Monday, September 1, 2014

Your Truth.....

My Thought for this Day.....How dangerous is the Sound of your Silence? How safe it is to hold your tongue. How comfortable it is to sit in your corner cloaked in knowledge that it your truth, yet to remain with the words locked in your mouth. Yet how liberating is the Grace that is given to you when you speak your truth with dignity and righteousness and when you look out of your consciousness with clear eyes that focus not only on you, but on your fellowman. When the time comes to step from your corner into the limelight, do so with the self assurance that your truth is as important as the person's to your right and to your left. And that IF you voice it with respect and character, you do no harm. We all have a story. It is not only in the is in the telling, the relating, the passing on of experience. And most if all....the voicing of what will instruct, help, and ultimately take that story from your world and pass it on to those who take the time to listen. But...and this is a very important can only tell. After that, walk away, your journey is complete, your race is over, your baton is passed and you may live with the knowledge that you have spoken your truth. The listening is not your responsibility.

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