Tuesday, December 31, 2013
My Thought for this Day.......so we come to the waning hours of 2013. T'is the time to become nostalgic of the past and hopeful for the future. After all, we have a brand new start tomorrow. A brand new line up of 365 days to fill. Each day having 24 hours, each hour having 60 minutes and each minute having 60 seconds. Do the math. People tend to love new beginnings. New jobs, new cars, new opportunities. We love to think of clean slates. We eat our black-eyes and cabbage. We pen resolutions. We are determined to make life style changes that will fill our lives with health , wealth and fulfillment. Whatcha gonna do for someone else? How about instead of a better me, let's make it a better US? Right here, right now, take the time to think of someone in your life who may not look at fresh tomorrows, because they are too mired down in the muddy nows. Visualize that person who is so burdened by life, that taking the next step weighs so heavy that the very thought mires them in a rut of failure. Can you be that guiding hand? Can you possibly help them wipe their slate clean or at least give them the hope of help. What if we all made our new fresh 365 days not solely about me, me, me! This is the Challenge I give to you........work on yourself, have your wonderful anticipation of your clean slate, but in the doing of that, include an US. Make it happen not only for you, but for someone whom you know can't see the cleanliness of 2014 for the ugliness of 2013.
Monday, December 30, 2013
I Dare You......
My Thought for this Day......Are you bogged down by the "Shoulda's, Coulda's, Woulda's"? Hmmmmmmm........we all have regrets, and wishes for do-overs. You may not be able to relive a day or situation, but you DO have the opportunity to right wrongs. So today, tomorrow, this soon to be new year, take time to reach out. Be the better person, humble your heart, turn the other cheek. Opportunity sits squarely in the road of your life. Don't walk around it. Step right on top of it and spread your arms of selflessness. Crossed arms cover hearts. Arms thrown wide give and receive. Just exactly where are your arms? It matters!
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Pogo. Sticks.......
My Thought for This Day.........what if life was a pogo stick? If you're too young to know what a pogo stick is, then Google....:)). Pogo stick life. It bounces around you in varying heights. It is up and down. Here's the thing. It takes work to maintain. You have to keep that energy going. Work on that marriage, friendship, job. Life is freely given, but not so much freely kept. Think about it. Less energy on a Pogo stick means an eventual fall. I think that we sometimes assume there are things in life that should be effortless, and maybe there are those things. But at the end of the day, if it's worth treasuring, then it's worth your time and effort. Just like the kid on that Pogo stick, the person in a relationship has to pay attention to the jumps, crevices and possible stones in the road. In your job, the Pogo stick effort means keeping your eyes trained on problems, potholes and other things that could knock you off balance. Life is all around you, both yours and those of loved ones, and strangers. What a horrible waste to simply watch and not put in the effort to get involved. Pogo sticks.......the harder you work....the higher you go!
Saturday, December 28, 2013
My Thought for the Day.......for me the days between Christmas and New Year's Day are days of reflection. Somehow I seem to be stuck in the space between memories and new footprints I'll make in the sand of the path of my life. I hope as I sit at my Reflection Pool, I learn from the ripples of memories that slowly drift in the waters that were my 2013. I want to savor each memory, both good and bad. I want to build on each one, to learn from each one and to see myself reflected as I truly was. I have room for tremendous growth, I have an entire lake to fill with hope and goodness and kindness and generosity and strength. As I ponder those mirrored images that make me sad or not proud, I hope I can change myself so that next year......the days of 2014, I see less and less of them. I truly, deeply want to be that person who never takes for granted her days, that person who goes out of her way to lend a hand or a heart, that person who diligently seeks out those in need and stretches her arms to lift up and smooth out and simply give. I don't know what you see in your Lake of Reflection. I hope whatever it is, gives you more joy than sorrow, more laughter than tears and more comfort than angst. But my deepest hope is that you too can begin to see your 2014 as days of becoming your new Reflection Pond and if you are fortunate to sit and study it this time next year, that you will see more smiles, more love and understand that you and only you are responsible, not for others, but for yourself. May your Memory Pool be not about you, but about your understanding that life is meant to be lived for others. I'm working on mine; are you?
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
For Unto Us......
My Thought for this Christmas Eve.....There is nothing more magical than the eyes of a child at Christmas. Reflections of Christmas lights twinkling, rosy mouths form tiny O shapes as small gasps escape wee lips. Enchantment and Anticipation in the air. May you be that child. May you know and feel the Joy of the Season. Not in the gifts under the tree, but in the GIVING of those gifts. Not in the table heavily laden with food, but in the LOVE and care taken in the planning and preparation of that food. The true wonder is that WE are Christmas; for you see the most abundant, eternal gift of all is ours. And with this gift comes the assurance of Peace and undeniable Joy. Dwell in the Promise that is yours, not only this day but everyday. For unto us a Child was born......
Monday, December 23, 2013
Day to Day.....
My Thought for this Day........Going the extra mile. T'is the Season to do just that.......giving more, being more thankful, reaching out to those less fortunate.....being aware that there are those less fortunate. Stop!!! Fast forward to January 1. Is your giving spirit, your thankful spirit, your acknowledgement, stored back in your closet of the forgotten? Have the "I'm just toooooooo busies" once again taken over your very important life. Are your Blinders of 'me me me me me' back on? Have you forgotten how to say, spell and most of all feel compassion? Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year to emulate the most gracious, life changing, soul filling gift ever given. And I love to see the faces and the words of the 'givers' as much as those of the receivers. To give in the true spirit tugs us deep inside. It flowers like a bud and bursts to fill us with pure joy. So the question remains.......what about the rest of the year? Misfortune doesn't strangely disappear. Need doesn't vanish. Hunger and cold and loneliness don't become obsolete. These things remain in your own back yard. So I pray that your garden of compassion and giving and reaching out bursts with color and vines all year long. Let's make it a way of life, not just a way of this Most Wonderful Season. For truly, the most amazing Gift we were given lives forever, never ceasing, never turning away, but instead constant as the turning of the day into night. Our job is to emulate in our gratefulness, to constantly fill needs. O what a wonderful world it would be.
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Question of the Day..........When is your someday? We all have them. I'm gonna go there someday. I'm gonna slow down someday. I'm gonna call that old friend to reconnect someday. So I repeat, when is your someday? Is it today, tomorrow? I'm going with a no for your answer. And that is troublesome, because you see, today or tomorrow may be all you have. Hope not. Hope you have many today's and tomorrow's. But not even today is promised. So listen, is it just me, or does it seem foolish to waste precious time that might be in really short supply? Quit shaking your head and saying you have no time to do these things. How do you NOT have time? True, maybe you don't have time to take that two week dream vacation, but you do have time to dream it. Five minutes of dreaming it, seeing it, planning it and I promise you will be in a better state of mind. Connect with someone in your life.....maybe an old friend, new friend, everyday friend. It doesn't matter. It's the tether of the heart reaching heart. The listening to a friendly, interested voice is so full of spirit restoration.......whether it's a five minute chat, or an hour long conversation. I just want you to know that a life spent racing, fretting, and worrying is a life wasted. Please shift your gear to park at some point everyday. Ease up on the gas pedal of life. Make your SOMEDAY.....everyday......in one form or another. You are surrounded by miracles and blessings that when ignored vanish into the air of the past. Your time is not infinite; don't dishonor it.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
My Vision.....and yours. Close your eyes; still your mind. And look up. At this moment we are mentally gazing up, and we are visualizing all the hands that have reached down to help us climb the dunes of our lives. See them clearly, focused, cupped in kindness, stretching out to you. Are they gnarled with age? Are they roughened with work? Are they soft and gentle with the touch of an angel. How many do you see? Disregard those that might have pressed down. They do not matter: they have become invisible. They are obscure and dark in the shadows of your past. Today, we rejoice in those hands that have patted, lifted, and guided. I hope you can see them with clarity and can understand that they have molded and shaped the you of today. And then, learn, my friend. Learn the guidance, the passion that these hands have bestowed on you. These hands have blessed you, and the biggest debt you have is reverently stretching your hand down and passing the gifts to those who walk underneath your own tutelage. Holding your hands and reaching down to raise someone up. Do it with unselfishness. It's not about you when you are grasping a hand lifted up toward yours. It's just not. Be those hands that someone looks up to and says Yes!
Friday, December 20, 2013
My Thought for this Day........it is said there are many ways to take a "measure of a man". Have you ever thought about your measurements.....not height and weight, but those of character. Are you heavy on the side of goodness and mercy? Are you light in your cups of respectfulness and trust? I hope you stop from time to time and study your measurements for I assure you that others do. What? Did I hear a "I don't care what other people think of me"? Really? That's sad, because thoughts on you reflect and shine on the people you love. Your children will carry the weight of your measurements, whether good or bad. Fair? Maybe not, but true. So please stop from time to time and line up your cups on your shelf. Label them with your qualities of character. Then, think of how heavy or light the burden your reputation might be. You're not the only one who must shoulder it.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Inn of your Mind.......
My Thought for this Day......you are not alone in your head. Crazy, I know. But the fact of the matter is you're not. People who are influencing or have influenced your life are sharing the rooms of your mind. Be very careful when handing out mental keys. It is your existence, your path, your character...seek the wise, the generous, the fair thinker to room in your mind dorm. Raise the rent on those who guide with opportunism, self-centeredness and retaliation. It is your Lodge of Living; be selective in your tenants.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
My Thought on this Day.......Blank. How intricately the mind works. Some days words flow like a running river. Some days words are a stagnant pool. Today is a pool day. And as I reflect on this, I realize......that's Life. That is my world, and yours. We all enjoy times of prosperity. Days of flowing rivers that are strong and powerful and productive and bring joy to our existence. And we all have days of stagnation. These are times of seeming failure. Things rust, problems grow, clouds haze our thinking and sight. It's the measure of your spirit in the dealing....the handling....the taking in stride of both the power of the rushing water and the stagnation of being mired in endless mud. Each day hones your mind, body and soul. So whatever your day is today...whether it is a mighty river, or a stagnant pool, take the steps to grow, to appreciate, to wear your spirit of strength or humility. You are living the life that was a gift and to stay stuck in a bottomless pit of despair dishonors your Creator. Rejoice in life; turn on the power that is hidden within you, and when you do, settle your soul in gratitude for the guidance and inner well of determination given to you. That is the true and reverent thankfulness. A blank canvas becomes a palate of words. A stagnant pool refreshes and flows. A willful spirit emerges into power. And you become mighty!
