. It's a precious thing.

Monday, September 29, 2014


My Thought for this Day........What is your plan of action for today? How do you intend to treat people? Will you tear down or build up? Have you even thought about it? Don't go out your door without a mindset. Don't let the winds of fortune set your sails in the wrong direction. Be the captain of your ship. And as you captain that ship, set your compass to rightness and fairness and turn from idly sailing on the seas of jealousy and envy and despair. Make a plan, and a mindset. And though the winds of the day may blow you off course, you will your courage and trust....steer your ship with respect and as the sails dissolve into the sunset, you will be able to say, with authority, I served myself and others well. And for that, I am proud.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......We are forever students. We learn from our mistakes. We learn from our successes. We learn from our friends, family and strangers. To not learn daily is one of life's saddest errors.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


My Thought for this Day........Life is an orchestra, and we all are instruments playing our notes with rage, or aggression, or envy or sarcasm, or love, grace and joy. Are you the bass violin who boldly and deeply provides the background on our song? Are you the harp who softly and melodiously sends heart rendering notes of serenity into your realm? Are you the trumpet who courageously signals victories or defeats? Maybe you are the flute who flits slightly above the rumble of the other instruments, yet brings an air of serendipity to the music. Whatever instrument you are; you are a vital part of life's musical band. So play your heart out. Send your notes into the air with authority and power. You may not make the loudest sound, but you provide your part. You play your song. You fill our world orchestra with talent.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......We all have roots in our Gardens of Life. Some need to be pulled; some need to be fertilized; all need to be acknowledged. Turning your back on your roots disassociates yourself from your past, and your past,whether good or bad, has been a huge part in throwing the pottery of your life. So whether you walk away from it, ignore it, or reelect on your history with love; in all circumstances you must know that is and always will be the framework of your existence. If you can't see where you came do you know where your going? Everyday is history; every second builds the fabric of your legacy. Every instant is your past.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Thank You....

My Thought for this Day.........If it was easy, everyone would do it. I say that this morning for those who go the extra mile, for those who, everyday, put their lives on the line, for those who are willing to put months and years into learning things and talents that are used to heal and protect. My thought for this day is Thank You. Thank you for having the spirit and courage and strength to see your dream, chase it and then catch that elusive goal. You are my Heroes.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Your Truth......

My Thought for this Day......It is said to speak truth into your fear and selfishness. Maybe you are fearless and selfless and therefore are bigger than this message. But, if like most of us, you are fraught with human frailties, then remember that there is a Truth bigger than you. There is a Force more powerful than any human spirit. The trick is to be sure you plug into the right power outlet. For you see, there are many false roads to walk, lives to live and words to prophecy. So if you do need to speak your truth, let it be the Truth that will carry you forth in a purpose of good, not evil, in a walk of honor, not shame, and in the end will glorify that which is due your fearlessness and courage.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Don't live in the temporary. You figure it out.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Don't try to walk someone else's path. It will only lead to missteps. You are meant to make your own footprints.

Friday, September 19, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......You can say a resounding YES! You can give an emphatic NO! But just how convincing is a MAYBE? Get off that fence and stand for something. Unconvinced people aren't life changers. Be somebody's biggest fan and make a difference.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Respect cannot be bought; it must be earned. Respect is both an internal and external force. Respect is give and take; it is worthiness and honor. Respect doesn't come with big stones nor shiny wheels. Respect is silent, deep, long and wide. Respect is at times....when it is at is best....invisible. Think about whom and what you respect. And then, when you have the courage.....look at your reflection and truly see the respect that bounces off your being. For you emulate what you it worthy?

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....Life is a series of blips on a radar. It's not about the blips; it's about the way we react to them. Whether tiny or gigantic each occurrence brings out something about our genuine personality....our reaction is a mirror in which we see our truth. Do you like what you see?

Saturday, September 13, 2014


My Thought for this Day........When you strike out in anger...whether physically or leave scars that last a lifetime. When you are stronger than the one to whom your anger is directed, if you take that advantage and use it, then you are actually not only weaker, you are pathetically weaker. Physical scars may heal; emotional ones live on to affect every moment, day and year of the life of the recipient of your anger. But you're too big and bad to care. Well, listen well, for I know what is true. Not because I have ever been the recipient of a fist or tree branch, but because I have dealt with those recipients for nearly thirty years. You destroy lives. You tear down bit by bit by bit. You are not brave, big or bad. You are a coward.

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Ring......

My Thought for this Day.......Each and every day you must come out of your corner fighting. Put on your gloves for what you know is your truth, what you hold in your heart, what you believe is your path. But as you do this, take into consideration that life is not a popularity contest, but it isn't a boxing ring either. Mold your days as you see fit and in the throwing of life's pottery, remember sometimes your influence is felt more by the walk you walk,the steps you take, the high road that is yours, rather than a constant babble. Live and let live. And then, be strong enough to say....and mean....I did not only what was right for me, but what was right for others.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11

Mothers and 9/11 Today marks the anniversary of a truly devastating day in the history of the United States of America. I can remember my instant gut reaction as I was listening to the story unfold. I knew EXACTLY where my children were. Two of them were within a hundred yards of me on the same high school campus. But as their a mother, my first instinct was to go touch them. And I did. It was as necessary as breathing. They were fine and I knew it, but the compulsion was too strong to ignore. The other two kids were not close enough to touch, but I called them within a few minutes. This is what we do as mothers. We protect, we touch, we scrutinize, we gather our children during a disaster. I remember looking into their eyes and listening to their voices with a very clear thought resounding in my head. "You have no idea how this morning changed your world." I grieved for them; I grieved for all of us. Our universe tilted on that day. So I write this blog with two thoughts in mind. Every day unfolds with miracles and magic. Be aware of that. Take nothing for granted. My second thought is the sadness I still feel....deep in my heart....for the mothers who lost their worlds that day. I understand that it's also the fathers, wives, children, brother, sisters and many many more who still suffer. But today, because I still remember my great need to see, touch and listen to.....I cry for the mothers.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....Today when you pick up your bucket of life, make sure you have strained out the fears and disappointments of yesterday. Begin with clear, clean waters of hopes and joys. You only change the wrongs of the past by immersing yourself in thankfulness for this brand new day. This day is a gift. And even though it quite possibly will contain its own murkiness, it deserves a clear beginning of joy. Be delighted in what you have been given. Rest in the knowledge that you are truly blessed.

