Monday, July 8, 2013

Building Fences.............

We build fences around all sorts of things. We build them around our yards to keep pets in and other animals out. We build them around our gardens to make sure our plants do not get nibbled upon by rabbits and deer and other wild things. We build them around our play grounds at schools to keep our children from running into the streets. We build and we build and we build fences. All kinds..........chain and board and yes, even wired and electric. But I think the very most important and sometime saddest fences we build are around our hearts. Self preservation. I'm not going to let him or her or them hurt me up goes another piece of fence. It's somewhat of a mental protection from past hurts, insults and pain. But sometimes the building of those fences does just the opposite. O, it does its job, but it also keeps your heart so isolated that you miss out on things that are full of love and beauty and life. Sometimes those fences around our hearts harden into concrete that eventually seeps into our hearts and then changes us into creatures of indifference. We lose out on so much when this happens. A hardened heart is next to impossible to chip away. "I don't need anybody. Nobody can hurt me know. I don't care what people say or think!" Well, you do and you should! We all need somebody, we all really in our very inner being care what people say and if no one can hurt you then you are emotionally dead. So with all this being put out there, being said, written down, here is my point. Be o so very careful of your personal fences. Build what you must, but not so tall and wide and hard that you are a pillar of stone. Don't miss out on love and laughter and delight. Don't miss the joy of hugs and smiles and achievement and life. The days of our lives are fleeting, and to miss one instance of pure hope and enjoyment is so sad. Build what you must, protect what needs protecting, but make sure your fence is pliable and breathable and movable and most of all.....changeable.

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