Monday, December 16, 2013
Privilege .....
My Thought for this Day.....I hope you do something in your life that you consider a privilege. Something that makes getting up each day, a meaningful experience. How sad to consider each step you take drudgery. We all need meaning. We all need responsibility, whether big or small. We need a light that shines from within outward to your friends and family. It doesn't have to be huge. It doesn't have to be world class. It just has to be meaningful ....to you. It needs to feed your soul; it needs to enlarge your heart. It needs to be your star on top of your Tree of Life. It's not a duty...it's a privilege. What a miracle.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
My Thought for this Day......I love the gentleness of an early morning. The quietness of the dark closes softly around me. My thoughts seem to calm and draw deep. I reflect on the past, present and future. The air is clear and serene. The house wraps security around me and mine. I communicate honestly with myself. I am comfortable in my bones. I send thoughts and prayers. I release anxiety. I receive answers. This is truly my time. Maybe this is not your way. Maybe the late night suits you better. I don't think the when matters. I don't think the why matters. But I believe with all my soul that the doing matters.
My Thought for this Day......I love the gentleness of an early morning. The quietness of the dark closes softly around me. My thoughts seem to calm and draw deep. I reflect on the past, present and future. The air is clear and serene. The house wraps security around me and mine. I communicate honestly with myself. I am comfortable in my bones. I send thoughts and prayers. I release anxiety. I receive answers. This is truly my time. Maybe this is not your way. Maybe the late night suits you better. I don't think the when matters. I don't think the why matters. But I believe with all my soul that the doing matters.
Friday, December 13, 2013
My Question of the Day? What is sacred to you? Do you truly understand the word? There are several definitions, but we'll go with 'Reverently Dedicated". So, again, what is sacred to you? I think the answer to this question speaks volumes about a person. It is their symphony, their book of life, their mountaintop. It sets the parameters of their actions, words, goals. It in fact, is the true inner core of their being. Imagine that which is sacred to you is the Hub of your Wheel of Life and everything you do, speak, think, are the spokes. Your wheel turns daily guided by your Sacredness, your Reverent Dedication. And do you even realize this? Have you ever stopped to truly soak in, immerse yourself in that which is sacred to you? It doesn't come easily. It takes inner revelation. It draws on the spirit. It defines you in a way like no other. So, I hope you take the time to soul search, to throw out the trash, that which is evil and destructive, and dwell peacefully, calmly and with dignity and grace in your Spirit of Sacredness.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
My Thought for this Day. It is said that patience is a virtue. To me patience implies waiting. We all wait. We wait for happy times. We wait for decisions. We wait for explanations, answers or possibly questions. We happily wait for expected milestones and achievements. We also at times wait for a sorrow we know is inevitable. I am waiting as are you. But I try each day to not live totally under the umbrella of waiting. Instead, I strive to enjoy each moment....to laugh, to cry, to embrace, to live. I hope this is the 'my' virtue part of patience.....not missing today by looking ahead to whatever awaits.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Changing Hearts.......
My Thought for this Day......I wonder what you let change your heart? Do you allow gossip to weave its thorny vine around it? Do you look only at the superficial appearance of people and turn and walk away with a hardened heart? Do you stereotype your fellow man by race and ethnicity, thus missing out on a wealth of histories and cultures? Are you missing the melting pot of the human race? Does your heart cry out "Not like me, so not good"? Think long and hard about just exactly what you might be missing. You are a tiny speck in a huge eternal world. Can't you see that if you put blinders on your heart, you are overlooking the absolutely enormous gift of life in all its millions of facets? What a shame. Embrace yourself with a coat of many fabrics. Each thread is special. Each stitch God given
Monday, December 9, 2013
Seasons of Time..............
Seasons of Time…We all have seasons. How comforting to know that we are truly aligned with Nature. As I see it, we are born into Springtime. Newly green, soft, supple young things that are easily molded. We then move into Summer where we are baked by the heat of the sun. We are much like fresh dough that is placed into the Ovens of Life. We begin to form our very special selves. Then comes the Autumn of our Lives. We walk among our leaves that begin to fall from our mortal selves. We live within this time knowing that we have set our paths and changed them, reset them, then walked the curves, and hills and dips and highways of Just Being. Winter is last; it is a time for pulling into ourselves. We begin the process of memories and reflections and not dreading the starkness, but instead embracing the comfort of our inner selves.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
My question of this day....when you wake up each day, where do you go emotionally? Do you head to that corner and turn your back on the world? Do you mentally cross your arms and tap your foot impatient with what lies ahead of you? Do you pull that box over your head and refuse to see what surrounds you? Do you miss your reality both good and bad? We each have a routine that sets the tone of our days, a lightness or a darkness. I encourage you to sit, even for just a moment and live in the silence of your being. Ground yourself in the breath of life. Even 60 seconds of awareness, positivity, and gratitude opens a vista of possibilities, a relish for this very day, a thankfulness that we are us!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
We all have a personal toolbox, full of things that we use to live our lives. This is a gift. No matter the need, you have received a coping mechanism. Here is the beauty and the beast. You either realize the value of your tools , or you live your days searching endlessly for answers. I hope your tools of patience, thankfulness, forgiveness and joy are sharpened and glossy with use. And your tools of anger, greed, jealousy and selfishness are rusty from idleness. Open your toolbox daily. Use it with wisdom and faith. It is an amazing gift.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
This I Know.....
I have lived many years on this earth. And with true gratefulness, I can say my days have been filled with more peace than worry, more happiness than sadness, more fullness than being void. But I do know...for a fact....there is someone who continually wants to steal your peace, happiness and fullness. He lurks behind the scenes and throws small pebbles in your path. And if that doesn't work, then come the rocks and boulders. Your straight road of life becomes more crooked and dangerous. Your gratitude dims as you concentrate on problems rather than blessings. But here is the fact I Know to be true.......recognize that he is always looking for a way to block you from your goals, your gifts and your joy and then you can grow in character and in positivism and become who you truly need to be. An unrecognized enemy can not be fought. He will successfully lurk in the shadows and do his best to suck you dry. But with recognition comes armor and with armor comes victory. And with victory comes generosity, forgiveness, calmness and clearness of thought and actions. Swipe your shadows clean by the knowledge of adversity. Look Up.....for this is from where you Power comes. Have a Blessed Day my friends.
Friday, October 11, 2013
I am non-political. I don't debate politics. I don't read politics. I don't watch the news....EVER. I don't know details....don't have to. I understand this entire mess with/without any of the above. And it is this........ We are seeing the 'What about me?' way of life come to fruition. Greed has become the American pathway....at all costs....'What about me?'. When the United States government uses those Americans who have fought for and continue fighting for The United States of America as pawns in this crises, I am disgusted beyond words. Yes, I do have a special place in my heart for Veterans. I live with one who spent his 19th year in a jungle, BOOTS ON THE GROUND, fighting a war that has cost him and thousands just like him, physical and emotional pain for 40+ years. I walk the halls of the VA facility and see the empty eyes of young men and women who have returned from recent deployment and left parts of themselves there. Whether drafted as in years gone by, or volunteering as in recent years, the cost is the same. They all left part of their souls on foreign soil. And they will continue to fight their own personal wars for the rest of their lives in one way or another. So, Mr. United States Government.....'What about them?'. Let's not pay the ones who have paid the ultimate price as you have your little battle of wills. Let's see them,one more time, give all and then get lost in the shuffle of American greed, self righteousness and self importance. Good gosh, just leave your 'What about me?' attitudes at the door and begin to act like Americans joined as what was once the greatest nation on this earth. We are the People........shoulder your responsibilities, put the cards in the center of the table, not stacked on one side or the other. Check your 'What about me?' attitude at the door where it belongs. End of rant. No more. Not debating. Just my observation on a process that is insufferable, humiliating and degrading.
Friday, October 4, 2013
I hope something 'awes' you every day. I hope you're not too jaded to see that the very air your breath if miraculous. I hope you never cease to see the breathtaking beauty that is this world. I hope that you can see through the ugly to the marvelous works in front of you. Open your eyes. Don't ignore it. The earth is reverent; nature sends its magnificence out in so many ways. And if you miss it, you lose some of life's most precious moments. Open yourselves to what surrounds you. No matter the time of year.......be awed. Don't you see the uniqueness that is you and each person you know? Can't you be awed by this? How different we are and yet how much the same. How unbelievably magic is this? The workings of this world can never be understood for there are too many layers of complexity. Life is motion and fluid and flows freely with or without you. Don't miss the boat. Don't be that person who refuses to live. Whether times are good or bad right now, open yourself to the possibility of sitting silently in solitude and soak in what your Creator has made. Truly be awed.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Number One...........
Everyone has a number one priority in his/her life. Yes, yes you do. You may not know it, but you do. Options are endless and important. This priority guides your steps, makes your decisions and hardens or softens your hearts. Again, yes you do. It's in your thoughts most often, it's what either gives you restful sleep or keeps you awake worrying. Your priority makes you who you are. Short blog. Deep thought. If you can't immediately identify your number one....then, you better stop and think. Examine your mind, heart and soul. You may be surprised, delighted or dismayed. Find out. Change if you must, reset your GPS, or continue on the path of your walking trail. What is your first and foremost priority? It says everything about you. It tells your story to the world but more importantly, it opens your heart to yourself.