Friday, September 5, 2014


My Thought for this Day........Life is a mindset. It truly is. At the end of the day, when you lay your head on your pillow and it is just you and silence and your truth, then you know. Have you honored your values, have you lifted your joy, have you encouraged with honesty? Have you lived your day with a mindset of selfishness or selflessness? How absolutely glorious it is to be what you are meant to be. It's not about importance; it's about standing in the Gap that is yours.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


My thought for this Day......We all long for security. I'm just not sure we all understand what that means. Take a minute and 'think' security. If the words Power, Possessions or Pride come to mind, then I fear you have it somewhat wrong. Work to replace those 'self' words with words that are lasting. Then truly understand security, and with this understanding comes Peace that passes everyday worries and strife.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Your Truth.....

My Thought for this Day.....How dangerous is the Sound of your Silence? How safe it is to hold your tongue. How comfortable it is to sit in your corner cloaked in knowledge that it your truth, yet to remain with the words locked in your mouth. Yet how liberating is the Grace that is given to you when you speak your truth with dignity and righteousness and when you look out of your consciousness with clear eyes that focus not only on you, but on your fellowman. When the time comes to step from your corner into the limelight, do so with the self assurance that your truth is as important as the person's to your right and to your left. And that IF you voice it with respect and character, you do no harm. We all have a story. It is not only in the is in the telling, the relating, the passing on of experience. And most if all....the voicing of what will instruct, help, and ultimately take that story from your world and pass it on to those who take the time to listen. But...and this is a very important can only tell. After that, walk away, your journey is complete, your race is over, your baton is passed and you may live with the knowledge that you have spoken your truth. The listening is not your responsibility.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Time....Times Three We are three dimensional when it comes to time. We, as humans, live in the present, recollect the past, and look toward the future. This set of circumstances can be both blessings and curses. How sad it would be to lose wonderful memories of the past or not to be able to anticipate exciting things to come. But also how sad to miss out on the present because we dwell on past mistakes and worry about the future. I think sometimes the rooms of our minds are cluttered with too much regret and worry, much like a hoarder only leaves a trail in a house,we only leave a tiny space to enjoy today. And with this overabundance of thoughts, we struggle to walk through our present. We are too busy finding the trail through the mass of mistakes and worry. We have no open space to just be. So today, I hope you clear the clutter. Literally throw it away. It may return, in fact it most probably will, but just today, have a clear, clean, wide open space of the present. Enjoy this day. You can never erase past mistakes, nor change the future by worry. Today, be an open sky, a pasture of swaying grass, a mountaintop of thankfulness. Enjoy this Sunday. It's your day.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Babble.....and not a brook.

My Thought for this Day.......Sometimes listening to your own silence is the best lesson you can learn. Just stop the endless chatter, the constant bombardment of words. For at the end of the day, no one is listening to you but you. Be still and silent. Learn more about yourself, and less about your babble. You will be so surprised then how people will tune you in, not tune you out.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


My Thought for this Day........Search and find someone in your life whom you think is righteous......then emulate them. It's. Just. That. Simple.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Today we're going to chat about money. Yes, I know that it's not considered proper to speak of one's wealth...or lack there of. I'm not interested in the amount of money you have; no one should be. What I am interested in is what you do with it, how you help others with it....wait! I'm hearing a small rumble of "I can barely get by on what I have; how can I help others?" So you don't think you have enough money to pay your bills? Or you're thinking that you barely get by, so philanthropy is not a possibility? Here's what I'm thinking.....IF you have bills to pay, then you have more than others. What about the mother in an abusive situation who is relying on a homeless shelter to fed and protect her and her children.....give to it! What about Meals on Wheels that furnishes food to the elderly who have empty cabinets.....give to it! What about the animal shelter that houses many of God's creatures when no one else will......give to it! Look around you....the possibilities are endless. And here's the doesn't matter if you give one dollar or a thousand or a million; your heart should be in the giving, not the amount. We all have the ability to give. I dare say at some point you've been helped. Yes you have!!!! Don't put blinders on to protect your selfishness. Give!! Money!! Now!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Repost....But O So Relevant.

My Thought for this Day.......While you're walking on water today, realize how deep your sea is. #getoveryourself

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


My Thought for this Day........I hope when you read this.....whether it be early morning, mid day, or stop, and for just a few moments, you ever so quietly study the Mirror of you Mind. You truly see what it reflects. You study the image carefully. You realize exactly what you're seeing. I think we tend to spend so much time on our outer appearances, we neglect our inward portrait. We don't see what is truly there. Maybe we need Windex and a rag to work on the fog of our Mirror. Maybe we need to really polish it, shine it, to make sure we can see it in detail. And when it is polished, when it is clear, when you have the courage to see your reflection for what it really is, then have the honesty, strength and integrity to admit that no one's reflection is pure....not yours and not mine. And here's the thing.....when you make that study, take that time, polish that glass.........then you have begun the journey of change, and what you reflect begins to become more selfless, more giving, more what life is truly about. It's not the studying that's the most's the shining. The Mirror of your it's up to you.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

It's Time.....

And They're Off............... This is dedicated to my many friends who are watching their children leave for college. Right or wrong you have done your job. You were given 18 years to prep this meal and now you are setting it on the table. Some dishes will be too salty, some too sweet, some too bland, but all will be on the table of your child's life and mixed together they will be the beginning of such an adventure. Whether you are watching them leave for college, trade school, a job are watching independence. There is not an emotion in your entire being that you won't feel. But know this.......the culmination of all your hard work is beginning to pay off. Mistakes in the future? You bet! After all, you raised a human. Anxiety? Of course. After all YOU are a parent. But I'm gonna go out on a limb and say deep down in the very recesses of your heart you wouldn't have it any other way. For to have it any keep that child tethered to your proverbial apron strings is to deny him or her the right to spread those wonderful wings and fly. And what an unbelievable meal it is to share. Please take this with the love with which it is have imparted as much as you can, and yes, while there are still many lessons for them to learn, they will be learned without you standing directly in front of them. They will hurt, they will cry, they will break dishes and drop forks, but o yes!.....they will also feast on the opportunity of becoming who they are meant to be. I could go on and on for I have been in your shoes. I have cried rivers of tears and also wanted to reach across miles and wring necks. But I have also smiled and glowed and swelled with pride at their accomplishments. So I'm going to close this way. You have set the table. Now say Grace over it. Not today but EVERY day. Then step back and know that you have laid the tablecloth and dishes the best you knew how. It is now time to allow your child to eat.

