Thursday, April 11, 2013


Do you ever think about time? I'm sure you do on your birthday.....where the heck did all those year go? But timING is something different all together. I was reminded of the importance of timing yesterday morning. I was late.....yeah, I was cold, rainy, ugh weather. I had my purse, my lunch, my Tervis Tumbler of my breakfast smoothie in my hands. I was loaded down as usual. I have a key ring with toooooooooooooo many keys on it. Usually I can locate my house key easily and in a matter of 2 seconds get the door locked. That morning however, I couldn't seem to figure out which key to use. That's not exactly right...I knew which key I needed, I was fumbling around with the 25 keys on the ring trying to get the right one in the door. And all the while saying not so nice things about it being wet, cold, yada, yada, yada. So...I do get it locked, get to my car and boogie. I'm not late, but bordering on it. What's my point you ask? Here it is....the last two blocks of my drive a car sped through a stop sign about 30 yards in front of me. Never braked at all. Think about it. Timing. I wonder how many circumstances that we consider 'ughs', how many times things take a little too long, in actuality are blessings. Had I found my key as fast as I normally do, well, that car coming so fast through that stop sign would most probably have rammed right into the driver's side of my door. Immediately I knew that my fumbling fingers had most probably saved me from a wreck. Don't you wonder how many times you have missed these types of scenarios and never even realized it. How many near misses you've had and been oblivious to it? Timing.....God's timing. Miraculous.

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