Monday, September 30, 2013
You Have to Fail...........................
....................To Win. Strange, I know. But the truth sometimes is. If you never fail, if you never stumble, if you never lose, then how do you ever learn the power of winning? Okay fine, we all want that undefeated season, and I'm right along with you on that. But let's talk life, not football, baseball, or whatever. Let's talk L I F E. Failing is just part of your existence, sorry, but it is. And because it is, you should learn valuable lessons from it. Lessons of what is important, lessons of working harder, lessons of what is truly so life enhancing that you need to accomplish it. Did the failure really matter that much in the scheme of your life? If so, then nose to the grindstone baby. If it didn't, then wave good-bye and head to the next mountain. Failing builds truth and character. Failing also builds confidence......yes, yes it does. Because when you get up, shake the dust off of your face that landed squarely in the dirt, clear your mind and go at it again, then you learn that you CAN try again and again and however many again's it takes. We are all winners. It just takes some of us longer in certain areas than others. But at the same time we are all failures. And the truth of the matter is, our character comes out more when we fail. Do we build on that failure, do we blame someone else, do we turn our backs and walk away. Whatever you fail, and you do and you will, then you get to decide your reaction. So the crux of the matter is this. No one wins every hand that is dealt. Everyone has and will fail multiple times. But at the end of the day, month, year, your life.......did you take those failures that were important to you and turn them into successes? Or did you walk away and leave a piece of your talent, strength and will lying on the ground?
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Acceptance and Resistance
Been thinking of these two words for a couple of day. We accept and resist things every minute of every day. In our own tiny worlds we accept what we think is good and resist what we think is bad. But here's the deal. I wonder if we really know which is which. Maybe, sometimes, yes. But I truly feel like we accept things sometimes because they are easy, thus appearing good and we resist other things because they are hard and seem bad. At times these actions are no- brainers.....they are not even decisions. But at times I think we overlook good that is buried beneath bad so we reject it because of unwillingness to make the effort to dig deep, or being afraid of failure or because we 'can't see the forest for the trees'. I also feel the opposite is true. We accept a life that is okay, mediocre, but easy, when actually if we resisted it and took on bigger challenges, gave greater effort, saw that goal line that might be farther away, we would in the end, actually be resisting bad and accepting good. Am I advocating 24 hour days of work and no play? Absolutely not. Am I saying that we are all failures if we aren't bosses, CEO's or presidents? Nope. What I am saying is that life throws us challenges every day. And everyday we have to make decisions on acceptance and resistance. So in the end, we are the artists of our landscape of life. Here is my question of the day. Are you an engine or a caboose? Think about it. The Little Engines that Could huff and puff and put forth amazing effort while the cabooses, merely follow the track. Accept or Resist. Your choice.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Actions vs Words
We've all heard the old sayings....."Actions speak louder than words." "Stick and stones.......". But really? I'm not totally in agreement. Words are so powerful. Don't get me wrong. I believe our actions SPEAK volumes. But I also believe..."The tongue is a might sword." Words can tear down or build up. Words can shatter hearts. Words can bring laughter or tears. Words are said and then, they are OUT THERE!! You can't suck them back in. You can't magically make them disappear. They are like tiny particles that float or spring or fire out of your mouth and then take on a life of their own. Everyday you build a 'word' quilt. And in this very modern age we build them in many ways. Email, texts, FB, Twitter. We have an abundance of ways to hurt or heal. I wonder if you realize you are knitting, crocheting or quilting your quilt the minute you awaken and start communicating? Think on this. You have a responsibility to be aware of not only what you say, but how you say it. Some of us are more sharp tongued than others......cough cough.....and we have the biggest challenge. Some of us are soft spoken and probably the slowest to build our quilts. So while I think your daily actions are important, and show your character, I also think your words paint pictures of who you really are. I hope today your word quilt is one of encouragement and laughter and love and responsibility. I hope it's comfortable for others. I hope that you realize just how powerful you are and use that power in ways to build up. Words are mighty and everlasting. Please understand this.......and tonight, when you go to bed you are comfortable under the quilt you've sewn today.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Common Sense...............
There are two types of common sense. There are those people who just seem to be able to 'do' things well. They instinctively know how to fix things, build things, figure out the easiest or most expedient way to get things done. I, unfortunately, am not one of those. Take me off my front porch and you better say turn right or left....not north or south. I can take something apart, but put it back together requires a call to someone with way more common sense than I have. So admittedly, I'm not the person you reach out to when you want help doing a chore that requires innate knowledge. Okay now that that's out of the way, let's visit about the 'other' common sense. It's common sense to treat people with dignity and respect. You are no better than they, and in fact, I'm pretty sure I come across many souls every day who are better people than I am. It is common sense to realize that although a day may seem long and tiresome, life is short, live it well. It is common sense to know that your body is a gift, a machine that with age.....cough cough.....is going to need some extra TLC and what you do in your younger years will come back to either pat you on the back, or bite you on the derriere. It is common sense to know that giving to someone else gives YOU more. It is common sense to know that people talk....deal with it. It is common sense to know that no life is perfect, no grass is greener, no one is without problems and NO WAY can you foresee what goes on behind your neighbor's closed doors, so throw that envy away. It is common sense to know that we are a universe of diverse societies and cultures and what you believe to be the 'be all/end all'......just may not be. Respect differences, as much as you expect to be respected. It is common sense to know that an active mind is a sharper mind, but also that peace and quiet grow gardens of maturity and wisdom. And lastly it is common sense to know that you are not a mistake, you were put on this earth for a purpose. Find that purpose. And give it back in spades to the One who made you. Find yourself on your knees both physically and mentally as much as you can. You, my friend, are not the Master of the Universe. But you ARE someone's everything, you ARE loved by Someone so powerful and great and abundant that your mind can't conceive His enormity . Don't squander the life you've been given. Give thanks and then give back. Common sense........you have it. Live it daily.
Monday, September 23, 2013
This morning I woke up thinking about Bonds....NOT savings bonds, or treasury bonds...but daily bonds we all have in our lives. We are bonded as a human race. We are bonded with community and family and friends and jobs and commitments. Some of these bonds are held by velvet ropes that are soft and enjoyable and good and make us prosper deep inside of ourselves. Some of these bonds not so much. Some we are tethered to with chains that drag us down and make each life step heavy with effort. I think that from time to time we all need to examine our bonds and what effects they have on us. Stop and take a look behind you. Do you see a deep hard heavy trail that has been made by those heavy bonds, those ropes that tie you to things and people that make you miserable? Do you see scars around your ankles where you have been forced to pull on these weights that have burdened you to the point of making each day miserable? I hope if you do, then you find someway to break those chains, heal those scars and when you again take the time to look back there are no deep scars, there are no heavy trails in the paths you've walked. Instead I hope your bonds are light and soft and healing not hurtful. I hope you've surrounded yourself with people and habits and hobbies that prosper you and don't mire you in quicksand. The fact is that no one goes through life without bonds....both good and bad. But the fact also is that you are the pilot of your life, and with Grace and Faith, you can break deadly chains. You can turn your face upward to the clear amazingly beautiful cloudless sky. Enjoy the ties that bind you to what strengthens you. And have the courage to break the bonds that scar and hurt and destroy. You are strong enough to do it. You have only to ask for help. I hope your week begins with velvet bonds and joy. Happy Monday Guys and Dolls.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Time....Times Three
We are three dimensional when it comes to time. We, as humans, live in the present, recollect the past, and look toward the future. This set of circumstances can be both blessings and curses. How sad it would be to lose wonderful memories of the past or not to be able to anticipate exciting things to come. But also how sad to miss out on the present because we dwell on past mistakes and worry about the future. I think sometimes the rooms of our minds are cluttered with too much regret and worry, much like a hoarder only leaves a trail in a house,we only leave a tiny space to enjoy today. And with this overabundance of thoughts, we struggle to walk through our present. We are too busy finding the trail through the mass of mistakes and worry. We have no open space to just be. So today, I hope you clear the clutter. Literally throw it away. It may return, in fact it most probably will, but just today, have a clear, clean, wide open space of the present. Enjoy this day. You can never erase past mistakes, nor change the future by worry. Today, be an open sky, a pasture of swaying grass, a mountaintop of thankfulness. Enjoy this Sunday. It's your day.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
We all have them. They are those personal weaknesses, that keep us from living a truly joyous life. They are obstacles in our paths. They are boulders just around the corner. They are hidden deep within us and sometimes so invisible, we don't even realize they are there without true scrutiny. They are embedded in our personalities and souls. So at this point are you shaking your headed and thinking 'huh'? Stop for a few seconds and see if you recognize your own very personal hurdle. I know mine. I know when it rears it's ugly head and steals the brightness of my day. I know it is a constant battle. Maybe you think you don't have one, but you do. We are all human with our frailness of spirit. None of us are perfect in our emotional lives. NONE OF US! And here's the thing. If you don't know what yours is, then how can you fight it? If it isn't glaringly apparent, then friends, you have to delve very deep into you inner self and study, for I assure you that you have a hurdle. It took years for me to understand mine and then years of faith and prayer and working to overcome that big nasty emotional ride that would without warning suck the air out of my day. It is life. It is your leap to overcome whatever is in your path. It can't be blamed on your family or your friends or your past, but it can and will steal your future if you don't do some soul searching and recognize that you are human and that you do have a hurdle. Yes, today, I'm vague. Today, I may not make much sense to some of you, but I'm betting that some of you are already saying...yep, I get it. I have worked for years to straighten this fragile spot. And I recognize the fact that I will have to continue every day of my life to get over my hurdle. I hope you take this entire blog and when you have a quiet moment do some soul searching. It may take minutes, days or years, but you need to arm yourself for this battle. I promise you it is a hard fought thing, but when you know what you're facing, then you recognize the fight. Ignorance is not always bliss. Knowledge is power. Live your life with courage. Face whatever it there to be faced and then stand strong. Life is worth it....precious beyond belief.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Nothing in life is free.......unless you steal it. Okay..that was a little Tuesday sarcasm. This blog is NOT advocating shoplifting. Not one thing in your life is free. Think about it. Now that you've thought for a second, turn away from the materialistic things you were contemplating, and let's delve somewhat deeper. Emotional freedom......it's not illusive. No matter what you do, you invest emotionally. Take a new job......you're invested. Make a friend....invested. Begin a new life whether by moving, marriage...invested. Cultivate any of the above.......deeply invested. So I think my point is this. You HAVE to put yourself out there........be vulnerable, open doors of emotion, be willing to be not only loved, but also hurt if you are to truly have a well lived life. Find your spot. And then invest your emotions. Dig deeper into whatever and whomever truly means something to you. You have a passion...we all do. Stop shaking your head....if you don't know your passion, then you have been to lazy, blind or afraid to find it. And that, my friend, is sad. I think as we age..cough cough.....we begin to realize that we owe ourselves the effort to believe in what we do, whatever it may be. Don't isolate yourself to the point of being one lonely little twig. Be a tree with branches of passion in which you have invested , fertilized and then I HOPE, with amazement, have watched grow. No matter your age...what a treat you have in front of you. How wonderful to live. Don't be afraid. Don't be careless with this life. It's not free, but o my, the price tag, no matter how high, brings such joy. My hope is that your emotional bank account is not empty nor overdrawn, but brimming to the top. No matter what the emotion, it means you have lived, you have stepped out and up and involved. Nothing is free......don't expect it nor accept it. Happy Tuesday Guys and Dolls.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Your Right to be You!
