Wednesday, August 13, 2014


My Thought for the Day.......Do you realize we only lease our lives? We rent our bodies? We do not own them. We have varying beliefs, thoughts, and actions on our leases. Some people take them more seriously than others. Some never even consider that one day our leases will expire. Leases end in all sorts of ways. For some, it is just the decision to stop paying the rent and move on...........for these souls the pain and hurt must be so deep and wide and endless that they see no other option. You have never and will never walk in another's shoes, breath their air, nor know exactly why they keep or break their leases. You will never ever feel the pain of anyone but you and to say otherwise is presumptuous and ignorant on your part. Don't ever say," I know how you feel" because you DON'T! It is said that life is for the living.....but it is my belief it is also for the dead. For at times the dead teach so powerfully that these lessons surpass anything we have ever experienced. Whether you lease a penthouse or a basement, you do lease. Please take stock of everything and everyone that inhabits your space. Listen, seek, watch, speak, and most of all learn. With learning you teach.......what is your lease lesson telling the world?

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