Friday, July 27, 2012


Word of the Day...... Early.....adj.,...............before the expected time. I am taking a poll this morning. Raise your hand...right, left, I don't care.....if you think 2:30 a.m. is too d*mn early to wake up and stay up. Both of my hands are waving in the air and I would be jumping up and down in agreement if I just had the energy. I knew it...I just knew agree. Hands are going up everywhere...well...hands of the two people that read this blog. It is dark at is quiet at is time for sleeping. So here's my choices......and I'm getting quite good at them since I've seen 2:30 a.m. a LOT these last few weeks. I can get mad...which I usually do......I can read, I can lie there and think about all the troubles I have, you have, the people that live in Boston, Chicago or New York have. I can toss and turn.....I can get mad again. Or I can just get up and put the coffee on. I don't like any of the above choices.....would you? What would you do? I'm listening....but you're not answering BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT AWAKE!!!

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