The older I get,the more Unconventional I become. I really think that's not the usual thing. Maybe it's the fact that I spend every day with teenagers. Maybe it's because I am making a true effort to become less judgmental. But for whatever reason, and I don't think it matters, I see your life as yours. So no, do I think you can rob a bank because you need money, of course not. Do I think any action you do that hurts or endangers others physically or emotionally is ok, no. But here is my Conviction of the Day. If you're living your life in a manner that some or most people see as not on the right path, not following the rules, not walking in the straight line that should be walked, if you're living your life in a manner that is right for you and you have made peace with your faith and your God, then I say, you are stepping up to home plate and trying to hit a homer. I wonder if I would ever have the courage to do something that society sees as wrong. I wonder if I would ever be able to step across the line of conventionality? I wonder most of all if it is our place to judge those people who do? I think we tend to want everybody to be like us. We are all soldiers of the rules and regulations of whatever society says is true and correct. We tend to frown on those who don't look, or act or speak like we do. We, my friends, are so judgmental as to be sanctimonious. Am I a Christian? You bet I am. Do I believe in God's word? You bet I do. But is it my place to say I can interrupt His word exactly as it should be, should I even begin to presume that I am so intuitive that I know every nuance that is there? And that because I am so well versed that I should ridicule and spew nasty words to and about those who don't live their lives the way society deems right? Well, folks, I'm not too sure anybody is that intuitive. Do I think America needs to wake up to a big ole dose of those Holy Words? Yep, I do. But at the end of the day, you are only responsible for you. And if someone you know is choosing to walk their walk on a path that isn't exactly like yours and hurts no one, it is not your place to sit on your judgmental thrown and throw out phrases of hell and damnation. Speak your mind if you must, but be respectful, and honorable and above all, be sympathetic. You DON'T know their battles, you DON'T know their struggles. What you do know is that we are not the final be all, say all and live all. Everyone has a right to write their own pages, and as readers of the pages of others, we should do so in a manner that is noble, that is honorable, and OUR actions should speak our verses, and chapters of our lives. Please accept your neighbor. Hate is a powerful, destructive, ugly emotion. Don't live it. And don't accept it from others. Your friends and family will one day answer for their way of life.......but remember, my readers.....so will you. Happy Weekend to All.
Friday, September 13, 2013
I don't think we even begin to comprehend just how complex the human body is...both physically and emotionally. We have not even scratched the surface of the knowledge of the intricate knitting of our cells, and vessels, and organs and psyches. We are truly the most detailed, well oiled machines on the planet. We are amazing. But just as any machine needs maintenance, so do we. I tend to dwell on the emotional side of people. I wonder what makes you tick. I wanna know why you feel what you do, act the way you do, see life the way you do, solve problems the way you do, what colored glasses you wear.....rose colored?, dark shades?, or crystal clear lenses? I wonder why some people step up to the proverbial plate and give it their all and some people stay in the shadows and wait for it to be given. I wonder why some of us go through life with our heads in the sand and some of us stand tall and kill the demons of our lives with strength and determination. I wonder why I am me and you are you. I wonder why we can't see ourselves for whom we really are. I wonder why some of us dwell in places of bitterness and sadness and anger and some of us open the windows of life, take out the Windex and wash until we see the beauty that is the puzzle we are. We all have problems and sadness and regrets and jealousies and envies and excuses. But also we have grit and determination and love and gifts and smiles and laughs to be shared. Whether or not you see things and the people in your life as treasures to be handled with care and love, or whether you see life through Shades of Darkness, I hope you polish yourself, both mentally and physically. I hope you draw those who love you close and accept that life isn't easy, but you have people to walk the walk with you and stretch out hands to help you over the hills and mountains of your path. I hope you tinker with your body and mind every day. Tune it up. Oil the squeaky parts. Trim the parts that need trimming. Sweep the floors that need sweeping. Realize that each day the sun shines just for you. Don't lose it to the clouds. Don't close the drapes of your mind and dwell in the dark. I'm pretty sure that life is not intended to be lived with anything but joy. Yep, some days it takes more effort than others, but when the sun goes down on this or any day, then Elvis has left the building. Whether you have enjoyed the concert or worn earplugs and missed the music is your choice. Happy Friday Guys and Dolls.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
I spent this morning with my husband at the VA Outpatient Clinic in Fort Worth. How fitting I thought to be there on this day, September 11, 2013. What you see there are the faces of people who have given up so much to strengthen the United States of America. My husband spent the 20th year of his life in a jungle fighting the most unpopular war known in the history of this great country. He carries the battle scars of that year to this day....both physical and emotional. He carries them with pride but also, I must say, with more than a little anger. They, the Viet Nam vets, were never welcomed home with flags or handshakes or pats on the back. Instead when they set foot back on the safe soil of their country, they were ridiculed, spit open and openly hated. It is not the point of this blog to rehash history. What is the point is that on this very day, as I sat in the lobby of this very fine facility, I saw faces of heroes every few feet. Some struggled to walk because of age...these were our WWII vets. Some couldn't walk because they, my friends, lost legs protecting you. Some were so young with faces so vacant as to almost be invisible. They never looked to the right nor left. They never acknowledged their surroundings. They were the ghosts of Iraq and Afghanistan. These young women and men literally broke my heart in two. Whether or not they were forced to go to war as in WWII, Korea or Viet Nam, or whether they stepped up to the plate and volunteered, in modern day service, each one of them carries their own very personal struggles and will until the day they die. Trauma does many things to people. Trauma day after day after day, builds emotional walls that I know alters these heroes forever. And on this very day, as we remember NYC and what happened, we also must remember that the branches of the service are not the only men and women who risk whatever it takes to protect. We can never forget that firemen, and policemen, and others put their lives on the line, literally, every day for you. I saw many people today. Those who were working and those who were seeking and struggling to overcome whatever the hand they were dealt. But you know what? There were flags flying and handshakes given and pats on the back for the vets. There were lowered voices for those who needed comfort and laughter and smiles for veterans who were ready to receive those gestures. We are always treated like heroes when we go there. We are always meant to feel gratitude and respect for that year in Viet Nam and for that young man of 20 who was sent to grow up spending each day fighting a silent war. I hold my heart in my hand every time we enter this facility. The anguish, the suffering acknowledged, but also the efforts of a staff to make things just a little better. A staff who meets you head on and says Thank You Sir for your service. So lesson learned....you may not see a veteran every day, but you DO see firemen and policemen and partners of those who raced into those burning buildings to save your fellow Americans on 9/11. Don't pass up a thank you. Don't ever forget. That would be the biggest insult of all.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
We normally think of distance in feet, yards and miles one thing is away from another. My house is 20 feet from the road. I live 4 miles from town. Our town is 90 miles from the city. But there is another kind of distance that we have every day of our lives whether we realize it or not. Emotional distance. Not all bad. Not all intended. Not all recognized. But everyone from time to time distances themselves from others, problems, realities, opportunities, and even themselves. Think about it. I think at times this type of distancing is a coping skill but sometimes it can be a cop out. If we put space between whatever it is and our emotions, then the problem seems to go away, for however long we can manage to not face the truth. But the fact of the matter is the truth is still there. We are still responsible for our lives and the way we live them. What a shame to waste out on an opportunity because we've put emotional distance between it and our efforts. There are times when I believe emotional distance is a very good thing. We have to turn our backs for awhile, or we implode or maybe explode. After all, our psyches can take only so much before overload kicks in and we're no good to anybody.....especially ourselves. So then, I truly believe we have to step back and gather our wool if you will. But the time comes and this is just a hard fact that when we have grown stronger, we must once again step through that door of reality and face whatever demon is standing straight ahead. I'm as guilty of this as anyone reading this ramblin' blog. Out of sight....out of mind. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Whatever you choose to say to yourself as you put emotional blank space between you and 'it', the fact of the matter is, 'it' isn't going away. Be a David to your Goliaths. Protect yourself when you must, but at the end of the day, pick up that stone and throw it in faith and strength. Hit your target with all you have, for in reality that's all you can do. Maybe you won't completely solve your situation, but the fact that you have met it head on is a pat on your back. And we all thrive with those pats from not only our friends, but ourselves.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Comfort Zone.............
