Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Word of the Day.....

Volume..n.,....degree of loudness

How high is the VOLUME of your life?  We are surrounded by sound.  Intercoms, car horns, televisions, radios, talkers.......our world is a filled to the brim with noise.  Sometimes we turn on our televisions...not to watch, but to have a little background noise.  Sometimes we chatter... just to hear ourselves talk.  We sit at a red light and the car next to us is vibrating with the volume of the radio.  We pull over when we hear emergency sirens.  We eat in restaurants and hear the clatter in the kitchen.  Phones ring in offices,  cells phones ding with text messages.......sound, noise, sound, noise. I wonder what we'd hear if all that noise didn't exist?  Would we hear the birds sing?  Would we hear the wind whistle or wisp?  Would we hear the leaves on the trees rustle?  Would we hear the sound of silence?  Would we actually hear ourselves think and begin to know ourselves better?  Think about it.....there are parts of our days VOLUME is inevitable.  But there are parts, no matter how short, where you can omit the volume of your life...even if it's for 5 minutes. Where you can hear yourself think, begin to know yourself better.  Turn down the VOLUME of your life; rest inside your silent soul.  I bet you like what you find!

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