Thursday, August 1, 2013


If you own an home, you know exactly what I'm talking about. So many things to maintain. Floors, paint, appliances, roof, yard....never ending. But let's talk about a more personal home.....your body. I wonder just how well you maintain your own everyday, live in, work in, play in, use up body. There of course are generally well known right, sleep 8 hours, brush, floss, exercise...the list goes on and on. But that's not the only part of your body that needs daily care. You have several 'parts' of a body that make up the whole. And although the physical one is very special and is the emotional one. How are you at maintaining that? What do you do to keep yourself in sync? O, well, I'm just fine there...I don't need to do anything. Yes you do. We all do. We all need to balance our lives both physically as well as emotionally. I believe there are many paths to emotional health and you must work hard to find yours. Is it by volunteering, is it by reading, is it by simply sitting on the couch or porch with a favorite libation, spending some alone time? Is it chatting with a friend about deep thoughts or simply nothing of consequence. Each and every day, you NEED emotional healing. This big bad world is after each one of us. It hands us problems daily. You are battered and beaten and held hostage by unseen things that want and sometimes do steal your joy. Fight back with whatever it takes. Be smart. Do your thing...even if it's just for a half hour...and YES you do have a half hour of every 24 when you can be you. Be a blank slate and then begin to paint. Be a empty jar and then begin to fill. Be a lined page and then begin to write. You are a gazillion cells of talent, and thought, and existence. Don't waste even one. Find your balance. Be your very best friend. Love yourself.

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