Tuesday, August 19, 2014


My Thought for this Day........I hope when you read this.....whether it be early morning, mid day, or later.....you stop, and for just a few moments, you ever so quietly study the Mirror of you Mind. You truly see what it reflects. You study the image carefully. You realize exactly what you're seeing. I think we tend to spend so much time on our outer appearances, we neglect our inward portrait. We don't see what is truly there. Maybe we need Windex and a rag to work on the fog of our Mirror. Maybe we need to really polish it, shine it, to make sure we can see it in detail. And when it is polished, when it is clear, when you have the courage to see your reflection for what it really is, then have the honesty, strength and integrity to admit that no one's reflection is pure....not yours and not mine. And here's the thing.....when you make that study, take that time, polish that glass.........then you have begun the journey of change, and what you reflect begins to become more selfless, more giving, more what life is truly about. It's not the studying that's the most important.....it's the shining. The Mirror of your Mind.....now it's up to you.

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