Saturday, August 11, 2012


Word of the Day............... Guest....n.,......someone sharing the dwelling of another. There is an old saying....."A constant guest is never welcome". I think that is pretty self explanatory. Don't go to a friend's or family's home and stay past your welcome. But I wonder if sometime we are GUESTS in our own lives. You know who you're the person who sits on the sidelines of life. Now....I'm not saying we can all be the one batting the ball, passing the baton or kicking the field goal. But what we CAN and SHOULD be is an eager participant in our very own lives. Live them folks!! Don't expect somebody else to do be what you should be, do what you should do, make your decisions because you don't care. How easy it is to become complacent. If you're complacent in your home, it falls down. If you're complacent in your job, you just might lost it. If you're complacent in your family, you become an object everybody dusts and forgets. don't have to join every club, board or political organization. That's not what I'm saying. I'm not a joiner. Thank goodness there are those who are willing to be on those boards, make decisions, stand up and be heard. But what I think you MUST do is be active, find a passion, get involved in something that makes your heart sing. Maybe it is following sports...then get out there and yell. Maybe it is reading...then delve into your TBR pile with gusto. Maybe it is writing...then start writing that book. Don't let your life pass you by and suddenly look back and say, wow....if only. Don't be a GUEST in your the HOMEOWNER. Don't rent a room....own it! Take pride in your an example to those watching. Let them see a person who may not be the best at what they do, but who eagerly participates. After all....we only get this one chance to MAKE IT HAPPEN. And when it's all said and done, maybe you'll not be remembered as the fastest, smartest or best....but you'll surely be remembered!

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