Friday, June 15, 2012

Hares and Tortoises

WordS of the Day.......

Hare...n.,....rabbit like mammal.


Are you a tortoise or a hare?  Do you roll the dice and see what happens?  Do you 'fly by the seat of your pants' and hope for the best?  Or are you a methodical thinker?.  Plan out every step you take well in advance?  I think about the old fable of the hare and the tortoise.  The hare was certainly a risk he went at a wild pace.  The tortoise, on the other hand, slowly made his way down life's path. I think probably the hares of the world drive the tortoises crazy and vice versa.  I'm more of a hare.  Call me and in 15 minutes I'm there.  My husband, on the other hand, is somewhat of a tortoise.  He wants to know time, place , etc., well in advance.  It's a good combination, because when we get where we're going....although my patience is maxed out at our slow pace,.... he has all those things I've forgotten.  Did you lock the door?  Yes.  Did you unplug the coffee pot? Yes.  Did you turn on the outside lights? Yes  Did you make sure that Missy had food and water?. Yes.  Did you make sure I turned off the iron?  No...but remember you have one that turns itself off after 30 minutes......because you're a hare you needed that.  I wish I'd brought a bottle of water...I put you some in the little cooler in the back.  Can you drive faster?  No.....remember we get better gas mileage if we go slower.  I don't care.....Yes, that's evident by your gas usage. I bet you know if you're a tortoise or a hare and I bet you have the opposite somewhere in your life.  Don't you figure there's a reason for that other than to drive each other crazy?  The hares of the world get things done quickly.....the tortoises plod behind sometimes having to tidy up the corners, but enjoying the fact that the path has been made.  I love my tortoise even though at times I want to put him on speed dial. Love the people around you...even if they are your opposites.  Have a great Friday Guys and Dolls.

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