Sunday, August 11, 2013

It's Just a Matter of ....................

What? Time? Money? Luck? Desire? Strength? Help? What is it Just a Matter of that's keeping you from doing, being, living, achieving your best? Maybe you have. Maybe you've arrived. Maybe you're there! Where are you? Where is there for you? Is there the best, farthest and highest you can go? Well, if you're there and if you've done whatever it is you need to, want to and can do, then congratulations! But I'm going to bet that for the majority of us we really aren't THERE! And maybe for you that's okay. And if that's the case then great. It's okay to be okay. But if for you It's Just a Matter of.......then figure it out. Don't miss out on what is your best. Whether you're 18, 34, 49, 66, or 78, you can still achieve. You can still progress. You can still hit that home run, make that touchdown, win that race. I'm not sure anybody ever reaches their full potential, but you know what? I think most of the time it's not actually the reaching, it's the trying. It's the all out, heart in hand, sweating, gasping, pulling every ounce of try we can out of ourselves. So here's the challenge. Figure it out! And if you come to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, you aren't there and you want to be......then figure out what It's Just a Matter of....................

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