Saturday, August 16, 2014


My thought for this Day.......If you don't savor the bite, how do you enjoy a feast? If you don't hold a penny, how do you save a dollar? If you don't listen to a word, how do you understand a conversation? Life is not about the bigs; it's about the littles. It's about the simple, not the complex. It's about simmering rather than boiling. It's not about the first page, or the's about the entire book. Enjoy the pieces of the puzzle, and the placing them together to form a spectacular life panorama. No one's puzzle has, or is, or will be like yours. Please gather in your small things, don't race from one big event to another. How incredibly sad to miss the tiny, yet mighty moments that define your days. The first sip of a hot cup of coffee, the rereading of woven words, the belly laugh with a really good friend, the tiniest detail of a picture....these are the things that make your rainbow. Don't miss the colors of life searching for your pot of gold.

Friday, August 15, 2014


My Thought for this Day......I woke up this morning with a song in my head. It was "Coming out of the Dark". Gloria Estefan sang this song when she emerged from her years of rebuilding her life after a horrific tour bus accident. My immediate thought was that we all 'Come out of the Dark' each morning. Whether you've had blissful, nourishing sleep, or a night of worried tossing and turning, in God's time you will come out of the dark. And with this lightness will come a new awakening. It is up to you how you stand in your spotlight of brightness. It is your decision how you face the light of a new day. It is your choice to build the day or tear it down. The pinkness of the new dawn will turn into clear blue skies or thunderheads.....mentally and physically in your words, thoughts and actions. So I'm throwing this out to you. Upon awakening, your first thought, your immediate reaction to your gift of a new day, your time to set the tone, strum the song, beat the drum......this is quite possibly the most important moment of your day. Will you arise Coming out of the Dark, or Hauling the Darkness around like a heavy sack? You and you alone are the carver, the potter, the painter of your light.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


My Thought for the Day.......Do you realize we only lease our lives? We rent our bodies? We do not own them. We have varying beliefs, thoughts, and actions on our leases. Some people take them more seriously than others. Some never even consider that one day our leases will expire. Leases end in all sorts of ways. For some, it is just the decision to stop paying the rent and move on...........for these souls the pain and hurt must be so deep and wide and endless that they see no other option. You have never and will never walk in another's shoes, breath their air, nor know exactly why they keep or break their leases. You will never ever feel the pain of anyone but you and to say otherwise is presumptuous and ignorant on your part. Don't ever say," I know how you feel" because you DON'T! It is said that life is for the living.....but it is my belief it is also for the dead. For at times the dead teach so powerfully that these lessons surpass anything we have ever experienced. Whether you lease a penthouse or a basement, you do lease. Please take stock of everything and everyone that inhabits your space. Listen, seek, watch, speak, and most of all learn. With learning you teach.......what is your lease lesson telling the world?

Sunday, August 10, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Every one of us is in place....not in A place. We are positioned physically and emotionally. Our duty, joy, sorrow, guilt, fulfillment is to realize our places are wisps of clouds. They are tendrils of fog that at the slightest breeze may reshape, reform, or restructure. Do you even recognize your place? It is fleeting and yet permanent. It is Holy.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


My Thought for this Day......We are all human. In this we share so much, yet are so unique. We have physical bodies that are more complex than is humanly possible to conceive. We have emotional webs that are more intricate than the most fragile of spider webs. We are ourselves. We are creations of a Mighty Power. We are steeped in the waters of life and become stronger or drown. We are capable of much more than we will ever realize. We live and breath and seek and find and soar and fall. We are human. This is us.

Friday, August 8, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Life is full of Beginnings, Middles and Endings. New beginnings we sometimes associate with excitement. Endings are often times perceived as sad. Middles can flat line. The important thing is to remember this. Whatever process you are going through, walking into, coming out of.....each has a Present. That is what is important. Don't let the past or the future ruin the present. Nothing is more important than to realize each minute is your reality....not a beginning, middle or ending. Make each moment count...but not only for you....make it important to those around you. Life deserves your full attention.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


My Thought for the Day........Rips.....common occurrences.....rips in the pages of the newspaper, rips in a brand new shirt, rips in a picture. What about the rips in the Canvas of your Life? Not so easily repaired with a strand of thread or a piece of tape are these Life Rips. It is my belief that we sometimes rip the hearts of others....both intentionally or not. If at this second you are thinking, not me.....then go find a blog on being honest with yourself. You have and will in the future rip a heart and your heart will be ripped. The key is the realization of intent. If, at any time, you intentionally rip the heart of a family member, friend or even stranger, if you intentionally throw out words, actions and deeds that hurt, if you stand O just a little bit HIGHER on the Ladder of Life and refuse to look down at those underneath you, then I would encourage you to take a long razor edged look at your own Canvas of Life. Examine the rips that are there, for there are some. Remember the hurt. Delve deep into your heart. Life is not about ripping. Life is about painting a picture that draws people in....doesn't push them out. Don't Tear....mend instead. Or better yet, put away all sharp objects that may...just may....cut someone to the core. The human heart is fragile and when torn, becomes even more tender. Today, I will publicly admit that I have been a ripper, a tearer, a shredder. But I will also vow to understand more, to the best of my ability, to whatever extent I can, the hurt of ripped souls. Are you standing by my side on the Ladder of Life, or above me?

Saturday, August 2, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......When you look in your life's rear view mirror, what do you see? Do you see mistakes discarded with no acceptance, acknowledgement or teaching? Do you see people left behind that mattered at one point, but now don't? Do you see uncertain steps that became weaker? Do you see missed opportunities that could have lead to exuberance and joy? Of course you do! You see all of these because you are human. You have and are and will make mistakes both small and large. It's called life! But wisdom comes with the examining of past errors. And wisdom is the key to your future.....not intelligence, not degrees, promotions .......wisdom. O how I long to be wise.

Thursday, July 31, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Where do you live? Do you live in solitude, generosity, deception, selfishness, gratitude, achievement, jealousy? We all reside in our emotions. Each and every one of us must face the reality that something rules our lives. And what we portray to the world is not necessarily what is truly our hearts's platform. Do you spend time making sure you mask the true you? And if you do, is this out of shame, embarrassment, or weakness? True happiness comes in the ability to face ourselves with pride. Absolute contentment stems from the knowledge that while not perfect, we strive to live in the spotlight of improvement. To think you are perfect is to be looking in a cracked mirror. To view yourself as invincible is to be blinded by the light of self importance. I think it is miraculous that we, each day, are given the opportunity to carve out a little more of our true selves. We are flawed; we sometimes live in emotions that are not righteous. But the opportunity and the desire to dig, and seek and find our true selves is nothing short of stupendous, and then with a mighty roar and a mountain of work, we can live within hearts and souls of peace, knowing that while not perfect, nor spotless, nor blameless, we are striding with purpose and finding that some of our platforms are rickety and must be replaced with good, strong, true and selfless platforms of steel, and in the finding, we are doing. You are a work in progress. You shed your skin daily. You wake to a blank slate of opportunity. Where will you live today? Not where did you live yesterday, nor where are you going to live tomorrow......those are irrelevant facts. Today....where?

