Sunday, June 24, 2012


Word of the Day......

Knit......v.t., form by interlacing yarn or thread in a series of connected loops. My mother was a knitter.  We would go to the yarn store and I would pick out the most gorgeous yarn and she would knit me wonderful sweaters.  Bless her heart....she tried and tried to make me a knitter as well.    Let me tell you, I would rather clean every gutter in Ft Worth than to try and knit a sweater.  I am NOT nor every will be a knitter.  Come at me with a needle and thread of any kind and I start backing up.  And yet....I AM a knitter, as we all are. We all knit together the yarns and threads of our being.  We make priorities and we put things back in the drawers of our lives for later times.  How great is it that we have this opportunity?  Now, I think there is more than one kind of knitter.  My mom, would be at the end of a sweater and look up 20 rows and see some tiny tiny little mistake and then would unravel the entire sweater to fix it. I would look and look for that mistake and beg her to leave it as no one would ever notice.  She would look at me with raised eyebrows and say....I would.  I imagine there are those knitters who's okay, I"m the only one who will ever notice this tiny mistake, so I'm leaving it.  And frankly, I think that's fine too.  The point of all this ramblin' is we each have an amazing opportunity to knit our lives with wonderful gorgeous thread. We can make simple or intricate patterns with each day.  We can unravel the yarn and redo or we can go happily about our business.  The point isn't that we unravel or not; the point isn't that we make simple or intricate patterns.   The point is we have the opportunity to be our own knitter.  Then we show off our sweaters to the world.  Are you proud of what you knit?  It doesn't matter how expensive your thread is, nor how accomplished a knitter you are.  What matters is the chance we are given to knit at all!

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