Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Word of the Day.......

Divide.....v.,.....seperate into parts

Being somewhat of a math 'idiot', I usually don't like anything that reminds me of Algebra, Geometry or any of those higher maths I never took.  One of the brightest things in my life is the calculator on my phone.  You see, with that, I don't have to know how to divide.  I have written a book, I can teach Spanish, I can do a lot of things, but I'll be the first to admit, math is just not one of them.  But let's think about the word DIVIDE.  Subconsciously, we DIVIDE every day.  We divide ourselves into roles......mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, wives, husbands, workers, friends...the list goes on and on.  We divide our time, work time, rest time, fun time. We have neat little pockets of time where we divide our lives and  live them accordingly.  Our lives are divided in other years....kid time, teenage time, adult time.  These times are divided in ways we can't control.  You may wish to be a teenager when you are 10;  you may wish to be 30 when you are 40.  Some 'DIVIDED' things we just can't  adjust.  But many things we can divide ourselves.  Examine your life.  Is it divided into too many slots and none of them get properly tended ....kind of like garden plots that are left to the weeds.  Your day is DIVIDED into only so many hours.  Nature adjusts and divides in ways of growth, rest and renewal.  We need to do the same.  Don't divide 24 hours by 100 ways/things to do.  Nothing prospers in that mode....especially you!

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