Monday, July 28, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......It takes a lot of personal struggle and effort to work out the kinks of life. I don't mean your best friend's kinks, or your family's. I mean your own deep down, in your gut, only you know kinks. These are the emotions, feelings and building blocks that truly define your character. These are the sails that set your course. These are the inner workings of your Life Clock. These are the knots that make a velvet rope turn into a raw and hurtful noose. And here is the thing....until you empty yourself of everything, until you take out your kinks and hold them up to the light and turn them in every direction, and see them for what they truly are, you will never be truly in control. We are all humans, and we all have kinks; what we all may not have is the courage to examine them with clarity, and truth. It is much easier to live life without the knowledge that we are frail, that we are sinful, that we.....deep down.....have kinks. What motivates you? What drives your days? What determines your actions, choice of friends, handling of situations? What is your deepest emotion? What is the pesky mosquito that buzzes in your heart? Go outside to the shed.....if you truly do the're gonna need a big shovel.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......This is what I need. I need you to stand up for me. I need you to hold me. I need you to be that person who has not walked my path, lived my experiences, but is willing to listen with a true heart, not a judgmental one. I need you to answer my questions with truth. I need you to laugh with me and cry with me and scream with me and be still with me. I need you to really see me, not for what I can do for you, but for the person I am. I need you to overlook my many flaws. I need you to stand in my corner between rounds and also take the hits with me when I'm in the middle of the ring. I need you to pray with me and praise with me and just be with me. But you know what I need the most....above all else? I need to be able to do that WITH and BY and FOR you.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


My Thought for this Day......It is said Possession is nine tenths of the law. I say that if you have to worry about the law in your true possessions, then you've missed the mark. Do you value what you posses more than what possesses you? So many levels to this. So my thought is posses and value what is freely given. No law, insurance, payments or escrow needed on what is the depth and freedom of breath and life. And then flip the coin, look at what posses you side. Be honest, be unforgiving, be that human being who wakes up to appreciation in what is the core of existence......coming with no price tag.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......When you tie yourself to someone or something, be sure it is a tether and not a noose. We each surround ourselves with people and things of our choosing, but at the end of the day, it isn't what you represent or with whom you spend your time. When you are alone, within yourself, thinking solitary thoughts, recognizing hidden messages, feeling individuality, make sure that you are truly whom you want to be. We all need outside love and passions. But most of all, there at the top of our pinnacles of life, we need to be comfortable in and with and by ourselves. Recognize this. It truly is the breath you take.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Mt Thought for this Day..........There is a hidden strength in all of us. At times it lays quietly in the shadows because there is no need for it. At times it stands tall as the oak and reaches it's mighty branches to fight for our lives and hearts and for others. I think strength is a hidden treasure. And while Utopia doesn't demand it; the occurrences that call out for it, the sharpening the blades of it, the weighing the heaviness of it ....those are the times that truly are the most blessed. For in those times the saplings become the oaks and when looked back on, we not only see survival, we see accomplishment. We feel roots deeply planted and nourished. And we rise.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Shame is a mighty vessel. We shame others for what we perceive is a wrongdoing. We shame ourselves for mistakes and failures. We sometimes cannot get out from underneath our umbrella of shame , nor our minds.....others to step into their own light. Be careful whom you shame. Often times we put mighty burdens on loved ones and strangers alike. Shame can cast a wide net and drag up innocent people. So carefully examine yourself. And before you say "Shame on.......", be sure you are entitled. And If you do, in fact, carry a shame......rectify it.....make a wrong right.

Monday, July 14, 2014


Mt Thought for this Day........If life is a stage and we're all players, then I think we must ask ourselves........"Do we have the lead role?" I think many times we are afraid to captain our own ships. Instead we take our direction from someone else whom we hold in higher esteem than we hold ourselves. And truly there are instances when we must take direction from superiors, as in our jobs. But when it comes to our personal day to day actions, we must be at the helm, hold the steering wheel, direct the show. Take a good look at your inner core. If it is tethered to someone you envy, if you wait to take a leap until someone else's checkered flag drops, then I think you must begin to mentally lift weights, get on the treadmill, wipe the dust from your mental elliptical. We are given minds, and honor and truth. Use all three to steer your ship, and be the lead role in your world that stages your life.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


My Thought for this Day........We have all had many "firsts" in our lives. We've taken our first step, cut our first tooth, had a first best friend, gone to our first day of school, dribbled our first ball, had a first job, owned our first car......the list goes on and on. But I think it may be important to break each day into "firsts". What is your first thought? Is it positive? Is it one of gratefulness, or dread? Do you allow it to set the tone of your day? When is your first smile? Is it when you greet the first person you see,or hours later, when you hear the 5 o'clock bell ring and your workday is over? When is your first worry? Is it instantaneously upon waking, or do you hide those and not let them consume your every thought? I truly believe that each day is a brand new slate with many, many firsts, and our challenge is to realize that what was yesterday is gone. Today holds seconds, minutes and hours of new opportunities. Make that connection that needs to be made, do that chore you've been dreading, say those words to someone that should have been uttered months ago, help that person you know is in need, but haven't taken the time to lend a hand. What wonderful things "firsts" are, and how miraculous when we get "do-overs" to right wrongs. So today, I challenge you to make your firsts count, because truly nothing is guaranteed, and your firsts today may be your lasts.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


My Thought for this Day......We all preach every day. We preach with our words, actions, meetings and greetings, thoughts, expressions. We preach with all that we are and do. Life is your pulpit. So today, as in each day, be careful of your sermon. Be aware and sure that you're preaching exactly what is needed. Someone is listening, evaluating. Be that person who sets an example of fairness and gratefulness , not one who harangues, speaks empty words, or acts with too much pride. Realize that your daily sermon is witnessed by friends, family and complete strangers. What is your inspiration? What do you pass on to others? At the end of each day, I hope we can all re-hear our daily sermon and think, okay, today I did good!

Friday, July 11, 2014


Inn of your Mind....... My Thought for this are not alone in your head. Crazy, I know. But the fact of the matter is you're not. People who are influencing or have influenced your life are sharing the rooms of your mind. Be very careful when handing out mental keys. It is your existence, your path, your the wise, the generous, the fair thinker to room in your mind dorm. Raise the rent on those who guide with opportunism, self-centeredness and retaliation. It is your Lodge of Living; be selective in your tenants.

