Friday, August 23, 2013

Box of Chocolates..............

Famous words....'life is a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get.' True, to some extent. But I also say that life is not always a box of chocolates, and sometimes you do know what you're gonna get and you choose it anyway. You pick that lemon because, well, you just feel like being sour. You pick that peach because you feel round and fuzzy and sweet. Or you pick that lime cause you want a margarita....JJJJJJJJJJJJJKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!! Back on topic....I think at times we just have to be what we are. Not a lasting thing. Most of us aren't sour everyday, nor are we sweet wonderful peaches, plums or strawberries. But we pick for the most part. 'I'm just in a bad mood!' How many times have you said and or heard that....a bunch would be my guess. Change it! Do whatever it is to make that mood lighten up unless you're enjoying spreading your mood and being the victim. I'm short....this I can not change. But I'm prickly? Yep, that I can change. We all have mood changers.......books, devotionals, music. What is your choice? So here's my, pick, choose whatever rings your bell for the day. Then live it, or change it. Be satisfied or move your path. Connect with whatever it is that makes your tilting glass stand up right. And if you choose not to change....then wallow in it my friends, but when you turn full circle and no one is there.....don't be surprised. True friends will stand by your side through times of trouble, but if you love them, if you want what's best for not only you, but them.....well, take that lemon and make know the rest, trite though it may be. It's Friday....enjoy your day.

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