Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Word of the Day...... Abuse......n.,..improper or excessive use or treatment. Let me be perfectly clear up front....as I write this, tears are streaming down my face. I can NOT fathom how anybody that has a God Given Soul can abuse another human or animal. If you know me, you know that I am truly an animal lover. If there is a dog in the room, I"m petting it. I will jump over the coach and break a leg to turn the channel when one of those animal ASPCA commercials comes on TV. I'm actually quite ashamed of myself, that I can't face it and look it straight in the eye. But I can't. I turn my head when I see the Animal Control car drive by.......the very thought of it breaks my heart. I will not read nor watch a movie/book where there is a hint of animal abuse. Water For Elephants, Marley and Me.....not a chance of me picking either up. I'm sure they are wonderful books, but I can't do it. I did read Dewey the Library Cat and cried for an hour, just because Dewey died. There was no abuse after Dewey was found. As a matter of fact he became a world famous cat....and by the way the book is a true story. But he died and yep.....waterworks started. Can anyone tell me what horrific character flaw one must have to feel compelled to abuse an animal? So today....here on my Facebook feed is this picture of that precious little dog...I have seen it twice now. It has sent me into a fit of tears. I may not look at FB again today. Hunters for meat are one thing......deliverers of pain just to feel superior are sick human beings. I JUST CAN'T FATHOM IT!! I know there are non-animal lovers in this world, and you know what? That's fine......you don't have to love them....just don't hurt them. OK....off my Soapbox to find yet another box of Kleenex. Sorry....maybe tomorrow will be a happier rant!!

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