Tuesday, July 23, 2013


What do you embrace? We all love certain things, people, places, but today, let's talk about feelings that we embrace. Well, that's easy you say. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....not so much. Sit and think for just a second. What do you truly embrace. Happiness? Sadness? Fear? Selfishness? Generosity? I'm hearing Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm again. But in reality we all embrace, enjoy, soak in different feelings. If you really give it some thought, I bet you can easily recognize those in your circle of family and friends who enjoy one of the above. Be truthful. We all know someone who loves to be sad. They go around with their shoulders slumped, their life seeping out of their pores, their neon signs hanging over their heads asking us to feel sorry for them. They embrace sadness, they embrace defeat, they actually only embrace the attention it gets them. Then we all know that person who embraces selfishness. Life is about them and only them. They do not engage in helping others. They do not want to hear about anybody's hurts, pains, fear nor accomplishments but theirs. When they hear a story,they always have one better. Life is a myriad of emotions and we all feel each one from time to time. But I truly believe that we choose what we truly embrace. We revel in it. We become it. We live it. So think long and hard just exactly what it is that you embrace. I hope it's something that brings you and your world joy. If you're sad, scared, selfish, mean, judgmental, I hope you fight it and win. Don't be an attention seeker through pain or the poor pitiful me's. Live your life as if it is exactly what it is.....short, filled to the brim with opportunity and hope. Be that person who embraces living. Set that example. Walk that walk. You are not meant to walk the slippery slope of life with negativism, but with delight that you have been given a huge present tied with an enormous bow. Unwrap that present and live it. You get one chance. Be very careful how you use it!

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