Do you have one? Maybe it's in the company of a best friend when you can hash out the problems of life and both give and receive love. Maybe it's in the quietness of the morning or evening by yourself when you can listen to nothing and absorb life. Maybe it's reading a Devotional or writing your thoughts in a journal. I think we all have to have comfort zones and not only have them, but use them. It is an unwinding, a mental defragging, an emotional dumping. It is a gathering of life, a tinkering of gears, a mental listing of hopes and dreams and beliefs and truths. We live in an age of constant noise, and communication through disengaged means. We see and hear as many things in an hour as our ancestors saw in a week,a month or a year. We are under constant bombardment of hustle and bustle and do this and do that and be this and be that. We are pieces of fragile material that the modern world has managed to unravel in a zigzag of haphazardness. So we eat on the run, we make decisions on the run, we absolutely let life race in the fast lane and in doing this we become so fragmented that just making a step forward is sometimes impossible because we have laid out too many paths we think we HAVE to follow at once or we will be left behind and o my, that can't happen!! Don't you know there is a plan for your life? It's not written chapter and verse for you. You can't go to your Smart Phone and find the Outline, nor open the App. You have to figure it out. You have to be willing to stop...just stop! Stop and get to know yourself. Stop and settle into your Comfort Zone and dwell. O, you say, I don't have time. Yes you do! Think about it...if you don't know yourself, then who do you know? Please, today, dig deep, weed out, think through, be the person you are meant to be. You have a comfort zone. Center yourself in it. Life is not a race, it is a deeply complex gift that should be opened in layers and softly and carefully tended. Find your comfort zone. Do it for yourself.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Jigsaw Puzzle.......
I woke up this morning thinking of jigsaw puzzles.....don't ask. Anyway, it appears to me that this is exactly what life is....one big jigsaw puzzle. We are all given pieces scattered around....some of us have more than others, but in any event, we each have our own individualized pieces. And our job is to fit them together properly and precisely to form one cohesive puzzle that in the end, will show a picture of our history. So the question of the day is, how do you fit your jigsaw puzzle pieces together? Do you start at the corners and carefully work your way to the center? Do you randomly and frantically search for that one missing piece that would complete a tiny section of your puzzle? Do you try to cram pieces together that you know really don't fit, but in your haste to get on with things you try and pound incompatible forms to force them to fit? Do you haphazardly jump from one side of your puzzle to the other, never finishing the part you started? Are there empty spaces in the background of your puzzle that you have intentionally left blank because they are too hard to face? So many pieces and so many attempts and so many techniques. I don't know how you put the jigsaw puzzle of your life together? What my hope for you is that when your puzzle is finished, it shows the life you want it to show. It is complete with no bent pieces that have been unsuccessfully crammed into the wrong space. I pray the corners and edges are straight and the center is beautiful with thoughts and deeds and actions of gratitude, bravery, kindness and courage. Think about your puzzle. It is unique to you. It is your gift to the world.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
This Little Light of Mine..................
Maybe you weren't fortunate to be raised in an environment where you learned this song. "This little light of mine...I'm gonna let it shine." This is one of my favorite songs from my childhood days in church. We all have lights to shine. Some of us have huge spotlights and if we use them correctly, we can illuminate paths and ways and steps for others in the right directions. Some of us have halogen lights that conserve energy and last longer and expend less energy, but also spread light throughout our dark days as well as somber dark days of our friends and family. Some of us have tea lights. We are very softly lit beings that while we may not outshine anybody else, we are comforting and soothing and useful to send small arcs of light throughout our world. No matter the size, or wattage or brightness of your light, use it wisely. Don't blind others with your brightness, don't burn out long before you are meant to. Don't be so dim that we pass you by and aren't allowed to see the blessing you are. You have a light. Shine as you are meant to......Let yourself be the beacon you are supposed to be.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
There are so many beginnings in our lives that I think we miss the majority of them. In this very hustle bustle life things just simply pass us by without our acknowledgement or even our awareness. I think one very important beginning in everyone's life is 'how you start your day'. There are those who sleep to the very last minute, jump up, hit the shower dress, grab a cuppa and are out the door and on their way in a minimum of time. But for me the beginning of each day is an event.....okay, there is no parade, pep rally or band playing. The beginning of the day for me is a few minutes of gathering, thankfulness, reflection, devotion and that really strong cup of coffee that clears the path for me to do all of the above. It's my personality. It's the way I turn my key to start the day. It the stillness of the house, the whisper of the day slowly turning from night, the awareness that a new opportunity has been given and received. It is some of the most precious moments of my life. I treasure my beginnings. No matter how you start your day; I hope you do too. I hope you give yourself even a nanosecond to say a humble thank you. Not every day is great, not every morning is peaceful, not every moment is reverent. But life is so enormously wondrous it should not be taken for granted. I hope you realize this and even if you only have a second or five, you do take whatever time you can to bend your knee, lift your hand, close your eyes and give thanks.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
A wise woman once told me that we are all stones polishing each other. She said that without interaction with all types of people, we would remain rough with sharp edges. But that by coming in contact with all sorts of folks, we are polished into what we are meant to be. Specific people are put into our lives for a reason. Maybe to polish or maybe for us to polish them. So the point of this very short blog today is this.......do you have people you love? Yes! Do you have people who are constants in your life that maybe you have trouble even liking? Yes! But remember they are there to help mold you much as a potter molds clay. They build character either through enjoyment, friendship or the opposite. They maybe be a constant in your life or a flash. Whatever the circumstance, take the opportunity to grow and shine, be polished and help polish others. Life doesn't just happen, it is a definite road with the highway signs having YOUR name on them. Walk it with pride and purpose. Let your little polished light shine!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Cars have three gears......well, to me they do. I am NOT a mechanic, car enthusiast or even knowledgeable about them. I only know they go forwards, backwards or sit still. Three gears. So we have drive, reverse or neutral. Let's put this into prospective for our lives. I think we as human also have three gears. We can set ourselves in motion....our choice.....forward into the future, backwards into the past, or we can idle. How many times have your heard.....'He/She is living in the past. I hate that. I hurt when I see people not able to get over something that keeps them looking in the rear view mirror of life, and not able to move forward. We all have things in our pasts that have hurt us, or even brought us some type of glory that we allow to define us in our present. While we need to acknowledge our heritage, to live it out every day, to only center on the good ole days, or when I had this or that, isn't healthy. Then there is neutral. We are idle. We merely exist. We are not open to the possibilities around use because we are not moving. We are those lumps of coal that aren't ever gonna be diamonds. Idle minds are the work of the devil. It is said that the human race uses only a minute part of the brain we are given. And when you allow yourself to idle, you're using none of it. And my friend, soon you will run out of gas. So my thing is put yourself in drive. Move forward, even if you hit the speed bump going to fast, at least you're progressing. You are living. You are moving toward your destiny with some effort and energy. Life is not meant to be relived day in and day out and it's certainly not meant to be neutral, allowing people, experiences and actions to pass you by as you 'couch potato' yourself until you die. Get out there and live. Do what it is that makes a difference in your life. Be who you are meant to be. Sure, enjoy your memories, and do take the time to sit and reflect and know your inner self. But then, whether you are a Ford, Chevrolet, Beemer or a Pinto......put yourself in drive. There is much life ahead of you. Don't miss it!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
I have an older computer that is a little slow sometimes. So it's not uncommon for me to get this little box that says......Page is unresponsive......Kill page.......Wait. I wonder in our lives how many times we make a choice like this without even realizing it. Do we kill our goals when not met in what WE consider a timely manner, or do we wait, work harder, aim higher, achieve more. Do we kill relationships that we don't feel meet OUR needs or do we wait, resolve issues, give a little, do a little less taking. Do we kill some of our moral code because it's just easier, or do we wait and stand for what we believe, take the criticism, refuse to conform to popular actions and beliefs. Do we kill our finances with things we really can't afford, or do we wait until we can pay rather than charge, live within a budget, not keep up with the Jones's. Do we kill our duties because we don't feel like meeting them, or do we give that extra effort to do a good job, help someone we love, someone in need, a total stranger. I think our days are filled with Waiting or Killing Pages. I wonder what today will bring for you or me to either Kill Page or Wait. I hope whatever it is, that we are all aware of the free will and choice we have. And by having that free will and choice, we do what not only is best FOR us but BY us.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Box of Chocolates..............
Famous words....'life is a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get.' True, to some extent. But I also say that life is not always a box of chocolates, and sometimes you do know what you're gonna get and you choose it anyway. You pick that lemon because, well, you just feel like being sour. You pick that peach because you feel round and fuzzy and sweet. Or you pick that lime cause you want a margarita....JJJJJJJJJJJJJKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! Back on topic....I think at times we just have to be what we are. Not a lasting thing. Most of us aren't sour everyday, nor are we sweet wonderful peaches, plums or strawberries. But we pick for the most part. 'I'm just in a bad mood!' How many times have you said and or heard that....a bunch would be my guess. Change it! Do whatever it is to make that mood lighten up unless you're enjoying spreading your mood and being the victim. I'm short....this I can not change. But I'm prickly? Yep, that I can change. We all have mood changers.......books, devotionals, music. What is your choice? So here's my thing.....select, pick, choose whatever rings your bell for the day. Then live it, or change it. Be satisfied or move your path. Connect with whatever it is that makes your tilting glass stand up right. And if you choose not to change....then wallow in it my friends, but when you turn full circle and no one is there.....don't be surprised. True friends will stand by your side through times of trouble, but if you love them, if you want what's best for not only you, but them.....well, take that lemon and make .........you know the rest, trite though it may be. It's Friday....enjoy your day.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Touched By..............
