Monday, September 23, 2013


This morning I woke up thinking about Bonds....NOT savings bonds, or treasury bonds...but daily bonds we all have in our lives. We are bonded as a human race. We are bonded with community and family and friends and jobs and commitments. Some of these bonds are held by velvet ropes that are soft and enjoyable and good and make us prosper deep inside of ourselves. Some of these bonds not so much. Some we are tethered to with chains that drag us down and make each life step heavy with effort. I think that from time to time we all need to examine our bonds and what effects they have on us. Stop and take a look behind you. Do you see a deep hard heavy trail that has been made by those heavy bonds, those ropes that tie you to things and people that make you miserable? Do you see scars around your ankles where you have been forced to pull on these weights that have burdened you to the point of making each day miserable? I hope if you do, then you find someway to break those chains, heal those scars and when you again take the time to look back there are no deep scars, there are no heavy trails in the paths you've walked. Instead I hope your bonds are light and soft and healing not hurtful. I hope you've surrounded yourself with people and habits and hobbies that prosper you and don't mire you in quicksand. The fact is that no one goes through life without bonds....both good and bad. But the fact also is that you are the pilot of your life, and with Grace and Faith, you can break deadly chains. You can turn your face upward to the clear amazingly beautiful cloudless sky. Enjoy the ties that bind you to what strengthens you. And have the courage to break the bonds that scar and hurt and destroy. You are strong enough to do it. You have only to ask for help. I hope your week begins with velvet bonds and joy. Happy Monday Guys and Dolls.

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