Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Word of the Day............ Count....v.,....to name the numbers up to and including. Today...I am grumpy. So join with me please as we count. Now anybody who knows me, knows a math scholar I'm not. So counting isn't my strong suit. It isn't even my weak suit. But we're going to count.....our blessings. Yes, one by one. First thing is throw them in a pile. There they all sit in front of you....a pile of blessings. Maybe a little pile...or maybe a big pile. Doesn't matter how big or small your pile of blessings are, we are going to pull them out one by one and count them. Okay, get started. I'll wait til you're through. And while I wait, I'm counting mine. Hmmmmm....I'm betting that as you're counting those blessings, more are appearing. Uh Huh...there's one you forgot. Pull it out of the pile and count it. Don't forget even one! Oooooooppppsssss....is that one trying to run away? Grab it!!! It's a blessing whether it's running or waiting patiently to be counted. O my...there are two stuck together. Pry them apart. We have to count all we can. My pile is growing....is yours? I'm wondering if I can count as high as I need to in order to get to the bottom of my pile. Amazingly while I count, my grumpy mood seems to disappear. Who knew?

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