Ok....sappy though it is, I have become a renewed fan of the television show Touched By an Angel. I truly believe it's Roma Downey's accent that I love so much as well as always having been a Della Reese fan. I know...shows my age, but she is such an imposing figure of a strong woman. So anyway....this entire thing has made me wonder about all the things which touch us daily that we are so ignorant and unaware of..... things both evil and good. I don't think anyone understands the magic of life to even a milli-bit of it's amazement. It's truly like a stage play. We see the main actors and the bit players, but for the most part, we are unaware of what's going on behind the scenes. We have no clue of the all the people and circumstances that are not the Stars of our Lives or even the Supporting Cast. We are oblivious. There are so many happenings behind the Acts of each of our days that we merely drift by them without a glance, thought, thanks or fight. So here's my thing......there is good and evil in this world and I hope that each day you are aware of this. Appreciate the good; I don't mean just appreciate I mean truly from the bottom of your gut realize the wonders of your life. Draw on that good, that fineness, that genuine joy. But also, realize that there is evil that lurks, unseen, probably not even felt, but there, none the less, and there to steal and overpower the good. We've all heard Put on the Full Armour. Well, do it! If you don't understand it, you can't fight it. And if you don't fight it, then you are missing out on the little miracles that float and pop and surround you daily with your joy. So I ask you this, please don't only pay attention to the main characters and the bit players of your day to day existence. Instead, be aware that each breath is a gift, a big ole beautifully wrapped present for you to take the time to open with astonishment. That's your life my friend. Win not only the battle, but the war.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Drawn Away...........
What have you drawn away from in your life? Anything? Anybody? I know this for a fact, we all draw away from things at one point in our lives. Sometimes this is a good thing and we need to stay away. But sometimes, it's not so good...we have drawn away from things that make us better people...both physically and emotionally. I think when we pull away and don't immediately return to those wonderful things in life, then we start losing a battle. Because then it becomes a habit....not a habit to do good, experience wonder, fulfill life, but a habit to lose out in whatever we should be doing. Be careful about relaxing in the promise of life. Every day is your battle and you need to be that person who sees it as just that. Evil and hurt and worry and stress lurk around every corner. Don't pull away from those things that make you strong thinking it will not hurt. It does. Don't loosen the ties that bind you to yourself....your true, whole, miraculous self. Look at your habits. Examine your moments. Cut the rope on those things that hurt and steal your joy, health and happiness. But if you find you're letting habits of physical and emotional and faithful health slip, gird them now. They are like wisps of fog that will suddenly break away and become unseen. You need them. Keep them and be ever vigilant. It is your purpose.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Beliefs.....No Explanations.
I believe we are all given a life we waste. I believe that we allow minutes, hours and days to pass without true appreciation. I believe the earth is wondrous and the greatest art ever painted. I believe we possess more talent than we can ever imagine. I believe the Bible is the most read, respected AND neglected book on the planet. I believe we will never truly know the meaning of love in this life. I believe the human body is a machine so complex that no doctor, nor scientist can or will ever truly understand it, and its MAKER, the molder of life. I believe we don't give ourselves the chance to develop our true strengths, nor realize the hindering of our weaknesses. I believe if we all contributed what we are capable of sharing, the outcome would not be understandable. I believe we are living in a world of instantaneous rewards and regrets. I believe friends are absolutely, without a doubt, one of the biggest phenomenons in our lives. I believe families should at times unite and also at times separate. I believe children are the most mold-able creatures alive. I believe we are at the tip of the iceberg of what technology will reach and that none of us has the capacity to see what is before us. I also believe this technology is a blessing as well as a curse. I believe when we become robots, we lose our usefulness.I believe to open one's eyes to a new day is to have another chance to make a difference in ourselves as well as what surrounds us. I believe most of us squander this opportunity. I believe that the uniqueness of each of us, both separates and draws together. I believe faith is one of, if not the most, important emotions of life. I believe we owe not only ourselves but those who have come before and those who will come after the respect of taking care of our fellow man. I believe we, for the most part, are selfish creatures who turn our backs on needs that are in our own back yards. I believe no one lives the life of power of which they are capable. I also believe with 100 % of my heart that Ask with true Faith and Goodness and you will receive that which is meant for you......and then it is up to you to take that gift and share it with a world full of need. These are some of my beliefs. These are some of my faults. These are some of my biggest blessings.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Life is full of commas, not periods. Certainly we'll all have a period at one time...at the end of life. But as for now, if you're reading this, understand that your life is at this moment full of commas, semicolons, quotation marks, exclamation points, but not periods. Ever-Changing. My family is facing some wonderful changes, but also we've had some pretty big challenges in the last few months and years, and what I've learned through this is that the commas, semicolons and quotations are just the curves and hills and valleys of our lives. If you stop and think about your life, your family's lives or the lives of your friends, I think you'll understand what I mean. You certainly have had some periods in your life....not YOUR period, but the end of life for loved ones. Those are the periods that must be mourned, but also cherished because you were allowed to see and enjoy the commas in their lives as well. We all face changes, and for the most part they must be accepted for what they are.....life. So I think the point is to not feel like you are looking at a period, maybe a comma, maybe a semicolon, maybe an exclamation point, but not a period. Whatever it is you're traveling through right now will change...for the good? For the bad? For the whatever......change. That is the reality of life......commas, semicolons, not periods. When the period of your life comes, and it surely will, I hope you can look back and realize the wonder that you beheld, the preciousness that was yours, the purpose that was meant for you, and that you never saw a period, but that you understood that throughout the years that the present was to be cherished and loved and lived and enjoyed for what it was. That commas were there, and that after those commas was more life. Enjoy today. Love today. Be amazed. Seek your purpose. Make those commas be fruitful, not hateful. For your period will come as surely as the sun will set. And at that time, you will have had your chance. Don't blow it my friends. It's a gift so big as to nearly be incomprehensible.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
We all have so many beginnings in our lives. And I truly think we don't realize just what a blessed thing this is. YOU GET TO START OVER!! You get to write on a clean slate. You have a brand new notebook and newly sharpened pencil and you have the ability and the chance to start that first page. We can break beginnings down to years, months, days and yes even seconds. Each tick of the clock is a new beginning.....a new chance to change old habits, or try new things, or see new places or just be the same because that is what you are meant to do, be and see. Being a teacher I always think of beginnings this time of year. I will get to begin to do my part in shaping the lives of my students. They and I will have a new beginning. We will be both positive and most probably negative in each other's lives at some point in the next 177 days. But we will BE together in this and we will have the opportunity to learn and share and give and take. When your feet hit the floor each morning, you are beginning. When you walk in the door at your job, you are beginning. When you come home to your family each evening, you are beginning. Realizing the beginnings in your life is living in the present.....not dwelling on the past.....not looking to the future and ignorantly going about your day missing out on the here and now. So your life isn't great right now.....BEGIN something. So you have problems......BEGIN to solve them. So you feel stuck in a rut.....you get the picture! I love firsts.....that first sip of coffee...that first page of a really thick book....that first bite of a truly delicious dish. Please don't let your beginnings sail by unobserved, unappreciated and under utilized. You only have so many. Cherish them for what they are. Begin!!!!!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
It's Just a Matter of ....................
What? Time? Money? Luck? Desire? Strength? Help? What is it Just a Matter of that's keeping you from doing, being, living, achieving your best? Maybe you have. Maybe you've arrived. Maybe you're there! Where are you? Where is there for you? Is there the best, farthest and highest you can go? Well, if you're there and if you've done whatever it is you need to, want to and can do, then congratulations! But I'm going to bet that for the majority of us we really aren't THERE! And maybe for you that's okay. And if that's the case then great. It's okay to be okay. But if for you It's Just a Matter of.......then figure it out. Don't miss out on what is your best. Whether you're 18, 34, 49, 66, or 78, you can still achieve. You can still progress. You can still hit that home run, make that touchdown, win that race. I'm not sure anybody ever reaches their full potential, but you know what? I think most of the time it's not actually the reaching, it's the trying. It's the all out, heart in hand, sweating, gasping, pulling every ounce of try we can out of ourselves. So here's the challenge. Figure it out! And if you come to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, you aren't there and you want to be......then figure out what It's Just a Matter of....................
Saturday, August 10, 2013
I love words...duh! I love the sounds they make coming off the tongue. I love to read words. I love to write words. I just love words. And MARIPOSA is one of my very favorite words. Ok, I can see you non-Spanish speakers scratching your heads saying............Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Mariposa mean butterfly. So not only do I love the way the word sounds, I also love what it means. Butterflies are some of my very favorite things. They just seem to flit along from flower to flower, drinking their nectar. They appear to sail with ease on puffs of air, putting out very little effort in life. But not so. We all know.....remember your science classes......what a butterfly must go through in order to become that lighter than air being. So this gets me to thinking. We are all Mariposas. We have all battled struggles to get where we are today. We may not be sailing and flitting; we may still be pushing and shoving to get out of our cocoons. As a matter of fact, we all still have those days of nectar AND those days of conflict and power drainers. But here's the thing. We survive those days in order to enjoy the days of twirling and soaring and drinking the nectar of life. So my wish for you is to realize that if you are in a cocoon now, your Mariposa days are ahead. Whatever you're fighting, bearing, living is at some point going to end. You will survive to be that beautiful being that enjoys your garden of flowers. Spread your wings my Mariposas and fly!
Friday, August 9, 2013
I Understand..............
