Saturday, January 19, 2013


Comfort food, comfort clothes, comfort zone......we all need them. I hope you have some of each. You know the's cold outside so we flock to the grocery store to buy whatever it is that makes us feel like we're protected......makings for stew, chili, things that bubble on the stove and give off wonderful aromas. In Texas we can just HEAR of a cold front in Oklahoma and we'll go ahead and rush out for our favorite ingredients just in case the cold makes it here. Comfort clothes..ah, these are my pals, my very best friends. You know...they are warm and snuggly and best of all, have elastic waists. They are well worn from all the washings and wearings, and they will NEVER make the cover or Vogue, but I love them dearly. And then my comfort zone....right here...end of the couch with my blanket. From my comfort zone I can scan the horizon of my kingdom. Sometimes that's not quite as joyous as other get my drift? Sometimes my kingdom is a well, a little cluttered, but it's MY clutter. Right now, I see the flowers my kids sent me for my birthday, and yes, they should have been thrown away awhile ago, but I just can't make myself do it. I see several different kinds of sodas lined on the bar for company that is coming later. I see my big ole round table with OOPS...the Christmas tablecloth still on it. I see my dog and my cat...two best parts of my comfort zone. Here's the Saturday thing......clean, cluttered, brand new, well worn, spit and polished or's my place, my zone, my kingdom, and on Saturday I get to enjoy it just a little bit more than on other days of the week. I hope you have comfort in your life. I hope you have great food, raggedy clothes and a place in your house that is yours. And I hope your family members do too and that you respect their right to their own comfort. We can't be on point all the time. We, as human, need to have solace and comfort and places and things that're just fine. We need rest, and to feel that it's okay at some point to be off key, makeup free, feet up, sitting quietly observing our kingdom from our comfort zone. Happy Saturday Guys and Dolls.

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