Thursday, July 10, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......When you look down on people, you see the tops of their heads. When you look up to people, you see the soles of their feet. When you look eye to eye, evenly, squarely, you see their faces, their eyes, their smiles or frowns, their wrinkles and crinkles.....their life. So my thought is this........we are all standing side by side......not vertical, but horizontal....not inferior nor superior. Be very careful in your thoughts, motives and actions. The measure of a person is eye to eye. Put yourself above or under, and you become judgmental, or envious. You lose part of yourself. Eye to eye.....evenly.......side by side.

Monday, July 7, 2014


My Thought for this Day......If the letter I is the first one in your alphabet, it is easily seen. Think about it.

Saturday, July 5, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Today I'm thinking of memories. Not the ones we all already have. I don't know yours and you don't know mine. Instead, I'm thinking of the opportunities we have to make them. What special places memories hold in our hearts....both good and bad. We usually take the time on holidays to gather and surround ourselves with people and things that we love and make wonderful memory pages in our books of life. But I think that to overlook even the most common day with its most common occurrences is not honoring our existences. I know every second can't be a special memory, but neither should they be passed without our awareness that we are ...if living consciously.....not overlooking opportunities to stamp a memory on our sidewalks of life. So I challenge you to live aware. Live with the knowledge that each day holds a special place in time. Don't skim over the waters of your life lake unaware of the depth that each day can have. Don't live with shutters and drapes, instead live with clear eyes and open windows, making each day count as a worthy memory. Reach out, touch a cause or a friend, self-reflect, be a memory.

Friday, July 4, 2014


Red, White and Blue......we are all about celebrating our July 4th holiday this week. When I think of this holiday, I think of fun, friends, family and food. But it goes without saying that it also is a time to reflect on Independence. No matter what your feelings are on the Good Ole U S of A at this moment, if you don't value the rights you have in this country, then you are sadly missing the opportunities offered. I can hear the Naysayers whisperings inside their heads how we're sinking fast...and I'll agree, we do need to stop treading water in a lot of areas, but that's not the point of today's blog. I am NOT a political person. I vote, I have my opinions, but I do not express them on any social media. Just don't. I want to say that we are all independent thinkers and doers in all areas of our lives. That is what makes up the colors, and patterns and textures of the Great American Quilt. We are not birds on a wire all singing the same song. We are not soldiers marching in close rank with our hands out to signify allegiance to a mad man. We are a people with the ability to think on our own, freely voice our opinions if we want and vote our consciences. We are independent. And with this, comes responsibility. Responsibility to ourselves, and most of all to future generations. Look down the long road ahead and whether you're 20 or 50 or 80, you are going to walk that road and more importantly the next generation in your family will walk it. Whatever comes our way in this nation, our future generations will be left to deal with it. I don't care if you're Republican, Democrat, Independent or Tea Party or a spotted mongrel with a mix of all of the above, you are making a difference in the path of the people who will walk the path of The United States, who will sail under the flag of the Red, White and Blue. Who will enjoy their own independence. So at the end of this day, and tomorrow and next month and next year, please for all that is precious to you, value your independence. Value it so much that you never take it for granted. You have free will. Don't squander it, don't misuse it, don't hang it out to dry and let someone steal it off the clothes line. Then when you are through with it, when you've reached the end of the path you've walked, please pass it own. Talk to your young people about the value of being able to think, speak and act independently. I thank God everyday that we live in this great land. I hope you do. And then when and if you are wise enough to value the Red, White and Blue, thank a veteran and those military men and women who paid and are currently paying for your right to be free.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


My Challenge for this Day.......Pick a friend.....someone you love and admire.........think for 30 seconds about them........your life just got better. See how easy happiness can be? Let them know your thoughts and you will fill two souls as freely and easily as drawing breath. Happy Friend Day.

Monday, June 30, 2014


My Thought for this Day..........Have you been leaned on lately? Have your shoulders been light because you haven't been available to help carry someone else's burden? Have you been so involved in your life that others are not part of your very self centered view? No matter your circumstances, problems or ruts, you need to BE there for those you love. Nothing says I Love You more than lending an ear, sharing a grief, walking by a side. Get out of the ME and into the THEM.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


My Thought for this Day......Dare to be you....truly you. Dare to live you.....with all your imperfections. Dare to change one has life truly in hand. Dare to give times everybody needs your helping hand. Dare to risk one ever achieved goals sitting in the trunk rather than out on a limb. Dare to love you......with this, all other things line up in your possibilities.

Saturday, June 28, 2014


My Thought for this Day.........The progression of life comes as surely as each sunrise and each sunset. And like the rising and setting of the sun, our evolvement can be clear and crystal blue, or cloudy and overcast.......either way we progress. But the disengagement from this progression allows us to miss a curve, round a corner too fast or speed by the beauty that should be savored. Sometimes we tend to live our days with eyes wide shut. And that's ok for a while; there is no shame in the stepping back and the regrouping. I often times think that this action widens our picture of life and much like a movie on a huge screen we watch, we are then able to cast away clouds and our progression becomes more clear....maybe not easier, but more clear. And with this clarity comes resolve, renewed strength and the realization that while difficult, days are only so few and are numbered and so in the end, the fight of control is worth the hardship of taking each step through the clouds into the light. I think I ramble, and I hope that this morning, even though I do take the long way to my point, I do at least reach a conclusion that is not hazy, but is shown with clarity on your wide screen of life.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


MyThought for this Day.........Today is still a newborn swaddled in a blanket of dreams and plans and hopes. As you begin to unwrap your today child, do you do it with wonder and eagerness? Are you excited to count the fingers and toes? Do you slowly peal off the layers of your new day, appreciating each second, minute and hour? Or do you just roll out the day, never really taking deep breaths of awareness of what is around you? Do you never see the small details of tiny curves and soft moments and take the time to breath that wisp of air that has never been inhaled? For the most part I think we are all guilty of just getting through the day. We wear our blinders that are focused on Friday, or the weekend , or whatever it is you consider the next 'event' in your life. Well, I've gotta say that today is the next big event in your life. Today is still swaddled, still unexplored, still new. Don't pass it by without realizing that it has dawned with as much promise as it can possibly hold. You are the key that unlocks the door, the mother that slowly peals the blanket off your day, the captain of each moment. Don't be ordinary. Life isn't.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