No, you really don't. You don't understand my life and I don't understand yours. You don't understand my pain, sadness, joy, relief, duty, worry, exuberance, or any one of my life's circumstances. I just find this such an interesting concept. O girl, I feel your pain, I've been there. NO YOU HAVEN'T!!! Here's my thought this very early Friday morning. We do, in fact, all share the human experience. But what is different, what makes us NOT understand each other's circumstances is the fact that we are all very unique in our responses to whatever life throws at us. How many times have your heard AND said...well, I'll tell you what I'd do and what you should do. NO, you don't know what anybody else should do. You do not and never will live another's life. You have no idea exactly how you would react to the circumstances playing out before you in the life of a friend or a family member or whomever. Yes I do you say! No, you don't because while you may have had the same life experience, you don't have the same genetic makeup and therefore, don't truly understand reactions and emotions of another. I don't react to challenges the way you do. You don't react to problems the way I do. We are all made so uniquely that to even begin to think we should have the right to tell someone what to do in any of life's circumstances is arrogantly absurd. Now wait a minute you say......what if I'm asked for my opinion..then by all means GIVE it....but don't be presumptuous enough to TELL someone what to do then criticize when your advice isn't followed to the letter. What I'm trying to say and doing it very poorly I might add is this. We do experience similar problems and joys and wins and loses. We are on the same playing field called life. BUT, we aren't the same personalities, brains, emotions nor souls, so therefore, while we live the same circumstances from time to time, we don't understand the paths of others. So please think before you criticize. Clamp your mouth shut even if there are a thousands of words that want to spew out. Be ears not mouths.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
And They're Off...............
This is dedicated to my many friends who are watching their children leave for college. Right or wrong you have done your job. You were given 18 years to prep this meal and now you are setting it on the table. Some dishes will be too salty, some too sweet, some too bland, but all will be on the table of your child's life and mixed together they will be the beginning of such an adventure. Whether you are watching them leave for college, trade school, a job ....you are watching independence. There is not an emotion in your entire being that you won't feel. But know this.......the culmination of all your hard work is beginning to pay off. Mistakes in the future? You bet! After all, you raised a human. Anxiety? Of course. After all YOU are a parent. But I'm gonna go out on a limb and say deep down in the very recesses of your heart you wouldn't have it any other way. For to have it any differently...to keep that child tethered to your proverbial apron strings is to deny him or her the right to spread those wonderful wings and fly. And what an unbelievable meal it is to share. Please take this with the love with which it is given.......you have imparted as much as you can, and yes, while there are still many lessons for them to learn, they will be learned without you standing directly in front of them. They will hurt, they will cry, they will break dishes and drop forks, but o yes!.....they will also feast on the opportunity of becoming who they are meant to be. I could go on and on for I have been in your shoes. I have cried rivers of tears and also wanted to reach across miles and wring necks. But I have also smiled and glowed and swelled with pride at their accomplishments. So I'm going to close this way. You have set the table. Now say Grace over it. Not today but EVERY day. Then step back and know that you have laid the tablecloth and dishes the best you knew how. It is now time to allow your child to eat.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Just Not Feelin' It....................
Are there days when you just aren't emotionally attached? You don't feel the sun or the breeze or the joy of life? You don't feel the love of friends or family? You don't feel the importance of you? I think we may all have these days, and I think that's just fine.............UNLESS.............they are stacked up back to back......one on top of the other. Maybe you haven't lost touch with all your feelings, but just some in particular. There is a gaping hole. And again...fine if for a day or two....not fine if for day after day after day. Life is not meant to be spent blindly walking through the hours just putting one step in front of the other waiting for the sun to go down so you can go to bed. Your journey here on earth isn't a job, a duty, an endless series of mind numbing tasks to be dealt with then forgotten. This journey of life is a trip of a lifetime. Now, stop and think about that......I'm waiting...............a LIFETIME......your only lifetime. So, my friends, if you are that person who is as dull as a piece of unpolished sterling, get out the rag and start on yourself. Rub and polish and seek whatever and whomever you need to get yourself back in shape. If you won't devote time to yourself, you are robbing the people you love of the enormous wonder of you. They don't want to miss that.......don't make them.
Monday, August 5, 2013
One Bad Apple...............
And I don't mean a broken Iphone, Ipod, or Ipad. It has long been said that one bad apple can spoil the bunch. So here's my question. Do you let one bad apple spoil your minute, hour, day , or week? Can one word turn you into a red ball of rage, or a fountain of tears. Can one bad action make your attitude turn on a dime? Can a careless happening, something totally random and out of your control take over and suddenly what was a normal day, become a disaster? Now, I'm certainly NOT talking about a major happening....a horrible diagnosis, a car accident, the loss of a loved one. I'm merely speaking of something that is of very little consequence, but in a split second it has taken charge and you are not the person you were five minutes before. Jealous has appeared. Envy has wrapped itself around you. Feelings have been hurt. Your attention is fixated on the negative. You have in fact let that bad apple turn your fruit salad rancid. I think if this happens that one of two things exists. Either you are for whatever reason vulnerable at that moment. OR, you, my friend, need to get yourself in line and figure out that you and only you are responsible for your joy. We are all vulnerable from time to time. Stress, illness, finances, job issues, whatever, can knock our feet out from under us. But if this is a way of life, a big old tear apart and put back together is in order. Tear down your house of straw and build back that house with bricks of thankfulness, with shingles of gratefulness and with doors and windows of glass so you can survey your world and realize just how darn blessed you are. Recognize bad apples for what they are. And when you do, put them down the disposal of life. You will not only benefit yourself, but those whom you love the most.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Memories are crystal vases that you hold up to the light and see a kaleidoscope of colors. Not all colors are happy, because not all memories bring joy. But everyday as you live this gift of life you are making memories. They are tucked away somewhere in those little compartments of your soul and at some point in the future you will bring them out to examine and relive them. If your days race by and you seem to stay on automatic pilot for most of the time, then you are losing out on memories. Things don't bring memories, people do. Granted, we all have to do mundane everyday things that make life possible. And not every second, minute or hour of every day is a memory to be captured in your vase, much like fireflies in a jar. But some seconds, minutes and hours of days deserve to be memories. Honor those moments. They will NOT come again. And they will be like long lost friends when you at some point in your life, bring them out and examine them. You probably wish that all your memories would be light and airy and swirly and joyous. But we all know this isn't the case and truthfully, we need memories that may the opposite. These are called lessons. These are the things that make the other remembrances so very special. Dark vs. light. Free vs. oppressed. Laughter vs. tears. Trials vs. victories. It's all life. It's the human experience. It's the things that ground us and lift us and move us to highs and lows. My wish for you is that not all your memories be smooth and wonderful. My wish for you is that you honor each memory and that by doing so, you learn that this life is yours. And how you use it fills the corners and compartments of your soul.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
If you own an home, you know exactly what I'm talking about. So many things to maintain. Floors, paint, appliances, roof, yard....never ending. But let's talk about a more personal home.....your body. I wonder just how well you maintain your own everyday, live in, work in, play in, use up body. There of course are generally well known rules..eat right, sleep 8 hours, brush, floss, exercise...the list goes on and on. But that's not the only part of your body that needs daily care. You have several 'parts' of a body that make up the whole. And although the physical one is very special and needed....so is the emotional one. How are you at maintaining that? What do you do to keep yourself in sync? O, well, I'm just fine there...I don't need to do anything. Yes you do. We all do. We all need to balance our lives both physically as well as emotionally. I believe there are many paths to emotional health and you must work hard to find yours. Is it by volunteering, is it by reading, is it by simply sitting on the couch or porch with a favorite libation, spending some alone time? Is it chatting with a friend about deep thoughts or simply nothing of consequence. Each and every day, you NEED emotional healing. This big bad world is after each one of us. It hands us problems daily. You are battered and beaten and held hostage by unseen things that want and sometimes do steal your joy. Fight back with whatever it takes. Be smart. Do your thing...even if it's just for a half hour...and YES you do have a half hour of every 24 when you can be you. Be a blank slate and then begin to paint. Be a empty jar and then begin to fill. Be a lined page and then begin to write. You are a gazillion cells of talent, and thought, and existence. Don't waste even one. Find your balance. Be your very best friend. Love yourself.
Friday, July 26, 2013
What if..............
What if you are living your last moments of life? What if when you turned and walked away from a family member, friend or stranger, it was the last time they would see you? What if the words you spoke to the people surrounding you were the very last ones you said to them? Hey girl..it's Friday...lighten up!! I'm in no way trying to be depressive, I'm not trying to make you sad, mad or uneasy. What I'm trying to do this wonderful God given day is to make you understand that life happens in lots of ways. Curves, and bumps and valleys and mountains and precious time spent with your favorite loved ones or the person who is checking you out at a store. You are leaving an impression each second you spend with someone. You may see them 1,000 more times...or even more than that. But what IF, it is the last time? How did you leave them? What was your impression? What did they think? What did they feel? What did they see? How would they remember you? I hope you take this with the love and thought provoking emotion I hope to convey. We have no clue what the next second brings. We don't need to know. What we DO need to know is that everyone matters. Everyone is important. Everyone in your life for their own brief second or long years has been put there not randomly, but for a reason. And you do and have and will make a lasting impression. And at some point that impression will NOT be given a chance to change. Friday Food for thought. Be aware that you, nor your life is infinite. And that you will leave a dusting of emotions when you're gone from this world. You will leave a legacy. You will leave your own very special footprints that have either guided with grace or stomped with anger, self importance or hurtfulness. Where and how will your footprints lead? My hope is that you take these words with the intention they are written. Be aware, live with eyes wide open, hearts full, helping hands and if today IS your last day, then you have left something wonderful and sincere and hopeful and most of all you have left being well loved and well loving.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
We all have one. Yours may not be the one you've dreamed of having, nor the one you want. Yours might be more blessed than you've ever expected or more harsh than you can imagine. But here's the thing. I think we all must realize that life is ever changing. The valleys turn into mountaintops. The pot holes fill up into smooth pavement. Or the clear skies can become thunderheads and the sunflowers can become cactus. You and I, as human beings, should never take for granted the fact that what you have today is not promised for tomorrow. So whether or not your today is the mountain top or the valley, you have to accept the fact that you've been given the gifts to survive, be empowered, enjoy, fight back, step out, relish and live. Get your head out of your hands and be that person who is an example. Step out of your corner into the center of your ring of life. Walk onstage with your head held high and show the world that you are whom you are supposed to be, living your days as you are supposed to live them....with dignity and grace and honor and love. And if today, you're on your own personal mountaintop, enjoy the scenery, spread your arms and take it all in with thanks and glory. It is your life for today. I hope you can learn from all experiences. I hope you can be that person who understands we are merely runners in a Relay so much larger than we are and that at some point we will pass that baton off. And when your leg of this race called life is over, you are aware and proud and certain that you've squeezed every last drop out of what you've been given. You have a life.....do with it what you are called to do, and that's make every moment count.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
What do you embrace? We all love certain things, people, places, but today, let's talk about feelings that we embrace. Well, that's easy you say. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....not so much. Sit and think for just a second. What do you truly embrace. Happiness? Sadness? Fear? Selfishness? Generosity? I'm hearing Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm again. But in reality we all embrace, enjoy, soak in different feelings. If you really give it some thought, I bet you can easily recognize those in your circle of family and friends who enjoy one of the above. Be truthful. We all know someone who loves to be sad. They go around with their shoulders slumped, their life seeping out of their pores, their neon signs hanging over their heads asking us to feel sorry for them. They embrace sadness, they embrace defeat, they actually only embrace the attention it gets them. Then we all know that person who embraces selfishness. Life is about them and only them. They do not engage in helping others. They do not want to hear about anybody's hurts, pains, fear nor accomplishments but theirs. When they hear a story,they always have one better. Life is a myriad of emotions and we all feel each one from time to time. But I truly believe that we choose what we truly embrace. We revel in it. We become it. We live it. So think long and hard just exactly what it is that you embrace. I hope it's something that brings you and your world joy. If you're sad, scared, selfish, mean, judgmental, I hope you fight it and win. Don't be an attention seeker through pain or the poor pitiful me's. Live your life as if it is exactly what it is.....short, filled to the brim with opportunity and hope. Be that person who embraces living. Set that example. Walk that walk. You are not meant to walk the slippery slope of life with negativism, but with delight that you have been given a huge present tied with an enormous bow. Unwrap that present and live it. You get one chance. Be very careful how you use it!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Filling Up.................
