Friday, June 22, 2012


Word of the Day......

Dollop....n., amount given, spooned or ladled out.

I've always loved the way the word DOLLOP sounds.  I'll have a dollop of whipped cream on a piece of pie.  Shall we we have a dollop of apricot jam on our toast?  Dollop is just a word with that brings up imagines of a wonderfully set table full of great tasting things......High Tea at the Plaza in New York City...can't you just see Eloise with a DOLLOP of something on her scone.  If you think about it, we all have dollops of this and that in our lives.  Little spooned out pieces of joy that make our lives richer.  Maybe it's a good book, maybe it's a yellow rose bush in full bloom, maybe its a garden lush with fresh vegetables soon to be eaten, or a really good haircut.  Your dollop could be a please or thank you from a complete stranger. It could be that very first sip of hot coffee in the morning, or the tingly first drink of a favorite soda.  I bet if you stop and think, you can come up with DOLLOPS  in your day that you've never recognized as a blessing.  How sad we let the little joyful dollops go by and just consider them routine.  Maybe today you'll keep this wonderful sounding word in your mind and stop and say thanks for all the DOLLOPS you receive. They are gifts not to be ignored.  It's the little things that make your day delightful.  No drudgery......just dollops.

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