My Thought for this Day.........I wonder what your personal best is? I don't think you know. There is no limit to what you can do. There may be commas in your life, but there are no periods. Think about it. We all must stop, rest, regroup from time to time. We all must take that deep breath, that backing away, that respite. But here's the thing......we all have it in us to gather our strength, our will, our want to and continue to be that person we strive to be....physically, emotionally, and wholly. I wonder if you even realize that you are a deep well of all that is human and the wonderful realization of life is to take those well waters and fill jars of talents and generosity and goodness and everyday be all that is in you to be. Don't spend your time looking to the left or right, judging yourself by what others have or do. Spend your seconds and minutes and hours being you and all of you and then, in the true sense of appreciation, spread your personal best around to those who just for today or tomorrow need to see what life can be.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


My Thought for this Day........Don't face life as a challenge. Instead, grasp it as an opportunity. A challenge denotes tenseness, strife, obstacles, harsh vision. An opportunity is just an empty slate, leaning against your wall of life, waiting for you to pick up your markers and begin to simply and elegantly draw the story of your existence. Chose your colors; revel in your patterns; stand back and study your story. We are not meant to hold emotional guns and swords and walk the parameters of our days, seeking out those who might present problems. Instead we are designed to open our eyes to what has been placed before us, then to study and contemplate and with clear heads and open minds write each day as if we are living squarely in the Book of Life. For truly we are.

Monday, June 23, 2014


My Thought for this Day......If we are not promised tomorrow, then why waste today? If we are not assured the next hour, then why waste a minute? I think we tend to hum-drum our lives waiting for the next big event, happening, occurrence. How sad if we overlook our minute by minute miracles on fleeting thoughts of anticipated things that in truth may never appear. Wake up!! Every day is your gift. The trick is to untie it with wonder and thankfulness that you are indeed alive. Today.....alive today!

Thursday, June 12, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....Life is just It is hard, adventuresome, amazing, spectacular, heartbreaking......the list of adjectives goes on and on. You can fill in the blank in infinite ways. But one thing is true. Life must be lived. Lived hard. Lived joyously. Lived with the knowledge that each and every one of us is inherently equipped to put one foot in front of the other. Some days we skip; other days we drag. Each day we move. So no matter the heart of your days right now, I hope you know that deep inside there is a well of strength that you can bring up by teaspoons or gallons. It is known as the human spirit. It is your gift. It is your endless power.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Looking out our den windows on this early morning I see that the weeds are growing much faster than the grass. Both were blessed with the wonderful rain, neither have been fertilized, yet the weeds are 'outdoing' the grass in the growth game. Makes me wonder about my own personal weeds. We all have them....those personality traits that are well.....unfortunate. I realize that in my case as least, my weeds can certainly overtake my grass unless and until I take extra measures to fertilize the St Augustine. And then make a daily, diligent effort to pull my weeds; not simply mow them down, but yank them out of my personal yard. Yank them by the roots and throw them away. It's not a daily effort for me; it's a minute by minute realization that those pesky thoughts and actions want to overtake my garden of goodness and grace. What about you? How do you handle your weeds?

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Life is nor about the going and the doing and the having and the making. Life is about the BEING. Be first. Then, when you get that understood and appreciated and lived. Then, when you realize that your presence is truly needed by YOU. Then and only then can the other things follow like adjectives that complete the main noun. Then the thorns fall off and the flowers bloom. Then the stillness in your core is complete and mature and able to truly live all of your going and doing and having and making. Perfect being. Then take on life like you mean it!

Monday, June 9, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......Describe yourself in one word!! Then let that word sink into your bones. Dwell in your heart. Become part of your soul. And if it does not please...have the courage to change it! Honestly change it. For if you are not honest from the beginning, you're wasting your time.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....As I look out our windows and see the rains fall from the Heavens, I think of the natural cleansing of our trees, plants and grass. All these things have been planted and have endured both good and bad times. They have struggled through heat and drought and then have blossomed in cool breezes and glorious rain. I think we, as humans, are much the same. Wherever we have been planted, we too must endure, strive to live in the arid moments and then exist in glory when our Heavens open and abundant blessings fall upon us. I wonder if you realize the cycle? I wonder if you allow yourself to soak up the miracles of moisture, and then store them to be prepared for the droughts. We thirst; we hunger, and then we flourish. The Circle of Life.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


My Thought for this Day......You can spend your life wanting what others have. You can spend your days craving those things that seemingly fall from the sky and touch those around you, yet you remain dry. You can spend your moments in selfish desires of physical things. But you can never spend one millisecond being someone else. Walk proudly in your shoes. Shine your light. Build your strengths. Then and only then can your well be full, your heart overflow and your life be complete with what is meant to be.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......There are many things in life you can't take back....the words you speak, the actions you take, the thoughts you think and the moments you lose. All of the above defines you. I wonder if you like your definition?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


My Thought for this Day........I don't know. I don't know all the ifs, ands, and buts. I don't know all the whys, whats, and wherefores. And that's ok. That is the order of life. That not only protects, but also gives freedom. Freedom to strive when we need to work hard. Freedom to stop, when we need to rest. Freedom to be IN and OF the universe not OVER the universe. Think about this. For truly, you don't know either. And it is a blessed relief.

Monday, June 2, 2014


My Thought for this Day........I wonder how many of us pretend to be someone we're not. How sad to spend your days emulating someone because you think they are better than you. What an absolute waste of precious time and talent. Take your life and sculpt your own unique being. That is the specialness of your days. That is the meaning of living exactly how you should. You will never be someone else. And you know what? That is simply glorious.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


My Thought for this Day.........Inspiration and courage surround us the most ordinary people. I have a hero in my life and she has no clue that I hold her in such esteem. She will know this if she reads this blog. I saw her yesterday for the first time in years. She is a soft spoken woman, a woman of quiet assurance and grace. But most importantly a woman who has walked through fire with a blessed assurance in the most dark days a mother could have. I sat behind her yesterday at the funeral of a beloved aunt. I watched her bow her head in prayer, hold on to her husband's arm as biblical verses were read and wonderful hymns were sung. I knew in my heart that this woman was rejoicing in her deep well of faith but that she also had to be grieving I'm sure she does every day....the death of her son a year and a half ago. I sat with my husband on one side of me and my two children on the other. I physically could touch all three. In that moment, sitting behind this precious woman, I mentally knelt in humility. She is not bitter; she remains ever faithful; she brings glory to her God. I hope that you know that you don't have to read headlines to find your heroes. I hope that you that you are aware you don't have to watch football fields, basketball courts or baseball diamonds to sit it awe. I hope that with eyes wide open you........everyday........see the wonderful strength of the human spirit that surrounds you. There are superheroes everywhere. You merely have to look.

