Saturday, December 20, 2014
My Thought for this Day.......This is the time of year when 'getting your ducks in a row' is kinda like 'herding chickens'. We're here, but we need to be there. We take a quart jar and try to stuff a gallon of whatever in it. We hurry, we scurry, and at times we run circles getting nowhere but to the Point of Exhaustion. Blessed is the person who takes the time to STOP ......just Stop!! I don't think God above sent His only Son so we could become maniacs, wear ourselves out, and spend countless hours, too much money and all our time trying to prove just how wonderful this Season is!! It's not wonderful if you're too busy to get the Message. I am NOT the Grinch who stole Christmas....I just want to be the small tiny voice that says...DON'T MISS THE POINT!!!!! Deck the Halls! Be Jolly! But please, along with all the hustle and bustle, remember.......the greatest gift you can give and receive is the gift of you. You were given the most magnificent gift of all, no tinsel and bright shiny bows needed........just you. That's all it is and will ever be.
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