Friday, January 11, 2013


It's a relaxing day here on the Brannan Farm as we have the day off from school. I'm lounging on the couch with my first cuppa and my dog and my blanket perusing the comings and goings of my friends on FB. Lots of good and bad things are happening to folks and as I do everyday, I want to know the facts folks, just the facts. Anyway, that is so not the point of this blog. Here t'is. I came across one friend who posted that she (TW) had gotten a call in the middle of the night that turned out to be nothing bad, but that it had scared the helloooooooooooo out of her. So that led me to ponder first thoughts......stay with me here if you haven't already closed this blog. What are your first thoughts upon awakening? The first little wisps of words that float through your mind.....or scream at you.....what are they? One of mine is always a silent prayer. 'Thank you Lord that we received no middle of the night calls.' Usually folks don't call you in the middle of the night just to say hi! Now I am in a group text and we do text from time to time when one of us can't sleep, but we don't CALL and say.....I CAN'T SLEEP, CAN YOU? No, those middle of the night calls just don't normally bring Good Tidings of Great Joy! So I'm always pleased to wake to the knowledge that nothing happened overnight to warrant a call. What are your first thoughts? Are they thoughts of dread, thanks, ughs, smiles? I wonder if our first thoughts set the tone of our days? Interesting least to me.'s just a thought.....your first thought......that's what I'm thinking about. :)) Happy Friday Guys and Dolls!

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