Saturday, May 31, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......last night I watched an amazing group of young people walk through a huge Portal of Life. They are now set free of the bonds of BHS. Those bonds were at times velvet ropes......sometimes chain links. Today I will attend the saying goodbye to a woman who lived life long and well. She raised wonderful daughters, walked with God and lived many years on this earth. My reflection is promises lead to certain endings. So as we rise and meet each one of our own days, the success is not in action but in the awareness that leads to that action, the awareness that each day you leave your very own impact on this earth. How, this day, will you love, help, instruct? What matters isn't your past nor your future, it's your now.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Shoot Myself....

I wrote this blog and did this actions months ago. Now.....I think I wanna shoot myself. ................. Now you might find this a very strange subject three days before Christmas but I am about to take a huge leap. And quite frankly I am scared. step further...I am terrified. I am going to throw away ALL OF MY BATHING SUITS. There it's out in the open and you should hold me accountable for this statement. You do know what this entails....right? got it. Doing the scariest shopping ever known to any woman....A N Y W O M A N!! I don't care who you are...that's some scary shopping. But since my very favorite thing to do is broil in the hot sun further advancing my brown spots and wrinkling my face, I will charge into the mall with Debit Card firmly tucked in hand and buy some new suits......I will not be shy, I will not hide in the dressing room afraid to come out and let anybody see me, I will boldly buy new suits.....and I am lying through my teeth. I will cower, I will be a shrinking violet, I will be a mess. But ya know what? That's months away, so I'm going to act as if that day will never come and clean out the bathing suit drawer. Thank you for your support. Months away has arrived!!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


My Thought for this Day......What plans God has in my future may not be in yours. Nor yours in mine. But here's the thing. The blessing is to go on living no matter what your stepping stones are. Today they may be pebbles and tomorrow boulders. It is the walking in truth and light that makes your steps straight, strong and miraculous. So you stumble? Don't we all? So you're weary? Aren't we all? But nothing continues forever....not good nor bad fortune. Not sunshine nor storms. Not darkness nor light. What does continue with a certainty that has lasted from the beginning of time is the strength of the human spirit and heart. We are all touched everyday by unseen powerful forces that lift us from out depths and carry us on wings of goodness and grace. Don't you dare turn your back on this. Don't you dare disregard the power that can be yours for the taking. Stop! Think! Act! And then as is written, pass it on. For your power will lift those who stumble before you. And those behind you will carry you when you falter. Draw in this truth. It is life changing. It is how you and I and generations to come must live if we are truly to know what miracles surround us.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....Sometimes it's hard to teach the lessons we must teach. But as parents, bosses, teachers, or whatever role you find yourself, in certain circumstances, the challenge of teaching is ours. When and if this is your duty, and the lesson is hard, learn to instruct with grace and hope.......not with criticism and power. To tear and rip a soul is something irreparable. Don't be the person who does that.

Monday, May 26, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......There is an old saying........It is better to give than to receive. Indeed, giving is a true blessing. But think of this.......if you don't receive with gratitude and thankfulness, then you are stealing the blessing and joy from the giver. So whichever 'end' you're on.......remember you are part of a wonderfully uplifting action. Learn to receive with Grace. . With that heart you are in fact giving.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


My Thought. of this Day.....I heard someone say the other day that Memorial Day is not the day to honor Veterans. Instead, they said, it is the day to honor those who had lost their lives in the line of duty. It is for the ultimate sacrifice. And to that I will proudly stand in honor. I would never presume to belittle that death, that event. But, I will go further and say that any Veteran who fought, had Boots on the Ground, in a combat zone, in a foreign land, also lost their lives. Maybe not physically, but truly emotionally. And on Memorial Day they too should be Honored. Not one returned as the same man or woman who left this country. Not one lived through the trauma of war unscathed. Not one has nor will ever emotionally, mentally, or even physically be the same. The human mind can not take in nor process the brutality of combat without psychological changes. As is known, I have seen this first hand. I have witnessed an emotional battle that has spanned 40+ years. I am now seeing a physical battle begin with this Viet Nam vet that began most probably 40+ years ago. And you know what, he will attack and fight this next battle with the honor and fierceness and with the same courage that he has fought the emotional battle. And so today, we, as a couple, salute those who did die for the United States of America. An I, as a wife of a Viet Nam vet, will salute my husband who has for nearly 5 decades fought and will continue to fight for his country. There is Honor among our military men and women. There is sacrifice and courage. And hats off to you who will stand for the rest of us. Thank You!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Another Repost...Oldie but Goodie!

Boundaries Hippies......I am NOT speaking of the length of a tape measure going around yours or my derriere ....of this I will NEVER SPEAK. Hippies.....those wonderfully free spirits of the 60's. I always wanted to be one......wanted to wear those long flowing skirts and have long flowing hair and do the things that Hippies did. My mother wouldn't let me. Do you think I was the only one ON THE PLANET who asked their mother IF they could be a Hippie? "Hey Mom....can I be a Hippie?" "Sure sweetie...I just spent thousands of dollars on your education at UT, but you go on and get in that van and head out to the Haight." Groovy Dude. Here's the thing. We all need boundaries in our lives. And if we're not smart enough to set them ourselves, we need to learn to allow others to at least offer opinions and then we need to consider those opinions. Boundaries don't always have to be constraints. They can be safety nets, common sense, responsible values used to make sense of our days. It goes without saying that the young need their boundaries set for them and sadly, every day I see parents turn their heads and allow their children to set their own boundaries. For the most part this becomes a TRAIN WRECK. Today I want to encourage you to see your boundaries as a part of life that allows you to live freely but in a respectable manner and most importantly, if you're a parent of a young child, to not be afraid to make those boundaries tall and strong and made of brick. Trust me when I some point that child who thinks you hate them will someday know that you were right.....being that Hippie might have been fun and free and 'in the moment'....but at the end of the day, possibly, just possibly life would have been a wreck in a tie dyed van.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Reprint......Still True

Expandable............ People are expandable.............notice I did NOT say expEndable, although I guess that's true. But, let's talk about expandable people. You are one. Your heart expands when you think there is just no more room. Your mind expands daily. You see new sights,have new thoughts, learn new things. I hope your acceptance of others expands as well. Your tolerance becomes more flexible. You are made to expand, not be stagnant. Stagnation leads to complacency and lethargy and ultimately you see the world from one narrow tunnel that is your rigid limit. People who are curious, people who seek new experiences, people who take a few chances...these people expand and with that expansion live a life that is full. Don't just watch it...DO IT! Don't just read about it....TRY IT!! Whether you're 10, 30 or 90, there are those things that you can welcome into your world and expand with the wonder of them. What new thing is your choice? I wish I knew.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


My Thought for this Day.....Being the better person is not being the most successful.....unless you count gratitude, acceptance and sincerity. Working for any other type of success might lead to financial gain, but the question remains.......where does this leave your inner core, your heart, your soul?

