Saturday, August 16, 2014


My thought for this Day.......If you don't savor the bite, how do you enjoy a feast? If you don't hold a penny, how do you save a dollar? If you don't listen to a word, how do you understand a conversation? Life is not about the bigs; it's about the littles. It's about the simple, not the complex. It's about simmering rather than boiling. It's not about the first page, or the's about the entire book. Enjoy the pieces of the puzzle, and the placing them together to form a spectacular life panorama. No one's puzzle has, or is, or will be like yours. Please gather in your small things, don't race from one big event to another. How incredibly sad to miss the tiny, yet mighty moments that define your days. The first sip of a hot cup of coffee, the rereading of woven words, the belly laugh with a really good friend, the tiniest detail of a picture....these are the things that make your rainbow. Don't miss the colors of life searching for your pot of gold.

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