Sunday, August 5, 2012


Word of the Day............. Zeal....n.,......eager and ardent interest in pursuit of something. While I'm not a huge fan of the Olympics...please don't scream at this confession.....I am truly impressed by the athletes. I can't imagine the time, money and stamina they put into their particular sport. So this leads me to think about what makes some people have this ZEAL for something, and some people just wander through life without this passion. I'm not saying that the wandering is wrong. As a matter of fact the majority of people don't have the zeal of an Olympic athlete. And I truly think that's okay. After all, if we were all Olympic athletes, who would sit in the stands and cheer, watch our tv's and text about it and tweet results. I mean the tennis court would be a little crowded for Serena if we were all out there playing. Still it is interesting to think about the drive these athletes have. Now if we take it apart piece by piece, we have to start with God Given Talent....I mean, I don't think any amount of time, money, practice or zeal would turn me into a Serena, Michael or Gabby. But that being said, there is an entire world of effort that even the most talented people have to exert. They just don't get to this level by spending a couple of hours a week doing their thing. Their ZEAL is unlimited. They have something in their make-up that gives them the passion to devote 100% of their lives to their sport. What a admirable trait. There are many things I love doing; we all have fun things. For me it's reading, writing, chatting with friends and my kids. For you it might be watching sports, playing golf, sewing, painting or a myriad of different things. I wonder if we all had the zeal of the Olympians what our world would be like. I'm not sure that would be a great thing. I mean, the spotlight only shines so wide. So while I am in total awe of these athletes, I think I'm perfectly content to just be me. And I hope that you are happy being you. After all, someone has to sit in the stands.

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