Sunday, May 18, 2014


My Thought for this Day...........I think that it is quite possible to love someone so much that you truly hold them a prisoner in your life. You clip their wings, you bar their door to expansion, you stymy their growth. This, I'm sure can and is done intentionally, as well as unintentionally. It is said that you can never love someone too much. But in fact, I think you can. And with that love your fears of their stumbles, and hurts and failures, forces you to tether them to you so tightly that you take each step....not beside them....but before them to make sure their path is even and smooth. This isn't life; no one blossoms without being blown hither and yon from time to time. No caterpillar becomes a butterfly without internal strength and struggle. No chick survives unless the process of breaking through the hard shell of the egg is done alone. We grow only through trials and tribulations. We blossom only by surviving the thunderstorms as well as the sunny days. So when you look at your inner circle, make sure you haven't built a security fence so high that those enclosed can never truly live.

Saturday, May 17, 2014


My Thought for this Day......The human range of emotion is as wide and vast as the sea. And like the mighty ocean it is wave after wave of change and pull. Tides go in and then are pulled back out as the day becomes night and the seasons change. Such are the emotions that can overload us one day with happiness and then like an invisible pull throw us into despair. Once again, we are revealed and unveiled as being an infinitesimal, yet integral part of Mother Nature. How complex our being is.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


My Thought for this Day.........I think sometimes circumstances that surround you....maybe not even involve you....but surround you, are meant to teach. Your reaction to these happenings reveals a lot about your character. Do you respond with human feelings of jealousy or guilt? Do you hope that just possibly bubbles will burst and fortunes will pop like a balloon with too much air? Or do you stand and applaud and revel in the success of friends and family? Examining your heart in these times teaches you oh so much about you. Lessons so well learned.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


My Thought for this Day......What is your capacity? We all have several. Some we need to fill to overflowing and some we need to drain much like a stopped up sink. The trick is to acknowledge those capacities that endure with strength and love and goodness and maintain them with special efforts of our being. This alone will take the spotlight off of those wells of evil , jealousies, greediness, and self- centered ness that need to drain down their murky paths. Do the work that must be done in order to maintain your capacities that will run over and help fill those around you. Stop and figure it out. Sit and dwell in yourself until you recognize good vs evil. Be that person that is glorious for others.....not just yourself.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


My Thought for this Day......If you think for one second that you are setting an example, then you must reset your sails. You must understand that the responsibility you shoulder not only affects you, but also anyone who is watching. When you live solely encased in you, then those tendencies of selfishness and self centered ness are hurting no one but yourself. If indeed, you are propelling yourself into the world, if you are promoting your lifestyle, if you want to be watched, then make sure the example you set, is worthy. For at that point not only are you walking your path, you are trying to carve the paths of others.

Monday, May 12, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......At times life throws you curve balls. Some believe the dodging is the most important part. But truly, I think it may just be your reaction when your miss the dodge and get hit in the face. That brings out your true qualities of strength, determination, and resolve. That brings out the true you!

Sunday, May 11, 2014


My Thought for this Day.........I weep for those women who throw away the greatest blessing God bestows upon them....for there are many. The beating heart of your child is an extension of your own. How can you not feel the tug, the rips, the tears when you turn away? My greatest joy is the light in my children's eyes. How dark would the crevices be, if I couldn't share their joys, and their sorrows. Thank you God.......I don't deserve these treasures, and I am humbled by their presence.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


My Thought for this Day........Sometimes reality becomes skewed. Or at least it does in my life. The world is a huge, wonderful, yet dangerous place emotionally. It can be entertaining, enlightening, or suck the life out of you. And this does happen to both the weak and the strong. So with that said, I think the trick is to realize, you must face yourself everyday with peace. And learning the art of healing peace is essential. There are many paths to choose to walk into your garden of tranquility. I hope you find yours, and when necessary, use it to heal, refresh and reboot.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Random Thought............

Just a random Thought in the Middle of the Day........Live your life in 3D.......there are people/things/actions 360* around you to take your breath away. One dimensional is arrogant and self absorbed.


Reprint of a long ago Blog...........Brand........And I don't mean the brand of detergent you buy, or green beans, or coffee, or cereal. I mean YOUR brand. The Brannan Farm has a brand that has been registered with the great State of Texas for generations. It is how things are marked around our place. As an animal lover I don't like to think about the use of brands in the sense of the Brannan Farm brand, so let's talk about how we each and every one brand our own lives. Our Brands are the choices we make, the words we speak, the attitudes we display, the expectations we put on ourselves. How have you branded yourself? Are you a generic brand? Are you a specialty brand, an organic brand? Do you even KNOW what your brand is? Do you care? Hear this, how you brand yourself reflects on your children, your family and your influence on your very tiny part of this world. How you brand yourself affects not only your present but your future. How you brand yourself is your life. In fact, your brand is burned into every waking moment. Be very careful about your Brand. It is your legacy.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


My Thought for this Day.........Very simple concept today. Count the number of times you say I.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


My Thought for this Day.......If you live in Texas, you understand the word Parched. We are an arid and parched land right now. We are conserving water; we are desperately in need of rain. We are dry. I wonder today if maybe the word parched just might touch our lives in other ways. Sometimes we are simply as withered and thirsty as our soil. Do you feel it? Has there been a time when the life seems to have been sucked right out of you. Does your soul and spirit have cottonmouth? I'm gonna guess if you are reading this, then you are nodding. It's the human experience. We over extend, we stress out, we lose the joy that is life. So here is my thought. When this happens, stop........take a big gulp of YOU. You are a living breathing miracle. Visualize that! You....a miracle! How foolish to let yours or others actions, thoughts, routines, cares, take that away from you. I'm reading your mind right now and you're thinking 'I don't have time!' Yep, you do. Oh no, I have kids, I have this, I have that. Uh huh, but you have YOU! Five minutes of you......breathing deeply, sitting silently, exhale your cares, and inhale your marvels. Whatever it takes, don't let life take the phenomenon of you and turn it into anything less.