Saturday, June 28, 2014


My Thought for this Day.........The progression of life comes as surely as each sunrise and each sunset. And like the rising and setting of the sun, our evolvement can be clear and crystal blue, or cloudy and overcast.......either way we progress. But the disengagement from this progression allows us to miss a curve, round a corner too fast or speed by the beauty that should be savored. Sometimes we tend to live our days with eyes wide shut. And that's ok for a while; there is no shame in the stepping back and the regrouping. I often times think that this action widens our picture of life and much like a movie on a huge screen we watch, we are then able to cast away clouds and our progression becomes more clear....maybe not easier, but more clear. And with this clarity comes resolve, renewed strength and the realization that while difficult, days are only so few and are numbered and so in the end, the fight of control is worth the hardship of taking each step through the clouds into the light. I think I ramble, and I hope that this morning, even though I do take the long way to my point, I do at least reach a conclusion that is not hazy, but is shown with clarity on your wide screen of life.

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