Thursday, April 25, 2013


Shame on you! We've all heard it. We've all felt it. And most probably at some point we've all deserved it. But today I write for a friend who may or may not even read this. I write for many friends actually. I write for those who have carried life long shame that was not theirs to carry. But nonetheless, they have burdened under years of feelings of shame and guilt that destroyed inner confidence, took away emotional power and side railed relationships. Here's the thing. Forgiveness is a healing thing. Not speaking of forgiving others at this point. That's a whole other matter, and quite honestly an important one. But today, let's forgive ourselves..... especially of those things we had no control over. Forgiveness of oneself is opening a box of butterflies and allowing shame to float away on their wings. It's holding up a jar of fireflies and seeing yourself shine. It's waxing the slime off your soul. So if today, you carry a lifelong shame that is not yours to carry, release it. Replace it with the notion that you are now walking lighter, being stronger, having more courage than you ever imagined you could. Live your life because it's YOUR blessing. Don't let it be overshadowed any longer. God gave you the tools to be powerful. Use them!


  1. Awesome advise! I carried around so much guilt for soo long! When I forgave I became alive and became the person I always wanted to be!