With what do you fill yourself? We have so many options in today's world. The internet gives us an infinite field of possibilities. Here's my thought. We all have empty spaces that need to be filled. We all suffer from holes somewhere deep inside us. Maybe from childhood wounds....maybe from adult situations. None of us can escape life without being 'shot' a time or two and because of these holes, we tend to seek out fillers. But the thing is that if you don't acknowledge you are vulnerable in some deep recess of your heart, mind and soul, then I don't think you can even begin to make wise choices that fill those weak spots. I remember a line from one of my favorite movies....Tombstone. I can't quote it exactly but it was said by Doc Holiday about Johnny Ringo. It was something along the lines of, "Why he just had a hole in his soul he couldn't fill." I think that is true of us all. But here is the deal. Those holes can be filled and filled with things that are wonderful and meaningful and increase our quality of life rather than make us so hardened and ugly that we can't deal with our realities. People tend to deal with their lives in various ways. And some of them make the daily news with their ugliness and revenge. And then some of them quietly and softly and wonderfully fill their holes with sacrifices and outreach and ministries that don't make the evening news, but do make the world a better place. I tend to believe the newsmakers never realize they have a void. They are so caught up in fear and darkness and hurt that they lash out with no regard to the fact that somewhere, somehow, sometime they have been slashed into tiny dark pieces of evil. Not making excuses. Not giving license. Just stating my opinion. So here's the Lesson of the Day. If you are human and have lived on this earth for even a very few years, you have been hurt. You have been disappointed, You have felt unloved, unappreciated, undervalued. Acknowledge that and then use it. Use it wisely. Use it kindly, Use it as a tool. Fill yourself with things that matter, things that create something of value for yourself or more importantly for others. Holes can be filled with many things and actions. Find something that makes your hole a Garden of Truth, a Landscape of Beauty, a Ministry of Hope. Be that person. Live that life.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Who do you want to be? I may be just crazy...and yes, I can see your nods.....but I really want to be so many people. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....not Madonna, or Julia Roberts, or Kate Middleton. I'm not talking about 'being' specific people. I want to be that woman who wears big hats and gardens great huge plots of herbs and flowers and vegetables. I want to be that person who dresses very chic and runs a huge corporation and is a power person. I want to be that author who sits in a window and overlooks the sea and writes wonderful novels of deep thoughts. I want to be that chef who simmers and stews and broils and bakes wonderful plates and bowls of love. I want to be that volunteer who rocks preemies and holds the hands of those who are lying in hospital beds with no families or friends to come and see them. I want to be that athlete who is so dedicated that I stretch my body to its limits and then some. I want to be that meditative soul who can sit on piles of pillows and think with a hot cup of chamomile tea in hand and not be distracted by phones, or texts or Facebook, Twitter or Blogs. I want to experience life in every one of its corners and crevices and holes and mountaintops. Do you? I'm not saying I'm displeased with my life; I have a great one! I'm just saying that every type of person interests me and I would love to walk in different shoes for even a day. There are so many qualities I see in my friends and family that I admire and wish I had. But I don't and here's the Lesson. No one is everything. We were not made to be patchwork quilts. We were given specific traits and qualities and talents and yes, faults. Our job is to take what we have and round out the sharp edges, level out the bumps, fill in the pot holes and ride our own ride of life. Our job is to just grab what is ours and make it huge. You can't be anybody else but you, so stop trying. I hope you can take the time to contemplate what your presence means in this life, because we waste what we don't acknowledge. Think my friends about whom you are....not on the surface....not what you show the world, but whom you are deep in your core. Draw it out. Use it. Be you!
Monday, July 15, 2013
Soul Food.................
Disclaimer...IF you are a dermatologist stop now! There is just nothing in this world better for my soul than a lazy day in the pool.....throw in a group of wonderful women, great food and cold libations and you have fed your inner most being with golden rays of light. Whether you're in the water on a float, sunning on the deck or sitting in the shade, you're shedding those layers of worry and fretting and easing summer into your very being. This past Saturday I was able to spend delicious time with some very fine friends, some old, some new. What a delight. Conversations bounced around much like kernels of corn in a popper. Colorful suits, faces in the shadows of straw hats, freshly pedicured toes, and huge sunglasses were the order of the day. Conversations,laughter, and advice flowed like lazy rivers. The hint of coconut from sunscreen added an air of festivity to the group. We were relaxed. We were bobbles of pure delight. Did we possibly add a sunspot or two? Yep! Was it worth it...to me, it couldn't have been better. And now to my point...you KNOW I try to have one with every blog. We all need something in our days to feed our souls. We need soothers, and polishers and waxers and warmth. We need stretchers and benders and easers of tension. So no matter what is your passion, live it, if even for an hour or a day. Throw your arms out and embrace life. The present is a gift. Look forward to the days to come, but not at the expense of the day you're living right now. Be kind to yourself and your soul. The world will be glad to give you a beating, it's up to you, to throw it right back out and say...'You know what? I'm gonna turn my craggy rock of a world into a polished stone. And I'm starting today!" Happy Monday Guys and Dolls.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
And You Are......................??
What? Are you a follower or a leader? A chief or an Indian? A driver or a passenger? A locomotive or a caboose? What are you? We all have choices in any situation. We can take charge or sit back and let others be the trail blazers, the machete holders, the pavers of the highways of lives. What we do and how we act is our prerogative. Nothing wrong with being either. There are those who just step out and get it done and those who can, do and should follow the lead of those more capable, more adept and more successful in a particular area. Here's the rub. KNOW IT and ACKNOWLEDGE IT when it's time for you to let someone else lead. One of the biggest weaknesses in life is not realizing when we are weak. No man is an island unto himself. We all need help from time to time. And if you think you don't, then God bless your tired, overworked, hiding behind your wall of power, heart. You need people to help you. You need shoulders to ease burdens. You need words to be heard and heeded. You need expertise to be followed in areas you know nothing about and never will. And then when it's your turn to step up to the plate, to captain the ship, to pilot the plane, do so. If we all knew everything about everything....and no, honey, you don't.......then we would all be independent beings that never intertwine. We would be branchless trees. Our storage shelves of need would be empty because we would be the only planet in our universe. How very sad would that be. Hit the home run when it's your turn at the plate. But when it's not, when you are in over your head, when life throws you a curve ball you can't catch, then step back. Rely on someone who can do it and when you do, then realize that yes, you are strong because you can accept help, you can override your pride, you can be sincere in your realization of your humanness. Be a leader AND a follower. That is the essence of life.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Building Fences.............
We build fences around all sorts of things. We build them around our yards to keep pets in and other animals out. We build them around our gardens to make sure our plants do not get nibbled upon by rabbits and deer and other wild things. We build them around our play grounds at schools to keep our children from running into the streets. We build and we build and we build fences. All kinds..........chain and board and yes, even wired and electric. But I think the very most important and sometime saddest fences we build are around our hearts. Self preservation. I'm not going to let him or her or them hurt me again....so up goes another piece of fence. It's somewhat of a mental protection from past hurts, insults and pain. But sometimes the building of those fences does just the opposite. O, it does its job, but it also keeps your heart so isolated that you miss out on things that are full of love and beauty and life. Sometimes those fences around our hearts harden into concrete that eventually seeps into our hearts and then changes us into creatures of indifference. We lose out on so much when this happens. A hardened heart is next to impossible to chip away. "I don't need anybody. Nobody can hurt me know. I don't care what people say or think!" Well, you do and you should! We all need somebody, we all really in our very inner being care what people say and if no one can hurt you then you are emotionally dead. So with all this being put out there, being said, written down, here is my point. Be o so very careful of your personal fences. Build what you must, but not so tall and wide and hard that you are a pillar of stone. Don't miss out on love and laughter and delight. Don't miss the joy of hugs and smiles and achievement and life. The days of our lives are fleeting, and to miss one instance of pure hope and enjoyment is so sad. Build what you must, protect what needs protecting, but make sure your fence is pliable and breathable and movable and most of all.....changeable.
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